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View Full Version : This Is What Obama Will Have To Run On In 2012

red states rule
06-06-2011, 04:14 AM
Got this in an email and it highlights what Obama will have to run on for reelection

Since Obama has been president:

* The number of unemployed people has gone from 12.5 million to 13.9 million, reflecting a net loss of well over 1 million jobs.

* The unemployment rate has been well above 8% for 24 consecutive months, and has been at 9.0% or higher for at least 14 of those 24 months.

* The national debt has risen by nearly 40%, going from $10.6 trillion in January 2009 to $14.3 trillion this month.

* Obama has added more debt in 27 months than Bush did during any 6 years of his presidency. From January 2001 to January 2009, the national debt rose from $5.7 trillion to $10.6 trillion--or $4.9 trillion in eight years. Obama, on the other hand, has already piled up $3.7 trillion of new debt in just 27 months.

* Obama has nearly tripled our rate of debt accumulation. Bush added debt at a rate of about $50 billion per month, but Obama is adding debt at a rate of over $130 billion per month.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value.

* Over 330 banks have failed.

* Gas prices have jumped to over $4 per gallon and have remained there for several months now.

* Obama cancelled all 77 new domestic oil and natural gas drilling leases that had been approved and that were in the process of being implemented. So much for energy independence.

* Well over 1 million home loans have suffered foreclosure, with 2010 seeing the highest number of foreclosures in over five years. This tragedy could have been avoided if the Dems had not pressured lenders to make home loans to low-income people in the first place and if Dems had not then repeatedly blocked Republican efforts to rein in Freddie and Fannie (who generated or guaranteed over $1 trillion in subprime loans, many of which were then later bundled into the toxic assets that wreaked such havoc on financial institutions).

* One of the supposed "success" stories has been Obama's bailout loan to GM-Chrysler. It's supposedly a success because we'll "only" lose $14 billion of the $80 billion. So, we're not even getting back all the principal on the loan, much less any interest, but we're losing $14 billion, or nearly 20% of the loan. (Why? One reason is that Team Obama didn't make GM restructure the way they should have.)

But I am sure Obama and his supporters will try to blame Bush, beg for more time, and try to shift the blame on the Republicans

06-06-2011, 12:57 PM
Dubya ran entirely on this in 2004 and won.


06-06-2011, 01:11 PM
Dubya ran entirely on this in 2004 and won.

Thanks for proving Reds point, that Bush ran on preventing terror - and Obama has the USA failing miserably to run on!

06-06-2011, 02:26 PM
Dubya ran entirely on this in 2004 and won.

Well, that was the major issue of the day. Kerry ran on Iraq, didn't work so well for him did it?

06-06-2011, 04:38 PM
It's easy to become "tough on terror" after you have already allowed it to happen.

I often wonder why no one got hysterical about high gas prices and the rising national debt when Dubya was in office. I guess thye were waiting for the Democrat to move in.

06-06-2011, 04:43 PM
It's easy to become "tough on terror" after you have already allowed it to happen.

I often wonder why no one got hysterical about high gas prices and the rising national debt when Dubya was in office. I guess thye were waiting for the Democrat to move in.

Yeah, I agree, thanks to Clinton allowing Osama to be set free in the Sudan he was able to attack the US right after Bush took office.

And gas was NEVER as high as it is now. It's over $4.50 for regular now and never went above $3.75 in my area under Bush.

red states rule
06-06-2011, 05:42 PM
Dubya ran entirely on this in 2004 and won.


and what does that have to do with Obama having to run on his record Gabby

You are like most libs I know and a few I work with. No matter what is brought up about Obama, they ALWAYS want to change the subject back to Bush

Obama did that in his vain attempt to hold off the losses he knew the Dems would suffer in the 2010 midterm - and we all know how that worked

Your problem is Gabby you actually thought Obama would turn the US economy around, get the US out of Iraq and Afghanistan, close GIMTO, make the world love the US, cause the terrorists to lay down their bombs and guns, and tax America into prosperity.

Well, like a spash of cold water you are shocked to see none of that is going to happen, and you will not admit liberalism is proving once again to be a total and complete failure

So the only thing you can do is change the subject rather thent ry and offer any defense of Obama's policies

06-07-2011, 06:10 AM
Hey if Gabby doesn't want to vote for Bush in 2012, she doesn't have to!

red states rule
06-07-2011, 04:58 PM
Hey if Gabby doesn't want to vote for Bush in 2012, she doesn't have to!

Boy you just took the wind out her sails :laugh2:

06-07-2011, 05:41 PM
Your problem is Gabby you actually thought Obama would turn the US economy around, get the US out of Iraq and Afghanistan, close GIMTO, make the world love the US, cause the terrorists to lay down their bombs and guns, and tax America into prosperity.

I thought none of the above. It is just you (again) putting words into my mouth and thoughts into my head that don't exist.
The truth is that you are extremely delusional and so possessed with your Obama/liberal hate that you are willing to accept almost anything. Which the right-wing sites that you love so dearly are happy to give to you.
It's pretty sad that you have to go through life with all this hate and delusion. You know nothing about love, respect or balance.
Most normal people sign on the internet and go forth with lives that include work, families and interpersonal relationships. You grouse about Obama while kicking dogs in the face. You seriously need professional help.

06-07-2011, 05:42 PM
I thought none of the above.

So you didn't think Obama would follow through with any of those campaign promises? Me neither!

red states rule
06-07-2011, 05:45 PM
I thought none of the above. It is just you (again) putting words into my mouth and thoughts into my head that don't exist.
The truth is that you are extremely delusional and so possessed with your Obama/liberal hate that you are willing to accept almost anything. Which the right-wing sites that you love so dearly are happy to give to you.
It's pretty sad that you have to go through life with all this hate and delusion. You know nothing about love, respect or balance.
Most normal people sign on the internet and go forth with lives that include work, families and interpersonal relationships. You grouse about Obama while kicking dogs in the face. You seriously need professional help.

Then besides the "D" at the end of his name - why did you vote for him Gabby?

YOU talke about respect Gabby? that is like Clinton and Weiner lecturing others about fidelity

and now reminding you on how the liberal media "sold" Obama to the public is now "hate"?

06-07-2011, 05:51 PM
Unlike you, dear RSR, I don't vote for political parties. I vote for candidates. I voted for Obama because he was a much better choice that the other guy, who was a liar and a traitor to his country.
There were only two viable choices. My husband even voted for Obama, though I am sure he held his nose as he did.

I don't expect any candidate to hold to their campaign promises. They are politicians, after all,

red states rule
06-07-2011, 05:52 PM
Unlike you, dear RSR, I don't vote for political parties. I vote for candidates. I voted for Obama because he was a much better choice that the other guy, who was a liar and a traitor to his country.
There were only two viable choices. My husband even voted for Obama, though I am sure he held his nose as he did.

I don't expect any candidate to hold to their campaign promises. They are politicians, after all,

You did not tell me WHY Gabby? How did you know he was "better"? What did he say he was going to do that you agreed with?

You are just like Obama. You say so many words but you don't say anything

06-07-2011, 05:53 PM
Unlike you, dear RSR, I don't vote for political parties. I vote for candidates. I voted for Obama because he was a much better choice that the other guy, who was a liar and a traitor to his country.
There were only two viable choices. My husband even voted for Obama, though I am sure he held his nose as he did.

I don't expect any candidate to hold to their campaign promises. They are politicians, after all,

So you voted for a liar so you didn't have to vote for a liar? And the liar you voted for turned out to be a liar based on the majority of his campaign promises?

red states rule
06-07-2011, 06:15 PM
So you voted for a liar so you didn't have to vote for a liar? And the liar you voted for turned out to be a liar based on the majority of his campaign promises?

Looks like Gabby had to go back to work Jim

06-07-2011, 10:25 PM
It's easy to become "tough on terror" after you have already allowed it to happen.

I often wonder why no one got hysterical about high gas prices and the rising national debt when Dubya was in office. I guess thye were waiting for the Democrat to move in.
Are you really serious are just really young?

When gas prices were rising under Bush's watch, every-damned-one of "ya'll" were screaming that 'Iraq was just about the oil' and 'Bush is using this to line his, and his oil-buddy's pockets'.

My mom even had a "Impeach Bush" bumper sticker and every time I visited I had to hear her husband tell the tired old tale of how Bush was in business with the BinLaden family.

I call bullshit.

Tell your messiah to quit devaluing the dollar and maybe it won't take so many of them to buy a gallon of gas.

06-07-2011, 11:08 PM
You did not tell me WHY Gabby? How did you know he was "better"? What did he say he was going to do that you agreed with?

I did tell you why I voted for Obama. He was the lesser of the two evils. I didn't know if Obama would be better. But I decided he couldn't have been worse.
Are you telling me there is a reason why you voted for McCain, other than the (R) next to his name. Obviously you voted straight ticket, so I guess the point is moot.

Looks like Gabby had to go back to work Jim

I do understand your astonishment that someone had to leave this board and go back to work. Perhaps I will explain it to you sometime.

red states rule
06-08-2011, 02:58 AM
I did tell you why I voted for Obama. He was the lesser of the two evils. I didn't know if Obama would be better. But I decided he couldn't have been worse.
Are you telling me there is a reason why you voted for McCain, other than the (R) next to his name. Obviously you voted straight ticket, so I guess the point is moot.

I do understand your astonishment that someone had to leave this board and go back to work. Perhaps I will explain it to you sometime.

I susoect you are wrong that McCain would have been worse. McCAincare would not have been passed Gabby busting the budget with a trillion dollar governemtn health care plan (where 30% of employers say they will STOP offering coverage) $1.6 trillion dollar annual deficits, and wanting to raise taxes to where the top producers are effectivily paying 64% of their income in taxes

I actually voted for Palin. I did not like McCain since he was liberal light. His choice as VP is the reason I voted for him

As I said before, your work load has increased at the same time Obama's approval number started sinking andwhen the results of his policies started to be clear even to the most liberals

06-08-2011, 09:21 AM
I did tell you why I voted for Obama. He was the lesser of the two evils. I didn't know if Obama would be better. But I decided he couldn't have been worse.
Are you telling me there is a reason why you voted for McCain, other than the (R) next to his name. Obviously you voted straight ticket, so I guess the point is moot.

I do understand your astonishment that someone had to leave this board and go back to work. Perhaps I will explain it to you sometime.

How come you never seem to respond to questions about Obama and his lies? You didn't want to vote for a liar but then hide when confronted with the crap that Obama lied about. If what he lied about during the campaign wasn't enough, read threads about how he has lied about $$$ involving the auto industry, or how he lies about job creation, or the economy... Or are these just "untruths" that are ok because he only twists the words to make things sound better?

red states rule
06-09-2011, 02:57 AM
How come you never seem to respond to questions about Obama and his lies? You didn't want to vote for a liar but then hide when confronted with the crap that Obama lied about. If what he lied about during the campaign wasn't enough, read threads about how he has lied about $$$ involving the auto industry, or how he lies about job creation, or the economy... Or are these just "untruths" that are ok because he only twists the words to make things sound better?

Jim, she considers any of that kind of talk "hate". Hypocrisy thy name is democrat (and Gabby)

07-20-2019, 07:50 AM
Got this in an email and it highlights what Obama will have to run on for reelection

Since Obama has been president:

* The number of unemployed people has gone from 12.5 million to 13.9 million, reflecting a net loss of well over 1 million jobs.

* The unemployment rate has been well above 8% for 24 consecutive months, and has been at 9.0% or higher for at least 14 of those 24 months.

* The national debt has risen by nearly 40%, going from $10.6 trillion in January 2009 to $14.3 trillion this month.

* Obama has added more debt in 27 months than Bush did during any 6 years of his presidency. From January 2001 to January 2009, the national debt rose from $5.7 trillion to $10.6 trillion--or $4.9 trillion in eight years. Obama, on the other hand, has already piled up $3.7 trillion of new debt in just 27 months.

* Obama has nearly tripled our rate of debt accumulation. Bush added debt at a rate of about $50 billion per month, but Obama is adding debt at a rate of over $130 billion per month.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value.

* Over 330 banks have failed.

* Gas prices have jumped to over $4 per gallon and have remained there for several months now.

* Obama cancelled all 77 new domestic oil and natural gas drilling leases that had been approved and that were in the process of being implemented. So much for energy independence.

* Well over 1 million home loans have suffered foreclosure, with 2010 seeing the highest number of foreclosures in over five years. This tragedy could have been avoided if the Dems had not pressured lenders to make home loans to low-income people in the first place and if Dems had not then repeatedly blocked Republican efforts to rein in Freddie and Fannie (who generated or guaranteed over $1 trillion in subprime loans, many of which were then later bundled into the toxic assets that wreaked such havoc on financial institutions).

* One of the supposed "success" stories has been Obama's bailout loan to GM-Chrysler. It's supposedly a success because we'll "only" lose $14 billion of the $80 billion. So, we're not even getting back all the principal on the loan, much less any interest, but we're losing $14 billion, or nearly 20% of the loan. (Why? One reason is that Team Obama didn't make GM restructure the way they should have.)

But I am sure Obama and his supporters will try to blame Bush, beg for more time, and try to shift the blame on the Republicans

A reminder of what happens under lefty lack of responsibility.

Dubya ran entirely on this in 2004 and won.


A reminder of how so so many lefties act in this world. Disgusting.