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06-01-2011, 02:15 PM
This may be under everyone's radar but several defense contractors as well as other companies have been hacked within the past week or so. The level of the attacks is very high.

L-3 Communications


Even PBS got hacked. A phony news story that stated Tupac Shakur was alive and well and living in New Zealand was the result of a hacker posting the story on their news site.

06-01-2011, 09:26 PM
Not surprised....It doesn't take a rocket scientist to hack into a system that 9 times out of 10 is still using outdated software and browsers....How do I know this?? well let's just say one of my projects provides services to people affected by breeches....we have a lot of government employees as members and most of them log into our site from work.... when they have issues they call in for tech support....really hard to provide support for IE6! When will they get with the program and update their browsers that actually have security updates?

06-02-2011, 09:26 PM
Not surprised....It doesn't take a rocket scientist to hack into a system that 9 times out of 10 is still using outdated software and browsers....How do I know this?? well let's just say one of my projects provides services to people affected by breeches....we have a lot of government employees as members and most of them log into our site from work.... when they have issues they call in for tech support....really hard to provide support for IE6! When will they get with the program and update their browsers that actually have security updates?
Well, let's just say, that was not the case here. Whoever broke in went to a lot of trouble to do it and used very sophisticated means to get in.

06-03-2011, 12:51 AM
Not surprised....It doesn't take a rocket scientist to hack into a system that 9 times out of 10 is still using outdated software and browsers....How do I know this?? well let's just say one of my projects provides services to people affected by breeches....we have a lot of government employees as members and most of them log into our site from work.... when they have issues they call in for tech support....really hard to provide support for IE6! When will they get with the program and update their browsers that actually have security updates?

All that lack of security, and yet the terrorists cant really hack or intercept info that would be helpful to them, anyone who thinks they are anything but a bunch of morons, super hyped on revenge and hatred.....