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06-20-2011, 12:12 PM
Looking to break into major scandal for the administration. I posted about it here:


But now major media have picked up:


JUNE 20, 2011

A Drug-War Plan Goes Awry
Frustrated ATF agents testify that their bureau's 'Operation Fast and Furious' let weapons get into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.


One of the frightening things about the U.S. government's war on drugs is that it is being waged by federal bureaucracies. The legend of Elliot Ness notwithstanding, this implies that it is not only fraught with ineptitude but that before it is all over, there are going to be a lot of avoidable deaths.

Witness "Operation Fast and Furious," a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms plan that allegedly facilitated the flow of high-powered weapons into Mexico in the hope that it might lead to the take-down of a major cartel. It did not. But it may have fueled a spike in the murder rate and led to the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry...

...One agent described his frustration: "Every day being out here watching a guy go into the same gun store buying another 15 or 20 AK-47s or variants or . . . five or tenDraco pistols or FN Five-seveNs . . . guys that don't have a job, and he is walking in here spending $27,000 for three Barrett .50 calibers . . . and you are sitting there every day and you can't do anything." Agents say that their concerns, expressed to supervisors, were rebuffed. There was even a threat of dismissal if they didn't get with the program.

At the same time, violence was spiking in Mexico. In an email dated April 2, 2010, the group's supervisor reported that in the month of March "our subjects" had purchased 359 firearms and that 958 people were killed in Mexico in drug violence. It was the bloodiest month since 2005 and included 11 policemen in the state of Sinaloa. As another agent interviewed for the staff report said: "We were all sick to death when we realized . . . what was going on or when we saw what was going on by the trends. We were all just, yes, we were all distraught."

Well, not all. The agents interviewed say supervisors viewed the bloodshed with chilling indifference—or worse. As the report summarizes, "An increase of crimes and deaths in Mexico caused an increase in the recovery of weapons at crime scenes. When these weapons traced back through the Suspect Gun Database to weapons that were walked under Fast and Furious, supervisors in Phoenix were giddy at the success of their operation."


06-20-2011, 05:42 PM
I think some heads need to roll on this one. This is the first thing Ive seen that could be considered an impeachable offense. (No point to impeachment in this political environment though).

The fact is if the Administration has been shipping weapons to drug lords, they are responsible, in part, as accessories to any murders committed by these drug lords.

i hope whomever is running against Obama makes some ads concerning this.

06-20-2011, 10:29 PM
This is the first thing Ive seen that could be considered an impeachable offense.

How so? This may be an example of the blithering incompetence that we've all come to know and expect but not exactly a high crime or misdemeanor.

06-20-2011, 10:53 PM
How so? This may be an example of the blithering incompetence that we've all come to know and expect but not exactly a high crime or misdemeanor.

And FJ we Are Back to old debate, Incompetence vs Planned criminality.
I'd vote for Both here but Bet the planned part was higher up the food chain.
the war on drugs is beyond a joke its a crime.

there are people in the FBI, DIA and ATF even parts of the U.S. military -COUGHGARYNORTHCOUGH- that work with the Cartels. It's just a fact, and things like this are sometimes cover for getting drugs or guns into the dealers/cartels hands.

06-21-2011, 07:40 AM
And FJ we Are Back to old debate, Incompetence vs Planned criminality.
I'd vote for Both here but Bet the planned part was higher up the food chain.

Voting should take care of the former and legalities (impeachment if you're the POTUS or such) the latter.

You can have the rest of your post. :laugh:

06-21-2011, 06:12 PM
The corruption might go all the way to Obama , but the people below him in command positions where there before he got there.

as for the second half of my post

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/kdL8EG-wmS0?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/kdL8EG-wmS0?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/gG1Id2qpSOE?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/gG1Id2qpSOE?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/N9EtYNt2i2U?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/N9EtYNt2i2U?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/oszATUJ4IRE?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/oszATUJ4IRE?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

07-06-2011, 12:29 PM
Seems this is getting steadier legs. I'm going to start a new thread, too many irrelevant videos and such now on this one.

07-06-2011, 01:43 PM
Well since your going to post elses where I'll post abit more on the bigger picture about your story of Guns Drugs and the US gov't complicity.

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/5qxofE3k_T0?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/5qxofE3k_T0?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tIEUhpxeuP4?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tIEUhpxeuP4?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

07-06-2011, 02:19 PM
Link to a clip from the film the "lord of war"

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fstPhA45I_s?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fstPhA45I_s?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

07-06-2011, 05:17 PM
The people involved in the "war on drugs" have a steady paycheck, are given a great amount of power, and I mean the physical type along with the political type, and those involved in the "boots on the ground" part, are infused with an adrenalin rush on a regular basis and get paid for it. Its something they are not going to let go of easily and will do anything and everything they can to keep the public believing the bullcrap notion that making drugs legal will be bad for our country.

Even if there was to be a slight rise in users, it would more than easily be offset by other gains of making it legal. The gains are huge, and we arent even sure if the numbers will rise, or rise significantly, as to the numbers of users.

And comparing it to booze, its a completely different animal. Booze is always made by man, drugs are often grown, hence booze can be homemade as easily as it can be in other countries, but growing poppies, and pot, etc. in the US is not nearly as easy as growing it say, in afghanastan or columbia.

Also, the use of booze was widespread for as long as man existed before it was made illegal. Drugs widespread usage didnt occur until after they were made illegal.

Lastly, people are more likely to die from drug usage, although making it legal probably wont increase those numbers, but they use it as an emotional ploy to keep voters afraid of the idea of legalizing drugs.

Looking to break into major scandal for the administration. I posted about it here:


But now major media have picked up:


07-06-2011, 05:36 PM
why am i not surprised at those that aren't understanding what the heck is going on here?

I felt the same in 1973, when so many didn't understand what the WaPo was publishing. Folks, there is a problem.

07-06-2011, 06:21 PM
Sorry Kath It's just to me as Gaffer (I think) said in the other thread about this. i don't think this is going to go anywhere.
I think there are other issues that have been as big or bigger that haven't changed a thing. the Iran Contra hearing ,
the Drug side,
showed that there was drugs for arms deals going on with IRAN no less. but many of the players went right on with there carrers.
Many are still darlings of the right. ANd the Left never pursued it further. That in contrast to the idea of the left supposed unending hatred of the right.
Nope, the power elite D&R might throw a few players to the dogs but the game goes on.

I don't see this has hurting much of anyone, just another small surface bubble of the cancer of the U.S. gov't complicity in the drug and illegal arms trade.

may sound outrageous to you but I challenge to read a bit on the subject before you dismiss the idea.

07-06-2011, 06:51 PM
Ironically enough, you made another thread where it is titled, "some things need to be MADE IN THE USA. Arms is one of our largest export, made in the USA.

Looking to break into major scandal for the administration. I posted about it here:


But now major media have picked up:


07-06-2011, 07:09 PM
Nothing ironic with either post.

07-06-2011, 10:11 PM
Nothing ironic with either post.

Mind you, Im not saying that because the arms are made in the USA, and it helps our economy, that that is any reason to support what happened.

07-06-2011, 10:34 PM
How so? This may be an example of the blithering incompetence that we've all come to know and expect but not exactly a high crime or misdemeanor.

Would Racketeering qualify as a high crime? I could make a case...

07-06-2011, 11:58 PM
Would Racketeering qualify as a high crime? I could make a case...

I would think so. But...

Racketeering is the act of operating an illegal business or scheme in order to make a profit, perpetrated by a structured group.

... wouldn't that involve impeaching most of the Federal government?

07-07-2011, 01:40 AM
I would think so. But...


... wouldn't that involve impeaching most of the Federal government?

Funny, and true.

07-07-2011, 06:46 AM
... wouldn't that involve impeaching most of the Federal government?

And the downside would be?

07-07-2011, 02:45 PM
The “Fast and Furious” ATF in Mexico – and more…
Former DEA and FBI agent now an a professional expert witness,
3 interviews with Narcotics Investigative reporter about the F&F situation.
very interesting.




07-11-2011, 02:17 PM
Frank Terpil (former CIA) sold arms to Kadaffi, Amin, and many other terrorist, with clear knowledge of many in washington and the state dept.
the man that 1st appears in the clip linked here is a green baret that found himself creating terrorist bombs in Lybia and returned home and reported but the investigation went to a certain level but "was blocked" once it got to high.

WORLD Special Report: Confessions of a Dangerous Man Frank Terpil
"After his departure from The Agency for currency trading back and forth between India and Afghanistan while he was stationed in New Delhi he joined Theodore Shakley's 'Company' and helped Thomas Clines manipulate Edwin Wilson who sold arms to Momar Khadaffi."

07-13-2011, 11:39 AM
Frank Terpil (former CIA) sold arms to Kadaffi, Amin, and many other terrorist, with clear knowledge of many in washington and the state dept.
the man that 1st appears in the clip linked here is a green baret that found himself creating terrorist bombs in Lybia and returned home and reported but the investigation went to a certain level but "was blocked" once it got to high.

WORLD Special Report: Confessions of a Dangerous Man Frank Terpil
"After his departure from The Agency for currency trading back and forth between India and Afghanistan while he was stationed in New Delhi he joined Theodore Shakley's 'Company' and helped Thomas Clines manipulate Edwin Wilson who sold arms to Momar Khadaffi."

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7NDokr0X7vw?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7NDokr0X7vw?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

While Qaddafi supposedly had a hit out on Reagan, the CIA was allowing and promoting terrorist training in Libya. ANd Selling Arms to Qaddafi, and other Know terrorist. Around the world.

Fast a furious Arms sales to our "enemies" is not new.

this is one reason why I'm not as concerned about the "terrorist" as i am our own gov't. Part of our gov't plays both sides of the fence and the Mil indust complex gets paid on both ends while soldiers die for $$. Terrorist to often are created boggie men to scare up funds and political action. Libya just recently was back on track to "normal" relations but now it's evil again.

When the gov't says someone is an enemy, at this point we should all make the gov't prove it 1st.

07-14-2011, 09:20 AM
Kinda sounds like the Govt needs stronger gun regulation laws than the citizens of the nation.

red states rule
07-16-2011, 12:37 PM

07-16-2011, 01:19 PM
And FJ we Are Back to old debate, Incompetence vs Planned criminality.
I'd vote for Both here but Bet the planned part was higher up the food chain.

I agree. Why else sneak the funding into the stimulus bill and insist nobody read the bill under any circumstances..

We had to pass it to find out what was in it...


07-16-2011, 01:21 PM



07-16-2011, 10:53 PM
I think some heads need to roll on this one. This is the first thing Ive seen that could be considered an impeachable offense. (No point to impeachment in this political environment though).

The fact is if the Administration has been shipping weapons to drug lords, they are responsible, in part, as accessories to any murders committed by these drug lords.

i hope whomever is running against Obama makes some ads concerning this.

Theres no "IF" about it. You know in your heart of hearts that bammy's wrecking crew ( operating on his orders ) is behind this current fiasco, as sure as O.J. butchered his wife, and GOD made little green apples. Although the motive is much simpler than international politics would lead you to believe, for the simple truth is bammy is on a crusade to eliminate all private ownership of firearms.
While being a backstreet hustler from Chicago's totally corrupt political structure, his thinking is based on cleverness not true intellectual ability. Ostensibly thinking it would be an easy scenario in setting the stage, in so much as giving the Second Amendment a black eye by linking deportation of firearms ( opening the door for stricter control/confiscation ) to drug cartels. While as usual throughout his tumultuous term, his problem is simply that he is no longer in Chicago, and the American people by and large are not itinerant ghetto dwellers.
I do agree with both of your other contentions as to it being an impeachable offense, and as the tenure of "white guilt" hasn't run it's course yet, will resultingly go nowhere. While it would make a good campaign issue, as it not only resonates with the grassroots voters, but would be very difficult for the administration to defend against the volatile charges.
While lets not forget the real problem with all of the above is the drive-by media. Earnestly carrying bammy's water through one inept/insidious act after another ( BTW the Constitution is now officially obsolete ). They are very very powerful, and will probably be the deciding force in the 2012 elections.

07-17-2011, 08:26 AM
I'm wondering why this thread hasn't ended up in conspiracy theories.

One of us spends too much time on youtube listening to quacks.

07-17-2011, 10:41 AM
Maybe because it's documented as true by court records. DEA officers, Police and Military people have testified under oath about it, and spoken and written about it. Major newspapers and TV outlets have covered it and Congress has had multiple Hearings exposing the fact about some CIA and other US officials have been/are involved in the illegal drugs and arms trade.

After a while it becomes hard to deny. Unless your just don't want to see to the reality of the situation.

Past time to take the Red Pill Gunny.

07-17-2011, 03:45 PM
Maybe because it's documented as true by court records. DEA officers, Police and Military people have testified under oath about it, and spoken and written about it. Major newspapers and TV outlets have covered it and Congress has had multiple Hearings exposing the fact about some CIA and other US officials have been/are involved in the illegal drugs and arms trade.

After a while it becomes hard to deny. Unless your just don't want to see to the reality of the situation.

Past time to take the Red Pill Gunny.

I've finally figured out what the major difference between us is revelarts. You, on some level whether consciously or not, seem to be of an opinion that the clueless can be made to understand. While I have given up on them, "Lo so many years hence".
Finding, the hard way, that the simple truth is that if they were capable of understanding, they would have understood long before "we" came on site.
Since ignorance breeds confusion, then confusion breeds doubt, then doubt breeds inconfidence, then inconfidence ultimately leads to fear. It then becomes impossible to "educate" them, as their premised paranoia will ward off any facts that would lead to invoking their fathomless fears.
The bottom line is simple, as there are those with the courage to "see" beyond their confort zone, and make the difficult choices. Then there are those who "jump" to conclusions based on their fears, then frantically scurry about to justify them. Usually by flagrently demogoging anyone who would dare present them with truths they basicly can't handle. Starting with the old standby of disdaining the offering as, "just another conspiracy theory".

07-17-2011, 05:56 PM
I've finally figured out...
Since ignorance breeds confusion, then confusion breeds doubt, then doubt breeds inconfidence, then inconfidence .....
The bottom line is simple, as there are those with the

I think you should figure out the English language before criticizing others. Inconfidence IS NOT A WORD, and since your entire post revolves around it, your entire post is inconfident.....

07-17-2011, 08:12 PM
I think you should figure out the English language before criticizing others. Inconfidence IS NOT A WORD, and since your entire post revolves around it, your entire post is inconfident.....

Talk about figuring out, you're too damn dumb to know that you've been baited, and as usual ran true to form. You remind me of a box full of toys I had as a child. Anytime I choose to "Play" with them, all I had to do was "rattle the box" and one would drop out ..............for MY pleasure.
BTW, how's that "foreboding" instrument under your pillow work'en out for ya?

07-17-2011, 09:02 PM
Talk about figuring out, you're too damn dumb to know that you've been baited, and as usual ran true to form. You remind me of a box full of toys I had as a child. Anytime I choose to "Play" with them, all I had to do was "rattle the box" and one would drop out ..............for MY pleasure.
BTW, how's that "foreboding" instrument under your pillow work'en out for ya?

So sorry you are confused, it wasn't a box of toys you were rattling, it was your head, and some of your brains is what would fall out, til there was none.

07-18-2011, 09:30 AM

:eek: A book!!! :eek:

07-18-2011, 02:45 PM
So sorry you are confused, it wasn't a box of toys you were rattling, it was your head, and some of your brains is what would fall out, til there was none.

Now that you are on the verge of becoming the living (sometimes doubtful) icon of the definition of "Insanity", how do you feel about that honor about to be bestowed upon you.
While entering a fray with little to no ammunition ( grossly defenseless ) once or twice is grounds enough for pyschiatric incarceration, you appear to be hell bent on solidifying yourself in the "Shame Hall of Fame". While all the while doing a poor immitation of a Parrot, in repeating yourself about the inadequecies of my grammar. As if spelling is the end all, and be all ( a favorite tool of pseudo academics ) of the cognitive thought process. Therefore eagerly trying to discredit my contentions on a given subject ( I'm still waiting ).
Bad News Bears it ain't fly'en, unless you include the motly crew of wannabees whom you are aligned with on this forum ( The Lobotomy for Lunch Bunch ).
So let me know if you ever intend to make an effort to become aligned with the Real World, where real people share indepth opinions on real issues. While refraining from attempting to take cheap shots to win debates on issues that they really know nothing about. People who know the difference between legitimate reasonable conjecture, and pie in the sky "Conspiracy Theories".

07-18-2011, 02:56 PM
Now that you are on the verge of becoming the living (sometimes doubtful) icon of the definition of "Insanity", how do you feel about that honor about to be bestowed upon you.
While entering a fray with little to no ammunition ( grossly defenseless ) once or twice is grounds enough for pyschiatric incarceration, you appear to be hell bent on solidifying yourself in the "Shame Hall of Fame". While all the while doing a poor imitation of a Parrot, in repeating yourself about the inadequecies of my grammar. As if spelling is the end all, and be all ( a favorite tool of pseudo academics ) of the cognitive thought process. Therefore eagerly trying to discredit my contentions on a given subject ( I'm still waiting ).
Bad News Bears it ain't fly'en, unless you include the motly crew of wannabees whom you are aligned with on this forum ( The Lobotomy for Lunch Bunch ).
So let me know if you ever intend to make an effort to become aligned with the Real World, where real people share indepth opinions on real issues. While refraining from attempting to take cheap shots to win debates on issues that they really know nothing about. People who know the difference between legitimate reasonable conjecture, and pie in the sky "Conspiracy Theories".

'cognitive thought process' :laugh2:

07-18-2011, 03:24 PM
'cognitive thought process' :laugh2:

Well Well look what the Ill wind blew in. A charter member of the Lobotomy for Lunch Bunch. How's that teaching career coming along for you? As you no doubt know the Teachers unions have been losing ground at an astounding rate, and looking at the big picture it is only going to get worse for all of you drones ( eventually tenure will be a thing of the past ).
Christie in New Jersey started the ball rolling by showing the rest of the Country that it can be done, and being the long overdue "unfinished business" that it is. Is now losing court battles in every state the union "Thugs" are dumb enough to challenge the legality of States Rights for the "Greater Good".
The Proverbial party is OVER, and soon you'll have to begin a new era of actually working on the job. As decidedly "Merit" will play the overriding factor in whether you retain benefits, get raises, or even have a job for that matter.
PS: Don't forget to support Bammy again, after all he "loves" unions.

07-18-2011, 03:26 PM
CREATIVE WRITING 101: Lesson A) Make stuff up
..................................Lesson B) Dont make up words, nobody will know what the fuck you are talking about.

Course even with you using multi syllabic made up non words to impress yourself, and ATTEMPT to impress others, EVEN IF we removed those, nobody would know what the fuck you are talking about anyways.

Now that you are on the verge of becoming the living (sometimes doubtful) icon of the definition of "Insanity", how do you feel about that honor about to be bestowed upon you.
While entering a fray with little to no ammunition ( grossly defenseless ) once or twice is grounds enough for pyschiatric incarceration, you appear to be hell bent on solidifying yourself in the "Shame Hall of Fame". While all the while doing a poor immitation of a Parrot, in repeating yourself about the inadequecies of my grammar. As if spelling is the end all, and be all ( a favorite tool of pseudo academics ) of the cognitive thought process. Therefore eagerly trying to discredit my contentions on a given subject ( I'm still waiting ).
Bad News Bears it ain't fly'en, unless you include the motly crew of wannabees whom you are aligned with on this forum ( The Lobotomy for Lunch Bunch ).
So let me know if you ever intend to make an effort to become aligned with the Real World, where real people share indepth opinions on real issues. While refraining from attempting to take cheap shots to win debates on issues that they really know nothing about. People who know the difference between legitimate reasonable conjecture, and pie in the sky "Conspiracy Theories".

Dribbling a bunch of words out of your oozing puss filled face (hey, can I squeeze some of those, I know, I know, you are about out of mayonaisse and you do have to have some sticky white substance when pretending to have an orgasm with those prostitutes), and slobbering mouth, does not mean you made any kind of a "CONTENTION".

I CANNOT rebut that which doesnt exist.
Use a dictionary
Lay off the orange sunshine and valium

07-18-2011, 03:52 PM
In order for something to be funny, it has to make someone else besides yourself laugh.

Well Well look what the Ill wind blew in. A charter member of the Lobotomy for Lunch Bunch. How's that teaching career coming along for you? As you no doubt know the Teachers unions have been losing ground at an astounding rate, and looking at the big picture it is only going to get worse for all of you drones ( eventually tenure will be a thing of the past ).
Christie in New Jersey started the ball rolling by showing the rest of the Country that it can be done, and being the long overdue "unfinished business" that it is. Is now losing court battles in every state the union "Thugs" are dumb enough to challenge the legality of States Rights for the "Greater Good".
The Proverbial party is OVER, and soon you'll have to begin a new era of actually working on the job. As decidedly "Merit" will play the overriding factor in whether you retain benefits, get raises, or even have a job for that matter.
PS: Don't forget to support Bammy again, after all he "loves" unions.

07-18-2011, 09:31 PM
In order for something to be funny, it has to make someone else besides yourself laugh.

Boy did I ever get to you. Not one but two rebuttals, totaling a "0" sum as usual. Just for starters how can pre-pubescents find anything funny among adult humor?
While all through your sophmoric rant, not one mention about the issue that I know is going up your F** A** sideways, being proof positive that I struck a nerve. While being unable to avoid the truth of your tenuous future as a union drone is gradually coming to an end. ( PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF I SHOULD GET YOU AND THE OTHER FEMALE IMPERSONATOR CONFUSED, YOU KNOW.....BIRDS OF A FEATHER ) But you don't have to worry, as all your comrades on the forum will come to your aid with care packages.
Just out of curiosity, seeing as how you have much more experience in this area than I. Exactly what do you do with "Mayonaise" when servicing a "client"?
BTW now I am sure as to why your son is "self taught".................he didn't have any choice.

07-19-2011, 11:14 AM
Boy did I ever get to you.

hahahha, HAHAHHA, BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA:laugh::laugh::laugh:

While being unable to avoid the truth of your tenuous future as a union drone is
Me, union? bwahahahahahahahha

Just out of curiosity, seeing as how you have much more experience in this area than I. Exactly what do you do with "Mayonaise" when servicing a "client"? D

Well,do you want your memory refreshed in text, or I could send you a copy of the DVD recording I made as I shot my wad into your smiling mouth.

BTW now I am sure as to why your son is "self taught".................he didn't have any choice.

Oh my, you attacked my son, oh my gosh, what am I to do ????
No, no, no pleaaaaaaaaaaaase, I can't bear the pain........,
Oh, actually the quote you are referring to is about my daughter, your idiocy knows no bounds. Try getting something right, at least once, pleaaaaaase.

CLUE, you should find out where a person really is vulnerable if you want to piss them off by insulting them. You might as well have said my horse ran last in the race,,,since I dont own a horse, I merely yawn...

I do have a post that you can read that tells you all about me, maybe if you study it enough, you MIGHT come up with something mildly insulting.

.......................Oh, this is soooo much fun...:lol::lol::lol:

Es solamente un grano en mi asno, cada vez yo tomo un tiradero, es cubierto en la mierda.

07-19-2011, 05:06 PM
hahahha, HAHAHHA, BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Me, union? bwahahahahahahahha


Well,do you want your memory refreshed in text, or I could send you a copy of the DVD recording I made as I shot my wad into your smiling mouth.

Oh my, you attacked my son, oh my gosh, what am I to do ????
No, no, no pleaaaaaaaaaaaase, I can't bear the pain........,
Oh, actually the quote you are referring to is about my daughter, your idiocy knows no bounds. Try getting something right, at least once, pleaaaaaase.

CLUE, you should find out where a person really is vulnerable if you want to piss them off by insulting them. You might as well have said my horse ran last in the race,,,since I dont own a horse, I merely yawn...

I do have a post that you can read that tells you all about me, maybe if you study it enough, you MIGHT come up with something mildly insulting.

.......................Oh, this is soooo much fun...:lol::lol::lol:

Es solamente un grano en mi asno, cada vez yo tomo un tiradero, es cubierto en la mierda.

I've never seen anyone try so hard and fail so miserably at trying to prove that they were not annoyed. As your attempts at rebuttal ( I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one ) are below the standards of sophmoric, while reaching the depths of pathetic.
But I must admit that I really didn't know you were such a LADY ( "as I shot my wad into your smiling mouth" ). While the language is even more pristine, ostensibly rivaling a "Drill Instructor", in throwing the "F" word around to vent your state of frustration over losing another battle of wits.
This is all becoming much too easy to keep me interested for much longer. Why don't you encourage the pair of "punks" who have been supporting you from under your skirt ( what the hell is going on under there anyway ), to grow some cujonies. Then they can crawl out from under your overworked diaphram, and possibly add something new to this one sided carnage?
PS: They have already began to sell Halloween paraphernalia. I came across a rubber "Brain", and immediately thought of you. No doubt it has it's limitations, but has to be better than whatever you're using up to this point. You don'y have to thank me, it's just the kinda' guy that I am!
BTW My apologies to your daughter, shes already working an uphill battle in life carrying the genes I've seen you exhibit.

07-19-2011, 11:28 PM
BTW My apologies to your daughter, shes already working an uphill battle in life carrying the genes I've seen you exhibit.

The ONLY warning you are going to be given on this issue. Read the rules, there are few. ONE is 'no family' is to be brought up to make your points. The first I let go, this one is your one and ONLY warning.

07-20-2011, 07:51 AM
I've finally figured out what the major difference between us is revelarts. You, on some level whether consciously or not, seem to be of an opinion that the clueless can be made to understand. While I have given up on them, "Lo so many years hence".
Finding, the hard way, that the simple truth is that if they were capable of understanding, they would have understood long before "we" came on site.
Since ignorance breeds confusion, then confusion breeds doubt, then doubt breeds inconfidence, then inconfidence ultimately leads to fear. It then becomes impossible to "educate" them, as their premised paranoia will ward off any facts that would lead to invoking their fathomless fears.
The bottom line is simple, as there are those with the courage to "see" beyond their confort zone, and make the difficult choices. Then there are those who "jump" to conclusions based on their fears, then frantically scurry about to justify them. Usually by flagrently demogoging anyone who would dare present them with truths they basicly can't handle. Starting with the old standby of disdaining the offering as, "just another conspiracy theory".

You forgot to mention those wannabe intellectuals who are so paranoid they see shit that isn't there, or the other Einsteins commenting on a response by the aforementioned that does nothing but assume someone else's opinion.

07-20-2011, 02:57 PM
You forgot to mention those wannabe intellectuals who are so paranoid they see shit that isn't there, or the other Einsteins commenting on a response by the aforementioned that does nothing but assume someone else's opinion.

I must admit gUNNY that I am impressed with your honesty. In so much as blatantly admitting as to exactly what your "role" has been on this forum. In otensibly "supporting" the Kamikazee Pilots ( the heirarchy of the lobotomy for Lunch Bunch ) that where inadvertently carrying the badge of ignorance for the completely clueless, ( You know who you are ) so far down the food chain they can't even form a viable opinion.
While unfortunately for you, me, and everyone else on board, "I DO see the SHIT that IS there". Let me tell you gUNNY it ain't pretty, it ain't pretty at all!
PS: As a Marine, didn't they train you to never go into a battle of wits unarmed?

07-20-2011, 03:08 PM
The ONLY warning you are going to be given on this issue. Read the rules, there are few. ONE is 'no family' is to be brought up to make your points. The first I let go, this one is your one and ONLY warning.

Thank you Kathianne, I have never been threatened by a School Teacher before, and now my life is complete. But come to think of it I honestly don't believe that anyone else has either.
I wonder if it has anything to do with GUTLESS, SPINELESS, STUPID, IGNORANT, DRONES basicly being unable to muster enough courage to show any level of assertiveness, while taking into account the dangers of retribution upon their person.
NNNNNNAAAAAAA that can't be it. I'll get back to you when I reach a viable conclusion.
BTW hows that union worken' out for ya'?

07-20-2011, 03:16 PM
Thank you Kathianne, I have never been threatened by a School Teacher before, and now my life is complete. But come to think of it I honestly don't believe that anyone else has either.
I wonder if it has anything to do with GUTLESS, SPINELESS, STUPID, IGNORANT, DRONES basicly being unable to muster enough courage to show any level of assertiveness, while taking into account the dangers of retribution upon their person.
NNNNNNAAAAAAA that can't be it. I'll get back to you when I reach a viable conclusion.
BTW hows that union worken' out for ya'?

Now here's the deal you seem unable to comprehend. You may flame away all you like as me as a poster, but not as a staff person. Guess you didn't read the rules?

Board Policy and Decisions - Any questions, concerns or complaints about board policy or decisions should be handled via the private message system. You may contact any staff member directly and voice your concerns. Airing "dirty laundry" is not good for the forum, or any forum for that fact. We don't have a forum called "complaints", which means it shouldn't be aired publicly. I'm very lenient when it comes to the rules and implementing them. I bend a lot based on member feedback and set the rules accordingly. My stance on this issue is very firm though, and it will be dealt with each and every time. We have the PM system and reporting system for these instances. Take the time to voice your complaints or concerns privately and we will be happy to discuss with you. Post it on the forums and receive a 24hr ban.

Board Discipline - From time to time it is necessary to remove people from participation on the forums. Most of the time this is just temporary. Consider it a "time out" period where the member can cool off and hopefully return in a better frame of mind. These will be issued when a member receives a warning about their actions, and continues to act inappropriately as per the rules. Permanent bans are very rare, and reserved for those joining just to spam the forums, or if a member goes off the deep end and only returns here to start trouble. Again, these decisions will not be discussed on the forums, not by the banned member and not by other members.

Thread banned.

07-20-2011, 03:50 PM
Now here's the deal you seem unable to comprehend. You may flame away all you like as me as a poster, but not as a staff person. Guess you didn't read the rules?

Thread banned.

48hr ban.

07-20-2011, 03:54 PM
48hr ban.

Woah! Got new face here on response page! I likee.

D, you are going to make folks think I'm turning into a softee. :laugh2:

07-20-2011, 06:39 PM
I am actually curiouis what that guy looks like in person. I mean, what a pathetic wanna be. He really thinks he is clever and funny and witty, but in reality, his butchering of the english language is not poetry at all.

07-20-2011, 07:12 PM
D, you are going to make folks think I'm turning into a softee. :laugh2:

You aren't.
You started that way. :beer:

08-19-2011, 06:28 AM