View Full Version : Israel likes fake ‘gay activists’ — doesn’t welcome real gay immigrants

06-29-2011, 01:04 PM
The man in the video (http://youtu.be/vhmBbGFJleU), who introduced himself to viewers as Marc and claimed that the organizers of the latest flotilla of ships bound for Gaza had rejected his offer to mobilize a network of gay activists in support of their cause, was identified as Omer Gershon (http://celebs.walla.co.il/?w=/2754/1641827/658937/5/@@/media), a Tel Aviv actor involved in marketing...

the Israeli government’s press office advised its Twitter followers to watch the video and follow Mr. Seemann’s feed.
The Interior Ministry is refusing citizenship and new immigrant status to a homosexual married to a Jewish new immigrant, despite the law’s stipulation that the child, grandchild and partner of a Jew are entitled to Jewish immigrant rights.
The Law of Return stipulates: “A Jew’s rights and an immigrant’s rights … are also imparted to the child, grandchild and partner of a Jew, except in the case of a Jew who willingly converted to another religion.”
Attorney Nicky Maor, director of the Legal Aid Center for Olim, says if the couple were a man and woman, there is no doubt they would both have received Israeli citizenship.
“The only reason the Interior Ministry doesn’t know how to handle it is that they’re gay,” Maor said. “The Law of Return says ‘partner,’ not husband and wife. There is no definition preventing recognition of same-sex partners.”


06-29-2011, 09:39 PM
Must be a very confusing time for you.