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06-05-2011, 05:05 PM
While working on an assignment for class today, I started thinking about why we have ingrained into everyone's heads that in order to begin anything it must start with the number one.

When in fact it actually starts with the number zero.

There are only two scenarios that I can think of that start with zero.....Birth and Programming.....Why is that?

example for those of you who are shaking you head going huh?!


Birth = 0
1month = 1
2month = 2
3month = 3
4month = 4
5month = 5
6month = 6
7month = 7
8month = 8
9month = 9
10month= 10
11month= 11
12month= 12 or 1 and the process starts all over again.


var days = new Array()
days[0] = "Sunday";
days[1] = "Monday";
days[2] = "Tuesday";
days[3] = "Wednesday";
days[4] = "Thursday;
days[5] = "Friday";
days[6] = "Saturday";

06-05-2011, 06:56 PM
Actually, kindergarten may be counted as zero.

06-05-2011, 06:58 PM
Zero wasn't invented until quite recently in our history... That's why there is no "0 A.D."

Before the C programming language came along in the 1970s most programming languages, for instance FORTRAN, addressed the first element of an array as element 1.

Sir Evil
06-05-2011, 07:04 PM
manfrommaine was born a zero, and well... still is! :D

06-05-2011, 07:06 PM
While working on an assignment for class today, I started thinking about why we have ingrained into everyone's heads that in order to begin anything it must start with the number one.

When in fact it actually starts with the number zero.

There are only two scenarios that I can think of that start with zero.....Birth and Programming.....Why is that?

example for those of you who are shaking you head going huh?!


Birth = 0
1month = 1
2month = 2
3month = 3
4month = 4
5month = 5
6month = 6
7month = 7
8month = 8
9month = 9
10month= 10
11month= 11
12month= 12 or 1 and the process starts all over again.


var days = new Array()
days[0] = "Sunday";
days[1] = "Monday";
days[2] = "Tuesday";
days[3] = "Wednesday";
days[4] = "Thursday;
days[5] = "Friday";
days[6] = "Saturday";

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