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red states rule
06-09-2011, 02:25 AM
As a rule, I don't pass along these "add your name" lists that appear in emails, but this one is important. It has been circulating for MONTHS and has been sent to over 25 million people. We don't want to lose any names on the list so just hit forward and send it on. Please keep it going! To show your support for re-election of President Obama, please go to the end of the list and add your name.

1. Michelle Obama

06-09-2011, 02:40 AM
2. Barrack Obama

red states rule
06-09-2011, 03:24 AM
3. Virgil Bozeman III

06-10-2011, 01:53 AM
4. Gabby

06-10-2011, 02:21 AM
5. Spidey-Lad (with his shaven head)

red states rule
06-10-2011, 03:46 AM
6. Chris Matthews and every employee at MSNBC

06-10-2011, 05:22 AM
7. All those deceased now residing at your local cemetary (they do vote ya know!)


06-10-2011, 12:15 PM
As a rule, I don't pass along these "add your name" lists that appear in emails, but this one is important. It has been circulating for MONTHS and has been sent to over 25 million people. We don't want to lose any names on the list so just hit forward and send it on. Please keep it going! To show your support for re-election of President Obama, please go to the end of the list and add your name.

1. Michelle Obama

CEO's of the following companies, Please take the time to viewl the list and see the ONE in red, and the amount of money committed,,,,

American International Group COMMITTED INVESTED
* See complete AIG bailout below $70 billion $69.8 billion

Asset Guarantee Program $12.5 BILLION $5 billion
Bank of America

Auto Supplier Support Program $5 billion 3.5 billion
GM Supplier Receivables
Chrysler Receivables

Capital Purchase Program
* See full list of bailed-out banks $218 billion $204.7 billion

Program Committed Invested Description
Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money
Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility Unlimited

06-10-2011, 12:31 PM
8. Hu Jintao
9. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
10. Hugo Chavez

06-10-2011, 12:36 PM
What makes you believe I support Obama in 2012?
Yet another knee jerk reaction from RSR that has no basis in fact.

red states rule
06-10-2011, 04:40 PM
What makes you believe I support Obama in 2012?
Yet another knee jerk reaction from RSR that has no basis in fact.

Gabby if you do not vote for Obama in 2012, we will see a blizzard strike Miami Beach Fl the next day

Like Virgil, no matter how badly Obama drags down the country, he will have your vote regardless

06-10-2011, 05:21 PM
What makes you believe I support Obama in 2012?
Yet another knee jerk reaction from RSR that has no basis in fact.

Like hell.

The only possible way you won't be voting for Chimpy in 2012 is if you identify the reincarnation of Stalin with some New-n-Improved commie ideas for America.

red states rule
06-10-2011, 05:23 PM
Like hell.

The only possible way you won't be voting for Chimpy in 2012 is if you identify the reincarnation of Stalin with some New-n-Improved commie ideas for America.

I would like to know when Gabby did NOT vote for a Democrat in an election

06-10-2011, 05:30 PM
I would like to know when Gabby did NOT vote for a Democrat in an election

Once again, you stuff your feet squarely in your mouth and look like the foolish fool that you truly are.

I voted for The Govinator. And a few other Republicans who were the best choices in local and state races here in California.

Now, dear RSR, tell me when you have voted for a Democrat. I am guessing you haven't because you vote straight ticket. ConReps often fall brain dead in the voting booth.

06-10-2011, 05:48 PM
you vote straight ticket.

I, on the other hand, will vote for any Democrat who can show me a solid record of voting for:

1.) tax-rate cuts,
2.) reducing government regulations,
3.) reducing government size,
4.) reducing government spending,
5.) restricting government to the bounds laid out in the Constitution,
6.) winning the wars we're in and then getting out,
7.) enforcing our border and immigration laws.

(I might have left a few out, sorry)

Unless someone else on the ballot has an even better record of doing those things.

Lead me to him/her!

(Wondering if little gabby realizes yet just how reality-bereft her statement was)

06-10-2011, 05:53 PM
I, on the other hand, will vote for any Democrat who can show me a solid record of voting for tax-rate cuts, reducing government regulations, reducing government size, reducing government spending, restricting government to the bounds laid out in the Constitution, and winning the wars we're in and then getting out.

Unless someone else on the ballot has an even better record of doing those things.

Exactly! I will vote for whichever of the candidates comes closest to fulfilling my core values. Your core values are different than mine.

RSR, on the other hand, needs the (R) next to a candidate's name.

06-10-2011, 06:18 PM
(Wondering if little gabby realizes yet just how reality-bereft her statement was)
RSR, on the other hand, needs the (R) next to a candidate's name.

Well, that answers that question. :lol:

And you know that rsr doesn't vote like I do, how......??

06-10-2011, 07:12 PM
Like hell.

The only possible way you won't be voting for Chimpy in 2012 is if you identify the reincarnation of Stalin with some New-n-Improved commie ideas for America.

Or if Obama doesnt win his party's nomination

06-10-2011, 07:35 PM
(Wondering if little gabby realizes yet just how reality-bereft her statement was)

I don't know why this one would be any different than all the others.

She's just a troll, and not a very good one at that.

06-10-2011, 08:48 PM
I dont see anyone who is worth anything on the right. I will probably end up voting for Obama because the GOP will nominate another hack job.

06-10-2011, 08:58 PM
I dont see anyone who is worth anything on the right. I will probably end up voting for Obama because the GOP will nominate another hack job.

I don't see anyone who is worth anything on the left. I will probably end up voting for anyone on the right because they would be far superior to the current hack job.

red states rule
06-11-2011, 02:44 AM
Once again, you stuff your feet squarely in your mouth and look like the foolish fool that you truly are.

I voted for The Govinator. And a few other Republicans who were the best choices in local and state races here in California.

Now, dear RSR, tell me when you have voted for a Democrat. I am guessing you haven't because you vote straight ticket. ConReps often fall brain dead in the voting booth.

Yea Arnold was a solid conservaive Gabby. He opposed raising taxes, refused to spend taxpayer money on illegals, was business friendly, encouraged the private sector to grow and hire new workers without adding mopre government regulation to their cost of doing business, and did his best to reduce the size and cost of government

and Arnold left CA in fine financal shape for Gov Moonbeam

When Dems put up a candidate that is NOT a tax and spend liberal Gabby I would be happy to vote for him/her.

red states rule
06-11-2011, 02:45 AM
Exactly! I will vote for whichever of the candidates comes closest to fulfilling my core values. Your core values are different than mine.

RSR, on the other hand, needs the (R) next to a candidate's name.

and those values are what Gabby?

1) higher taxes
2) Bigger government
3) abortion on demand
4) welcome illegals with open arms
5) defund the US military
6) a blank check to the Dept of Education

Did I leave anything out?

06-11-2011, 02:15 PM
Don't bother, rsr. I challenged little gabby on one of her many smears. We won't see her again on this thread... or at least, not until the challenge is long forgotten (she thinks).

red states rule
06-11-2011, 02:16 PM
Don't bother, rsr. I challenged little gabby on one of her many smears. We won't see her again on this thread... or at least, not until the challenge is long forgotten (she thinks).

Valid point LA and thanks for the dose of reality

06-12-2011, 01:26 AM
I don't see anyone who is worth anything on the left. I will probably end up voting for anyone on the right because they would be far superior to the current hack job.I

I used to study the issues and persons running, but after a while found it to be a waste of time, particularly here in Ca.
I'm not ashamed to admit it, I vote strictly R, or if a Libertarian had a chance, maybe one of them. Anything to keep a Dem out of office.

Experience has shown that Dems never support what I believe in, and I got tired of wasting my time checking out the candidates.
Bottom line is, no matter how bad the Repub is, its always better than the Dem, unless it was a really, really rare dem like Lieberman, but that doesnt happen here in ca.

I might not always be happy with the Repub candidate though, and will be willing to admit it, wonder if Crabby, errr gabby could do the same with obama,,,,,hahhaha,,,leave it up to a super troll to claim they might not support the guy whom they have a huge picture of in every one of their posts.....

red states rule
06-12-2011, 06:04 AM

I used to study the issues and persons running, but after a while found it to be a waste of time, particularly here in Ca.
I'm not ashamed to admit it, I vote strictly R, or if a Libertarian had a chance, maybe one of them. Anything to keep a Dem out of office.

Experience has shown that Dems never support what I believe in, and I got tired of wasting my time checking out the candidates.
Bottom line is, no matter how bad the Repub is, its always better than the Dem, unless it was a really, really rare dem like Lieberman, but that doesnt happen here in ca.

I might not always be happy with the Repub candidate though, and will be willing to admit it, wonder if Crabby, errr gabby could do the same with obama,,,,,hahhaha,,,leave it up to a super troll to claim they might not support the guy whom they have a huge picture of in every one of their posts.....

As I told Virgil, Jesus Christ could run against a liberal Democrat and Gabby would vote AGAINST Jesus out of party loyality

With libs like Gabby and Virgil, the results of liberalism means nothing. They believe the ends justify the means and the people are too damn stupid to appreciate the superior intelligence of liberals. Right now they will either make lame excuses for Obama's failures or they will ignore the topic all together and attack all Republicans

06-13-2011, 01:01 AM
As I told Virgil, Jesus Christ could run against a liberal Democrat and Gabby would vote AGAINST Jesus out of party loyality

With libs like Gabby and Virgil, the results of liberalism means nothing. They believe the ends justify the means and the people are too damn stupid to appreciate the superior intelligence of liberals. Right now they will either make lame excuses for Obama's failures or they will ignore the topic all together and attack all Republicans

I didnt think about it before, but its kinda scary that someone with such liberal point of view as gabby is counseling high school kids, no wonder why kids are so screwed up and why we shouldnt have much expectations from our high schoolers these days

06-13-2011, 03:01 AM
I dont see anyone who is worth anything on the right. I will probably end up voting for Obama because the GOP will nominate another hack job.

So, you will vote for a dem hack job, but not a rep hack job? Why?

red states rule
06-13-2011, 03:09 AM
So, you will vote for a dem hack job, but not a rep hack job? Why?
