View Full Version : Obama Limo Ticketed In Britain

red states rule
05-27-2011, 03:13 PM
Pres Botch continues to stumble and bumble thru his overseas trip. First he wrote the wrong date in a Guest Book (he wrote 5/23/2008) then he bungled the toast to the Queen, now this

Seem his limo was fined for causing excessive congestion on the streets.

My God Pres Obama is humiliating the US nearly on a dialy basis on this trip

To those of you who voted for this clod - do you regret it yet?

Pay up Obama: President made to cough up C-charge for 'The Beast'

The Mayor told the Standard each car in the President's motorcade will be billed for £10 - including the bomb-proof Cadillac. Mr Johnson also said he had a discussion with Mr Obama about the US embassy's refusal to pay £5.3 million in C-charge fines.

But the embassy said its position on not paying the C-charge was "wholly in accordance" with a convention on taxing diplomats. Mr Johnson said: "Our roads were not closed during the President's visit so his motorcade will pay. The Beast will pay the charge, I'm delighted to say.

"We didn't charge the Pope when he was here because all the roads were closed, so the Popemobile was exempt. But this was different."

Mr Johnson raised the issue of the US embassy's unpaid C-charge bill with the President during a state banquet at Buckingham Palace. He said: "We had a very friendly conversation. Suffice to say discussions will be ongoing."

A spokesman for the Mayor later said: "They already owe £5.3 million so it is probable the bill for the motorcade will just go on top of that."

A number of embassies in the capital insist the congestion charge is a tax giving them immunity from it.

The US embassy's outstanding bill is the highest, with well over 45,000 notices since the C-charge was introduced in 2003. A source there said they were unaware of the conversation between the President and the Mayor, adding: "Our position on the congestion charge is well known.

"We conscientiously abide by all UK laws, including paying fines for all traffic violations, such as parking and speeding violations.

"Our position on the congestion charge is based on the 1960 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which prohibits the imposition of this sort of tax on diplomatic missions."


05-27-2011, 03:16 PM
not one bit:laugh2:

red states rule
05-27-2011, 03:23 PM
not one bit:laugh2:

Some people do not care as they watching their nation humilated overseas, or as higher gas prices destorey family budgets, rising inflation, increasing unemployment, and people losing their home in recored numbers

They don't care because their first loyality is to the Democrat party and not their nation and fellow citizens

05-27-2011, 03:29 PM
Some people do not care as they watching their nation humilated overseas, or as higher gas prices destorey family budgets, rising inflation, increasing unemployment, and people losing their home in recored numbers

They don't care because their first loyality is to the Democrat party and not their nation and fellow citizens

I don't know anybody like that. I happen to think that Obama is doing a pretty good job, given the plate of deep wet smelly shit that he inherited from the chimp. I am in contact with lots of friends of mine throughout the world and, universally, they all are much more impressed with our current president than they were with his predecessor.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 03:38 PM
I don't know anybody like that. I happen to think that Obama is doing a pretty good job, given the plate of deep wet smelly shit that he inherited from the chimp. I am in contact with lots of friends of mine throughout the world and, universally, they all are much more impressed with our current president than they were with his predecessor.

Need help finding some?

First look in the mirror

Then watch any of the network news broadcasts to see how NOTHIG is Pres Botch's fault

And yes, for 2 1/2 years loyal Pres Botch drones still try to blame Pres Bush for all of HIS failures

Dems ran on that in 2010 and we all know how that turned out

But the only thing about your post that surprised me is YOU have friends? Or is that only in your mind?

05-27-2011, 03:50 PM
Need help finding some?

First look in the mirror

Then watch any of the network news braodcasts to see how NOTHI G is Pres Botch's fault

And yes, for 2 1/2 years loyal Pres Botch dornes still try to blame Pres Bush for all of HIS failures

Dems ran on that in 2010 and we all know how that turned out

But the only thing about your post that surprised me is YOU have friends? Or is that only in your mind?

personal insults.... not befitting your "status".

red states rule
05-27-2011, 03:52 PM
personal insults.... not befitting your "status".

No personal insult MM. An observation.

Nice to see you still duck facts about Pres Botch's record. I admit if I was suckered into voting for him the last thing I would want to talk about is his record

05-27-2011, 03:54 PM
not one bit:laugh2:

Are you still feeling Hopey / Changey?

red states rule
05-27-2011, 03:57 PM
Are you still feeling Hopey / Changey?

He is while the rest of us have given up hope of any change

05-27-2011, 03:57 PM
I don't know anybody like that. I happen to think that Obama is doing a pretty good job, given the plate of deep wet smelly shit that he inherited from the chimp. I am in contact with lots of friends of mine throughout the world and, universally, they all are much more impressed with our current president than they were with his predecessor.

From where I'm sitting, sure as hell looks like a chimp in office now. And much more so about his wife, or maybe an ape. :laugh:

red states rule
05-27-2011, 04:00 PM

05-27-2011, 04:06 PM
It's just that I heard this "chimp" stuff for years and years and years - now I'm curious how the left likes it when we call the current sitting president and his wife the same. They sure as hell look more like primates than Bush ever did!

red states rule
05-27-2011, 04:10 PM
It's just that I heard this "chimp" stuff for years and years and years - now I'm curious how the left likes it when we call the current sitting president and his wife the same. They sure as hell look more like primates than Bush ever did!

I woulkd say this has it covered Jim


red states rule
05-27-2011, 05:35 PM
personal insults.... not befitting your "status".

MM I habe nothing personal against you. In fact I wish you only the best in life.

They say opposites attract. Therefore I sincerely hope one day you meet somebody who is attractive, honest, intelligent, polite, civil, kind, understanding, respectful, and cultured.

05-27-2011, 05:46 PM
While very tempted to jump in and add my 2 cents, I'll wait until some great staff member moves this to the Cage. Oh, that would be me.

05-27-2011, 06:37 PM
Are you still feeling Hopey / Changey?

given the intransigence of the republican party, I certainly am not as hopeful as I was. but it is clear that, to the GOP, their party is way more important than country. I had hopes that that would change, but, alas, it has not. I do, however, remain hopeful that Obama can beat any of the losers that presently comprise the gaggle of GOP candidates.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 06:39 PM
given the intransigence of the republican party, I certainly am not as hopeful as I was. but it is clear that, to the GOP, their party is way more important than country. I had hopes that that would change, but, alas, it has not. I do, however, remain hopeful that Obama can beat any of the losers that presently comprise the gaggle of GOP candidates.

It is clear now a half-wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you have held on to it ever since

05-27-2011, 06:54 PM
It is clear now a half-wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you have held on to it ever since

Shouldn't he have a disclaimer saying this is a paid political announcement?

red states rule
05-27-2011, 06:58 PM
Shouldn't he have a disclaimer saying this is a paid political announcement?

MM is perfect for the Dem party Gaffer

Their symbol is a jackass

But one thing about MM is he does make me believe in reincarnation. Simply because I can;t belive nobody can be as stupid as he is in a single lifetime.

05-27-2011, 07:00 PM
Shouldn't he have a disclaimer saying this is a paid political announcement?
ba dum bump! rimshot:

red states rule
05-27-2011, 07:02 PM
ba dum bump! rimshot:

Hey MM beleive it or not you have a lot of well wishers here at DP

and every one of them would love to throw you down one

05-27-2011, 07:36 PM
Hey MM beleive it or not you have a lot of well wishers here at DP

and every one of them would love to throw you down one

don't quit your day job.... who'd feed all those cats?

red states rule
05-27-2011, 07:47 PM
don't quit your day job.... who'd feed all those cats?

The inbreeding is obvious in your family MM

05-27-2011, 07:56 PM
given the intransigence of the republican party, I certainly am not as hopeful as I was. but it is clear that, to the GOP, their party is way more important than country. I had hopes that that would change, but, alas, it has not. I do, however, remain hopeful that Obama can beat any of the losers that presently comprise the gaggle of GOP candidates.

What was your excuse for the shitty way the country was run, the shitty transparency that was PROMISED and the shitty results - when it was a Dem president AND a 60 dem majority?

05-27-2011, 08:00 PM
What was your excuse for the shitty way the country was run, the shitty transparency that was PROMISED and the shitty results - when it was a Dem president AND a 60 dem majority?

Ben Nelson was a DINO.... we never really had 60 that would deny republican filibusters.

05-27-2011, 08:03 PM
Ben Nelson was a DINO.... we never really had 60 that would deny republican filibusters.

And the transparency that Obama promised, that actually turned out to be a joke of a promise? Does that not bother you the way they handled that? Or is it ok that they passed things without reading them, without including their counterparts and with the amount of transparency as mud - because they are Dems?

05-27-2011, 08:10 PM
And the transparency that Obama promised, that actually turned out to be a joke of a promise? Does that not bother you the way they handled that? Or is it ok that they passed things without reading them, without including their counterparts and with the amount of transparency as mud - because they are Dems?

no. actually, I am disappointed in both sides. I think that the R's have tried to disrupt his agenda to the detriment of America, and I think that the democrats have stooped to playing the same old washington games.

I wish that we could go back in time when collegiality ruled and the better interests of America trumped partisan agendas. but both sides have poisoned the environment so deeply that I really don't think that is possible any more. Obama tried... but not hard enough... he turned back to politics as usual when faced with republican intransigence... I had hoped for better from both sides.

05-27-2011, 08:14 PM
I take back my prior comment. Based on actions in other threads, it's obvious your only intent in coming back is to fight with RSR, flame at others and whine. I'm not going to discuss things like a gentlemen with you. You only got one chance with me this time, I made that mistake way too many times in the past.

But don't worry, you won't get banned. It does my heart good to watch so many trounce the shit out of you and your "knowledge" in so many threads, because you've been everywhere and nobody else hasn't.

NT has probably been more places than you and holds you under his thumb. I've been watching him debate for 8-9 years now and he's one of the best. Watching you try to go "toe to toe" with him is like watching an amateur down syndrome boxer stepping in the ring with Mike Tyson at his prime.

05-27-2011, 08:18 PM
I take back my prior comment. Based on actions in other threads, it's obvious your only intent in coming back is to fight with RSR, flame at others and whine. I'm not going to discuss things like a gentlemen with you. You only got one chance with me this time, I made that mistake way too many times in the past.

But don't worry, you won't get banned. It does my heart good to watch so many trounce the shit out of you and your "knowledge" in so many threads, because you've been everywhere and nobody else hasn't.

NT has probably been more places than you and holds you under his thumb. I've been watching him debate for 8-9 years now and he's one of the best. Watching you try to go "toe to toe" with him is like watching an amateur down syndrome boxer stepping in the ring with Mike Tyson at his prime.

I am not whining and my last post is pretty reasonable, if you would take the time to read it.

gotta run... I gotta go let me wife out to pee one last time before we go to bed... my guess is we might have sex... wait for it... wait for it...

doggy style!

05-27-2011, 08:19 PM
Does she think the current president looks like a chimp too? And his butt ugly wife?

05-27-2011, 08:27 PM
Does she think the current president looks like a chimp too? And his butt ugly wife?

nope. she just wants to pee on their legs.

05-27-2011, 09:12 PM
I am not whining and my last post is pretty reasonable, if you would take the time to read it.

gotta run... I gotta go let me wife out to pee one last time before we go to bed... my guess is we might have sex... wait for it... wait for it...

doggy style!

Hmm, seems your wife is like your congregation, not fit to read what you post, slimebag.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 09:19 PM
I am not whining and my last post is pretty reasonable, if you would take the time to read it.

gotta run... I gotta go let me wife out to pee one last time before we go to bed... my guess is we might have sex... wait for it... wait for it...

doggy style!

You going to watch this time MM?

I heard your mate loves to scream during sex

especially when you walk in on her

05-27-2011, 09:22 PM
You going to watch this time MM?

I heard your mate loves to scream during sex

especially when you walk in on her

after kitties lick your balls, it's must be tough to sleep...... I can only imagine.

but still... even after being sated by felines and exhausted, you still remain a comic genius. I stand in reverence.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 09:23 PM
after kitties lick your balls, it's must be tough to sleep...... I can only imagine.

but still... even after being sated by felines and exhausted, you still remain a comic genius. I stand in reverence.

They say you are your mate smoke after sex

While you are still on the same pack since 1974 - she is up to 5 packs a day

05-27-2011, 09:23 PM
Hmm, seems your wife is like your congregation, not fit to read what you post, slimebag.

thanks kathy. I am retired, by the way... but it is nice to know that the bovines from the midwest still moo with a vengeance. ;)

05-27-2011, 09:24 PM
nope. she just wants to pee on their legs.

Don' EVER complain about others language towards you, or whine that they brought up your wife. I wouldn't even make the statements you have as a joke, at least not about my wife. Your own posts have now opened up what you wrote to ridicule.

And still avoiding the question - how do you feel about people referring to Obama and Michelle as chimps - as you and so many others did about Bush, based on appearance, over the years?

05-27-2011, 09:25 PM
They say you are your mate smoke after sex

While you are still on the same pack since 1974 - she is up to 5 packs a day

wow... your balls still wet with kitty spit and you can BRING IT LIKE AN ALL STAR!!!!

You are the king.

05-27-2011, 09:29 PM
Don' EVER complain about others language towards you, or whine that they brought up your wife. I wouldn't even make the statements you have as a joke, at least not about my wife. Your own posts have now opened up what you wrote to ridicule.

And still avoiding the question - how do you feel about people referring to Obama and Michelle as chimps - as you and so many others did about Bush, based on appearance, over the years?

hey... it is clear that you have absolutely no problem with your members calling other members' spouses dogs... I was just trying to play along. ;)

and you can call Obama a fucking nigger monkey for all I care. He is still MY president and he still is on track to kick the dogshit out of Sarah or Mitt or Net or Michelle or whatever fucking loser your party tries to put up against him.

05-27-2011, 09:31 PM
and you can call Obama a fucking nigger monkey for all I care. He is still MY president and he still is on track to kick the dogshit out of Sarah or Mitt or Net or Michelle or whatever fucking loser your party tries to put up against him.

What I think he is and what I asked you are 2 different things. Do you not think it's fair that after someone like you called Bush a chimp for so man years because of the way he looked - that it's fair for others to now call Obama a chimp because of the way he looks?

red states rule
05-27-2011, 09:31 PM
hey... it is clear that you have absolutely no problem with your members calling other members' spouses dogs... I was just trying to play along. ;)

and you can call Obama a fucking nigger monkey for all I care. He is still MY president and he still is on track to kick the dogshit out of Sarah or Mitt or Net or Michelle or whatever fucking loser your party tries to put up against him.

It is clear MM yours was a unnatural birth

A human being brought you into this world

05-27-2011, 09:36 PM
What I think he is and what I asked you are 2 different things. Do you not think it's fair that after someone like you called Bush a chimp for so man years because of the way he looked - that it's fair for others to now call Obama a chimp because of the way he looks?

I guess if he looked like a chimp, it would be fair. I think Dumbo would be better because of his huge fucking ears

red states rule
05-27-2011, 09:38 PM
I guess if he looked like a chimp, it would be fair. I think Dumbo would be better because of his huge fucking ears

It is safe to say you were an answer to a prayer MM. Your parents must have prayed for alot people being miserable for a long period of time

05-27-2011, 09:39 PM
I guess if he looked like a chimp, it would be fair. I think Dumbo would be better because of his huge fucking ears

huge ears = looks like a chimp
brown skin, big ears, short haircut, big lips = doesn't look like chimp

Face it, your shit talking came back in a great way. You made the comparison to the president for so many years, and now don't like it when republicans do it - simply because the comparison is now dead fucking on!

05-27-2011, 09:41 PM
thanks kathy. I am retired, by the way... but it is nice to know that the bovines from the midwest still moo with a vengeance. ;)

to be clear to what I was responding to:

Quote Originally Posted by maineman View Post
I am not whining and my last post is pretty reasonable, if you would take the time to read it.

gotta run... I gotta go let me wife out to pee one last time before we go to bed... my guess is we might have sex... wait for it... wait for it...

doggy style!

while he is MUCH older than myself, he is not so old to know the difference between respect and not. Hates his wife, which means no sense in trying to appeal to his 'better nature,' he doesn't have one.

05-27-2011, 09:49 PM
huge ears = looks like a chimp
brown skin, big ears, short haircut, big lips = doesn't look like chimp

Face it, your shit talking came back in a great way. You made the comparison to the president for so many years, and now don't like it when republicans do it - simply because the comparison is now dead fucking on!

now...if you could find some post where I got all up in anyone's grill about calling Obama a chimp - or Dumbo for that matter - that would be real nice. Call him whatever the fuck you want to call him. Call him a monkey...call him a jungle bunny... call him a blue gummed nigger for all I care. I have not made that an issue that I care about.

05-27-2011, 09:52 PM
to be clear to what I was responding to:

while he is MUCH older than myself, he is not so old to know the difference between respect and not. Hates his wife, which means no sense in trying to appeal to his 'better nature,' he doesn't have one.

hey...it's clear that board policy here is that anyone can call anyone else's spouse any degrading term that they want and that is totally cool with management. I was just trying to play along. My wife is not a dog...she is my boss. She gives me my honey-do list every day. We are great pals. And you.... no spouse, as I can recall...

I'm just sayin; ;)

05-27-2011, 09:52 PM
now...if you could find some post where I got all up in anyone's grill about calling Obama a chimp - or Dumbo for that matter - that would be real nice. Call him whatever the fuck you want to call him. Call him a monkey...call him a jungle bunny... call him a blue gummed nigger for all I care. I have not made that an issue that I care about.

You used the term, as I am now. But I'm also seeing the bigger picture about a lowlife like you now too. You probably call your own damned wife a chimp and nigger before you pee on her. You're a sick fuck, a special kind of sick fuck. - oh, and perhaps the biggest fucking liar I have ever come across.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 09:53 PM
hey...it's clear that board policy here is that anyone can call anyone else's spouse any degrading term that they want and that is totally cool with management. I was just trying to play along. My wife is not a dog...she is my boss. She gives me my honey-do list every day. We are great pals. And you.... no spouse, as I can recall...

I'm just sayin; ;)

You are the one who called her a dog first

What an undemanding person she must be if she married you

Was she sober at the time?

05-27-2011, 10:04 PM
hey...it's clear that board policy here is that anyone can call anyone else's spouse any degrading term that they want and that is totally cool with management. I was just trying to play along. My wife is not a dog...she is my boss. She gives me my honey-do list every day. We are great pals. And you.... no spouse, as I can recall...

I'm just sayin; ;)

by choice I've no spouse. You remind me of him. Your wife would do well to take a lesson.

05-27-2011, 10:31 PM
You are the one who called her a dog first

that is not true. but even though you have developed a reputation as a comedy god, being honest is not one of your strong suits.

red states rule
05-27-2011, 10:57 PM
that is not true. but even though you have developed a reputation as a comedy god, being honest is not one of your strong suits.

I pointed out the posts, and Jim agreed. YOU calle your wife a dog first - not me

What would you know about being honest MM? You have been a serial liar since the first time I read your posts