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red states rule
05-28-2011, 12:08 PM
Well with Dems EVERYTHING is racist if you do not support liberal Dems

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Yguzd5hPsKg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-28-2011, 01:21 PM

05-28-2011, 01:36 PM
Stealing that pic from you, Darin, that's awesome! :laugh2:

red states rule
05-28-2011, 01:57 PM
Like the libs at work, these people are starting to sweat. They see what a goof Obama is, and they have to attack and make crap up to try and destroy the opposition

05-28-2011, 02:52 PM
Like the libs at work, these people are starting to sweat. They see what a goof Obama is, and they have to attack and make crap up to try and destroy the opposition

my guess is that the GOP field will destroy each other in the fight for the nomination. From my perspective, the GOP is as fractured as it has ever been... teabaggers, evangelicals, and mainstream republicans will be eating each other during the primary fight.

red states rule
05-28-2011, 02:53 PM
my guess is that the GOP field will destroy each other in the fight for the nomination. From my perspective, the GOP is as fractured as it has ever been... teabaggers, evangelicals, and mainstream republicans will be eating each other during the primary fight.

Who cares what you think. If Adolf Hitler was the Democrat nominee you would vote for him, donate money, and even work in his administration

Results mean nothing to people like you

Only the power matters

05-28-2011, 02:58 PM
Who cares what you think. If Adolf Hitler was the Democrat nominee you would vote for him, donate money, and even work in his administration

Results mean nothing to people like you

Only the power matters

political power provides the ability to help people and not merely provide more benefits to rich folks and oil companies.

red states rule
05-28-2011, 03:01 PM
political power provides the ability to help people and not merely provide more benefits to rich folks and oil companies.

and if Hitler was a Dem you would be happy to help people into the gas chambers

After all if was for the betterment of the state and for their own good

05-28-2011, 03:01 PM
my guess is that the GOP field will destroy each other in the fight for the nomination. From my perspective, the GOP is as fractured as it has ever been... teabaggers, evangelicals, and mainstream republicans will be eating each other during the primary fight.

Were you not just in another thread mentioning your church, Jesus & how others don't understand... How do you reconcile your relationship with Jesus, then talk worse than a sailor and consistently use comments like the above bolded?

red states rule
05-28-2011, 03:03 PM
Were you not just in another thread mentioning your church, Jesus & how others don't understand... How do you reconcile your relationship with Jesus, then talk worse than a sailor and consistently use comments like the above bolded?

Jim he does not have a relationship with Jesus

His God is Obama and he kneels at the alter of liberalism

05-28-2011, 03:04 PM
and if Hitler was a Dem you would be happy to help people into the gas chambers

After all if was for the betterment of the state and for their own good

you should take the time to read some of the silly shit you post... it really borders on the absurd.:laugh:

Were you not just in another thread mentioning your church, Jesus & how others don't understand... How do you reconcile your relationship with Jesus, then talk worse than a sailor and consistently use comments like the above bolded?

a commonly used term to describe members of the tea party. If it offends you, perhaps you should castigate the member of the tea party who first coined it.

red states rule
05-28-2011, 03:07 PM
you should take the time to read some of the silly shit you post... it really borders on the absurd.:laugh:

I know you well enough to know if Hitler had a "D" at the end of his name you would support him, wave the pom poms for him, donate money to him, tell us how great he is and how wonderful our lives will be living under his policies

05-28-2011, 03:08 PM
a commonly used term to describe members of the tea party. If it offends you, perhaps you should castigate the member of the tea party who first coined it.

I defy you to find members of the tea party referring to themselves as "teabaggers". They refer to themselves as the tea party and that's all.

You preach out one side of your mouth and act the opposite out the other. You have NO place telling ANYONE about Jesus or faith or how a Christian/Catholic should be.

red states rule
05-28-2011, 03:08 PM
a commonly used term to describe members of the tea party. If it offends you, perhaps you should castigate the member of the tea party who first coined it.

Not surprised a pervert like you uses a disguesting sexual insult to describe people with a differnewt pov on the role of goverment

05-28-2011, 03:09 PM
I know you well enough to know if Hitler had a "D" at the end of his name you would support him, wave the pom poms for him, donate money to him, tell us how great he is and how wonderful our lives will be living under his policies

obviously, since I have relatives who died in the holocaust, you don't really know me at all.

red states rule
05-28-2011, 03:10 PM
obviously, since I have relatives who died in the holocaust, you don't really know me at all.

On which side did they serve on? I have seen your picture and you would look natural in basic black

05-28-2011, 03:20 PM
On which side did they serve on? I have seen your picture and you would look natural in basic black

they didn't "serve" on any side. My Jewish uncle lost three siblings in the holocaust.

05-28-2011, 09:02 PM
my guess is that the GOP field will destroy each other in the fight for the nomination. From my perspective, the GOP is as fractured as it has ever been... teabaggers, evangelicals, and mainstream republicans will be eating each other during the primary fight.

Those who show up using the term "teabagger" know it is inflamatory and earn the right to the description "Godless, mouthbreathing, knuckledragging, baby killing, troglodite."

Enjoy your title, MM.

05-28-2011, 09:09 PM
Those who show up using the term "teabagger" know it is inflamatory and earn the right to the description "Godless, mouthbreathing, knuckledragging, baby killing, troglodite."

Enjoy your title, MM.

gosh thanks... wipe off your chin, btw

05-28-2011, 09:15 PM
gosh thanks... wipe off your chin, btw

I figured you would enjoy a title.

05-28-2011, 10:50 PM
political power provides the ability to help people and not merely provide more benefits to rich folks and oil companies.

Political power helps no one when it goes to further the power and scope of government.

red states rule
05-29-2011, 05:36 AM
obviously, since I have relatives who died in the holocaust, you don't really know me at all.

Given the fact you are a serial liar and your credibility is zero excuse me while I dismiss this as more MM BS. That is what happens when you have told to many lies to the same people for so long

red states rule
05-29-2011, 05:38 AM
Those who show up using the term "teabagger" know it is inflamatory and earn the right to the description "Godless, mouthbreathing, knuckledragging, baby killing, troglodite."

Enjoy your title, MM.

and scum like MM, how can't deal with their ideas, policies, and popularity - can only attack with a vile disgusting sexual term

Which is standard operating procedure for a perverted pig like MM

05-29-2011, 10:30 AM
and scium like MM, how can't deal with their ideas, policies, and popularity - can only attack with a vile disgusting sexual term

Which is standard operating procedure for a perverted pig like MM

are you denying that the following sign was popular at tea party rallies:

Tea Bag the Dems before they Tea Bag YOU!"

Political power helps no one when it goes to further the power and scope of government.

clearly the opinion of someone who hates government. I bet you won't mail back your social security check, however.

05-29-2011, 11:31 AM
a commonly used term to describe members of the tea party. If it offends you, perhaps you should castigate the member of the tea party who first coined it.

And what of your admonishment against insults? Are you not responsible for your own actions? You chose to use it, and you know it's an insult, so let's skip the BS evasions. You like insulting others, you just don't want to be insulted yourself. How very Christian of you MM

05-29-2011, 01:49 PM
clearly the opinion of someone who hates government.

You might want to reread what I wrote so you won't sound so ridiculous next time. I don't hate government, it has a role to play but when political power is used to "expand the power and scope of government" it helps no one. I'm not even sure how you can disagree with the statement. Nevertheless, there are those who will expand government programs and reject other solutions simply because it would lessen the power of their position.

I bet you won't mail back your social security check, however.

Are you saying that I had a choice to pay into SS? Because that would be new information.

05-29-2011, 02:22 PM
You might want to reread what I wrote so you won't sound so ridiculous next time. I don't hate government, it has a role to play but when political power is used to "expand the power and scope of government" it helps no one. I'm not even sure how you can disagree with the statement. Nevertheless, there are those who will expand government programs and reject other solutions simply because it would lessen the power of their position.

Are you saying that I had a choice to pay into SS? Because that would be new information.

we'll just have to agree to disagree. I happen to believe that one of the roles that government can play is precisely in "helping people", so I find your statement that expanding government helps no one - when the expansion is used to help people - to be nonsensical.

And everybody on the right doesn't want government to expand further, but has no problem enjoying the benefits that the already expanded government provides them. The sign seen at a tea party rally that read, "keep your socialist hands off my medicare" is a particularly humorous example of that phenomenon.

05-29-2011, 02:31 PM
we'll just have to agree to disagree. I happen to believe that one of the roles that government can play is precisely in "helping people", so I find your statement that expanding government helps no one - when the expansion is used to help people - to be nonsensical.

It's quite comical that you're arguing against what you think I said rather than what I did say. Knee jerk much? I agree that government can help people and has a role to play in that but government expansion isn't about helping people so much as it is creating dependencies in the very people it purports to help.

And everybody on the right doesn't want government to expand further, but has no problem enjoying the benefits that the already expanded government provides them. The sign seen at a tea party rally that read, "keep your socialist hands off my medicare" is a particularly humorous example of that phenomenon.

About as equally funny as those who insist on expanding government into the HC markets because the free market has failed when there is no free market in HC to fail in the first place. Humorous.

I also notice you didn't answer my question. So you're saying that they had a choice to pay into SS?

05-29-2011, 02:42 PM
It's quite comical that you're arguing against what you think I said rather than what I did say. Knee jerk much? I agree that government can help people and has a role to play in that but government expansion isn't about helping people so much as it is creating dependencies in the very people it purports to help.

About as equally funny as those who insist on expanding government into the HC markets because the free market has failed when there is no free market in HC to fail in the first place. Humorous.

I also notice you didn't answer my question. So you're saying that they had a choice to pay into SS?

your characterization as to the motive for government expansion is not one that I agree with. I have no problem whatsoever with government expanding if, in doing so, it improves the lives of its citizens.

Regarding SS: Of course you didn't have a choice... but you'll enjoy the benefits that the social security program, which, when it happened was an enormous expansion of the power and scope of government, won't you? It will HELP you and your fellow senior citizens in the autumn of your lives... Social Security was created by political power, back in the day, and, therefore, your statement that when "political power is used to "expand the power and scope of government" it helps no one" is clearly inaccurate.

Sir Evil
05-29-2011, 02:56 PM
Jim he does not have a relationship with Jesus

His God is Obama and he kneels at the alter of liberalism

Sure he does, he loves his altar boys! :laugh2:

05-29-2011, 03:15 PM
your characterization as to the motive for government expansion is not one that I agree with. I have no problem whatsoever with government expanding if, in doing so, it improves the lives of its citizens.

Of course you have no problem with it you think government is the best answer to whatever the question is with complete disregard for its failings. Expansion, beyond the necessary, doesn't improve the lives of its citizens. Government will not be as efficient at providing services as the private sector so by definition they can't improve the lives, beyond the necessary, of its citizens. Government should not be in the position of deciding how/why/if it should be "improving the lives of its citizens" its citizens can decide that for themselves.

Regarding SS: Of course you didn't have a choice... but you'll enjoy the benefits that the social security program, which, when it happened was an enormous expansion of the power and scope of government, won't you? It will HELP you and your fellow senior citizens in the autumn of your lives... Social Security was created by political power, back in the day, and, therefore, your statement that when "political power is used to "expand the power and scope of government" it helps no one" is clearly inaccurate.

You presume the outcome is overall beneficial and ignore the other options which could have led to a superior outcome, so your statement is loaded with bias. But you also acknowledge that I didn't have the option of taking my contributions, making better decisions, leaving an inheritance, etc. I only had the option, which of course is no option, of paying into an inefficient system that allows elected officials to squander the SS Trust Fund.

It seems that you are in favor of the inherent racism that exists within SS. Black Americans that have a lower life expectancy are more likely to pay into a system that does not benefit them to the same extent as those who live longer. The system you're in favor of has stolen their most valuable asset, earning power, and squandered it into a system that prevents them from being able to build wealth and pass on an inheritance. Just because people got paid doesn't mean it was the ideal solution especially as the demographic makeup of the US changes and doesn't allow the government to pay out promised benefits without taking more of the earning power of those that most need their income.

You completely ignore that those who received benefits only benefited because they had something taken from them. Unseen costs my friend.

05-29-2011, 03:20 PM
Government should not be in the position of deciding how/why/if it should be "improving the lives of its citizens" its citizens can decide that for themselves.

citizens can and do make those decisions at the ballot box. Like they did in NY26 recently.

I won't even bother to address the ridiculous red herring "racism of SS" remark.

05-30-2011, 07:04 AM
citizens can and do make those decisions at the ballot box. Like they did in NY26 recently.

Yup, a "winner" with 47%. Overwhelming. :rolleyes:

Of course this goes to the argument of having restrictions on the expansion of government because Congress as an Institution... is Stupid (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?30097-Congress-as-an-Institution...-is-Stupid).

I won't even bother to address the ridiculous red herring "racism of SS" remark.

I can see you ignoring the impacts of something you support. Distribution from young to old, from black to white... You're old and white right?

I see you ignored everything else too.

red states rule
05-30-2011, 07:13 AM
citizens can and do make those decisions at the ballot box. Like they did in NY26 recently.

I won't even bother to address the ridiculous red herring "racism of SS" remark.

In NY 26 the Dem won with a "Tea Party" candidate who ran three time before as a Dem

And still all the Dem winner would muster was 47%

Not a very impressive win MM

But in your mind that is a mandate (and I am not talking about Barney frank)

05-30-2011, 07:46 AM
I really don't get how in EVERY THREAD i've read w/ MM in it, he get pwn3d. In every thread I've seen, he stumbles and bumbles over his often-circular logic, and nearly-constant logical fallacy, AND is called out for his hypocrisy. It's like the tides, or lunar phases.

05-30-2011, 07:48 AM
Yup, a "winner" with 47%. Overwhelming. :rolleyes:

Of course this goes to the argument of having restrictions on the expansion of government because Congress as an Institution... is Stupid (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?30097-Congress-as-an-Institution...-is-Stupid).

I can see you ignoring the impacts of something you support. Distribution from young to old, from black to white... You're old and white right?

I see you ignored everything else too.

the fact is: representative democracies are set up so that people make decisions about issues that impact their lives by the process of making decisions about who represents them. Listen to the candidates.... if one makes more sense than the other, if one thinks more like you do than the other, vote for him. If neither of them are to your liking, challenge one of them in a primary and run for the seat yourself.

and you could make the argument that SS discriminates against obese people or people with diabetes... the argument that SS is racist is specious.

red states rule
05-30-2011, 07:48 AM
I really don't get how in EVERY THREAD i've read w/ MM in it, he get pwn3d. In every thread I've seen, he stumbles and bumbles over his often-circular logic, and nearly-constant logical fallacy, AND is called out for his hypocrisy. It's like the tides, or lunar phases.

Because he is a liberal tool. He repeats everything he hears on MSNBC, and he sets aside logic, reason, truth, and facts in order to carry the DNC water

When he is can no longer counter the facts he goes into attack mode

Which happens after about 3 posts on most threads

05-30-2011, 07:49 AM
In NY 26 the Dem won with a "Tea Party" candidate who ran three time before as a Dem

And still all the Dem winner would muster was 47%

Not a very impressive win MM

But in your mind that is a mandate (and I am not talking about Barney frank)

look red... if you guys think that Ryan's medicare reform idea is a winner, I say go for it. YOur call, not mine.

red states rule
05-30-2011, 07:50 AM
the fact is: representative democracies are set up so that people make decisions about issues that impact their lives by the process of making decisions about who represents them. Listen to the candidates.... if one makes more sense than the other, if one thinks more like you do than the other, vote for him. If neither of them are to your liking, challenge one of them in a primary and run for the seat yourself.

and you could make the argument that SS discriminates against obese people or people with diabetes... the argument that SS is racist is specious.

Problem is Dems are lying about Meicare and the Ryan plan

Hell, they have not even offered their own plan or a damn Federal Budget

So how can you deide which party is the best for you?

The one that has a plan or the one that is offering you NOTHING

With you, that does not matter. Only which candidate has a "D" at the end of their name

red states rule
05-30-2011, 07:52 AM
look red... if you guys think that Ryan's medicare reform idea is a winner, I say go for it. YOur call, not mine.

Being a liberal, you are cool with LYING to the seniors and telling them how they will die. You are cool with your side offering NOTHING to solve the issue with Medicare going broke

As long as it helps the Dem party, you would do NOTHING then let the seniors go at alone when the program is broke and can't pay anything

Then, in typical MM style, you would blame Republicans for it

05-30-2011, 07:57 AM
the fact is: representative democracies are set up so that people make decisions about issues that impact their lives by the process of making decisions about who represents them. Listen to the candidates.... if one makes more sense than the other, if one thinks more like you do than the other, vote for him. If neither of them are to your liking, challenge one of them in a primary and run for the seat yourself.

Wow, brilliant definition. :rolleyes: But as I alluded to previously, the institution is brilliantly incapable of making sound decisions.

and you could make the argument that SS discriminates against obese people or people with diabetes... the argument that SS is racist is specious.

Nope, it's spot on. It's wealth transfer in all the wrong directions. If we think SS should help the poor keep from being destitute... Fine. If government should be a retirement plan... No way.

05-30-2011, 08:02 AM
Problem is Dems are lying about Meicare and the Ryan plan

Hell, they have not even offered their own plan or a damn Federal Budget

So how can you deide which party is the best for you?

The one that has a plan or the one that is offering you NOTHING

With you, that does not matter. Only which candidate has a "D" at the end of their name

let the people decide whether they want the party that will end medicare as we know it for everyone under 55, or whether they would prefer to have the two parties work together to find a reform solution that was less draconian.

But the fact remains... people vote to expand the scope of government all the time and when they do, it generally helps people, or at least tries to.

And as I have always said, politics is a team sport. you have you own set of beliefs... find the party that best personifies your beliefs and stick with them until they no long do so. That's how I roll... I don't care if you don't.

05-30-2011, 08:04 AM
But the fact remains... people vote to expand the scope of government all the time and when they do, it generally helps people, or at least tries to.

Reward failure? Great plan.

red states rule
05-30-2011, 08:04 AM
let the people decide whether they want the party that will end medicare as we know it for everyone under 55, or whether they would prefer to have the two parties work together to find a reform solution that was less draconian.

But the fact remains... people vote to expand the scope of government all the time and when they do, it generally helps people, or at least tries to.

And as I have always said, politics is a team sport. you have you own set of beliefs... find the party that best personifies your beliefs and stick with them until they no long do so. That's how I roll... I don't care if you don't.

I will try again MM

What is the Dems plan? Where is ther budget?

Dems are like "Seinfeld". They are the party about NOTHING!

05-30-2011, 08:06 AM
Being a liberal, you are cool with LYING to the seniors and telling them how they will die. You are cool with your side offering NOTHING to solve the issue with Medicare going broke

As long as it helps the Dem party, you would do NOTHING then let the seniors go at alone when the program is broke and can't pay anything

Then, in typical MM style, you would blame Republicans for it

that is not true in the least. I am all for medicare reform... I am all for even more sweeping healthcare reform. I am all for single payer. I am all for a whole range of solutions that will protect our seniors... it's just that you don't happen to like any of them. ;)

but as I said... if you guys think that Ryan's plan is a winner, and clearly you do... then run on it. explain it to the people so they can understand it... so that they can see that, even though it LOOKS like you are in bed with the insurance companies and even though it looks like you will be allowing them to continue to gouge and screw americans not only before they turn 65 but now after as well.... you GO and explain to them how that is absolutely not the case.

I will try again MM

What is the Dems plan? Where is ther budget?

Dems are like "Seinfeld". They are the party about NOTHING!

for now... it would seem that the democrat's plans are to attempt to negotiate a budget compromise with the house republicans who are in charge or formulating the budget.

Your plan is the Ryan plan. Run on it. Don't be scared.

Reward failure? Great plan.

from the master of putting words in other people's mouths.


red states rule
05-30-2011, 08:11 AM
for now... it would seem that the democrat's plans are to attempt to negotiate a budget compromise with the house republicans who are in charge or formulating the budget.

Your plan is the Ryan plan. Run on it. Don't be scared.

So now it is OK for Dems not to offer a budget for TWO YEARS?

Dems ran Congress last year and they did not perform their most basic duty

What compromise? They have refused to cut any spending until they were backed into a corner. the only solution they have talked about is raising taxes. What a shocker?

red states rule
05-30-2011, 08:12 AM
from the master of putting words in other people's mouths.


I know Jim rewards failure. How many times have you come back from a lifetime ban :laugh2:

05-30-2011, 08:16 AM
So now it is OK for Dems not to offer a budget for TWO YEARS?

Dems ran Congress last year and they did not perform their most basic duty

What compromise? They have refused to cut any spending until they were backed into a corner. the only solution they have talked about is raising taxes. What a shocker?

why are you running away from the Ryan plan?

I know Jim rewards failure. How many times have you come back from a lifetime ban :laugh2:

comedy gold... even at this time in the morning. how do you DO it?

red states rule
05-30-2011, 08:25 AM
why are you running away from the Ryan plan?

I like the Ryan plan. It is better then what Dems have offered

Oh, Dems have not offered anything. No plan. No budget. Nothing

Just like you MM. No matter what you post you offer nothing as a solution to any issues

red states rule
05-30-2011, 09:32 AM
for now... it would seem that the democrat's plans are to attempt to negotiate a budget compromise with the house republicans who are in charge or formulating the budget.

Your plan is the Ryan plan. Run on it. Don't be scared.

I stand corected MM. Here is the Dem Chairperson explaining the Dems Medicare plan

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DpHi5yQEAww" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-30-2011, 09:47 AM
explain it to the people so they can understand it... so that they can see that, even though it LOOKS like you are in bed with the insurance companies and even though it looks like you will be allowing them to continue to gouge and screw americans not only before they turn 65 but now after as well.... you GO and explain to them how that is absolutely not the case.

Explain it against a demagoguic characterization and a commercial dumping grandma off the cliff? Classy.

it would seem that the democrat's plans are to attempt to negotiate a budget compromise...

Usually people have their own plan to start compromise from... The Dems plan is demagoguery it would seem.

05-30-2011, 09:50 AM
from the master of putting words in other people's mouths.

Pot calling kettle, come in kettle. I would call it translation though, it's a more apt description since you won't seem to admit the failures of expanded government.

05-30-2011, 10:01 AM
that is not true in the least. I am all for medicare reform... I am all for even more sweeping healthcare reform. I am all for single payer. I am all for a whole range of solutions that will protect our seniors... it's just that you don't happen to like any of them. ;)

but as I said... if you guys think that Ryan's plan is a winner, and clearly you do... then run on it. explain it to the people so they can understand it... so that they can see that, even though it LOOKS like you are in bed with the insurance companies and even though it looks like you will be allowing them to continue to gouge and screw americans not only before they turn 65 but now after as well.... you GO and explain to them how that is absolutely not the case.

You seriously want to put the fuckheads who've racked up a $14 trillion deficit in charge of everyone's healthcare? Government is the least efficient, least cost-effective, money-wasting machine ever devised. I wonder how many senior citizens could have been treated with the $500,000 they spent to have a shrimp run on a treadmill.

Since you got yourself removed from the other thread where we were talking about plans, maybe you'd care to post the Dem proposal to cut spending, reduce the deficit, and save Medicare.

05-30-2011, 10:05 AM
I stand corected MM. Here is the Dem Chairperson explaining the Dems Medicare plan

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DpHi5yQEAww" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Interesting...she's claiming that the Ryan plan will allow insurance companies to deny seniors coverage and to drop them for pre-existing conditions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Obamacare made it illegal for insurance companies to do so.

05-30-2011, 02:28 PM
You seriously want to put the fuckheads who've racked up a $14 trillion deficit in charge of everyone's healthcare? Government is the least efficient, least cost-effective, money-wasting machine ever devised. I wonder how many senior citizens could have been treated with the $500,000 they spent to have a shrimp run on a treadmill.

Since you got yourself removed from the other thread where we were talking about plans, maybe you'd care to post the Dem proposal to cut spending, reduce the deficit, and save Medicare.

odd. I have no idea what I did to get myself removed from that thread....

right now... I think all democrats need to do is point out the Ryan plan and let that stand as the republican alternative.

red states rule
05-30-2011, 02:30 PM
odd. I have no idea what I did to get myself removed from that thread....

right now... I think all democrats need to do is point out the Ryan plan and let that stand as the republican alternative.

You were removed for not answering direst questions - much like you are now and have done since you first came here several years ago

Old habits are hard to break :laugh2:

05-30-2011, 02:31 PM
You were removed for not answering direst questions - much like you are now and have done since you first came here several years ago

Old habits are hard to break :laugh2:

I can't remember the last time I was asked a direst question. I don't even fucking know what a direst question is!

red states rule
05-30-2011, 02:34 PM
I can't remember the last time I was asked a direst question. I don't even fucking know what a direst question is!

Like your DNC Chair you are an expert at insults, and ducking direct questions

But as I posted before, here is the Dems plan to save Medicare

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DpHi5yQEAww" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-30-2011, 02:38 PM
Like your DNC Chair you are an expert at insults, and ducking direct questions

But as I posted before, here is the Dems plan to save Medicare

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DpHi5yQEAww" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

is a direct question anything like a DIREST question?

I am not a fucking mindreader, Red

red states rule
05-30-2011, 02:39 PM

05-30-2011, 03:10 PM
odd. I have no idea what I did to get myself removed from that thread....

right now... I think all democrats need to do is point out the Ryan plan and let that stand as the republican alternative.

Alternative to what exactly? Doing nothing? Just letting Medicare go extinct in a decade? You really support that?

red states rule
05-30-2011, 04:06 PM
Alternative to what exactly? Doing nothing? Just letting Medicare go extinct in a decade? You really support that?

I am afraid MM will not be able to respond. He has been removed from the discussion for his attempts ts disrupting the thread

05-30-2011, 05:05 PM
I am afraid MM will not be able to respond. He has been removed from the discussion for his attempts ts disrupting the thread

You have become his unwitting accomplice in his avoidance of the really tough questions...he's depending on you to pull the trigger and remove him from threads where he's getting his ass handed to him.

red states rule
05-31-2011, 02:54 AM
You have become his unwitting accomplice in his avoidance of the really tough questions...he's depending on you to pull the trigger and remove him from threads where he's getting his ass handed to him.

If that is his plan MM< then he will soon be banned from every thread he is interested in and then what will he do?

Of course I do not anyone who cares about that

05-31-2011, 07:59 AM
Of course I do not anyone who cares about that

You don't win an argument by stifling the opposition.