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red states rule
06-01-2011, 04:00 AM
Thanks to Al Gore's amazing internet it is easy to see how the liberal media covered similiar events during the Bush years and how they cover similiar events during Obama regime

During the Obama regime natural disasters kills jobs but during the Bush years they creasted jobs

I know - go figure

Perhaps using a preemptive strike to help combat the May jobs report to be released on Friday, MSNBC has already found an excuse for lost jobs, and an increased unemployment rate – storms, tornadoes and flooding. According to a business report:

“…homes or places of business have been destroyed in this year's wave of storms, tornadoes and flooding. That means thousands of workers in the South and Midwest could be out of work for some time, potentially pushing up the nation's jobless rate and further taxing financially strapped state unemployment funds.”

Yet in 2004, when reporting on an October jobs report in which hiring had increased at the fastest pace in seven months, MSNBC somehow managed to find analysts who said the jump in hiring was due mainly to another form of natural disaster – hurricanes. The business report at that time read:

“Some analysts were skeptical about the latest surge of hiring, pointing out that much of the unusually large jump in October stemmed from cleanup and rebuilding in Florida and other states that were ravaged by four hurricanes…”

That assessment is buoyed by an accompanying CNBC video in which Senior Economics Reporter, Steve Liesman, asks President Bush’s economic advisor, Gregory Mankiw, about the ‘Hurricane Effect’ on a jobs report.

Liesman: The concern here is that there was a lot of hurricane related with bounce back from September and a lot of construction related activity that added to jobs in October. Greg, take a step back from the number, the 339,000, where is the trend as far as you can tell?

Considering the devastation and destruction wrought by the recent spate of tornadoes, would there not be an uptick in construction related activity as well?

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/rusty-weiss/2011/05/31/msnbc-2004-natural-disasters-create-jobs-2011-natural-disasters-wipe-ou#ixzz1O0s4NkUj