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View Full Version : Hey, how's that hopey changey stimulus doing for the jobs?

06-14-2011, 05:22 PM
C'mon libs, defend Obama's record on jobs and his ability to always try and skewer the numbers about jobs created / jobs saved - and face facts that his stimulus didn't do shit for the jobs!

1.9 Million Fewer Americans Have Jobs Today Than When Obama Signed Stimulus

Twenty-eight months after Congress passed President Obama’s signature economic stimulus law, and nearly one year after he declared the summer of 2010 to be “Recovery Summer,” 1.9 million fewer people are employed.

In February 2009, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that 141.7 million people were employed. By the end of May 2011 – the last month for which data are available – that number had fallen to 139.8 million, a difference of 1.9 million.

While the number of people with jobs has increased slightly from its low point during the recession – 137.9 million in December 2009 – those 1.9 million jobs have been lost despite $800 billion in stimulus spending.


red states rule
06-14-2011, 05:53 PM
Jim, if Virgil or Gabby dare to reply to this thread I know what they will say

1) If Obama did not spend the trillion bucks on the "stimulus" things would be much worse. they can't PROVE that statement - but they will say it anyway

2) Things were so much worse then even Obama thought - thanks to Bush

3) CEO's are racists because they are not hiring on purpose so they can make Obama look bad

4) Voters are expecting way too much from Obama. They are uneducated on how complex the economy works and they are being programmed by conservative talk radio and Fox News

5) The right wing hack who wrote this is not including the millions of "saved" jobs - thanks to the "stimulus"

Anyone want to add anymore to the list of liberal excuses?

06-15-2011, 07:32 AM
Just as I figured, no response yet. Libs run like poisoned mice or cockroaches when asked to defend Obama's dismal jobs record, the economy, libya... But blaming Bush for everything is like turning out the lights and putting down a piece of cheese for those vermin and critters! :laugh2: