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View Full Version : Electric Cars No So Green After All

red states rule
06-13-2011, 05:24 PM
I am not surprised by this. But I am surprised by anyone who would be

I wonder how the suckers that bought these cars feel now?

Electric cars could produce higher emissions over their lifetimes than petrol equivalents because of the energy consumed in making their batteries, a study has found.

An electric car owner would have to drive at least 129,000km before producing a net saving in CO2. Many electric cars will not travel that far in their lifetime because they typically have a range of less than 145km on a single charge and are unsuitable for long trips. Even those driven 160,000km would save only about a tonne of CO2 over their lifetimes.

The British study, which is the first analysis of the full lifetime emissions of electric cars covering manufacturing, driving and disposal, undermines the case for tackling climate change by the rapid introduction of electric cars.

The Committee on Climate Change, the UK government watchdog, has called for the number of electric cars on Britain's roads to increase from a few hundred now to 1.7 million by 2020.


06-13-2011, 06:17 PM
You also must consider how your electric company is obtaining their power.
Oil? Coal? Deisel? Nuclear?


red states rule
06-13-2011, 06:18 PM
You also must consider how your electric company is obtaining their power.
Oil? Coal? Deisel? Nuclear?


Not coal - at least as long as Obama is President. He wants to put coal plants out of business

So your electric bill will soar

Like the cost of your food and gas is doing right now

06-13-2011, 06:26 PM
I saw some calculations a while back, using a Prius.
If you were to trade in your paid-off V8, add how much your monthly payments, compared to fuel savings.
It totaled out to be something like 12 years before you'd realize a savings

red states rule
06-13-2011, 06:29 PM
I saw some calculations a while back, using a Prius.
If you were to trade in your paid-off V8, add how much your monthly payments, compared to fuel savings.
It totaled out to be something like 12 years before you'd realize a savings

That sums up green energy perfectly sir

The left is telling us someday, somehow, we might have alternate energy sources. They may not be cheaper and in greater supply then what we have now, but we will continue to spend billions of taxpayer money to find something other then oil to fuel our economy

06-13-2011, 07:46 PM
it doesn't MATTER to liberals. If they feel good NOW about something, reason and rational thought don't carry weight.

red states rule
06-14-2011, 02:38 AM
it doesn't MATTER to liberals. If they feel good NOW about something, reason and rational thought don't carry weight.

Very true. It is like Palin Derangement Syndrome

The truth is irrelevant to the liberal media and the liberal media agenda is the Sunday School truth for liberals

red states rule
06-14-2011, 04:21 AM
I saw some calculations a while back, using a Prius.
If you were to trade in your paid-off V8, add how much your monthly payments, compared to fuel savings.
It totaled out to be something like 12 years before you'd realize a savings

and speaking of coal, check this out and the number of jobs being lost thanks to the "greenies"

Joblessness haunts the Obama administration. The stimulus was the most spectacular flop of recent history. Yet the president, as he demonstrated in North Carolina Monday, knows no other way.

Democrats are often scornful of Republicans for being "agenda driven" or "ideological." If they are in a particularly scornful mood, they'll throw in something about conservatives being "anti-science" or failing to pursue "fact-based" policies.

They cannot see the log in their own eye. This administration is surely among the most ideologically blinkered in memory -- even self-destructively so. The president traveled to an LED factory in North Carolina on Monday to play his familiar green-jobs tune.

Meanwhile, his Environmental Protection Agency has issued new rules on air pollution standards. Though the White House must pray daily for a boost in employment numbers, the EPA is forging ahead with a rule strictly limiting the pollutants that coal-fired power plants may emit -- a job killer. The regulation will be the most expensive in the agency's history -- and the results are already beginning to be felt.

American Electric Power, one the largest utilities in the United States, announced that it will close five coal plants, costing 600 jobs, and spend between $6 and $8 billion in capital investments over the next decade to comply with the new 946-page EPA rule. Those costs will be passed on to consumers of electricity, who will see prices rise between 10 and 35 percent, according to the company.

Recall that in 2008, candidate Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle about his plans to combat climate change: "So, if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can -- it's just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted."

He added that though the industry would protest that he was "destroying the economy," he wasn't worried because he had the golden tongue.

"If you can't persuade the American people that, yes, there is going to be some increase in electricity rates on the front end, but that over the long term, because of combinations of more efficient energy usage, changing light bulbs and more efficient appliance, but also technology improving how we can produce clean energy, the economy would benefit."


06-15-2011, 04:04 AM
I read about this years ago and I wish I remembered the link, but least to say the story was suppressed as absurd and false. I'm glad its still being brought up that these "green" vehicles are not really green and these enviro-wackos just want control. Most "green" nuts don't care about being good stewards of the Earth, but want control over the masses. Don't eat that, don't drive that, don't watch that, don't shop there, etc.

red states rule
06-15-2011, 04:06 AM
I read about this years ago and I wish I remembered the link, but least to say the story was suppressed as absurd and false. I'm glad its still being brought up that these "green" vehicles are not really green and these enviro-wackos just want control. Most "green" nuts don't care about being good stewards of the Earth, but want control over the masses. Don't eat that, don't drive that, don't watch that, don't shop there, etc.

and when these same enviro wackos get ther light bill and watch the cost soar- they will scream "Damn that Bush"

red states rule
06-15-2011, 04:31 AM

06-16-2011, 08:14 AM
You also must consider how your electric company is obtaining their power.
Oil? Coal? Deisel? Nuclear?


Not to mention all the moving parts STILL require oil.

Even if the electricity is produced by hydraulics, those hydraulic turbines don't turn on water or milk.

On the other hand, the energy produced by one otherwise pointless Obama speech could power this Nation into the next century.

Assuming there's a Nation left by the end of his tenure.

06-16-2011, 08:16 AM
Not coal - at least as long as Obama is President. He wants to put coal plants out of business

So your electric bill will soar

Like the cost of your food and gas is doing right now

Just make sure your tire pressure is correct. It'll offset the difference of using our own natural resources.

Speaking of ... just WHAT are we saving this oil we're not allowed to drill for anyway?

06-16-2011, 08:18 AM
That sums up green energy perfectly sir

The left is telling us someday, somehow, we might have alternate energy sources. They may not be cheaper and in greater supply then what we have now, but we will continue to spend billions of taxpayer money to find something other then oil to fuel our economy

Been telling us that for 35 years.

red states rule
06-16-2011, 05:22 PM
Been telling us that for 35 years.

and they keep on "promising"

I have to laugh when the liberals are distressed people are not buying the Chevy Volt

Why would NOT want a $40,000 electric car that gets a whopping 40 miles per charge?