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07-15-2011, 04:21 PM
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RON makes so much freaking sense, how did get to D.C.

07-15-2011, 10:10 PM
I was hoping he had a comment regarding Bernancke's offer to lend the US some more money. I'm curious which entity he was speaking for at the time. What a pompous ass.

red states rule
07-16-2011, 09:28 AM
I was hoping he had a comment regarding Bernancke's offer to lend the US some more money. I'm curious which entity he was speaking for at the time. What a pompous ass.

He is a jerk and I am delighted he is not seeking re-election to his House seat

Bottom line is, after his election cycle this creep will be history and I hope he will remain out of sight and retire

07-16-2011, 10:11 AM
He is a jerk and I am delighted he is not seeking re-election to his House seat

Bottom line is, after his election cycle this creep will be history and I hope he will remain out of sight and retire
i don't think that's what DDuck meant.

But you'll take up my bet Red?

red states rule
07-16-2011, 10:36 AM
i don't think that's what DDuck meant.

But you'll take up my bet Red?

This is what I mean - he is an asshole after saying in a debate America brought 9/11 on itself. I know you have a cruch and a love affair with terrorists Rev, but I am delighted your man Ron Paul will soon become a distant memory

Like Newt, he is in the race to mearly take up space on the stage until reality sets in and he shuts down his lame attempt to get the nomination

07-16-2011, 10:59 AM
I'll take Ron Paul's reality over what we've had for the last couple of decades anytime. At least he knows who is stealing America's money.

red states rule
07-16-2011, 11:09 AM
I'll take Ron Paul's reality over what we've had for the last couple of decades anytime. At least he knows who is stealing America's money.

Wow, you and Rev fit the Paul base

Is Ron Paul Pandering to the Paranoid?

What is it about the candidacy of Ron Paul that has attracted the paranoid fringe of American politics?

Clearly, there are Ron Paul supporters who are rational and grounded, not given to spouting conspiracies or blaming "neocons" for everything bad that happens in the world (neocons being a blind for anti-Semitism). For all we know, they may be the majority of his supporters.

But just as clearly, there is a dark underbelly to the Paul campaign -- a ruthless, mob of internet ruffians who seek to intimidate those who would dare criticize them, the Paul candidacy, or most especially, one of their pet conspiracy theories about 9/11, the "New World Order" (an amorphous term that generally means the imposition of a one world government), or something as mundane and silly as planting a computer chip in every new born in America.

The question isn't whether Ron Paul believes in any of these conspiracy theories, although he has said on at least two occasions that he believes the investigation into 9/11 must be reopened to explore "unanswered questions" about the tragedy. It is his apparent pandering to this lunatic fringe that must be explored and reasons for it demanded from the campaign.

I say "apparent" pandering because there is the possibility that Paul is completely clueless that his anti-government rants (a subjective word but apt if you listen to his speeches or watch him in the debates) full of dark hints of conspiracy and wrongdoing by the highest officials in the land, actually ring a Pavlovian bell for the paranoid conspiracy freaks causing them to flock to his banner.

For example:

A lot of times they think subsidies and welfare goes to poor people. Now there's some welfare that goes to poor people, but sometimes I think they're crumbs. The real big welfare in the system that we have goes to the military-industrial complex and the big banks, that's where it goes. [applause]
Speak to a crowd of conspiracists and mention the "military-industrial complex" and visions of sinister men meeting at Bretton Woods and the Council on Foreign Relations are immediately conjured up. And the inclusion of banks as a beneficiary of government "welfare" may be true, but is a curious choice nonetheless. Banks get nowhere near the federal dollars that defense contractors get. Why include them?


07-16-2011, 11:41 AM
Ron Paul has attracted those who know that there are no real differences between a republican and a democrat. At least half the country roots for a political party like it's some kind of football team without realizing that politicians get rich as long as we are willing to play fantasy politics. There is no transparency and no accountablitly. I would vote for Mickey Mouse before a republican or a democrat. They may as well be robots.

red states rule
07-16-2011, 11:47 AM
Ron Paul has attracted those who know that there are no real differences between a republican and a democrat. At least half the country roots for a political party like it's some kind of football team without realizing that politicians get rich as long as we are willing to play fantasy politics. There is no transparency and no accountablitly. I would vote for Mickey Mouse before a republican or a democrat. They may as well be robots.

No difference eh?

What Republican would have the government take over private companies?

What Republican would spend one trillion for Obamacare?

Or a trillion for a stimulus?

Or want massive tax increases instead of cutting spending?

Keep believing that BS there is no difference. Many incumbants lost in their primary and a message was sent that some Republicans are listening too

But idiots like Ron Paul make the rest of small governemnt Republicans look bad.

I am glad to see him go

07-16-2011, 12:27 PM
So they waste money on different things---it still makes America go broke.
It's catching up to the point where it's pretty tough to hide.
If you are starving it doesn't really matter why you didn't get your last meal.

red states rule
07-16-2011, 12:31 PM
So they waste money on different things---it still makes America go broke.
It's catching up to the point where it's pretty tough to hide.
If you are starving it doesn't really matter why you didn't get your last meal.

As usual when asked direct questions you can't provide an answer. Usuallly when I point out to people like you that under Bush the worst deficit was $500 BILLION and we now have an annual deficit of $1.5 TRILLION; gas prices were $1.80/gal now they are around $3.60/gal; unemployment was aorund 6.8% now it is 9.2%; and if I ask them about the MASIVE tax increases in Obamacare they have no idea what I am talking about - they usually shut up and walk away

It is typical people like you are so consumed whith - well whatever the hell is eating you up - you can't see reality

Idiots like Ron Paul sucker you into his crap much like Obama suckered so many into his hope and change BS.

07-16-2011, 02:10 PM
Ron Paul has attracted those who know that there are no real differences between a republican and a democrat. At least half the country roots for a political party like it's some kind of football team without realizing that politicians get rich as long as we are willing to play fantasy politics. There is no transparency and no accountablitly. I would vote for Mickey Mouse before a republican or a democrat. They may as well be robots.

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.
- Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hopehttp://www.debatepolicy.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

07-16-2011, 02:16 PM
No difference eh?

What Republican would have the government take over private companies?

One seeks to have the gov't take over corporations ; the other seeks the have the corporations rule the government. The end result, however, is the same.

What Republican would spend one trillion for Obamacare?

Medicare Part D was signed into law by whom?

Or a trillion for a stimulus?

Mad that he's showing you up?

Or want massive tax increases instead of cutting spending?

Taxes on the wealthy are the lowest they've been in decades. Many corporations pay zero taxes despite billions in profits. Hell, we still give them money (https://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/04/business/04bptax.html)

Keep believing that BS there is no difference

I refer you to Mr. Quigley

. Many incumbants [sic] lost in their primary

And we've seen more of the same shit.

This is why we can't let you idiots govern yourselves. You're too stupid for real democracy. Now shut up and do as you're told.

07-16-2011, 02:18 PM
As usual when asked direct questions you can't provide an answer. Usuallly when I point out to people like you that under Bush the worst deficit was $500 BILLION and we now have an annual deficit of $1.5 TRILLION
And clinton got us closer to a real surplus than we'd seen in what, 50 years?

; gas prices were $1.80/gal now they are around $3.60/gal;

Think all those wars we keep starting in the ME might have something to do with that?

unemployment was aorund 6.8% now it is 9.2%;

No, it's not. Use the measuring standards they used during Carter's term and re-calculate both of those.

It is typical people like you are so consumed whith - well whatever the hell is eating you up - you can't see reality

Dude... you're so rabid you can't even right-click on the words that the computer underlines in red. :slap:

07-16-2011, 02:22 PM
No difference eh?
What Republican would have the government take over private companies?

Repubs don't take over, they use the gov't to put competition out of Biz.

What Republican would spend one trillion for Obamacare?

That's the only thing they've held the line on so far. They know they'd be hung out a tree if they let that slide. the people still see that as socialism.
But give them a chance to cave on this issue to in a few years.

Or a trillion for a stimulus?

G W Bush

Or want massive tax increases instead of cutting spending?

G Bush I "No New Taxes"

Keep believing that BS there is no difference. Many incumbants lost in their primary and a message was sent that some Republicans are listening too.
Both D&Rs talk a good game but their actions show that they are both finally about state control.
There no difference worth voter support. Red if you want to discuss details sure there are significant details. Like choosing a method of suicide. A hand gun or Posin. But the end is the same.
A Nanny state or a Pappy State. One wants to take care of all of the poor helpless weak and poor people. Of course to do that we need full control. the Other wants to Keep you SAFE and Strong, to do that , well, we need full control and cooperation, can't put our heads in the sand here, and if your not doing anything wrong...

Can you name me 10 republicans that voted consistently thru every admin against everyone of the items you listed above?

I'll start you off RON PAUL.

Red funny that your seem to agree with an idiot too.

07-16-2011, 02:31 PM
Repubs don't take over, they use the gov't to put competition out of Biz.

Don't dare use that word! That word is anathema to any true capitalist.

Competition is a sin.
-John D. Rockefeller

Besides, these guys should love Obama. Obama is a true capitalist. Just consider another J.D. Rockefeller quote:

I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.

This man is clearly a student of the finest capitalist minds in American history.

Both D&Rs talk a good game but their actions show that they are both finally about state control.

You mean the financial and political elites, this entire time... have been doing exactly what their predecessors said they were going to try to do?

07-16-2011, 04:37 PM
Don't dare use that word! That word is anathema to any true capitalist.

Competition is a sin.
-John D. Rockefeller

Besides, these guys should love Obama. Obama is a true capitalist. Just consider another J.D. Rockefeller quote:

I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.

This man is clearly a student of the finest capitalist minds in American history.

You mean the financial and political elites, this entire time... have been doing exactly what their predecessors said they were going to try to do?

I'm not sure what the predecessors your referring to said but the game is Old. There's always been groups of people that have wanted to gain and keep most of the money and control over others in most large societies.
It's what the founders where "paranoid" about. (is it paranoia if some people really do want to control the country.)
and what they hoped they could help fend off with the constitution.

07-16-2011, 05:45 PM
So much for that idea--back to the drawing board.

07-16-2011, 06:44 PM
So much for that idea--back to the drawing board.

Well it wasn't a bad idea But "the people" we all got lazy and bamboozled. the people who've really wanted control have played all the cards they've needed to play and most of us didn't even see the game. We've been arguing over blue cards or red cards and complaining about the refreshments as all our money is being taken off the table.
I'm not completely hopless , today, there's still a shot.

And i think liberty is something that people will understand and eventually fight for again, somewhere.
but you may be right, Americas best days may be behind us though.