View Full Version : 37 Dental students cheat: it's Bush's fault

05-11-2007, 12:03 AM

Academic integrity experts say dental students, who spend four years in school, are no different from others when it comes to honesty.

"I see this as being a widespread problem, not just in dentistry," said Dr. Anne Koerber, an associate professor of dentistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago who has written about the ethics of dental education.

"When you have persons in high places who clearly lie about what's happening with weapons of mass destruction, or CEOs who lie about where the money is going, I think the general public gets the idea that anything that makes money is what's right."

What ever happened to personal responsibility? Nevermind the fact that there is zero evidence that the President has lied about anything. Even if he had that doesn't make him responsible for this. These students made their own choices.

05-11-2007, 04:56 PM
bj clinton showed em it's alraight to lie. Ironic that the proven liar is admired while the lied about president is denegrated.

05-11-2007, 08:34 PM
bj clinton showed em it's alraight to lie. Ironic that the proven liar is admired while the lied about president is denegrated. you have a particular president in Mind? Who, Kennedy?, Eisenhower?, surely not Nixon. or Bush Jr.