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View Full Version : McDonalds Accounts For Half Of The Jobs Created Last Month

red states rule
06-03-2011, 02:59 PM
Will Michelle Obama thank McDonalds and now enocurage people to eat there?

McDonalds is the ONLY reason the jobs numbers were not a total and complete disaster. They were horrible to say the least as the Summer of Recovery III rolls along

Will liberals now love those burger flipper jobs they dismissed during the Bush years?

According to the unemployment data released this morning, the economy added only 54,000 jobs, pushing the unemployment rate up to 9.1 percent. However, this report from MarketWatch suggests data is much worse than that:

McDonald’s ran a big hiring day on April 19 — after the Labor Department’s April survey for the payrolls report was conducted — in which 62,000 jobs were added. That’s not a net number, of course, and seasonal adjustment will reduce the Hamburglar impact on payrolls. (In simpler terms — restaurants always staff up for the summer; the Labor Department makes allowance for this effect.) Morgan Stanley estimates McDonald’s hiring will boost the overall number by 25,000 to 30,000. The Labor Department won’t detail an exact McDonald’s figure — they won’t identify any company they survey — but there will be data in the report to give a rough estimate.

If Morgan Stanley is correct, about half of last month's job growth came from the venerable fast-food chain. That is hardly the sign of a healthy economy.


red states rule
06-04-2011, 06:51 AM
I bet Obama was happy he gave McDonalds that waiver for Obamacare so they could afford to hire those workers

Next up, Obama will try to unionize McDonalds workers. He will need all the hlep he can get in 2012