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View Full Version : Your 4th of July Feast Contributes to "Climate Change"

red states rule
07-04-2011, 05:36 AM
Leave it to the enviro wakos to try and make you feel guilty for having fun on a national holiday

Later today I will crank up the A/C, fire up the grill, and toss on a thick steak.

And just thanks to the lib who wrote this article I will slip out later and get some potato salad to go along with my meal


Consider potato salad: a pale mixture of boiled potatoes and mayonnaise that is sometimes appetizing but always wasteful. An overwhelming majority of the energy in boiling goes into heating the water rather than cooking the potatoes.

Direct-heat methods are more efficient and usually tastier. Cubed and pan-fried potatoes take just 10 minutes to cook and require less than one-third the energy of boiling. (According to my math, microwaving potatoes is about 40 percent more efficient than pan-frying them on an electric stove, but when I do it the potatoes come out rubbery, and that is too much sacrifice for a holiday.)

If you insist on boiling, lower the heat once bubbles appear. Keeping the burner on high only speeds evaporation; it doesn’t make the water any hotter or shorten cooking time. And cut the pieces small, because cooking time decreases as surface area increases.

Now for the burgers and dogs. First, a green disclaimer. Beef is an environmental disaster, no matter how you cook it. However, if you can’t resist grilled cow, your big decision is between charcoal and propane.

Charcoal is made of wood, so the carbon it releases upon combustion is approximately equal to the carbon the tree it came from once removed from the atmosphere. In theory, charcoal should be less damaging than propane, which releases carbon that has been sequestered harmlessly underground for hundreds of millions of years.

It’s far more complicated in practice, though. We get most lump charcoal from cutting down mesquite trees, and in addition to the deforestation effect, it takes more fuel to produce and transport charcoal than it does propane. As a result, according to a 2009 study in the journal Environmental Impact Assessment Review, propane is nearly three times as efficient as lump charcoal.

Charcoal briquettes, however, are a different story. The compressed round briquettes are made from scrap wood that would otherwise go to waste. The better manufacturers build their plants near construction centers and use recycled heat from those centers to power their briquette kilns. If you take that into account, charcoal briquettes are ahead of lump charcoal and propane as the best option in terms of climate change. (Any kind of charcoal, however, releases more particulate matter than propane, which makes charcoal a greater contributor to air pollution. There are few easy choices in environmental analysis.)

And finally we come to dessert. Skip the pie. Baking is so energy profligate that the government hasn’t yet figured out a way to reward any residential ovens with the Energy Star label.


07-04-2011, 07:47 AM
Leave it to the enviro wakos to try and make you feel guilty for having fun on a national holiday

Later today I will crank up the A/C, fire up the grill, and toss on a thick steak.

And just thanks to the lib who wrote this article I will slip out later and get some potato salad to go along with my meal

Please relay a hearty "Fuck off" back to the idiot that penned that article for me, will ya?

I'll be much too busy grilling dead cow and brats over some mesquite charcoal to answer myself.

Hope the idiot chokes on his tofu.

07-04-2011, 07:47 AM
GREAT! Here's to making detroit the next South Beach, Miami!

07-04-2011, 11:48 AM
My favorite way to combat climate change--adapt, maybe with a tall cold one and a dip in the pool.

07-04-2011, 12:38 PM
Oops...too late... I already baked a pie this morning. And damn it... all I have is a charcoal grill to cook my Jalapeno brats and hamburgers on. Oh well...guess I will just have to worry about reducing my July 4th carbon foot print next year instead...or not...:rolleyes:

07-04-2011, 06:23 PM
Oh gee.. I am so sick of this climate change nonsense. I remember the First Earth Day back in 1970 and the newscasters telling us that the planet would be uninhabitable by 1985. At that time "greenhouse effect" was the term that was popular.... by 1976 the tune had changed because we had been hit with one of the coldest winters in years (during the "energy crisis" no less) and Time Magazine was telling us that an ice age was inevitable (being a neglectful sophomore in college at the time, I did not take any classes in hunting Mastodon)... in the years that followed we were assailed by threats of Ozone Holes, Nuclear Winter, Rain Forest deforestation, acid rain, the population explosion... I may have missed a few.. you know these environmental crises are hard to keep track of....

Then there was that Silent Spring book by Rachel Carson.. so DDT was banned (except in countries that took malaria seriously .... because they knew that was the only thing that effectively controlled mosquitoes).

oh and that energy crisis ended in the 1980s.. we had more oil than we knew what to do with by then...

For some reason, the planet still seems the same.. the summers are warm, the winters cold, the birds still chirp during spring and head south for the winter...

Do you wonder why we're so jaundiced? Forty freaking years of hearing the environmentalists cry wolf makes you that way.

red states rule
07-05-2011, 02:58 AM
I hope we all had a significant carbon footprint while we celebrated July 4th and gave all the respect due to the enviro wackos :laugh2:

07-05-2011, 08:20 AM
I hope we all had a significant carbon footprint while we celebrated July 4th and gave all the respect due to the enviro wackos :laugh2:

Charcoal grilled brats (hot dogs for kiddies). The latter who successfully killed "X" # of marshmallows in a haze of thick black smoke.

Followed closely by an assortment of smoke bombs, etc.

You can't say I'm not doing MY part for global warming.:angel:

07-05-2011, 10:00 AM
This article made me hungry. I'm getting the grill out!

red states rule
07-05-2011, 04:24 PM
This is fun to watch

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=1037110923001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>

red states rule
07-05-2011, 05:31 PM
Oh gee.. I am so sick of this climate change nonsense. I remember the First Earth Day back in 1970 and the newscasters telling us that the planet would be uninhabitable by 1985. At that time "greenhouse effect" was the term that was popular.... by 1976 the tune had changed because we had been hit with one of the coldest winters in years (during the "energy crisis" no less) and Time Magazine was telling us that an ice age was inevitable (being a neglectful sophomore in college at the time, I did not take any classes in hunting Mastodon)... in the years that followed we were assailed by threats of Ozone Holes, Nuclear Winter, Rain Forest deforestation, acid rain, the population explosion... I may have missed a few.. you know these environmental crises are hard to keep track of....

Then there was that Silent Spring book by Rachel Carson.. so DDT was banned (except in countries that took malaria seriously .... because they knew that was the only thing that effectively controlled mosquitoes).

oh and that energy crisis ended in the 1980s.. we had more oil than we knew what to do with by then...

For some reason, the planet still seems the same.. the summers are warm, the winters cold, the birds still chirp during spring and head south for the winter...

Do you wonder why we're so jaundiced? Forty freaking years of hearing the environmentalists cry wolf makes you that way.

The enviro wackos are getting desperate

Climate Alarmists Backpedal: China Now Responsible for Global Cooling

Frustrated climate alarmists, who have failed to match global temperature trends to their dramatic global warming predictions for years, have come up with a counterintuitive study to explain the lack of global warming since 1998: China's excessive burning of coal during its rapid growth had a cooling effect on the earth's temperature.

The new study, based on Fox News global warming skepticism, contradicts much of the anti-coal sentiments held by environmentalists. While it explains that burning coal does emit heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it also releases heat-reflecting sulfur into the atmosphere, and the two work to cancel each other's effects out.

This study comes after global warming skeptics questioned lead researcher Robert Kaufmann about the lack of global warming over the past decade. As Kaufmann explained to BBC News:

Two years ago, I gave a talk to a general audience in New Jersey about climate change.

And an older gentleman asked me 'why should I believe in this climate change - I was watching Fox News and they said the earth's temperature hasn't changed in 10 years and has actually gone down.'

At that stage I wasn't paying much attention to climate change - I'd returned to working on oil markets - so I went back and checked the data and found that was just about right.

As it turns out, China, which climate alarmists have long blamed as a major and unregulated contributor to global warming, may surprisingly be responsible for keeping the earth at cooler temperatures over the last decade due to its emission of sulfur into the atmosphere.

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/aubrey-vaughan/2011/07/05/climate-alarmists-backpedal-china-now-responsible-global-cooling#ixzz1RGyRy2dB

07-05-2011, 07:48 PM
Leave it to the enviro wakos to try and make you feel guilty for having fun on a national holiday

Later today I will crank up the A/C, fire up the grill, and toss on a thick steak.

And just thanks to the lib who wrote this article I will slip out later and get some potato salad to go along with my meal

While I am not privy to the latest manufactured statistics on global doom and gloom, nor even bother to pay attention to same. I seriously believe that at this point in time, we as a Nation should begin to reign in the paranoid misfits that compromise the left-wing of our electorate. Classifying them in the same level of "toxicity" that they have been erroneously putting the Earth in, to hopelessly gratify their systemic insecurities. While constantly supporting the "Powers that be" in their strive for dominance.
I knew istinctively from the beginning that the entire process was just too "tailor made" for the power driven carpetbaggers, that are a perpetual thorn in the side of Democracy. While consistently initiating restrictive legislation through fear based concepts to gain control of our lives. Going directly to the Marxist playbook by rendering a sizeable demographic of the electorate helpless, by "blaming" them, ( Primarily Industry and Vehicle Emissions causing Ozone Depletion ) with guilt laden charges of Greed, Neglect, and Apathy.
Even the Nobel Prize has fallen prey to the illusionary "facts" of Al Gore's fantasy manifesto. While he has since been challenged by global scientists who have taken the opposite stance ( As Gore is avoiding all interviews ), regarding Mans contribution to Worldwide climate carnage. Stating basicly that the Earth is going through it's normal evolving course of climatic change, and that man not only has had little influence on initiating that cycle, but is relatively powerless to circumvent it's process.
In other words, the Earth is going to do whatever the Earth is going to do. While man's role in the proposed forecasts of cataclysmic events ( which is now very questionable ), basicly is little more than a casual observer.
But we have a left-wing mindset that insists "we" can CONTROL the issue by spending more and more of your tax dollars. Primarily on speculative experments that are controversial at best, and potentially dangerously destructive, and definetly very expensive at the worst.
So the bottom line is that once more we have a case of the tail wagging the Dog. Supported by the "Drive-by" media in all it's Agenda Driven Glory.

red states rule
07-06-2011, 03:22 AM
Some in the liberal media admit they HATE objective journalism when it comes to "global warming"

<iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/103024" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>