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View Full Version : How desperate has the liberal media become?

06-16-2011, 12:10 PM
One of the biggest "stories" they've pushed recently (aside from some congressman sending naughty pictures to female acquaintances), is that they have finally gotten a bunch of emails from Sarah Palin's files.

But what was in the emails, wasn't even what made headlines.

They didn't find anything particularly important or controversial in them.


There was nothing in them that they could bash her for. And that was what they considered to be the most important thing!

You can't make this stuff up, folks. Because in a sane world, no one would believe the media would react that way to such a non-story.




Palin e-mails show routine work, running feuds

June 11, 2011
by Matt Smith, CNN

Thousands of pages of e-mail from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's administration range from the mundane details of governing to efforts to crack down on state news leaks and push back against critics.

Scattered among the 24,000 pages, released by state officials in Juneau on Friday, are glimpses of Palin periodically butting heads with top Alaskan political figures as she pushed to get landmark oil and gas legislation through the statehouse; demanding that Exxon finish paying damages for the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill; even dealing with complaints about high school football rivalries by offering to bake brownies.

06-16-2011, 12:13 PM
Like opening Al Capones secret vault. A whole lot of hullaballo over nothing.