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07-07-2011, 12:56 PM
Man Flies From JFK To LA With Fake ID, Expired Boarding Pass

A Nigerian man managed to board a Los Angeles-bound flight at JFK Airport without a valid boarding pass or valid identification (http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/06/30/authorities-investigate-security-breach-at-jfk-airport-after-man-flies-to-los-angeles-without-ticket/). Olajide Olwaseun Noibi used a fake ID and an expired boarding pass to get onto Virgin America Flight 415. WCBS 2 reports, "The FBI says Noibi sat in the main cabin and when a flight attendant asked him to show his boarding pass, he produced the expired pass. Noibi was still allowed to get off the plane when it landed in Los Angeles." Great!

source (http://gothamist.com/2011/06/30/man_flies_from_jfk_to_la_without_va.php)

Remember: it's all about national security...