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View Full Version : The miserable postscript for a Casey Anthony juror

07-11-2011, 08:51 AM
By Kerry Sanders, NBC News

Her name remains a secret. She’s known simply as juror number 12. And while she has a certificate from Florida’s 9th Circuit, embossed with calligraphy thanking her for her duty as a member of the Casey Anthony jury, her life since being released from that duty has been one of cat and mouse.

A red-haired woman in her 60s who moved to Florida from Michigan, she told the court she worked at a Publix Grocery when she was questioned as a potential juror.

Now, she’s in hiding.

Juror number 12 left Florida. Her husband, fighting back tears, tells NBC News he’s not sure when she’ll return to her home in Florida.

Why? He says she fears half of her co-workers want her head on a platter.


Some people need to get a life. Most people I've seen comment on trials have little to no clue what they're even talking about nor why they believe it. They just read it in the news which makes it so.

07-11-2011, 08:57 AM
I agree. These people are asked to sit in on a trial, read all the testimony, arguments and evidence, and then make a decision based on all of it. Then people want to kill them for not making a decision that THEY feel should have been made? I may not always agree with the decisions that jurors make in many cases, but I respect the decisions, and I surely don't want to kill/threaten them!

07-11-2011, 09:16 AM
I agree. These people are asked to sit in on a trial, read all the testimony, arguments and evidence, and then make a decision based on all of it. Then people want to kill them for not making a decision that THEY feel should have been made? I may not always agree with the decisions that jurors make in many cases, but I respect the decisions, and I surely don't want to kill/threaten them!

This isn't about agreeing with anyone's decisions. The fact is, the DA did not present a winnable case. That has nothing to do with guilt or innocence.

My favorite line when I get called for jury duty is to mention jury nullification. The prosecution will kick you off the jury so fast you're halfway to Mars before you know where you are.

And this case is a perfect reason why I use such tactics. Who wants to sit on a jury? The only people I ever saw that wanted to be there had their "Lawyers for Idiots" handbooks and thought they would make a difference.

I watched the entire jury selection for this trial. Juror # 12 (they did not show their faces or names) was just someone trying to do the right thing.

Look at her revised opinion. She'd rather go to jail than serve on another jury.

There is no jury of our peers. Only juries of do-gooders entertwined with those that have no clue how to get off a jury panel.

07-11-2011, 11:04 AM
Well said Gunny - said another way, "The Public" seems to only want a Jury that agrees with popular opinion. A legal system with flawed Jurists beats one with Professional Jurists every day.

07-11-2011, 12:04 PM
It was a media trial. The media judged and convicted her a long time ago and the jury was expected to go along with it. The media followers are outraged.

Gunny is dead on with his depiction of juries.