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View Full Version : Thoughts on the Republican Debate?

06-13-2011, 07:58 PM
What do you guys think about it? I don't care about "Winners or losers".

Just what are your thoughts on how the candidates did.

06-13-2011, 09:07 PM
Don't have TV and couldn't find a live feed to watch it. Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact it was on cnn? Anyway I did read ongoing comments and it sounds like Cain and Bachman walked all over the rest of them.

06-13-2011, 09:10 PM
Honesty, i think the entire group did pretty good depending on the question. Bachmann did have a nice hit on Obama and the debt ceiling. She stumbled a bit too.

Cain was consistantly good. Newt, Paul, and Cain had excellent commentary on the illegal immigration problem. Pawlenty had some great answers as well as Romney. Santorum did well too.

I must say I like how things went. I could be happy with any of them right now.

06-13-2011, 09:23 PM
Would like to have heard them myself, I got the impression the cnn guy doing the moderating was a jerk. Not really surprising there. I spent a half hour searching for a live feed and nobody had one. Everything was referred to a cnn feed and that was dead. So I got to wait for the recaps.

Now I wonder how many more will throw their hats in the ring.

06-13-2011, 09:25 PM
Pawlenty is killing me. Too many talking points for answers and plenty of ducking. The guy is still too damn dry and lifeless.

I love Ron Paul on the economy and his answer to the guy who asked him about federal funding for innovation: It's not the federal gov't's job. Take that bud! Despite that, they guy is completely un-electable.

Bachmann has made some nice points but sounds too much like a cheerleader and I am not buying her as Commander in Chief. Despite that, she did do a good job in introducing herself to the country.

Cain, probably make a good advisor on the economy but he has no knowledge of the dynamics on the global stage and his self-described strong point as a problem solver isn't quite winning me over in this respect.

I'm on the fence with Santorum. No additional comment here.

Romney appeared the most presidential but again, a bit too many talking points. One thing I did like is him standing behind his health care plan by standing on the states rights issue which you'll remember me stating in an older thread that this is what he must do and not back track on it. You're welcome Gov. Romney :) Call me and we can talk more :p

Gingrich did well and had some strong points but he still has some baggage that will come more to the forefront as we move deeper into the campaign and we shall see if his now weakened campaign can stand up to it.

Overall, fairly polite debate amongst the campaigners and I enjoyed it but we all know blood will be spilled as time moves on and things become more negative.