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View Full Version : MN Legislature/State gov't at a shut-down as of midnight...

06-30-2011, 11:08 PM
All because the whiny, chicken-little we have for a governor, isn't getting his way, so he won't sign the bills.

One quote that is making us conservatives here laugh: "If Tom Emmer had been elected, this would all be accomplished" - Governor Dayton, June 22, 2011, in reference to the government shutdown

Then he petitions the courts to get a mediator for the budget talks. WTF??? HE'S THE GOVERNOR! HE IS the mediator! He was denied the request.

Then he walks out after 30 minutes of budget talks because apparently he can't handle any of it... http://kstp.com/news/stories/S2173929.shtml?cat=1

Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton and top Republican lawmakers have ended budget talks after slightly more than an hour behind closed doors.

GOP caucus staffers told reporters on Sunday afternoon that the discussions were over and couldn't say when they would resume.

It was the third straight day of negotiations with little information about what was discussed or how much closer the two sides have come to a budget deal. ...

06-30-2011, 11:40 PM
Oh come on, it's Minnesota! ... no one is going to notice. :p

07-01-2011, 01:13 AM
Oh come on, it's Minnesota! ... no one is going to notice. :p

That's the same mentality I have about Californuttia.
Gov Dayton is a trust fund brat who even gave himself an F grade when he was in the senate. He has never worked a real job. That and he's mentally unstable.
He is starting to be known more as Marx Dayton.

07-01-2011, 08:39 AM
Sounds like his liberalness has seeped into the main function part of his brain. He needs to be impeached for mental conditions.

07-01-2011, 09:14 AM
Sounds like his liberalness has seeped into the main function part of his brain. He needs to be impeached for mental conditions.

Maybe he will quit this job like he did his Senate job.

07-01-2011, 11:25 AM
Maybe he will quit this job like he did his Senate job.

Sounds like he needs too, it's too much for him. I'm sure the political elites can find some cushy do nothin spot for him in the fed govt.