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View Full Version : Humans against Strangulation of Gaza

06-21-2011, 09:08 PM
People often ask me why I am part of a team to organize a U.S. Boat to Gaza that will be sailing this month with the next International Flotilla to break the siege of Gaza. They often make clear they are asking because I am an American Jew, whose family survived the Holocaust with some surviving family members ending up in Israel. And my only answer is: How could I not?
My parents raised me with stories about what happened in Germany and their family’s escape. I came to see that Israel represented for them a safe haven should there be another attempt at annihilating Jews. And yet, at the same time, they worried it was not so safe a haven given the animosity and physical threats and violence in the area.
But no one ever mentioned the displacement of 750,000 Arabs that was the result of the creation of Israel. I vaguely knew there were people living there, but I was never curious about who these “others” were. All I took away from my family’s history and the atrocities endured was that this should never happen again to anyone, anywhere.
Growing up in the ‘60s, I became active in opposition to the war in Vietnam, the anti-apartheid struggle and the women’s rights movement and later became involved in opposing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. As a social worker, I was focused on social justice issues but never questioned the relationship between the U.S. and Israel and their policies regarding Palestinians.
Then came the war on Gaza and a real political awakening for me. Operation Cast Lead and the Goldstone Report were the catalysts. In November 2008, the ceasefire ended: Israeli soldiers broke it in a cross-border raid killing six members of Hamas and, in response, rockets were launched into Israel. Israel, fortified with American weaponry, attacked the people of Gaza. Approximately 1,400 Palestinians, mostly civilians, were killed compared to 13 Israelishttp://dissidentvoice.org/2011/06/humans-against-strangulation-of-gaza/

06-21-2011, 09:08 PM
Right after the invasion in Gaza I realized I could no longer remain silent. I became one of the organizers of a group called Jews Say No! in New York City. We wanted to speak out and to make clear that the Israeli government did not speak in our name as they claimed. I began reading about the occupation, settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the building of the separation wall, Jewish-only streets for Israeli settlers, special identity papers for Palestinian citizens of Israel (one step away from wearing a yellow star) and the other indignities endured by the people of Palestine on a daily basis. And I saw the total collusion by the U.S. government – its unconditional support no matter what the Israeli government did, including giving them 30 billion dollars over a 10-year period for weaponry (F16s, Apache helicopters, white phosphorous, Caterpillar bulldozers used to destroy homes in Bedouin encampments) used ruthlessly against the Palestinians. .

06-21-2011, 09:13 PM
Another bullshit propaganda thread. So what do you have to say?

06-21-2011, 09:51 PM

The U.S. Boat, called The Audacity of Hope...


06-21-2011, 09:52 PM
End the strangulation of Palestinians by Palestinians.

06-22-2011, 10:43 AM
You only have a few weeks to get there and get ready. Are you going to be part of the boarder repelling team? They will need you since the turks pulled out due to "technical problems".

All the flotilla needs to do is go to egypt, unload and all the weapons and supplies will be trucked into gaza. Their border with egypt is wide open so flotilla's are just a waste of time OR they are purely to start more conflicts in order to blame Israel.

06-22-2011, 11:31 AM
End the strangulation of Palestinians by Palestinians.

You mean end Arabs trying to kill other Arabs?


06-22-2011, 02:34 PM
You mean end Arabs trying to kill other Arabs?


I mean the Palestinians in charge are strangling any hope of progress out of the Palestinians not in charge. It's the best way at keeping a people without hope angry at some perceived aggressor and easily controlled.

Why do you revel in death?

06-22-2011, 03:26 PM
I mean the Palestinians in charge are strangling any hope of progress out of the Palestinians not in charge. It's the best way at keeping a people without hope angry at some perceived aggressor and easily controlled.

Why do you revel in death?

He doesn't revel in death, he's being practical. The pal leaders have been promoting the hatred and bigotry toward Israel for three generations. Even their kiddie shows are about hate. From the highest leader to the lowest subject they all hate Israel. Take out those leaders and others simply step in and continue the hate. It's their religion and arabs killing arabs only helps us and Israel. True their leaders use the propaganda to control the population, but it's so deeply ingrained now there's nothing you can do to change it.

06-22-2011, 04:06 PM
True their leaders use the propaganda to control the population, but it's so deeply ingrained now there's nothing you can do to change it.

I agree with you analysis but not your conclusion; It can be changed but there has to be a catalyst. I think his response confirmed my unsaid posit.

06-22-2011, 04:11 PM
Israel is a terrorist state
Hamas is a terrorist organization

This is terrorists against other terrorists.

06-22-2011, 04:14 PM
Israel is a terrorist state

Who do they terrorize?

06-22-2011, 04:45 PM
Humans against Strangulation of Gaza

Where's the group "Humans against Rocket Attacks on Israel from Gaza"?

Haven't heard much from them.

Once the people firing rockets into Israel are eliminated, then the Gaza-Israel border can be freed up and opened. Problem solved.

How many of your people are working to get rid of the ones firing rockets? And how many have they succeeded in kicking out so far?

Maybe they can get help from the group "Humans against teaching Palestinian schoolchildren that Israelis are Slimy Pigs". If they can find members of that group. :rolleyes:

06-24-2011, 10:42 AM
I mean the Palestinians in charge are strangling any hope of progress out of the Palestinians not in charge. It's the best way at keeping a people without hope angry at some perceived aggressor and easily controlled.

Why do you revel in death?

why do someone revel in death ???, not very hard question to answer, i vote for personality disorder.

06-24-2011, 11:01 AM
why do someone revel in death ???, not very hard question to answer, i vote for personality disorder.

Agreed. Personality disorder or Islamic extremist! Myabe they are one and the same?

06-24-2011, 11:37 AM
Agreed. Personality disorder or Islamic extremist! Myabe they are one and the same?

any extremism be it islamic or christian or jewish, is also considered as Personality Disorder.

07-09-2011, 12:43 PM

Seems the flotilla is coming apart.

07-10-2011, 04:26 PM
I mean the Palestinians in charge are strangling any hope of progress out of the Palestinians not in charge. It's the best way at keeping a people without hope angry at some perceived aggressor and easily controlled.

Why do you revel in death?

Contrary to your assumption, I quite agreed with you. The Palestinians in this case are their own worst enemy.

How is that reveling in death? It's just doing simple math to me. Palestine attacks Israel, Israel blows them up for it. You'd think they'd have gotten a clue by now.

Israel allowed Palestinians to occupy land they took in combat and did not see fit to return until they got the urge to offer the olive branch. In return, Pali's elected an international terrorist organization to represent them as their government and started launching rockets.

In the meantime, we have a bunch of clowns defending the Pali's as victims. If they are victims, it's only of their own stupidity.

07-10-2011, 08:50 PM
How is that reveling in death?

It's just that many seem to want Arabs/Muslims/etc. to keep up their infighting for the sake of infighting. My apologies if I lumped you incorrectly.

07-11-2011, 07:39 AM
It's just that many seem to want Arabs/Muslims/etc. to keep up their infighting for the sake of infighting. My apologies if I lumped you incorrectly.

I firmly believe Israel has a right to defend itself. I also believe the Arabs should knock of their crap, but have little hope they will. They've been killing each other over tribal and religious reasons for the "next" sand dune for centuries.

My comment about Arabs is simple: Palestinians are Arabs and Israeli's are Arabs or of Arab descent. The term anti-semite used as someone who hates only Jews is a misnomer in my opinion.

While true the Arabs/Pali's -- what have you in many ways have created their own Hell, the Israeli's have taken the Holocaust and turned it into one of the biggest propaganda machines everand if you disagree, you're a Nazi.

There's right and wrong on both sides. Where I draw the line of right and wrong is the Pali's/Arabs are the aggressors, and ARE waging or attempting to wage a war of extermination. That, IMO, makes them the bad guys.