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View Full Version : Los Alamos Fire And 30,000 Barrels of Plutonium

06-29-2011, 01:13 PM
Concerned Citizens For Nuclear Safety, an anti nuclear watchdog group, has reported that over 30,000 barrels of plutonium contaminated waste is being stored in tents ABOVE ground near the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
These barrels may be in danger due to a massive fire that has been quoted as, “entirely uncontained and highly unpredictable.”
“The weather forecast for Los Alamos predicts the wind through Tuesday afternoon will be from the southeast, then switching from the southwest at 11-18 mph with minimum humidities in the lower teens. This could encourage the fire to move closer to Los Alamos,” reported Wildfiretoday.com.
This is absolutely critical information that was given a paragraph in the corporate controlled media.

06-29-2011, 05:23 PM

One would suspect that if one of the gazillions of "watchdog groups" knows about the barrels, the employees stationed there "might" just know about them as well?

07-07-2011, 01:49 AM
One would suspect that if one of the gazillions of "watchdog groups" knows about the barrels, the employees stationed there "might" just know about them as well?

I would also suspect that, one of the most famous and storied sites of atomic study and national security, has considered and developed contingency plans and implemented preventative measures for a host of scenarios, not excluding an Act of God. But that's just speculation.

BTW, what's the plan for these "barrels of plutonium"*???
-- Got cheap energy?


*correction, the report said "barrels..contaminated waste" Man, thought I'd found a plutonium mine.

07-07-2011, 01:57 AM

and your point?