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06-10-2011, 08:20 PM
I can't remember if I have shared this before... I usually don't, unless I know the people I'm talking with well.

It all started with a long canoe trip with my Dad, little brother Jim, the dog and myself. I was 12 years old and we'd just returned to Alaska and stopped at Lake Louise, which is outside Glennallen - roughly 200 miles East of Anchorage or so.

Our mission was to paddle the canoe 20 miles from Lake Louise into Lake Susitna and then into Lake Tyone where he'd heard there was property for sale.

We paddled for hours and hours... 20 miles is a hell of a long way to paddle and Jim and I were bored to tears.

We finally reached the old Lodge that was for sale, looked around a bit and saw an old Indian village ruins across the lake, so we went over to check it out and continue stretching our legs a bit.

Behind the ruins, there was a trail that appeared to be well used. It went up onto a low ridge and disappeared from view. Dad told me to take the dog, Bo, and go see if there were any more ruins up the trail, and Bo and I trotted up the trail.

It wound around for about 1/4 mile and then dropped down into a swamp. The trail was still pretty decent, so we kept going. The bushes on either side of the trail were higher than I was, so all I could see was the trail in front of us.

About halfway through the swamp, a very pungent musky odor hit me. Kind of like a skunk, but much more offensive... it was uniquely nasty and I'll never forget it.

Suddenly, Bo stopped in front of me and stared off into the brush to our right and he was quivering (like all smaller dogs will do when maxed out) and sniffing, listening intently. I skidded to a stop as well, and let him do his thing.

He quivered silently for 10 seconds or so, and I whispered "What is it, Bo?" and he tore off into the bushes yelping his pursuit bark. I tore off the other way at top speed, thinking it was a bear.

I could hear him yelping with every jump, and it was growing fainter so I knew I was moderately safe as I came up out of the swamp onto the ridge.

I skidded to a stop to look over where Bo was barking, and there it was.

It was about 8' or 9' tall, sprinting on two legs as Bo bit his heels with every step. And he was really moving, Bo was fast and was having trouble keeping up.

That's when I really hit the turbos - you're not supposed to see monsters. That's what you're told the whole time you're growing up, that they're not real. This one was.

So I came flying down the trail to the lake, and the Old Man saw me coming at Mach 4. He knew I was in trouble just because of the maximum speed was was moving at, and he raised his rifle to shoot whatever was coming behind me.

After a couple of minutes of gasping for breath, I told him what I'd seen. He kind of gave me that look out of the corner of his eye, immediately thinking that I'd seen a moose or a bear.

I took him back to the swamp to show him the tracks and to call for Bo. We made it over to where I'd seen the bigfoot running up out of the swamp onto the hill with Bo in pursuit, but there weren't any tracks.

Unfortunately, the swampy area he'd been in was filled with that black, nasty swampy soup which didn't hold any tracks, and where he'd exited the swamp onto the hill going out was covered in a thick layer of leaves. We saw the indentations of something big, but no shape.

We went back down to the canoe to wait for Bo. About an hour or 2 later, he returned, very pleased with himself for chasing away that thing from me. But man, did he stink. He stunk just like that bigfoot, which made sense since he'd been biting his heels for who knows how long.

We threw him in the lake about 20 times to try and alleviate the smell, but it didn't really help.

So we loaded into the canoe for the trip back, with the Old Man cursing because he was downwind in the back of the canoe from the dog, who was feeling pretty unappreciated after being tossed in the lake so many times and the Old Man cursing him with every breath. He REALLY stunk bad.

At the end of the day, we told Mom and the rest of my siblings what happened. No one had ever smelled that smell before. We got it reduced quite a bit using Dawn dishsoap.

The Old Man sat me down and told me not to ever talk about what happened. I didn't understand why, so he explained he didn't want our new neighbors thinking we were crazy.

Anyway, that's my story. And before anyone tells me it was a Moose or a Bear, consider the fact that it was SPRINTING up a hill on 2 legs with a dog biting his heels with every step.

There is no animal in North America of that size that runs away from anything on his hind legs, and I saw that crystal clear.

It looked exactly like the Patterson footage, and moved the same way that one did except mine was moving a lot faster.

I've smelled that smell twice now since that time as I've wandered around in the boonies of Alaska, but never saw it. But I knew it was close.

I can't explain why one hasn't been shot yet, I have no answer for that. Just telling what I saw with my own eyes, and if someone has a reasonable explanation I'd love to hear it.

06-10-2011, 08:30 PM
Awesome story! Please, not to appear naive; something I'm seldom accused of being; tell me it is a tall tale!

06-10-2011, 08:37 PM
Awesome story! Please, not to appear naive; something I'm seldom accused of being; tell me it is a tall tale!

God as my witness, Kathi, that is a true story. Every word. I remember that day vividly.

06-10-2011, 08:40 PM
God as my witness, Kathi, that is a true story. Every word. I remember that day vividly.


06-11-2011, 11:21 AM
That's awesome NT. Thank you VERY much for sharing.

06-11-2011, 11:22 AM
I saw Sasquatch the other day. Of course he was drinking a kokanee.

06-11-2011, 01:32 PM
Thanks NT.
More things in heaven and earth huh?

What bred of dog was Bo?

06-11-2011, 02:22 PM
Thanks NT.
More things in heaven and earth huh?

What bred of dog was Bo?

Heinz 57.

He was a complete mutt, had some poodle, a little beagle, and God knows what else. He was completely fearless and proved it time and again by chasing off bears to protect us kids as we grew up out in the boondocks.

About 8 months after this incident in the dead of Winter, a trapper put a #3 wolf trap about a mile from our place on Lake Tyone, and Bo got caught in it with his right front foot. It was about -30 that night, and the next morning at first light I went down the lake and my siblings went up the lake to try and find him.

I came around a corner and saw him, released him from the trap and put him in the dogsled & took him home. His foot had frozen badly below the wrist where the trap had him. It thawed out and a couple days later the gangrene set in, so Dad had to amputate his foot at the wrist and he recovered.

So from that day on, he was a 3 legged Heinz 57... didn't slow him down much, and he still intimidated the Malemutes at every opportunity. He was a real cool dog.

06-12-2011, 07:14 AM
Bo sounds great. I had a German Shepard as a kid We never trained her properly and she was Mean to EVERYONE except our immediate family. Had to put her down at about 7 for biting a neighbor.

I want to get our daughter a dog but my wife's got veto power. Our next house maybe.

I guess your dad never bought the property huh?
You ever hear of anyone else up there telling similar stories?
Have you every gone back up there?

It's funny your the 1st "personal" contact I've met that's seen a .... Big Bipedal Creature...
I've met 2 folks that tell me they've seen ghost. One was my grandma. and 2 that say they've seen UFO's.

I've got my own ideas about the ghost sightings. But the UFO's I think may be real but not from "other worlds", just human secret tech. One Guy was on a navy ship at sea when he saw his UFO.

I've never seen any of that stuff.

Strange world.

red states rule
06-12-2011, 07:16 AM
God as my witness, Kathi, that is a true story. Every word. I remember that day vividly.


Wow that is some story NT. Thanks for telling it to us

06-12-2011, 04:50 PM
Glad you guys enjoyed it.

I don't blame anyone for being skeptical; hell, I know I wouldn't buy a story like that if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. It doesn't make any sense at all that one hasn't been found dead, hit by a truck, shot by a hunter, video taped from an airplane or helicopter, etc.

But I know what I saw, regardless of it defying logic and reason.

Naturally I watch any new pictures and video and most are hoaxes with someone in an ape suit walking strangely, it's pretty easy to spot it. Others that I've seen are the real deal, the Patterson footage that DMP posted in the other thread is legitimate, that was exactly how it looked and moved.

People have recovered hair samples from where they had an encounter and the beast rubbing against trees as it was fleeing. They had the hair analyzed and the result was "an unknown primate species.", some of that was recovered in Laos or Vietnam if I remember correctly.

Rev - No, Dad decided not to buy the property. We lived there for a year and it was too swampy. That whole region has a lot of tundra, the trees are pretty scruffy, and the mosquitos are horrendous so we moved to Talkeetna where Dad bought property with a small cabin on it and we built our new log home there.

No, I can't recall hearing anyone talking about a sighting. I really think that there are a lot more sightings than are reported for the very reason my Dad had for warning me about talking about it... didn't want the neighbors in the area thinking we were a bunch of nut jobs.

Yes, I went back there on snowmachines with a couple of buddies about 4 years ago or so. We stopped on the lake where the ruins were and I told them the story, and of course the jokes starting coming my way aplenty. They really yucked it up, the bastards, but I can take a good ribbing. I didn't blame them a bit for scoffing at the idea, but to this day, no one has ever offered me a reasonable explanation as to what kind of animal it could have been that fled the dog on two legs, sprinting up the hill like that.

06-12-2011, 06:16 PM
NT - did you see this?

Man admits: I was 'Bigfoot' http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=23657#ixzz1P6exL8mP

06-12-2011, 07:18 PM
NT - did you see this?

Man admits: I was 'Bigfoot' http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=23657#ixzz1P6exL8mP

Yep, I think this guy is claiming this in order to make a buck, he says so several times in that article.

There's so many hoaxsters out there trying to make a buck or gain fame with this kind of stuff, it's hard to sort it all out.

History Channel did an analysis of the Patterson footage, and got an athlete to try and mimic the way the beast moves as it walks - he couldn't do it. A gorilla expert said it moves just like a large Silverback does, (except for walking on the hind legs part, of course) especially when it turns to look at Patterson halfway to the woods - gorillas have difficulty turning their heads and tend to rotate their upper torso just like it did when it looked back.

06-12-2011, 08:29 PM
History Channel did an analysis of the Patterson footage...

I remember some analysis about the Patterson footage and one big question was the film speed, Patterson apparently didn't remember and if it was run at 18 or 24 made the difference of whether it appeared real or not, all IIRC of course.

Hell of a story though.

09-18-2014, 09:39 AM
Maybe i drive out to AK and we camp there; by those ruins if you can still find them; what do you say, NT? Maybe get on googlemaps and point-out where this was? I wanna go there. :D

09-18-2014, 12:39 PM
I spend one day relaxing in the woods in AK and now this.... :)

09-18-2014, 09:16 PM
I spend one day relaxing in the woods in AK and now this.... :)

If you hadn't run away from that stupid dog all would have been fine. :thumb:

I do have to wonder about the smell.

09-18-2014, 09:38 PM
Oh my. I know it's late. But when I saw the topic of this 'true personal story' was about Bigfoot.

This is what instantly came to mind.....http://icansayit.com/images/biden-foot.jpg

09-18-2014, 09:53 PM
Maybe i drive out to AK and we camp there; by those ruins if you can still find them; what do you say, NT? Maybe get on googlemaps and point-out where this was? I wanna go there. :D

Sure! Looks like Google Maps took this picture during the winter, so you can see more terrain under Satellite View.

So the old Lodge we lived in is at : 62.518572, -146.719792

The beginning of that trail is right across the lake at : 62.521092, -146.720822 (the old ruins are in that clearing between that trail and the lake, if they're not all gone by now)

The trail curves around to the left along that ridge line, and comes down into that swamp. The bigfoot was across it from me at : 62.522032, -146.724426, running due North.

Bo was caught in that trap at : 62.520671, -146.742353

09-19-2014, 05:37 AM
It's been a LONG time - because you're old - but have you thought of reporting it to BFRO?

09-19-2014, 07:00 AM
If you hadn't run away from that stupid dog all would have been fine. :thumb:

I do have to wonder about the smell.

It is more of a musk, really. LOL

09-19-2014, 08:31 AM
It's been a LONG time - because you're old - but have you thought of reporting it to BFRO?

I never did report it to anywhere 'official' because it seems most of those seem hoaxy. I don't want to be involved in some bullshit media circus with some nutjob who is only looking to get attention.

If you hadn't run away from that stupid dog all would have been fine. :thumb:

I do have to wonder about the smell.

There was no way I was going to stick around when Bo charged the other way! I was a pretty speedy 12 year old, and I was properly motivated to give a world class performance!

It's impossible to describe the smell. I say skunk because that smell has a certain heavy musk to it along with the pungent quality... but this was a heavier, muskier, oily kind of funky smell. I was glad that Bo came back smelling like that, or my Dad would have written it off to an overactive 12 year old's imagination and the whole family got to smell it as we tried to get the dog free of it. It took several days and several Dawn dishsoap washings to finally make him tolerable to be around.

09-19-2014, 09:32 AM
Consider BFRO - they are probably the most-respectible. You're a solid witness, and a solid story.

09-19-2014, 01:23 PM
I never did report it to anywhere 'official' because it seems most of those seem hoaxy. I don't want to be involved in some bullshit media circus with some nutjob who is only looking to get attention.

There was no way I was going to stick around when Bo charged the other way! I was a pretty speedy 12 year old, and I was properly motivated to give a world class performance!

It's impossible to describe the smell. I say skunk because that smell has a certain heavy musk to it along with the pungent quality... but this was a heavier, muskier, oily kind of funky smell. I was glad that Bo came back smelling like that, or my Dad would have written it off to an overactive 12 year old's imagination and the whole family got to smell it as we tried to get the dog free of it. It took several days and several Dawn dishsoap washings to finally make him tolerable to be around.[/COLOR]

you probably should have reported it NT. there may have been prints left behind

09-19-2014, 01:34 PM
I never did report it to anywhere 'official' because it seems most of those seem hoaxy. I don't want to be involved in some bullshit media circus with some nutjob who is only looking to get attention.

There was no way I was going to stick around when Bo charged the other way! I was a pretty speedy 12 year old, and I was properly motivated to give a world class performance!

It's impossible to describe the smell. I say skunk because that smell has a certain heavy musk to it along with the pungent quality... but this was a heavier, muskier, oily kind of funky smell. I was glad that Bo came back smelling like that, or my Dad would have written it off to an overactive 12 year old's imagination and the whole family got to smell it as we tried to get the dog free of it. It took several days and several Dawn dishsoap washings to finally make him tolerable to be around.[/COLOR]

I was referring to Boogyman running away as part of his comment about a day in AK woods. I can sure understand your running away after seeing and smelling that thing. I don't doubt your story, I consider you a credible person. I too have to wonder how a creature like that could avoid being trapped or killed for hundreds of years not to mention remains not found anywhere. The smell seems to be a give away for when it's near.

If you smell it again go for a selfie with it. :laugh:

09-19-2014, 07:06 PM
Consider BFRO - they are probably the most-respectible. You're a solid witness, and a solid story.

It's been 31 years since that event... not sure it'll do much good, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to add my story to their database.

I never thought of using Google Maps to that story, good call Darin.

Did you guys pull it up and look? Pretty cool that the resolution is so high, you can see snowmachine tracks everywhere and the trail and the swamp.

09-19-2014, 10:33 PM
The only time I seen Big Foot was when I woke up with my Ex wife at her mothers house, it was horrible ugly as hell and then I heard my ex call her mom :laugh: