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05-27-2011, 10:30 PM

...President Obama has a problem. No, not that one, although surely the economy isn’t doing his popularity any favors right now. When a President loses control of Congress midstream, typically he turns to foreign policy — where the President’s import can’t be understated — to gin up his numbers.

Let’s take a look around the world and see how that’s going for Obama, shall we?

Israel: The less said, the better. But the President just won’t shut up. Congress loves Israel. The American people love Israel. President Obama doesn’t — and it shows. This is not a place where his strong-arm “leadership” is helping.

Libya: “Days, not weeks.” Oops. True, this one is cheap and doesn’t cost us much. But Obama doesn’t seem to mind that he’s stretching Britain and French air forces to the breaking point. So much so, that you have to wonder if that’s a feature and not a bug. Anyway, America’s tiniest war is also America’s least popular war.

Iraq: Any news coming out of Iraq is going to be bad. Obama had better hope he doesn’t have to do anything more there than continue following Bush’s policies while taking credit for them.

Iran: Any news coming out of Iran is going to be bad, too.

North Korea: See Iran...

So many instances, so little response from what used to be America.

05-28-2011, 11:30 PM
When we have a foreign policy that lacks focus and clear-cut strategy we shouldn't expect coherence.