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View Full Version : Considering the Spin Going On, I Hesitate At Posting This

05-09-2007, 11:12 PM
but alas, I'm compelled to. Lots of links:


May 09, 2007


"It seems that Europe leads Americans in this way of thinking," Romney told the crowd of more than 5,000. "In France, for instance, I'm told that marriage is now frequently contracted in seven-year terms where either party may move on when their term is up. How shallow and how different from the Europe of the past."

I'm pretty sure it's different from the Europe of the present, too. I've got family in France, and I've never heard of such a thing.

Eugene Volokh points to a post by Ana Marie Cox suggesting that Romney got this from an Orson Scott Card science fiction novel set in the future, in outer space.

Now look, I like science fiction, and I wouldn't mind a President who read science fiction -- though I'm not sure the Battlefield Earth thing helps him here -- but I also want a President with a firm grip on the difference between fiction and, you know, reality. This is just weird.


A truly outrageous move on France's part to so undermine the very foundation of civilizational organization.

One problem: It's not true. . . . Coming Next: Romney explains his flip-flop to the pro-life view as caused by the new respect for life gained after witnessing the destruction of planet Alderaan, where "a million voices cried out... and then were silenced."

Of course, Ace also notes some other alternate-reality enthusiasms that are getting less press attention. Edwards should be ashamed, and needs some book-learning of his own.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader David Fleeger writes about Romney and Edwards (well, mostly Edwards' "trutherism") and observes: "I don't know about you, but for the first time I have begun to feel a little fear for the next year's elections. The nation can (probably) survive incompetence. Reality-denying psychosis is something else."

As I've said before, our political class was obviously dysfunctional in the 1990s. Times have gotten worse, but they haven't gotten better. Further thoughts from Rob Port.
posted at 10:14 PM by

05-09-2007, 11:34 PM
but alas, I'm compelled to. Lots of links:



05-09-2007, 11:56 PM
That's funnier as Obama claiming 10,000 casualties in a 1600 person town.

05-10-2007, 12:03 AM
I just happen to be listening to Ender's Shadow on XM ch 163 Sonic Theatre while I was reading the article. I admire Mitt's choice of SF authors but I would say he should be careful to remember that it IS fiction.

05-10-2007, 09:21 PM
That's funnier as Obama claiming 10,000 casualties in a 1600 person town.

8,400 were illegal aliens.

Hugh Lincoln
05-12-2007, 09:52 PM
The French-bashing is sometimes fun, sometimes dumb... but this is little like the rumor I heard when I was kid that Chinese girls have sideways vaginas. Being repeated by a candidate for president.

Pale Rider
05-12-2007, 10:00 PM
Aren't we supposed to be friends with france, now that they have a new conservative president? :rolleyes:

Hugh Lincoln
05-14-2007, 07:20 PM
Aren't we supposed to be friends with france, now that they have a new conservative president? :rolleyes:

Sarkozy's so-so... definitely better than that socialist lady he was up against. I would have preferred LePen.