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View Full Version : The trend in modern liberalism

06-17-2011, 03:36 PM
The author hits the nail on the head, better than anyone I've seen.

We could be seeing a paradigm shift in the way people view their social compact with government. More and more people believe that government exists not just to perform essential services as delimited in the Constitution, but as a grand equalizer of economic outcomes.

It's one thing to argue that those who earn more should pay a higher percentage of their earnings in income tax. But it's a completely different idea to suggest that the government should use the tax code and other legislative schemes not just to ensure sufficient revenues to operate the government, but to more equitably distribute people's remaining income – or, possibly, assets.

This is not just a matter of semantics. In this new paradigm, some contend that irrespective of the government's operating needs, it has a moral right – and a duty – to proactively intervene to redistribute income.


The current trend for government to go beyond its fundamental purpose (protecting our rights), is probably the single most dangerous and destructive tendencies it has. The U.S. Constitution was written for the purpose of preventing our government from doing exactly that - it was put down on paper for the purpose of LIMITING the Federal government to only certain functions.

Kudoes to the author for describing this point so succinctly.