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06-01-2011, 03:11 AM
I love it --- she isn't playing the media game...showing that she doesn't need the media to promote her.

Sarah Palin and her advisers are refusing to tell members of the media where she is going on her current bus tour - and the former Alaska governor seems to be enjoying the cat and mouse game that's resulted.

"I don't think I owe anything to the mainstream media ... I want them to have to do a little bit of work on a tour like this, and that would include not necessarily telling them beforehand where every stop's going to be," she told fellow Fox News employee Greta Van Susteren in an interview from the bus.

Yet the reemergence of the GOP's larger-than-life 2008 vice presidential candidate - who says she is strongly considering a run for president - is undeniably news. Which is why more than a dozen national news outlets have sent reporters and producers out to try and follow Palin.

Since Palin and her team won't share where the potential candidate is headed, reporters and producers have little choice but to simply stay close to Palin's bus. This has resulted in scenes of the Palin bus tooling down the highway followed by a caravan of 10 or 15 vehicles all trying to make sure they don't lose sight of the Palin bus.

It adds up to a dangerous situation, says CBS News Producer Ryan Corsaro.

"I just hope to God that one of these young producers with a camera whose bosses are making them follow Sarah Palin as a potential Republican candidate don't get in a car crash, because this is dangerous," he said.

Corsaro asked a member of Palin's team if he thought it was dangerous to have reporters forced to chase her from stop to stop. "You're the ones that are trailing us," he replied


06-01-2011, 03:29 AM
How exactly is following a bus dangerous? I could see where trying to tail a Ferrari might get dicey, but a bus?

Yes, very dangerous. Those brave, risk-taking reporters are really hanging it all out there.

red states rule
06-01-2011, 03:33 AM
I love it --- she isn't playing the media game...showing that she doesn't need the media to promote her.


They are worried aboiut getting the same treatment from her if she takes over the White House in 2013

06-01-2011, 03:34 AM
How exactly is following a bus dangerous? I could see where trying to tail a Ferrari might get dicey, but a bus?

Yes, very dangerous. Those brave, risk-taking reporters are really hanging it all out there.

Because they are CBS reporters ... total liberals who think anything that doesn't fit in their own special "rules" is wrong. Sarah isn't giving them a copy of her itinerary ... therefore they have to fabricate something that she is doing wrong.


"It feels like she's baiting us and treating us like paparazzi and make the 'lamestream media' appear that way," said Corsaro.

Palin has repeatedly cast the press corps as treating her unfairly, and has tried to make her Facebook and Twitter accounts primary sources of information about her - a strategy she is continuing with the bus tour, for which she is directing interested parties to her political action committee website. (Information about a visit only goes up after she has made the stop.) Earlier this month, she discussed her feelings about the media with Fox News' Sean Hannity, complaining about "that goofy game that has been played now for too many years with the leftist mainstream media trying to twist the candidates' words and intent and content of their statements."

"I think to start with, we ignore some of these reporters and their requests for us to comment and be interviewed," she said. "We know going into what they are going to do to us to as conservatives -- so, why participate in their game?"

red states rule
06-01-2011, 03:45 AM
Because they are CBS reporters ... total liberals who think anything that doesn't fit in their own special "rules" is wrong. Sarah isn't giving them a copy of her itinerary ... therefore they have to fabricate something that she is doing wrong.


I am waiting for Obama to give a sppeech blaming Ms Palin for making these "reporters" waste gas duirng an energy crisis

06-01-2011, 06:41 AM
You can bet the media is hoping for an accident involving blood, death and serious injury so they can blame Palin.

I think it's great the media has to chase them and beg for stories.

06-01-2011, 08:21 AM
This has resulted in scenes of the Palin bus tooling down the highway followed by a caravan of 10 or 15 vehicles all trying to make sure they don't lose sight of the Palin bus.

I hope they're offsetting those carbon emissions and planting some trees or something.

06-01-2011, 08:57 AM
They are acting like Paparazzi. There is no point to following her around like this. She isnt running for President. She hasnt announced that she is. She is just doing a tour.

its kind of crazy

06-01-2011, 09:39 AM
They are acting like Paparazzi. There is no point to following her around like this. She isnt running for President. She hasnt announced that she is. She is just doing a tour.

its kind of crazy

I think they are giving her what she wants. If they really cared about the country, they wouldn't be doing this. They want to create her into the face of GOP.

06-01-2011, 09:56 AM
As usual the media wants to select the next GOP candidate. I suspect Sarah's leading them on a goose chase.

06-01-2011, 09:58 AM
As usual the media wants to select the next GOP candidate. I suspect Sarah's leading them on a goose chase.

I agree. Whether or not the administration gets it, he's in trouble. So, the media wants to pick the weakest link for GOP and they have created Palin to be it. She is a willing participant though.

06-01-2011, 10:05 AM
I agree. Whether or not the administration gets it, he's in trouble. So, the media wants to pick the weakest link for GOP and they have created Palin to be it. She is a willing participant though.

I just wonder if she isn't playing the role of Patton during Normandy. While the media is busy chasing her someone else is being ignored and can make their move. I think if something like this allows her to put the screws to the media, she'll do it. She enjoys the limelight, holds a press conference, tells them no she's not running. A one finger salute and she's outta there.

That's how I picture it at this time.

06-01-2011, 10:22 AM
I just wonder if she isn't playing the role of Patton during Normandy. While the media is busy chasing her someone else is being ignored and can make their move. I think if something like this allows her to put the screws to the media, she'll do it. She enjoys the limelight, holds a press conference, tells them no she's not running. A one finger salute and she's outta there.

That's how I picture it at this time.

I hope you are right. Those that keep cheering her on though, make me wonder.

red states rule
06-01-2011, 03:04 PM
This may be part of the reason why Ms Palin has low approval numbers. Cheap shots like this from the liberal media

<iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/102273" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

red states rule
06-01-2011, 03:05 PM
I think they are giving her what she wants. If they really cared about the country, they wouldn't be doing this. They want to create her into the face of GOP.

I thought the liberal media made Rush Limbaugh and/or Glenn Beck the face of the GOP

06-01-2011, 03:08 PM
I thought the liberal media made Rush Limbaugh and/or Glenn Beck the face of the GOP

Same folks with like icon. Limbaugh and Beck though to their credit are self-acknowledge commentators/entertainers. When Palin makes the same clear, I'll have more respect for her.

red states rule
06-01-2011, 03:13 PM
Same folks with like icon. Limbaugh and Beck though to their credit are self-acknowledge commentators/entertainers. When Palin makes the same clear, I'll have more respect for her.

Tell me Kat why do find her so distasteful? She seems hold many of the same views you hold

I will admit she did piss me off in the VP debate when she blamed the housing meltdown on "greddy Wall St bankers" and did not mention the government interference

But I agree with her on many more issues then I do Obama

06-01-2011, 03:24 PM
Tell me Kat why do find her so distasteful? She seems hold many of the same views you hold

I will admit she did piss me off in the VP debate when she blamed the housing meltdown on "greddy Wall St bankers" and did not mention the government interference

But I agree with her on many more issues then I do Obama

No depth. She's a walking slogan for what the far right wants to hear. Whether or not I agree with a particular stance, I expect the pontificator to be able to explain why, better than I could.

red states rule
06-01-2011, 03:37 PM
No depth. She's a walking slogan for what the far right wants to hear. Whether or not I agree with a particular stance, I expect the pontificator to be able to explain why, better than I could.

All candidates play to their base Kat. I find Ms Palin more down to Earth then most politicans. If she runs, I hope she dumps the handlers, and show us what she is really like

What I find telling is the level of hate the left and liberal media have for her. In some cases it is greater then then the hate they had for Pres Bush

I also think many who diusmiss her as an idiot go by what they read and hear in the liberal media. One of my liberal coworkers was a little embarrassed when he said she was sti upid when she said she could see Russia from her house

I showed him that the actress of SNL said it and not Ms Palin

If she runs and if she gets the nomnation will many conservatives stay home like they did in 2008 and let Obama win again? I hope not

06-01-2011, 03:52 PM
All candidates play to their base Kat. I find Ms Palin more down to Earth then most politicans. If she runs, I hope she dumps the handlers, and show us what she is really like

What I find telling is the level of hate the left and liberal media have for her. In some cases it is greater then then the hate they had for Pres Bush

I also think many who diusmiss her as an idiot go by what they read and hear in the liberal media. One of my liberal coworkers was a little embarrassed when he said she was sti upid when she said she could see Russia from her house

I showed him that the actress of SNL said it and not Ms Palin

If she runs and if she gets the nomnation will many conservatives stay home like they did in 2008 and let Obama win again? I hope not

Sorry, I need more than 'they hate her, so she must be great.' Doesn't wash for me. Nearly every time I've heard her speak outside of VP debates, I cringe. Especially with her sorry reasons for leaving the governorship midstream. Not my cup of tea.

red states rule
06-01-2011, 03:54 PM
Sorry, I need more than 'they hate her, so she must be great.' Doesn't wash for me. Nearly every time I've heard her speak outside of VP debates, I cringe. Especially with her sorry reasons for leaving the governorship midstream. Not my cup of tea.

I am not saying 'they hate her, so she must be great.' I am saying she does not talk above our heads and trys to make things easy to understand

Now she has a long way to go before she in a contender for the nomination

I do like Ms Palin and I like like Cain and Michele Bachmann. If Palin gets in she will have to compete for the votes they will already have

06-01-2011, 03:58 PM
I am not saying 'they hate her, so she must be great.' I am saying she does not talk above our heads and trys to make things easy to understand

Now she has a long way to go before she in a contender for the nomination

I do like Ms Palin and I like like Cain and Michele Bachmann. If Palin gets in she will have to compete for the votes they will already have

She talks to the level of a third grader and even then it's wrong more than half the time. Her instincts may be right but her logic fails. I'm sorry, we're not going to agree on her, Bachmann, or Cain. All are as void of experiences needed for the presidency as the current incumbent. Bachmann scares me most, as she seems to have a quick learning curve.

red states rule
06-01-2011, 04:01 PM
She talks to the level of a third grader and even then it's wrong more than half the time. Her instincts may be right but her logic fails. I'm sorry, we're not going to agree on her, Bachmann, or Cain. All are as void of experiences needed for the presidency as the current incumbent. Bachmann scares me most, as she seems to have a quick learning curve.


All I can say Kat is we have to agree to disagree

Given how things are going with the economy, any of the above can beat Obama. He has such a long record of failure that people will be anxious to toss him out of office in 2012

06-01-2011, 04:07 PM

All I can say Kat is we have to agree to disagree

Given how things are going with the economy, any of the above can beat Obama. He has such a long record of failure that people will be anxious to toss him out of office in 2012

I disagree. If Palin, Bachmann, Newt, well maybe not him, make it to the finals, Obama will win, without a doubt. Worse, If Palin or Bachmann won over him, I'd be even more concerned. They are that bad.

red states rule
06-01-2011, 04:11 PM
I hope you are right. Those that keep cheering her on though, make me wonder.

Don't get me wrong Kat I am not saying I am ready to put a Palin 2012 bumber sticker on my car - no mater who get the nomination will have the liberal media in full attack mode aganist him/her

They will be waving the pom poms for Obama and taking every cheap shot they can against the Republican nominee

So who ever get the nod will not only have to defeat Obama but the liberal media as well

But it can be done just as it happened in 2010


06-01-2011, 04:17 PM
Don't get me wrong Kat I am not saying I am ready to put a Palin 2012 bumber sticker on my car - no mater who get the nomination will have the liberal media in full attack mode aganist him/her

They will be waving the pom poms for Obama and taking every cheap shot they can against the Republican nominee

So who ever get the nod will not only have to defeat Obama but the liberal media as well

But it can be done just as it happened in 2010


There are times I fear the right more than the left. If the right people are elected to Congress, ala 2010, they could contain Obama. Who would control these icons? They are not thoughtful by any definition of the word. If either of them ended up with a 'friendly Congress' which could happen, I'd be very concerned.

06-01-2011, 10:46 PM
I love it --- she isn't playing the media game...showing that she doesn't need the media to promote her.

Very appropriate, since Palin is the Britney Spears of politics. And almost as intelligent.

red states rule
06-02-2011, 03:18 AM
Very appropriate, since Palin is the Britney Spears of politics. And almost as intelligent.

and Obama is intelligent Gabby?

Navy corpsemen, 57 states, breathalyzers for children with asthma, and my favorite is where Obama was off on his death count by 9,998 or so

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tjO8Qc5s1fY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Perhaps your dislike of Palin is becuase she might be the first female President and not Hillary


06-02-2011, 03:32 AM
I like Palin. She's one of the few politicians that doesn't do the doublespeak....she's very direct and up front about her beliefs. I don't think she tries to please everyone all the time and that's why I distrust most politicians. They have no spine.

Right or wrong, I know where she stands on issues.

Truthfully .. I would love for Chris Christie or Alan West to run. I think both of them have a no-nonsense attitude like Palin's.

red states rule
06-02-2011, 03:37 AM
I like Palin. She's one of the few politicians that doesn't do the doublespeak....she's very direct and up front about her beliefs. I don't think she tries to please everyone all the time and that's why I distrust most politicians. They have no spine.

Right or wrong, I know where she stands on issues.

Truthfully .. I would love for Chris Christie or Alan West to run. I think both of them have a no-nonsense attitude like Palin's.

Chris Christie would be a great choice. He does not take any crap from the liberals.

I love how he delt with this whiney teacher

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yuri7p_9pm4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

06-02-2011, 07:12 AM
Chris Christie would be a great choice.

Christie for president, because that's how presidents are supposed to look.


06-02-2011, 07:41 AM
Palin is a great cheerleader for the right. I wish it wasn't the status neo-con quo right though. her pro-life stance is her best quality.
I agree with Kath in general though she not presidential material.

If she or handlers wanted to use this media platform strategically rather than for what looks likes for fun and personal profit.
She could tour the country pointing out Left failed policies and right living solutions throughout the US states and cities. Stop at some of the crummy VA hospitals, talk to some of the female soldier that have been rapped. talk to the widows of guys who killed themselves after 20 tours.
Stop by the light bulb plant that's shutting down. Go to the boarder and talk to the ranchers fighting for there lives. Bring the cameras to the door of the fat cat hiring illegals. Bring cameras to the door of the INS where they do nothing about even illegal criminals. Go to the Crisis pregnacy center with camras in tow and meet some of the girls with the children saved from abortion. then Go to abortion clinics that have some of the worse reps and asked the state an locals why the hachet shop is still open. ETC ETC ETC

But reality shows and dancing with the stars and combo pep rallies uso shows are all we're getting. the media follow her like dogs in heat it's A real missed opportunity IMO. And frankly just a another media distraction.

red states rule
06-02-2011, 10:52 AM
Christie for president, because that's how presidents are supposed to look.


So besides the cheap shot about the mans weight, do you have anything to say about his POLICIES?

06-02-2011, 12:05 PM
So besides the cheap shot about the mans weight, do you have anything to say about his POLICIES?

My apologies for not including the appropriate smilie. ;)

I happen to like Christie.

red states rule
06-02-2011, 12:16 PM
My apologies for not including the appropriate smilie. ;)

I happen to like Christie.

Please accept my apology. Many have taken cheap shots about Mr Chrostie's weight including the bloated Chris Matthews

When they can't beat Mr Christie on the issues they make it personal

06-02-2011, 12:25 PM
Please accept my apology. Many have taken cheap shots about Mr Chrostie's weight including the bloated Chris Matthews

When they can't beat Mr Christie on the issues they make it personal

:laugh: No problem, I was just thinking about how the symbol of success back in the day was an expanding waist line and how it seems many politicians epitomized that. Christie just needs some killer facial hair and he'll be swept into office on a wave of popularity not seen since Teddy Roosevelt... the first time.

red states rule
06-02-2011, 12:27 PM
:laugh: No problem, I was just thinking about how the symbol of success back in the day was an expanding waist line and how it seems many politicians epitomized that. Christie just needs some killer facial hair and he'll be swept into office on a wave of popularity not seen since Teddy Roosevelt... the first time.

Christie could win it this year IF he wanted it. He speaks his mind, does not hold back, and NOBODY doubts where he stands on an issue

06-03-2011, 03:29 AM
Palin is a great cheerleader for the right. I wish it wasn't the status neo-con quo right though. her pro-life stance is her best quality.
I agree with Kath in general though she not presidential material.

Well, this is one of the times I'll have to disagree with both you and Kath. Since when has any of the past few presidents been "presidential material"?

If she or handlers wanted to use this media platform strategically rather than for what looks likes for fun and personal profit.
She could tour the country pointing out Left failed policies and right living solutions throughout the US states and cities. Stop at some of the crummy VA hospitals, talk to some of the female soldier that have been rapped. talk to the widows of guys who killed themselves after 20 tours.
Stop by the light bulb plant that's shutting down. Go to the boarder and talk to the ranchers fighting for there lives. Bring the cameras to the door of the fat cat hiring illegals. Bring cameras to the door of the INS where they do nothing about even illegal criminals. Go to the Crisis pregnacy center with camras in tow and meet some of the girls with the children saved from abortion. then Go to abortion clinics that have some of the worse reps and asked the state an locals why the hachet shop is still open. ETC ETC ETC

Agree with you on this. Why don't you post your thoughts on her website? I doubt that she reads what we post here, but I know that she is sincere about listening to her base.

But reality shows and dancing with the stars and combo pep rallies uso shows are all we're getting. the media follow her like dogs in heat it's A real missed opportunity IMO. And frankly just a another media distraction.

She has a long term plan I'm sure, but I agree with you....another distraction...perhaps so that another candidate can build momentum without too much media attention? Perhaps she is out there distracting the media so they don't cut and dice someone else. She definitely has built up her armor over the last two years.

PS....have you ever wondered why Greta gets all the interviews? I think Greta's husband is one of her political gurus and helping her with strategy. Can't remember where I read this....but they used to be big democratic supporters until they met Sarah.

06-03-2011, 03:30 AM
My apologies for not including the appropriate smilie. ;)

I happen to like Christie.

Oh, for a moment there I thought you had morphed into someone who cared more for appearance than substance.

06-03-2011, 03:31 AM
:laugh: No problem, I was just thinking about how the symbol of success back in the day was an expanding waist line and how it seems many politicians epitomized that. Christie just needs some killer facial hair and he'll be swept into office on a wave of popularity not seen since Teddy Roosevelt... the first time.

Another Churchill perhaps.

06-03-2011, 03:31 AM
Christie could win it this year IF he wanted it. He speaks his mind, does not hold back, and NOBODY doubts where he stands on an issue

How is that any different than Sarah?

red states rule
06-03-2011, 03:33 AM
Here is Rush on those on the right who think Sarah Palin is not Presidential material

He reminds us how many on the right did not think Reagan was able to be President

<iframe src="http://rv2.magnify.net/embed/player/?layout=&playlist_cid=&media_type=video&content=K6L1W219TQYKCWFM&read_more=1&widget_type_cid=svp" width="420" height="421" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

06-03-2011, 04:04 PM
Well, this is one of the times I'll have to disagree with both you and Kath. Since when has any of the past few presidents been "presidential material"?

Agree with you on this. Why don't you post your thoughts on her website? I doubt that she reads what we post here, but I know that she is sincere about listening to her base.

She has a long term plan I'm sure, but I agree with you....another distraction...perhaps so that another candidate can build momentum without too much media attention? Perhaps she is out there distracting the media so they don't cut and dice someone else. She definitely has built up her armor over the last two years.

PS....have you ever wondered why Greta gets all the interviews? I think Greta's husband is one of her political gurus and helping her with strategy. Can't remember where I read this....but they used to be big democratic supporters until they met Sarah.

Like you I think she's distracting the media from the others. I call it the Patton move. He sat in England at the head of a make believe army and the Germans were expecting him to lead the invasion. After Normandy was secured Patton joined the invasion force and led the break out. Sarah's just giving the rock throwers something aim at while the others put things together. If she doesn't go for the presidency she'll be doing something important in the administration.

red states rule
06-03-2011, 04:07 PM
How is that any different than Sarah?

It is not. Given the crapy economy thanks to Obama's policies Obama is in big trouble

All she has to do is give a side by side compariosn of her policies and the polices of Obama

Obama is the Titantic and the economy is the iceberg

Abbey Marie
06-03-2011, 04:19 PM
Palin is a great cheerleader for the right. I wish it wasn't the status neo-con quo right though. her pro-life stance is her best quality.
I agree with Kath in general though she not presidential material.

If she or handlers wanted to use this media platform strategically rather than for what looks likes for fun and personal profit.
She could tour the country pointing out Left failed policies and right living solutions throughout the US states and cities. Stop at some of the crummy VA hospitals, talk to some of the female soldier that have been rapped. talk to the widows of guys who killed themselves after 20 tours.
Stop by the light bulb plant that's shutting down. Go to the boarder and talk to the ranchers fighting for there lives. Bring the cameras to the door of the fat cat hiring illegals. Bring cameras to the door of the INS where they do nothing about even illegal criminals. Go to the Crisis pregnacy center with camras in tow and meet some of the girls with the children saved from abortion. then Go to abortion clinics that have some of the worse reps and asked the state an locals why the hachet shop is still open. ETC ETC ETC

But reality shows and dancing with the stars and combo pep rallies uso shows are all we're getting. the media follow her like dogs in heat it's A real missed opportunity IMO. And frankly just a another media distraction.

Rev, if Ms. Palin did those things, the media would accuse her of pandering and staging photo ops. Trust me, she cannot win with those jerks.

red states rule
06-03-2011, 04:21 PM
Rev, if Ms. Palin did those things, the media would accuse her of pandering and staging photo ops. Trust me, she cannot win with those jerks.

s usual you are correct Abbey

<iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/102371" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

06-03-2011, 06:49 PM
Rev, if Ms. Palin did those things, the media would accuse her of pandering and staging photo ops. Trust me, she cannot win with those jerks.

If Palin wasn't using PAC money for a 'campaign' that might not be such, it would still be questionable on her professionalism:


The Influence Industry: The fine lines between a Palin vacation and Palin tour

By Dan Eggen, Published: June 1

When most families go on a summer vacation, they don’t have a political-action committee to pay the bills.

Not so for Sarah Palin, the former vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor, who has joined her husband, children and parents in a widely publicized bus tour of East Coast historic sites this week.

The trip appears to be part vacation, part political rally and part reality show. Fuel, lodging and other expenses are being paid for by SarahPAC, Palin’s political committee, which is also soliciting donations online in connection with the journey.

“You can show your support for the Fundamental Restoration of America and the ‘One Nation Tour’ by making a generous donation to SarahPAC today,” reads a message on the SarahPAC Web site.

The arrangement is perfectly legal, campaign-finance experts say. SarahPAC is set up as an unconnected PAC, meaning that the usual restrictions on candidate committees don’t apply. Regular candidate committees, for example, are barred from converting campaign money to personal use.

As a result, unless Palin decides to formally explore a possible presidential run, she is free to spend the money raised by SarahPAC for “any lawful purpose” under federal law, experts said. That means it doesn’t matter whether the trip is a holiday, a political event or something in between.

“Not only can she use SarahPAC for a family vacation, she could use it for her home mortgage payments or anything else she wants,” said Paul S. Ryan, associate legal counsel at the Campaign Legal Center, an advocacy group focused on election laws. ...

Look folks, I was hard on Ron Paul with his very questionable past regarding newsletters and profit making ventures that were of at least partly a racist backdrop. That he was supported by currently racists online forums and such, just made it easier.

Seems to me that Palin left political office, not politics, for money quite awhile ago. That's cool, wish I had the bones to do such. To put her up though as an icon of conservativism? I'm not so cool with that. Reagan gave up money for the presidency, that I could admire, though I didn't agree with him on many things.

06-03-2011, 08:17 PM
Palin does philander and stage photo ops. She stages more publicity stunts than Lady Gaga. What other political candidate, on either side, has the assets of an entire TV news network at their disposal.

But I am all for Palin getting the GOP nomination. At the most, she would get 25 percent of the vote. Because she is too divisive and too far to the right. And there are way too many skeletons in her closet. If Palin runs, the attacks on her will make Gary Hart and John Edwards look like pikers.

red states rule
06-03-2011, 08:21 PM
Palin does philander and stage photo ops. She stages more publicity stunts than Lady Gaga. What other political candidate, on either side, has the assets of an entire TV news network at their disposal.

But I am all for Palin getting the GOP nomination. At the most, she would get 25 percent of the vote. Because she is too divisive and too far to the right. And there are way too many skeletons in her closet. If Palin runs, the attacks on her will make Gary Hart and John Edwards look like pikers.

Like Virgil, Obama's failed polices mean nothing to you - only the Dems keeping power

Gabby, I damn near pity you. It is people like you that keep electing Dems and keep bitching that things never get better. But you don't blame the Dems, you only make excuses

I see you do not want to debate the issues with Ms Palin. Good idea given Obama has zero successes to talk about, You only want to attack, smear, and destroy

What happened to that tolerance you libs are famous for?

Given 9.1% and RISING, anyone running against Obama would get at least 45% of the vote

06-03-2011, 08:23 PM
Palin does philander and stage photo ops. She stages more publicity stunts than Lady Gaga. What other political candidate, on either side, has the assets of an entire TV news network at their disposal.

But I am all for Palin getting the GOP nomination. At the most, she would get 25 percent of the vote. Because she is too divisive and too far to the right. And there are way too many skeletons in her closet. If Palin runs, the attacks on her will make Gary Hart and John Edwards look like pikers.

Seriously? Obama. They're two of a kind. You should be as embarrassed of him as conservatives should be of her.

red states rule
06-03-2011, 08:25 PM
Seriously? Obama. They're two of a kind. You should be as embarrassed of him as conservatives should be of her.

Get ready Kat. She will jump in and Ms Palin and Mr Cain are going to make Iowa very interesting

06-03-2011, 08:29 PM
Get ready Kat. She will jump in and Ms Palin and Mr Cain are going to make Iowa very interesting

IF she does I'll be surprised. I won't vote for her in any circumstances. Whatever nutter the Libertarians put up will get my vote.

red states rule
06-03-2011, 08:31 PM
IF she does I'll be surprised. I won't vote for her in any circumstances. Whatever nutter the Libertarians put up will get my vote.

If it comes down to Palin VS Obama - you would be voting for Obama by not voting for Palin

Many did the same with McCain and look what we have now

06-03-2011, 08:34 PM
If it comes down to Palin VS Obama - you would be voting for Obama by not voting for Palin

Many did the same with McCain and look what we have now

I didn't do it with McCain, but seriously? I would with Palin. Obama will beat her and I'll hope for Congress to keep his ideas at bay. I prefer that to her ideas on too many issues. She, like Obama, seems to have little control over 'her gut.' I'd fear what she might get Congress to do.

red states rule
06-03-2011, 08:37 PM
I didn't do it with McCain, but seriously? I would with Palin. Obama will beat her and I'll hope for Congress to keep his ideas at bay. I prefer that to her ideas on too many issues. She, like Obama, seems to have little control over 'her gut.' I'd fear what she might get Congress to do.

How are you so sure he will beat her? Will the economy improve that much? Will that many people find a job by November 2012? Will home prices increase? Will the deficit shrink enough?

Hell we are 16 months out and IF she gets in she has time to tell you her ideas.

06-03-2011, 08:43 PM
How are you so sure he will beat her? Will the economy improve that much? Will that many people find a job by November 2012? Will home prices increase? Will the deficit shrink enough?

Hell we are 16 months out and IF she gets in she has time to tell you her ideas.

She's not electable, RSR. She quit the governorship of a minor state. She's taking PAC money right and left. She's taking MSM money right and left. I don't think she'll run, but if she does, she's unelectable. There are conservatives, Libertarians, and independents. Of the conservatives there are more than you think that agree with evolution, leaving gays alone, and agreeing there should be some safety nets.

With the Libertarians, her stances on abortion, evolution, and war come into play.

With the independents, see Libertarians, add her 'shoot from the lip' comments and they fear her stability, for good reasons.

06-03-2011, 08:43 PM
I am talking about Palin. RSR, you are the one bringing in Obama. Palin is a shameful exhibitionist. When the attacks start flying, she will quit the race. Just like she quit being governor of Alaska.
No one on the left is afraid of Palin. Or anyone Tea Party backed candidate. Because fringe party candidates have no chance of being elected.

Do you want to know who the left really fears? Romney. If Romney moves a bit more toward the center and continues to court the moderate left, he has the best chance of beating Obama of any GOP candidate.

red states rule
06-03-2011, 08:45 PM
She's not electable, RSR. She quit the governorship of a minor state. She's taking PAC money right and left. She's taking MSM money right and left. I don't think she'll run, but if she does, she's unelectable. There are conservatives, Libertarians, and independents. Of the conservatives there are more than you think that agree with evolution, leaving gays alone, and agreeing there should be some safety nets.

With the Libertarians, her stances on abortion, evolution, and war come into play.

With the independents, see Libertarians, add her 'shoot from the lip' comments and they fear her stability, for good reasons.

She has not jumped in yet. Then she has to go thru the primaries

I would be shocked if people would rather have 4 more years of Obama then 4 years of anyone else

Look at the damage this clod can inflicted in just 2 1/2 years

I hate to think what he could do in eight

06-03-2011, 08:54 PM
She has not jumped in yet. Then she has to go thru the primaries

I would be shocked if people would rather have 4 more years of Obama then 4 years of anyone else

Look at the damage this clod can inflicted in just 2 1/2 years

I hate to think what he could do in eight

I don't think you understood what I posted.

06-03-2011, 09:45 PM
Palin does philander and stage photo ops. She stages more publicity stunts than Lady Gaga. What other political candidate, on either side, has the assets of an entire TV news network at their disposal.

But I am all for Palin getting the GOP nomination. At the most, she would get 25 percent of the vote. Because she is too divisive and too far to the right. And there are way too many skeletons in her closet. If Palin runs, the attacks on her will make Gary Hart and John Edwards look like pikers.

She does ?what? As for staging publicity ... she doesn't stage anything .... the media is so obsessed that all she has to do is walk out the door and it becomes a media circus.

As for having a network at her disposal .... compare that to all the rest that are at Obama's disposal ... you must be terrified of FoxNews if you think it's powerful enough to drown out the voices from NBC, CBS, ABC and the other cable networks. Very telling that statement, gabby.

Are you implying that Ms. Palin has had affairs and used campaign money to cover up her out-of-wedlock children? Are you comparing apples to apples Gabs.

06-03-2011, 09:48 PM
She's not electable, RSR. She quit the governorship of a minor state. She's taking PAC money right and left. She's taking MSM money right and left. I don't think she'll run, but if she does, she's unelectable. There are conservatives, Libertarians, and independents. Of the conservatives there are more than you think that agree with evolution, leaving gays alone, and agreeing there should be some safety nets.

With the Libertarians, her stances on abortion, evolution, and war come into play.

With the independents, see Libertarians, add her 'shoot from the lip' comments and they fear her stability, for good reasons.

Hopefully Obama will not be electable.

I like someone who doesn't have to take a poll every time they answer a question and then talk in circles until you wonder if they've said anything at all. Shooting from the lip is the way most normal people talk. She's not constantly looking for the politically correct thing to say ... she's talking about how she honestly feels about something ... which is why she is so polarizing ... you either agree with her or you don't. At least you're not left wondering where she stands on an issue like most other politicians.

06-03-2011, 10:28 PM
Hopefully Obama will not be electable.

I like someone who doesn't have to take a poll every time they answer a question and then talk in circles until you wonder if they've said anything at all. Shooting from the lip is the way most normal people talk. She's not constantly looking for the politically correct thing to say ... she's talking about how she honestly feels about something ... which is why she is so polarizing ... you either agree with her or you don't. At least you're not left wondering where she stands on an issue like most other politicians.

So Romney and Palin are out. Now what? I'm hoping for some messiah that isn't Obama.

06-03-2011, 11:58 PM
So Romney and Palin are out. Now what? I'm hoping for some messiah that isn't Obama.

I'm not interested in messiahs .... just a normal, American loving person who heart and gumption and doesn't want to operate the same old, same old way of doing things. I want someone to shake things up.

West from Florida would do that...Christie would do that. They both remind me of Palin in that they don't mind telling it like it is and they don't back down.

red states rule
06-04-2011, 04:17 AM
I'm not interested in messiahs .... just a normal, American loving person who heart and gumption and doesn't want to operate the same old, same old way of doing things. I want someone to shake things up.

West from Florida would do that...Christie would do that. They both remind me of Palin in that they don't mind telling it like it is and they don't back down.

From what I have seen so far that would describe Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin

It is clear Christie is not going to get in the race - which is a shame. I guess he wants to wait until 2016

red states rule
06-04-2011, 05:33 PM
Liberal Commentator on Palin's Media Disdain: 'Refreshing to See Someone Say Screw You to People Who Treat Her Like Garbage'

<iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/102411" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>