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View Full Version : Long-term effects of the Weiner disaster for the Left

06-07-2011, 09:17 PM
It's always a hoot to watch the few remaining defenders of Anthony Weiner twist, squirm, and bend themselves into strange pretzel shapes trying to salvage some remnant of positive spin out of this disaster for the leftists.

Weiner got caught performing lewd acts for relative strangers while married, and he immediately employed the standard liberal defense: He had been framed, he didn't do it, his account was somehow hacked by persons unknown, Andrew Breitbart was trying to destroy him, he was innocent, and all the rest of it. The poor simp did everything but resurrect the "Vast Right-wing Conspiracy" excuse to throw suspicion anywhere but toward himself.

And then, he reversed it all and admitted he had been lying all along. He even apologized to Breitbart. But the real disaster was... he did this within the short attention span of his kook-liberal base. He failed to give them time to forget, and dissociate his actual acts and excuses from the usual later admission of guilt.

None of this was a surprise to normal people, who could see through all the obvious fibs from the beginning, of course.

But the real damage is: Next time any leftist tries to use the standard dodges and excuses as Weiner did, they will automatically be connected with tawdry, self-serving lies displayed by Weiner. Even the kook-leftists (in and out of the press) won't be able to ignore the connection any more.

They will no longer have any choice: Next time some leftist gets caught and starts spouting all the standard lies and diversions, even the kook-Left will HAVE to say, "But we've heard all this before."

The true scope of this disaster has yet to be fully felt by the Left. They have lost one of their most valuable weapons: The cloak of plausible deniability they have been able to cast over their constant lies, spins, and other diversions so vital to their success.

Leftists with any grasp of reality are now doing everything they can to hastily throw Weiner as far under the bus as they can - trying to get shut of him and insist, "He's not one of us, we reject everything he stands for, he's an unperson, etc. etc." and generally treat him like a conservative. You can practically hear Pelosi, Reid, Wasserman and the rest praying that their more fanatical base forgets and forgets, as quickly and completely as possible. And acknowledged deviants like Barney Frank are staying very, very quiet throughout the whole sorry episode.

Only the most vociferous and blinders-on of the kook-left base are still squalling, snarling, and trying to defend Weiner - or at least directly attacking his enemies. Which is why we get to see people like Chris Mattews announcing that it must be partly the fault of Weiner's wife, and coming up with ever-more-twisted excuses, spins, and "facts"... but to a rapidly diminishing audience.

06-14-2011, 12:38 PM
And acknowledged deviants like Barney Frank are staying very, very quiet throughout the whole sorry episode.

Apparently expecting Barney Frank to keep his mouth shut more then two weeks in any matter is just too much.


Citing his own past, Frank passes on Weiner judgment

by Mike Lillis
06/14/11 12:53 PM ET

Citing his own brush with sexual scandal, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said Tuesday that he's in no position to judge the lurid actions of colleague Anthony Weiner.

"Given these circumstances, where I was myself engaged in activity I shouldn't have been … I just don't think it's appropriate for me to set myself up as the judge of others," Frank told reporters in the Capitol Tuesday.

Frank said he wouldn't dodge the issue if it comes up for a vote in the House, "but to step up and appoint myself a judge of other people based on my own past, I just don't think it's appropriate," he said.

Abbey Marie
06-14-2011, 01:12 PM
For once, Barney "Economy Killer" Frank is at least making sense.

06-14-2011, 01:17 PM
So who is defending Weiner? I don't think there is any "long term effect" on anyone except the perpetrator himself.

06-14-2011, 01:56 PM
So who is defending Weiner? I don't think there is any "long term effect" on anyone except the perpetrator himself.

that doesn't stop the loony right wing from desperately WANTING there to be such an effect. :)

red states rule
06-14-2011, 05:55 PM
So who is defending Weiner? I don't think there is any "long term effect" on anyone except the perpetrator himself.

Take your pick Gabby

Hosts on MSNBC, and some liberal op-ed writers are still defending him and of course are trying to blame Republicnas

red states rule
06-14-2011, 05:56 PM
that doesn't stop the loony right wing from desperately WANTING there to be such an effect. :)

Weiner may be Mayor of NYC one day. With this on his record can ONLY be a resume enhancement with liberal voters

It sure as hell would be with you Virgil

red states rule
06-15-2011, 04:18 AM
So who is defending Weiner? I don't think there is any "long term effect" on anyone except the perpetrator himself.

Here is the defense offered at Salon one the lefts more beloved sites

Over the weekend, TMZ released a couple more humiliating photos of Rep. Anthony Weiner, taken in the House gym and sent to an unidentified woman. The Ethics Committee began its inquiry into his lewd behavior, and Weiner was said to be entering some sort of "treatment." (Do they have in-patient treatment options for taking and sending nudez, now? Or will this be treatment for run-of-the-mill smug narcissism?) (If the latter, shouldn't the rest of the New York congressional delegation join him?) And people continued writing things about whether he should or should not resign, framing it either as a political calculation (he's bad for the Democrats!) or a moral issue (he lied!).

I tend to find it pretty silly when pundits, columnists and bloggers "call for" the resignations of any public officials guilty of having embarrassing things reported about them. (As opposed to the ones who are caught on wiretaps accepting bribes or something.) This time is no different. I have never been much of a fan of Anthony Weiner (which may surprise some BigGovernment.com readers, but there is plenty of evidence to support that claim) (remember when he compared the Gaza Flotilla to an imaginary terror boat from Yemen headed for New Jersey?), but I never called on him to resign because I thought he was a tool of reactionary anti-Muslim bigots, so why bother calling for his head now that I know he's a tool of reactionary bigots who also enjoys sexting porn stars?


06-15-2011, 11:23 AM
Here is the defense offered at Salon one the lefts more beloved sites

again... I am trying to see, in any of the links you have posted, what this supposed "long term effect" is supposed to be?

06-15-2011, 12:17 PM
again... I am trying to see, in any of the links you have posted, what this supposed "long term effect" is supposed to be?

Did you bother reading the original thread starter?

"But the real damage is: Next time any leftist tries to use the standard dodges and excuses as Weiner did, they will automatically be connected with tawdry, self-serving lies displayed by Weiner. Even the kook-leftists (in and out of the press) won't be able to ignore the connection any more.

They will no longer have any choice: Next time some leftist gets caught and starts spouting all the standard lies and diversions, even the kook-Left will HAVE to say, "But we've heard all this before."

The true scope of this disaster has yet to be fully felt by the Left. They have lost one of their most valuable weapons: The cloak of plausible deniability they have been able to cast over their constant lies, spins, and other diversions so vital to their success."

06-15-2011, 02:09 PM
that's a nebulous unsubstantial "effect" at best. :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
06-15-2011, 02:54 PM
that's a nebulous unsubstantial "effect" at best. :laugh2:

No more nebulous or unsubstantial than the slippery slope argument we hear whenever a state tries to put any limits on abortions.

red states rule
06-15-2011, 03:22 PM
that's a nebulous unsubstantial "effect" at best. :laugh2:

Perfect description of your debate skills Virgil

Or lack thereor

red states rule
06-15-2011, 03:26 PM
and now the NY Times joins the Weiner defense team. Weiner is a VICTIM in all this!!!

Is anyone surprised by this?


Certainly there are things particular to Washington that make sex scandals as predictable as swampy weather in July — and to politicians in general, especially lately, as the recent scandals involving Arnold Schwarzenegger (child out of wedlock) and John Edwards (child out of wedlock, and last week indicted for allegedly lying over his affair) have served to remind.

But technology keeps adding new and in many ways more seductive temptations to the mix. And this is happening at a time when, many argue, a more prying press corps, stricter public standards and greater partisanship have combined to make Washington oddly more puritanical than it once was. Hamilton, after all, had confessed his affair to investigators in Congress several years before he was actually exposed for it. But 15 years after the House of Representatives impeached President Bill Clinton, revealing lurid details of his sexual dalliances with a White House intern, most politicians now know that they can’t count on the press or their peers to stay silent about straying.

The Internet, with its promise of simultaneous intimacy and distance, offers a new way to flout moral strictures.

“The tweeting seems as though it restores a degree of anonymity,” said Suzanne Garment, whose 1991 book, “Scandal: The Culture of Mistrust in American Politics” keeps proving its relevance. “After Watergate and the women’s movement, it became much less permissible to act this way, but technology seems to have restored this veil, or the sense that there is a veil. People don’t meet in hotels, they tweet.”


06-15-2011, 03:29 PM
and now the NY Times joins the Weiner defense team. Weiner is a VICTIM in all this!!!

Is anyone surprised by this?

It was those evil women he was flirting with. :laugh:

red states rule
06-15-2011, 03:31 PM
It was those evil women he was flirting with. :laugh:

The NOW gang and feminists have been not uttered a word on this.

Oh, Weiner is a LIBERAL so he has earned their silence. Amazing how the self proclaimed defenders of women always give a liberal pervert a pass

Right Virgil?

06-15-2011, 05:19 PM
Perfect description of your debate skills Virgil

Or lack thereor

or lack thereor?

what the FUCK does that even mean?

The point being... Weiner is hurting democrats by sucking the air out of the news cycle.... when he goes on his leave of absence, the short term memory of the media will quickly move on to something else.

06-15-2011, 05:21 PM
The NOW gang and feminists have been not uttered a word on this.

Oh, Weiner is a LIBERAL so he has earned their silence. Amazing how the self proclaimed defenders of women always give a liberal pervert a pass

Right Virgil?

give him a PASS? what part of "I think he should resign" did you not understand?

red states rule
06-15-2011, 05:24 PM
or lack thereor?

what the FUCK does that even mean?

The point being... Weiner is hurting democrats by sucking the air out of the news cycle.... when he goes on his leave of absence, the short term memory of the media will quickly move on to something else.

You got it Virgil

It does not matter what the pervert did - HE WAS HURTING THE PARTY

That is always you primary concern. Party always comes first with you

red states rule
06-15-2011, 05:25 PM
give him a PASS? what part of "I think he should resign" did you not understand?

Where has NOW called for him to step down?

You want him gone only because he is hurting the party - by your own admission Virgil

06-15-2011, 05:28 PM
Where has NOW called for him to step down?

You want him gone only because he is hurting the party - by your own admission Virgil

I want him gone because he was a sleazebag.

red states rule
06-15-2011, 05:30 PM
I want him gone because he was a sleazebag.

You are making this way to easy Virgil. Look at post 17.

He is hurting the Dem party and that is why you want him gone

Party over country as usual

06-15-2011, 06:03 PM
You are making this way to easy Virgil. Look at post 17.

He is hurting the Dem party and that is why you want him gone

Party over country as usual

he is a distraction and he is a sleazebag... my point all along.

red states rule
06-15-2011, 06:05 PM
he is a distraction and he is a sleazebag... my point all along.

To late Virgil. Every so often you screw up and tell the truth

It does not happen that often, but when you do it is revealing

06-15-2011, 06:08 PM
To late Virgil. Every so often you screw up and tell the truth

It does not happen that often, but when you do it is revealing
TOO late... two O's

and I have called for Weiner to resign from the moment it came out that he lied about his activities. It certainly hurts my party, like Foley hurt yours.

Sir Evil
06-15-2011, 06:55 PM
I want him gone because he was a sleazebag.

Hmm, I think many people have the very same thought about you!

red states rule
06-16-2011, 03:00 AM
Hmm, I think many people have the very same thought about you!

as well as parents in the town where he lives

red states rule
06-16-2011, 03:41 AM
and now Dems are turing on each other over Weiner

Damn you have to love it!!!

The renewed effort comes even as some of Weiner’s closest friends in the House are criticizing Democratic colleagues for piling on.

Those tensions spilled out in a private Democratic Caucus meeting Tuesday when New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell laid out his views on the right and wrong ways to handle allegations of wrongdoing by a member of the caucus. He said he understands the need for certain Democrats — party leaders and those whose reelections could be affected by the scandal — to call on Weiner to resign, but then, by implication, scolded Pennsylvania Rep. Allyson Schwartz for jumping ahead of leadership last week when she told POLITICO that Weiner should step down and followed up with a round of national television interviews.

“He was upset that some of the members of our caucus, prior to the leadership acting, had acted in their own right,” said a senior Democratic aide who attended the meeting, which had dwindled to between 10 and 15 lawmakers by the time the fireworks launched. An emotional exchange among Pascrell, Pelosi, Schwartz and a handful of other lawmakers ensued.

The private airing of Weiner-related grievances underscores the difficulty House Democrats are having with a story that just won’t go away — one that forces them to consider the human frailties of their colleague, their own personal standards, how and when to pass judgment on a peer and, once again, the tension between the political needs of the party and the needs of one of its members.

It’s hard to look for precedent in the case: The gory details of most political sex scandals aren’t available at the click of a mouse; Weiner’s bizarre week of proactive lying was overshadowed only by a wide-ranging press conference in which he admitted to a series of “sexts,” and few scandals knock a party off-message for weeks at a time. On top of that, Weiner has alienated many of his colleagues in the past.

Most Democrats aren’t talking publicly about the scandal. Collectively, they’d prefer that it just went away. But as long as Weiner plans to remain in Congress — and he has said repeatedly that he does — it’s not likely to disappear.

“I don’t think people know what the right thing to do is,” said one lawmaker who approves of neither Weiner’s behavior nor the rush to judge him. “I feel horrible that everyone’s so eager to throw him under the bus — as if you’re going to lose your [expletive] election over this.”


06-16-2011, 12:04 PM
that's a nebulous unsubstantial "effect" at best. :laugh2:

so what, it was an editorial.
If you disagree, dont just say you disagree, give reasons why.

06-16-2011, 12:08 PM
Good to see that Weiner's wife did her Lorena Bobbitt act recently.


06-16-2011, 12:08 PM
or lack thereor?

what the FUCK does that even mean?

The point being... Weiner is hurting democrats by sucking the air out of the news cycle.... when he goes on his leave of absence, the short term memory of the media will quickly move on to something else.

The first two sentences in your post should have started with a capatiized letter.

06-16-2011, 12:13 PM
Good to see that Weiner's wife did her Lorena Bobbitt act recently.


You know, you pic of obama is soooo funny, like getting his birth cert. would take up so much time.

Its like this,

OBama to aid, "go get me a copy of my birth certificate".

End of issue, hmmm, took me a total of 5 seconds to type that. Yea, but multitaksing must be difficult for your hero of false promises

06-16-2011, 12:16 PM
Yea, but multitaksing must be difficult for your hero of false promises


06-16-2011, 12:53 PM
The first two sentences in your post should have started with a capatiized letter.
And you should have spelled CAPITALIZED correctly.

fyi: i often follow the e.e. cummings model for capitalization, like you seem to follow the Dan Quayle model for spelling.

glass houses... stones... you know the drill.

06-16-2011, 12:58 PM
And you should have spelled CAPITALIZED correctly.

fyi: i often follow the e.e. cummings model for capitalization, like you seem to follow the Dan Quayle model for spelling.

glass houses... stones... you know the drill.

Fucking idiots shouldn't be lame enough to point out others spelling mistakes. This is the INTERNET, Virgil, not a spelling bee.

06-16-2011, 01:40 PM
And you should have spelled CAPITALIZED correctly.

fyi: i often follow the e.e. cummings model for capitalization, like you seem to follow the Dan Quayle model for spelling.

glass houses... stones... you know the drill.

Nope, my point wasn't that his punctuation or spelling was bad, but that if he is going to point out others mistakes solely for the reason of pointing out their mistakes, he should have less mistakes himself.

AGAIN, I didn't point it out to show solely that his punctuation or spelling was incorrect, but to show his isn't perfect, therefore he shouldn't bring up others imperfections. He brought it up first.

And besides, misspelling a large word is much different than not starting a sentence with a capital letter, that is basic 2nd grade english.

WHich is also why I see tons of mistakes, typos, errors, and I dont mention them. Especially considering I often post at night and its dark and I cant even see the keyboard letters.

06-16-2011, 02:00 PM
Fucking idiots shouldn't be lame enough to point out others spelling mistakes. This is the INTERNET, Virgil, not a spelling bee.

you apparently don't see the humor in someone writing a post castigating others for punctuation whilst misspelling words in that post.

ah well....

06-16-2011, 02:05 PM
you apparently don't see the humor in someone writing a post castigating others for punctuation whilst misspelling words in that post.

ah well....

I REPEATED myself twice as to the purpose of my post wasn't to solely show his error in punctuation, but just to point out that if his isn't perfect, he shouldn't be criticizing.

If he hadn't criticized someone else's, I would never have said anything, but of course I could expect such deep thinking to go beyond your capacity.

red states rule
06-16-2011, 06:00 PM
TOO late... two O's

and I have called for Weiner to resign from the moment it came out that he lied about his activities. It certainly hurts my party, like Foley hurt yours.

and your party is all you care about. Hell you would vote for him for any political office if you could

Perverts would get along fine with you Virgil

and I'm not whistling Dixie on that one am I?

06-16-2011, 06:15 PM
and your party is all you care about. Hell you would vote for him for any political office if you could

Perverts would get along fine with you Virgil

and I'm not whistling Dixie on that one am I?
I would never vote for ANthony Weiner for anything... if he were on the ballot as my party's nominee for anything, I would not cast a vote for that office. who would you vote for if Foley were YOUR GOP choice?

red states rule
06-16-2011, 06:16 PM
I would never vote for ANthony Weiner for anything... if he were on the ballot as my party's nominee for anything, I would not cast a vote for that office

Yea and it will snow in Miami Beach Fl over the July 4th weekend

06-16-2011, 06:20 PM
Yea and it will snow in Miami Beach Fl over the July 4th weekend

What's so hard to understand, herbie? I wouldn't cast my ballot for a republican unless it were Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins, but I would NOT cast a vote for Anthony Weiner. I would simply leave that office un-voted for.

red states rule
06-16-2011, 06:23 PM
What's so hard to understand, herbie? I wouldn't cast my ballot for a republican unless it were Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins, but I would NOT cast a vote for Anthony Weiner. I would simply leave that office un-voted for.

You are a known serial liar Virgil so anything you say you will do (or have done) is never taken seriously

Being a liberal hack who lives only for his party you would vote for him if given a chance

06-16-2011, 06:39 PM
You are a known serial liar Virgil so anything you say you will do (or have done) is never taken seriously

Being a liberal hack who lives only for his party you would vote for him if given a chance

I have never told a lie on this site and you cannot find one. I would not vote for Weiner... he is a loser. like you, herbie.

06-16-2011, 06:41 PM
I have never told a lie on this site and you cannot find one. I would not vote for Weiner... he is a loser. like you, herbie.

Tell that to your ways and means man, Rangel, who still supports Weinerboy.

Also, WHY are you calling RSR a made up name?

red states rule
06-16-2011, 06:42 PM
I have never told a lie on this site and you cannot find one. I would not vote for Weiner... he is a loser. like you, herbie.

Oh my God Virgil!!

Or should I call you retiredman?

or moderate democrat?

06-16-2011, 06:53 PM
Tell that to your ways and means man, Rangel, who still supports Weinerboy.

Also, WHY are you calling RSR a made up name?

for the exact same reason that you started calling me the name you call me, jim.

red states rule
06-16-2011, 06:55 PM
Oh my God Virgil!!

Or should I call you retiredman?

or moderate democrat?

The crickets are chirping on this one :laugh2:

06-16-2011, 07:00 PM
Tell me, dear RSR, what have been the long term effects of the Christopher Lee sex scandal? How about the John Ensign sex scandal? Or perhaps the Mark Souder sex scandal?

06-16-2011, 07:05 PM
for the exact same reason that you started calling me the name you call me, jim.

Nope, I started calling you "Virgil Bozeman" because THAT IS your name. I happen to know for a FACT that "Herbie" or "Herb" isn't anywhere remotely close to RSR's name. Maybe his cats name? LOL

06-16-2011, 07:16 PM
Nope, I started calling you "Virgil Bozeman" because THAT IS your name. I happen to know for a FACT that "Herbie" or "Herb" isn't anywhere remotely close to RSR's name. Maybe his cats name? LOL


06-16-2011, 07:17 PM

That looks like a Siamese, and if so, a very good choice in battle. My brother had a few years back, and no matter how well these 2 bastards were treated they just weren't happy unless they were biting or scratching human flesh!

red states rule
06-17-2011, 02:36 AM
Oh my God Virgil!!

Or should I call you retiredman?

or moderate democrat?

Swatted you like a fly on this one Virgil :laugh2:

red states rule
06-17-2011, 02:37 AM
Alan Colmes is saying what most libs (like Virgil and Gabby) are thinking

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BrBqfq37MvA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

06-17-2011, 02:45 AM
Swatted you like a fly on this one Virgil :laugh2:

Really? Herbie? LOL! I understand the attachment, really. However I think Herbie would be happy that MFM is rolling in Mom's inheritance and moving to Mexico sooner than later. Ok, big assumption here, but if Mexico creeps up, don't say I didn't predict. ;)

red states rule
06-17-2011, 02:56 AM
Really? Herbie? LOL! I understand the attachment, really. However I think Herbie would be happy that MFM is rolling in Mom's inheritance and moving to Mexico sooner than later. Ok, big assumption here, but if Mexico creeps up, don't say I didn't predict. ;)

I wonder if Virgil will pay his inheritance tax on his money or find a way to duck it?

06-17-2011, 09:35 AM
The crickets are chirping on this one :laugh2:

what lies did they tell? other than the fact that they were directed to fly under the radar and not give up their real identity. Heck... the first one, I didn't even come up with. someone ELSE gave me that screen name.

06-17-2011, 09:40 AM
I wonder if Virgil will pay his inheritance tax on his money or find a way to duck it?

I will gladly and willingly pay every single cent of tax that the law requires me to pay.

"Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as
possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the
treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes.
Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister
in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone
does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any
public duty to pay more than the law demands." Judge Learned Hand, famous GOP appointed American jurist.

06-17-2011, 09:57 AM
Ah crap... I kind of agree with Gabs and Vir... err... MM, I don't see how this has any long term effect on any Democrat/Liberal who serves now or in the future. And I'm not sure it should. These sorts of shenanigans should be taken on a case to case basis and applied only to the individual in question. To do otherwise paints an entire group with too broad a brush. This philosophy should be applicable to all who serve the political machine, but alas, as we all know too well, it is not.

Add to this the short memory of the American voter, and I just don't see any real issue. The media has always been a fickle beast, looking for blood in the water at the smallest nick, that hasn't changed and I doubt it ever will.

The "long term effect" I think we should all hope for is simple...

I'd like to see these pols, on both sides of the aisle, sieze this moment and start to exercise better judgement, show a little integrity. If you fuck up, own it. Don't lie, apologize, own it, move on. It wasn't Weiner's tweets and photos that bothered me, it was the lie, playing the victim, it was his suggesting a crime had been committed when the reality was he use poor judgement then lied about it.

Hasn't any one learned? It's not the crime, it's the cover up that will get you...

06-17-2011, 10:32 AM
Ah crap... I kind of agree with Gabs and Vir... err... MM, I don't see how this has any long term effect on any Democrat/Liberal who serves now or in the future. And I'm not sure it should. These sorts of shenanigans should be taken on a case to case basis and applied only to the individual in question. To do otherwise paints an entire group with too broad a brush. This philosophy should be applicable to all who serve the political machine, but alas, as we all know too well, it is not.

Add to this the short memory of the American voter, and I just don't see any real issue. The media has always been a fickle beast, looking for blood in the water at the smallest nick, that hasn't changed and I doubt it ever will.

The "long term effect" I think we should all hope for is simple...

I'd like to see these pols, on both sides of the aisle, sieze this moment and start to exercise better judgement, show a little integrity. If you fuck up, own it. Don't lie, apologize, own it, move on. It wasn't Weiner's tweets and photos that bothered me, it was the lie, playing the victim, it was his suggesting a crime had been committed when the reality was he use poor judgement then lied about it.

Hasn't any one learned? It's not the crime, it's the cover up that will get you...

thanks Mick... I agree wholeheartedly.

06-17-2011, 10:35 AM
thanks Mick... I agree wholeheartedly.

Me too, especially where he wrote "If you fuck up, own it". Obama owns the economy and has owned up to it. Tis a shame his asslickers still claim otherwise! :laugh:

06-17-2011, 10:36 AM
Really? Herbie? LOL! I understand the attachment, really. However I think Herbie would be happy that MFM is rolling in Mom's inheritance and moving to Mexico sooner than later. Ok, big assumption here, but if Mexico creeps up, don't say I didn't predict. ;)

they have the internets in Mexico, ya know!

Abbey Marie
06-17-2011, 12:10 PM
Ah crap... I kind of agree with Gabs and Vir... err... MM, I don't see how this has any long term effect on any Democrat/Liberal who serves now or in the future. And I'm not sure it should. These sorts of shenanigans should be taken on a case to case basis and applied only to the individual in question. To do otherwise paints an entire group with too broad a brush. This philosophy should be applicable to all who serve the political machine, but alas, as we all know too well, it is not.

Add to this the short memory of the American voter, and I just don't see any real issue. The media has always been a fickle beast, looking for blood in the water at the smallest nick, that hasn't changed and I doubt it ever will.

The "long term effect" I think we should all hope for is simple...

I'd like to see these pols, on both sides of the aisle, sieze this moment and start to exercise better judgement, show a little integrity. If you fuck up, own it. Don't lie, apologize, own it, move on. It wasn't Weiner's tweets and photos that bothered me, it was the lie, playing the victim, it was his suggesting a crime had been committed when the reality was he use poor judgement then lied about it.

Hasn't any one learned? It's not the crime, it's the cover up that will get you...

All you have to do is look at the aftermath of Clinton's dalliances, to see that Dems will not be affected long term by a lack of morals or integrity in their politicians. He is practically a god to them now. They just don't seem to care.

06-17-2011, 01:45 PM
Obama owns the economy and has owned up to it.

That's news to me, at least the last part. He still keeps referring to "the policies of the last ten years that brought us here".

Oddly, he's careful to NOT refer to the policies of the last 30 years, which are actually the ones that DID bring us the current recession.


06-17-2011, 02:31 PM
Me too, especially where he wrote "If you fuck up, own it". Obama owns the economy and has owned up to it. Tis a shame his asslickers still claim otherwise! :laugh:

I posted you a great article where it clearly shows that most people still give Bush more of the blame for where the economy is than they give Obama. You showed me the poll about direction of the country, but, most people know that the public's perception of the direction of the country has many facets to it... it is just as much about Ryan's medicare plan or Congress's playing chicken with the debt ceiling than it has to do with president Obama. That is why, even though poll after poll show that the country is upset about where we are headed, they still have a relatively positive attitude about Obama. That is why HIS opinion poll numbers at RCP are SOOOOO much higher than congress's or the economy's.

I know you hate him with an almost irrational white hot passion, but most of America does not share your viewpoint, even though you get near unanimity here at DP. (surprise surprise!)

red states rule
06-17-2011, 03:49 PM
what lies did they tell? other than the fact that they were directed to fly under the radar and not give up their real identity. Heck... the first one, I didn't even come up with. someone ELSE gave me that screen name.

I will make it short and sweet Virgil

1) You were allowed back under retiredman after you wished death on me while Iwas being treated for cancer

3) You were allowed back under moderate democrat in another attempt to hide your true ID

Now do you deny you were the one posting under those names? In both caes you said you had no idea who "Virgil" was, and denied it when posters called you Virgil

Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Yes or No

I'll wait

red states rule
06-17-2011, 03:51 PM
I posted you a great article where it clearly shows that most people still give Bush more of the blame for where the economy is than they give Obama. You showed me the poll about direction of the country, but, most people know that the public's perception of the direction of the country has many facets to it... it is just as much about Ryan's medicare plan or Congress's playing chicken with the debt ceiling than it has to do with president Obama. That is why, even though poll after poll show that the country is upset about where we are headed, they still have a relatively positive attitude about Obama. That is why HIS opinion poll numbers at RCP are SOOOOO much higher than congress's or the economy's.

I know you hate him with an almost irrational white hot passion, but most of America does not share your viewpoint, even though you get near unanimity here at DP. (surprise surprise!)

So the 2010 midterm election had NOTHING to do with Obama and his polcies?

The current polls showing Obama's low approval on the economy has nothing to do with his polcies?

The polls still show a majority want Obamacare repealed has nothing to do with Obama's policies?

Ok Virgil spin away like a Maytag washer

06-17-2011, 06:52 PM
I think your info must be old, or slanted. Rasmussen has his approval rating low, low and continuing to decline


I posted you a great article where it clearly shows that most people still give Bush more of the blame for where the economy is than they give Obama. You showed me the poll about direction of the country, but, most people know that the public's perception of the direction of the country has many facets to it... it is just as much about Ryan's medicare plan or Congress's playing chicken with the debt ceiling than it has to do with president Obama. That is why, even though poll after poll show that the country is upset about where we are headed, they still have a relatively positive attitude about Obama. That is why HIS opinion poll numbers at RCP are SOOOOO much higher than congress's or the economy's.

I know you hate him with an almost irrational white hot passion, but most of America does not share your viewpoint, even though you get near unanimity here at DP. (surprise surprise!)

06-17-2011, 07:17 PM
Finally, a Weiner that didn't finish too soon! :p

red states rule
06-18-2011, 02:12 AM
Finally, a Weiner that didn't finish too soon! :p

I would not be surprised if Weiner decided to run for President in 2012

and picked Eric Holder as his running mate

Then Gabby, you could put this bumper sticker on your car and drive with pride

"Weiner Holder 2012"

red states rule
06-18-2011, 04:45 AM
more spin from the nuts at MSNC

Now it is the fault of Fox News Weiner was tossed overboard

If Matthews say people do not like politicans who are on TV all the time - is that why Obama's approvals are tanking?

<iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/102846" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

red states rule
06-18-2011, 01:53 PM
I will make it short and sweet Virgil

1) You were allowed back under retiredman after you wished death on me while I was being treated for cancer

3) You were allowed back under moderate democrat in another attempt to hide your true ID

Now do you deny you were the one posting under those names? In both caes you said you had no idea who "Virgil" was, and denied it when posters called you Virgil

Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Yes or No

I'll wait

Looks like Virgil tucked his tail between his legs and ran off.

Amazing what facts do this "man"

06-18-2011, 05:03 PM
I think your info must be old, or slanted. Rasmussen has his approval rating low, low and continuing to decline


my data is neither old nor slanted. RCP averages the results of many polls, rasmussen included. His approval rating is still positive, according to their unslanted average, and his approval rating is WAY higher than congress' averages... which show that, just maybe, Americans realize that the mess we are in is certainly not all Obama's fault.

red states rule
06-18-2011, 05:14 PM
I will make it short and sweet Virgil

1) You were allowed back under retiredman after you wished death on me while Iwas being treated for cancer

3) You were allowed back under moderate democrat in another attempt to hide your true ID

Now do you deny you were the one posting under those names? In both caes you said you had no idea who "Virgil" was, and denied it when posters called you Virgil

Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Yes or No

I'll wait

Hey Virgil - still waiting for an answer

I can only assume you ass has been busted and you have nothing to say

Oh what a tangled web we weave...........

06-18-2011, 05:25 PM
1) You were allowed back under retiredman after you wished death on me while Iwas being treated for cancer

3) You were allowed back under moderate democrat in another attempt to hide your true ID

Now do you deny you were the one posting under those names? In both caes you said you had no idea who "Virgil" was, and denied it when posters called you Virgil

Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Yes or No
Hey Virgil - still waiting for an answer

I can only assume you ass has been busted and you have nothing to say

Oh what a tangled web we weave...........

answered... or can't you read your PM.

I did not create the screen name retired man.... someone very high up on the staff did. The same staff member suggested that I not reveal my ID... I suggest you take it up with him.

red states rule
06-18-2011, 05:29 PM
answered... or can't you read your PM.

I did not create the screen name retired man.... someone very high up on the staff did. The same staff member suggested that I not reveal my ID... I suggest you take it up with him.

So now you ADMIT you lied when you posted and PM'd people you were NOT those posters

So you DID lie and once again you have been busted. You posted on this thread you NEVER lied on the board

OMG you are such a dumbass Virgil :laugh2:

06-18-2011, 05:33 PM

So now you ADMIT you lied when you posted and PM'd people you were NOT those posters

So you DID lie and once again you have been busted. You posted on this thread you NEVER lied on the board

OMG you are such a dumbass Virgil :laugh2:

I did so at the express direction of DP staff. is that the only LIE you have on me? we both know it is... pretty fucking weak.

06-18-2011, 05:41 PM
answered... or can't you read your PM.

I did not create the screen name retired man.... someone very high up on the staff did. The same staff member suggested that I not reveal my ID... I suggest you take it up with him.

I did so at the express direction of DP staff. is that the only LIE you have on me? we both know it is... pretty fucking weak.

I hope you aren't referring to me. If so, you're lying.

06-18-2011, 05:42 PM
I did so at the express direction of DP staff.

Our team encouraged you to lie?

red states rule
06-18-2011, 05:44 PM
Our team encouraged you to lie?

Another lie from the fake preacher

This guy is the dumbest liar I have ever met. He knows you are here Jim, you are the OWNER, and still he lies as calmly as his takes a breath

What a sorry SOB Virgil has turned out to be

06-18-2011, 05:46 PM
I hope you aren't referring to me. If so, you're lying.

who was it that created retiredman? you or me?

red states rule
06-18-2011, 05:46 PM
who was it that created retiredman? you or me?

Hey like everything else, why not blame Bush? :laugh2:

06-18-2011, 05:47 PM
Our team encouraged you to lie?

you asked me to not reveal that I was "retiredman" yes.

red states rule
06-18-2011, 05:47 PM
you asked me to not reveal that I was "retiredman" yes.

Keep digging the hole deeper Virgil, manfrommaine, maineman, retiredman, and moderate democrat

06-18-2011, 05:50 PM
I knew you were retired man as you asked me to create that account. I never "told" you to lie, but TOLD YOU that you couldn't go a week before someone would figure you out - which is exactly what happened. YOU chose to create a new name for yourself and YOU did the only lying and nobody asked you to or encouraged you to. Anything else you say outside of that is a lie.

06-18-2011, 05:50 PM
Keep digging the hole deeper Virgil, manfrommaine, maineman, retiredman, and moderate democrat
hey.. I'm here. nothing, other that the denial of my identity in those accounts, have I EVER said that is not the truth.

If you can find something, please let me know... anything about my military service.. anything about my subsequent career... ANYTHING else... if you got it, bring it on. If not, shut the fuck up.

red states rule
06-18-2011, 05:50 PM
I knew you were retired man as you asked me to create that account. I never "told" you to lie, but TOLD YOU that you couldn't go a week before someone would figure you out - which is exactly what happened. YOU chose to create a new name for yourself and YOU did the only lying and nobody asked you to or encouraged you to. Anything else you say outside of that is a lie.


06-18-2011, 05:51 PM
I knew you were retired man as you asked me to create that account. I never "told" you to lie, but TOLD YOU that you couldn't go a week before someone would figure you out - which is exactly what happened. YOU chose to create a new name for yourself and YOU did the only lying and nobody asked you to or encouraged you to. Anything else you say outside of that is a lie.

I never even knew I was retiredman until you created that name for me.

red states rule
06-18-2011, 05:51 PM
hey.. I'm here. nothing, other that the denial of my identity in those accounts, have I EVER said that is not the truth.

If you can find something, please let me know... anything about my military service.. anything about my subsequent career... ANYTHING else... if you got it, bring it on. If not, shut the fuck up.

Eh, Jim has called you on ANOTHER lie Virgil

Keep providing the entertainment - it is the ONLY reason your sorry ass has not been banned

06-18-2011, 05:52 PM
hey.. I'm here. nothing, other that the denial of my identity in those accounts, have I EVER said that is not the truth.

If you can find something, please let me know... anything about my military service.. anything about my subsequent career... ANYTHING else... if you got it, bring it on. If not, shut the fuck up.

I doubt just about anything you have ever told me. I don't give a shit enough about you to need proof or to prove anything to you. But I also know I wouldn't believe a "preacher" like you, ever.

red states rule
06-18-2011, 05:52 PM
I never even knew I was retiredman until you created that name for me.

Yea and you think the Mexican border pays rent :laugh2:

06-18-2011, 05:53 PM
but hey, Jim... T realize that you gotta keep up the facade for your peeps.

I fully understand.

red states rule
06-18-2011, 05:54 PM
but hey, Jim... T realize that you gotta keep up the facade for your peeps.

I fully understand.

We understand as well Virgil

You are a child porn posting fake preacher who lies by the minute

06-18-2011, 05:55 PM
I never even knew I was retiredman until you created that name for me.

Virgil, you're lying and that's all there is to it. That's why I specifically told you it was a waste of time to make a new name, as you would only out yourself. You wanted to come back here a few times - and according to you it was to avoid any problems or your name coming back to your church again. Masking your identity and speaking filth under a cloak makes you a "liar" in my book.

06-18-2011, 05:56 PM
but hey, Jim... T realize that you gotta keep up the facade for your peeps.

I fully understand.

I'm not the one with a "facade", Bozeman, that was you when you claimed to be a preacher!

06-18-2011, 06:07 PM
hey.. I'm here. nothing, other that the denial of my identity in those accounts, have I EVER said that is not the truth.

If you can find something, please let me know... anything about my military service.. anything about my subsequent career... ANYTHING else... if you got it, bring it on. If not, shut the fuck up.

Virgil, let's assume we believe you. The only connections though are the link in site you created and a timeline from Moline, IL that says 25 years ago you were awarded some medal. Unfortunately seems while other years it's possible to pull up the recipients of the award, not 1983 for some reason. So, perhaps you could humor all of us for less than a $5k extortion you tried with others? Prove it.

Needless to say, we'll wait.

06-18-2011, 06:09 PM
Here is what I even wrote to staff about "retired" man. It's archived and I will have Kathianne who is an admin verify this thread and my words:

I am the one who allowed him to "retire" his old username.

I am the one who allowed him to start a new username.

I am the one who stated I wouldn't out him.

I don't recall allowing him to come here and speak to the women like they were garbage, and it doesn't matter to me if he was first called a few childish names - nothing gives ANYONE the right here to speak to a woman in such a manner.

I gave him permission, and that was all. Never asked the chump to lie. Furthermore, which I will also have Kath verify, is that the software saves the IP address of the person who creates an account. Retired man comes back to a GWI IP address, which I know was Virgil's.

red states rule
06-18-2011, 06:09 PM
Virgil, let's assume we believe you. The only connections though are the link in site you created and a timeline from Moline, IL that says 25 years ago you were awarded some medal. Unfortunately seems while other years it's possible to pull up the recipients of the award, not 1983 for some reason. So, perhaps you could humor all of us for less than a $5k extortion you tried with others? Prove it.

Needless to say, we'll wait.

I would say he got the medal at a pawn shop or war surplus store

Or maybe stole it from a resident at the Old Soldiers Home while the guy was asleep

red states rule
06-18-2011, 06:10 PM
Here is what I even wrote to staff about "retired" man. It's archived and I will have Kathianne who is an admin verify this thread and my words:

I gave him permission, and that was all. Never asked the chump to lie. Furthermore, which I will also have Kath verify, is that the software saves the IP address of the person who creates an account. Retired man comes back to a GWI IP address, which I know was Virgil's.




Well done Jim

06-18-2011, 06:10 PM
I would say he got the medal at a pawn shop or war surplus store

Or maybe stole it from a resident at the Old Soldiers Home while the guy was asleep

Maybe yes or no, really besides the point.

06-18-2011, 06:15 PM
Virgil, let's assume we believe you. The only connections though are the link in site you created and a timeline from Moline, IL that says 25 years ago you were awarded some medal. Unfortunately seems while other years it's possible to pull up the recipients of the award, not 1983 for some reason. So, perhaps you could humor all of us for less than a $5k extortion you tried with others? Prove it.

Needless to say, we'll wait.

Even if he does, it DOESN'T change the FACT that he is a classless scumbag. His actions of what he did or may not have done 40 years ago in no way excuse his filth and actions of today and over the past few years on several boards. He could of been an admiral for all I care, then I could call him Admiral Asshole for the way he speaks to people and treats women. It's simply something HE can prove to make himself possibly feel better about all the shit HE shoveled over the years. Won't make a bit of difference to me though, shit is shit is shit.

06-18-2011, 06:22 PM
I never even knew I was retiredman until you created that name for me.

Well here is one lie you can't lie your way out of. I am going to have Kath, and any other staff member you like verify that account. EVERY account created on this board saves the IP address used when the account was first created. The IP address for this account is yours and comes back to a Maine allocated address. This cannot be disputed and PROVES someone at that IP address created the account. But you never even knew it existed until "I" created it though, huh?

red states rule
06-18-2011, 06:23 PM
Well here is one lie you can't lie your way out of. I am going to have Kath, and any other staff member you like verify that account. EVERY account created on this board saves the IP address used when the account was first created. The IP address for this account is yours and comes back to a Maine allocated address. This cannot be disputed and PROVES someone at that IP address created the account. But you never even knew it existed until "I" created it though, huh?

If Virgil is smart - which I know sounds funny as hell - he would cut his losses and leave. He is being beat like a governemnt mule :laugh2:

06-18-2011, 06:39 PM
The final nail in the coffin that I just noticed. If I do a list of "All IP addresses" used by Retired Man, you see the photo below. You'll also note, the IP address of the "Registration IP address" is THE SAME as a former member who posted here as "maineman". Oh wait a minute....

Dude, do you STILL say anyone other than yourself created that account? It's 100% directly linked to the IP YOU USED when you created it, which is the same as maineman, and the GWI IP address is the same as your email address!

One word - LIAR


To see even fuller size - http://i52.tinypic.com/rjh860.jpg

red states rule
06-18-2011, 06:45 PM
I will be surprised if Virgil ever makes another post on this board after the ass whipping Jim just put on him

Bravo Jim. Job well done!!

06-18-2011, 06:58 PM
I never even knew I was retiredman until you created that name for me.

i just saw the admin page on this the retiredman persona. I have verified that this IP address comes back to the same as maineman and the IP is the same as your registered email address.

06-18-2011, 07:09 PM
Anyone that knows me is aware I make no acclamations of my abilities regarding tech. Truth to tell, I'm lost in most cases. However in this one, not so much. maineman, aka manfromaine, retiredman, asshole personified is the owner of said posts. The proof has been posted; via screen shots from the admin panel, which I CAN vouch for.

06-18-2011, 07:46 PM
i just saw the admin page on this the retiredman persona. I have verified that this IP address comes back to the same as maineman and the IP is the same as your registered email address.

and if you look...you will see that all sorts of maineman and manfrommaine posts from YEARS before were all changed to "retiredman" ... could a non-staff member be able to do that?

of course not. retiredman was certainly the name that jim gave to all my old posts going way back... but I could not have done that on my own. HE created the name and HE changed all my old posts over to that name.

but I realize that admitting such would lose old jimbo cred with all of his adoring fan base... but that is obviously what happened.

06-18-2011, 07:49 PM
and if you look...you will see that all sorts of maineman and manfrommaine posts from YEARS before were all changed to "retiredman" ... could a non-staff member be able to do that?

of course not. retiredman was certainly the name that jim gave to all my old posts going way back... but I could not have done that on my own. HE created the name and HE changed all my old posts over to that name.

but I realize that admitting such would lose old jimbo cred with all of his adoring fan base... but that is obviously what happened.

No, you created the account to begin with. You can lie, but IP addresses don't - and it's YOURS that is associated with creating that account. YOU said that you never even heard of the account "retiredman" until I told you about it, but PROOF of YOUR IP address has been shown here that YOU created the account. I WILL BE HAPPY to post the rest, showing the entire IP address and email that was used to create the account if you continue to lie and claim I did shit you want to hide from.

06-18-2011, 07:50 PM
This only proves further, at least in my mind, and I'm sure others, that Virgil is a liar, and probably lies about a whole lot more things on here - beginning with being a preacher and former military.

06-18-2011, 08:19 PM
No, you created the account to begin with. You can lie, but IP addresses don't - and it's YOURS that is associated with creating that account. YOU said that you never even heard of the account "retiredman" until I told you about it, but PROOF of YOUR IP address has been shown here that YOU created the account. I WILL BE HAPPY to post the rest, showing the entire IP address and email that was used to create the account if you continue to lie and claim I did shit you want to hide from.

All the IP addresses associated with MFM, retiredman, MFM, etc., all, repeat all harken back to same ip provider. All one account. Want your emails and other info given out, MFM? We can do that.

06-18-2011, 08:21 PM
and if you look...you will see that all sorts of maineman and manfrommaine posts from YEARS before were all changed to "retiredman" ... could a non-staff member be able to do that?

of course not. retiredman was certainly the name that jim gave to all my old posts going way back... but I could not have done that on my own. HE created the name and HE changed all my old posts over to that name.

but I realize that admitting such would lose old jimbo cred with all of his adoring fan base... but that is obviously what happened.

It's time for open records for this one poster, that seems he's been hurt? What say you Jim? Open all ip's, email addys, etc?

06-18-2011, 08:29 PM
It's time for open records for this one poster, that seems he's been hurt? What say you Jim? Open all ip's, email addys, etc?

I think it's been proven enough. I'm not fond of someone making up lies to cover his own dirty tracks, so I think proving we had nothing to do with what he stated was in order. The fact that it shows his IP address as the one that registered that account, and that it happens to be the same as another member named "manfrommaine" - and the registration IP address points to GWI and his email address used was from GWI.net.

I don't like to release too much, but I colored in a portion of his IP address for security and in the other photo his email address for privacy. Nothing personal has been released and he's still proven a liar in the process.

06-18-2011, 08:31 PM
I think it's been proven enough. I'm not fond of someone making up lies to cover his own dirty tracks, so I think proving we had nothing to do with what he stated was in order. The fact that it shows his IP address as the one that registered that account, and that it happens to be the same as another member named "manfrommaine" - and the registration IP address points to GWI and his email address used was from GWI.net.

I don't like to release too much, but I colored in a portion of his IP address for security and in the other photo his email address for privacy. Nothing personal has been released and he's still proven a liar in the process.

Under the circumstances HE set up, I wouldn't have been so nice. You are. Kudos.

red states rule
06-19-2011, 04:46 AM
and if you look...you will see that all sorts of maineman and manfrommaine posts from YEARS before were all changed to "retiredman" ... could a non-staff member be able to do that?

of course not. retiredman was certainly the name that jim gave to all my old posts going way back... but I could not have done that on my own. HE created the name and HE changed all my old posts over to that name.

but I realize that admitting such would lose old jimbo cred with all of his adoring fan base... but that is obviously what happened.

Virgil you have to be the all time dumbest jackass I have ever met. No matter what evidence is presented that exposes you as the serial liar that you are, you contiunue to lie and be the laughing stock of the board

As I told you, the ONLY reason your sorry ass is not banned is so you can be humilated, exposed, and be used as a punching bag.

Even knowing this you continue to provide fresh material damn near on an hourly basis.

This must be the ONLY board that has not banned your ass because it is clear you have no place else to go. What a meaningless and pathetic existence you must live if your sole objective and purpose is too continue to be the object of ridicule on this board - and you do it willingly

Abbey Marie
06-19-2011, 02:49 PM
I am not in favor of posting personally identifiable registration/IP information publicly.
I also think this matter has been exhausted now. Time to move on?