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View Full Version : Obama campaign - what a bunch of lying shitheads

06-14-2011, 05:27 PM
Reading stuff like this so damn early in the campaign makes me pissed. One day after the first debate and Obama and his team are already lying and stretching the truth on other matters. Do they really think Americans are this dumb?

Obama Campaign Sends Around Misleading DNC Video on GOP Debate

At last night’s Republican debate, the seven candidates talked about unemployment, taxes, regulations, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s talk of a goal of 5% GDP growth, the individual mandate in the health care bill, the Independent Medicare Advisory Board, welfare reform, the Tea Party, currency policy, the National Labor Relations Board, Boeing, TARP, the auto bailout, Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare proposal, former Gov. Mitt Romney’s health care program in Massachusetts, raising the debt ceiling, raising the retirement age for Social Security, the role of religion in public life, the 10<sup>th</sup> amendment, Libya, Afghanistan, and so on.

But President Obama’s 2012 campaign is sending out a DNC video suggesting the candidates spoke only about sharia law, an anti-gay-marriage amendment, repealing health care, Sarah Palin, and the space program.
“You should watch this,” says campaign manager Jim Messina in the email to supporters, “if you or anyone you know is wondering where the leading GOP candidates want to go, this clip makes it clear. The first big Republican debate last night was like a time machine. They want to go back to the failed policies of the past that caused the economic crisis in the first place. They want to go back and reopen every settled debate that they've lost over the last few years -- on the health care law, on ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’ and on reforming Wall Street's abuses. They even want to turn back the clock and end Medicare as we know it.”

Messina’s general argument that the candidates want to repeal many Obama policies – health care, Wall Street regulations, and so on – is correct.
But the video, which Messina calls a “highlight reel” and the DNC titled “What in the world are they talking about?” selectively uses clips from the 2-hour forum suggesting that the candidates were focused on idiotic issues, or battles from the past, when all of the topics the video hammers the Republicans for talking about were ones they were asked about at the forum.


red states rule
06-14-2011, 06:00 PM
Obama is a desperate man these days Jim

Hell you can't expect him to run on his record do you? Obama can't even sell out his fundraisers and I do not see anyone fainting anymore when he is on the campaign trail

I wonder how the libs will spin the fact people will not pay $44 to see this clod speak

Obama fundraiser underwhelms

MIAMI, Fla. -- A low-dollar fundraiser here Monday felt like a throwback to the 2008 campaign.

There was the same old soundtrack – including “City of Blinding Lights” by U2, the president’s 2008 anthem -- the enthusiastic organizers and the abundant appeals for supporters to rally behind President Obama.

The one missing element? Overflowing crowds.

Granted, it was a fundraiser, not a free rally. But the empty seats were hard to miss.

The top level of the 2,200-seat concert hall at the Adrienne Arsht Center for Performing Arts was entirely empty, as were the seats along the side of the second and third levels.

"The expectation was 900," a Democratic official said, and more than 980 tickets were sold.

Tickets for the Gen 44 event started at $44, the official said.


06-14-2011, 06:20 PM
President Obama’s 2012 campaign is sending out a DNC video suggesting the candidates spoke only about sharia law, an anti-gay-marriage amendment, repealing health care, Sarah Palin, and the space program.
“You should watch this,” says campaign manager Jim Messina in the email to supporters, “if you or anyone you know is wondering where the leading GOP candidates want to go, this clip makes it clear. The first big Republican debate last night was like a time machine. They want to go back to the failed policies of the past that caused the economic crisis in the first place. They want to go back and reopen every settled debate that they've lost over the last few years -- on the health care law, on ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’ and on reforming Wall Street's abuses. They even want to turn back the clock and end Medicare as we know it.”

They would have said this no matter what the candidates said in the debate. It's what they have been saying for years.

Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if they had made this video days or weeks before the debate took place. Why make a new tape if your message hasn't changed in years... despite changes in the world around you?

06-14-2011, 06:39 PM
If you want to talk about lying shitheads, let's talk about lying shitheads.


red states rule
06-14-2011, 06:41 PM
If you want to talk about lying shitheads, let's talk about lying shitheads.


Once again, like clockwork, Gabby tries to change the subject to Pres Bush

Gabby if a cop pulls you over for speeding do you try to blame Bush for it?

You are a one trick pony when it comes to Obama's failures

red states rule
06-14-2011, 06:49 PM
Gabby has chimed in and did what she could to defend Obama. I admit itr was her usual Blame Bush crap, but she at least showed up and waved her Obama pom poms

I wonder what Virgil will sprew as defense attorney for the Chosen One

But then again, does anyone care what Vigil will say?

06-14-2011, 06:53 PM
Gabby has chimed in and did what she could to defend Obama. I admit itr was her usual Blame Bush crap, but she at least showed up and waved her Obama pom poms

I wonder what Virgil will sprew as defense attorney for the Chosen One

But then again, does anyone care what Vigil will say?

I don't. I keep them both on ignore so I only see what others quote from them. Even that's usually more than I want to see.

06-14-2011, 07:11 PM
Poor Gabby and her Bush Derangement Syndrome. Can't face facts on anything so she just plays the Bush card. Must suck to have to live years and years in the past out of embarrassment for the party you support. :laugh:

06-14-2011, 11:27 PM
Poor Gabby and her Bush Derangement Syndrome. Can't face facts on anything so she just plays the Bush card. Must suck to have to live years and years in the past out of embarrassment for the party you support.

Once again, like clockwork, Gabby tries to change the subject to Pres Bush

Funny you two mention mention this, since ConReps did exactly the same thing for eight years while Dubya was in office. Any mistake made was related to Clinton, from 9-11 on down. I am guessing the GOPs blamed Clinton for leaving the bad pretzels in the White House when he left.
Such blatant hypocrisy is almost embarrassing for you guys.

red states rule
06-15-2011, 02:10 AM
Funny you two mention mention this, since ConReps did exactly the same thing for eight years while Dubya was in office. Any mistake made was related to Clinton, from 9-11 on down. I am guessing the GOPs blamed Clinton for leaving the bad pretzels in the White House when he left.
Such blatant hypocrisy is almost embarrassing for you guys.

This might help you out Gabby, and reduse the humilation you are experiencing rught now for voting for Obama

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/201pgTaEseQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

06-15-2011, 02:21 AM
I just went through this exercise, I would hope Gabby tries it. Google:

bush blames clinton

then do:

obama blames bush

Not even close, and that is ignoring the MSM helping Obama.

red states rule
06-15-2011, 02:32 AM
I just went through this exercise, I would hope Gabby tries it. Google:

bush blames clinton

then do:

obama blames bush

Not even close, and that is ignoring the MSM helping Obama.

I do not recall Ronald Reagan ever trying to blame Carter for what he inherited.

He simply acted like a leader and delt with the hand that he was delt

That is a far cry from what we have now. All Obama does is cry

red states rule
06-15-2011, 03:56 AM
Obama told NBC he has been thinking one term as President may be enough for him

Hell, his policies and their results will make that happen

WASHINGTON (The Blaze/AP) — President Barack Obama says his wife and daughters aren’t “invested” in him being president and would have been fine had he decided against running for re-election. But he says they believe in what he’s doing for the country.

Asked about his family’s reaction to his wanting another term, Obama said: “Michelle and the kids are wonderful in that if I said, `You know, guys, I want to do something different,‘ They’d be fine. They’re not invested in daddy being president or my husband being president.”

He also said “there are days where I say that one term is enough:”


06-15-2011, 07:27 AM
Funny you two mention mention this, since ConReps did exactly the same thing for eight years while Dubya was in office. Any mistake made was related to Clinton, from 9-11 on down. I am guessing the GOPs blamed Clinton for leaving the bad pretzels in the White House when he left.
Such blatant hypocrisy is almost embarrassing for you guys.

Tsk Tsk again. The only thing I ever condemn Clinton for is the Sudan crap and letting Bin Laden go. Other than that, I've always stated that I thought it was hilarious that he got the 'ol BJ and that I thought him and I would have a few laughs if we had a drink together. So don't toss your inability to let things go about Bush on me when you have no clue as to what you speak of.