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View Full Version : Can I Ban Synogogues If I Don't Want Kikes in My Neighborhood?

07-22-2011, 02:57 PM
I just want clarification from everyone here on whether or not you're cool with trying to ban houses of worship when it comes to 'foreign' religions or sects.

If you're cool with it, I need you on record admitting so for future reference.

If not, I need you to either go on record condemning the advocation or support of such actions (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/17/herman-cain-fox-mosques_n_900939.html).

So, uh... where do you each stand? Do you openly condemn this man as a bigoted hatemonger, or can we start banning Synagogues, denying Jews any place in government or our businesses because America is for 'real' [read: White Anglo-Saxon Protestant] Americans?

07-22-2011, 03:20 PM
While you're waiting for answers...

Cain mentioned this, but I'm sure you're also aware that Mosques are all over the US and very rarely run into trouble.

What are your thoughts of Catholic Churches in Muslim countries and/or certain provinces? What are your thoughts on the fact that they are not allowed in some places, but just being a Catholic can get you killed. And apostasy, forget about being a Muslim and converting, that's a sure fire way to get your head lopped off.

It seems to me that the US has a stellar track record when it comes to allowing other religions and religious buildings - where Muslim countries have an atrocious record.

I'm curious as to why you would only address one side.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 03:24 PM
Fundies in Virginia banned an interfaith retreat center. That's a Christian against Christian act.

07-22-2011, 03:26 PM
What do you determine to be a "foreign" religion?

I do wish you wouldn't hide the links in the sentences.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 03:30 PM
Consider the fact that narrow minded people in VA blocked a woman from establishing an interfaith retreat center in their community.

This American woman, believes in God in the same way that Thomas Jefferson did.

So much for religious freedom in America.

07-22-2011, 03:31 PM
I think banning Mosques should be allowed. I also think banning other religious buildings should be allowed. I also think citizens should be free to live in any city they like that best fits their lifestyle.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 03:32 PM

Do you like the Constitution? Or have you already replaced it?

07-22-2011, 03:34 PM
This American woman, believes in God in the same way that Thomas Jefferson did.

She's a deist who denies the divine nature of Jesus?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 03:38 PM
She's a deist who denies the divine nature of Jesus?

I don't think so. She just doesn't identify with a specific fundamentalist church. For that reason, she is unable to open an interfaith retreat center.

Last year, prayer groups sprang up to stop her after the county planning commission unanimously approved Laura George's proposal for an interfaith retreat with a "Peace Pentagon" spiritual education center, public library and 10 cabins for guests. So many people filled the board of supervisors' hearing that the panel had to move into a courtroom upstairs. After pastors and others spoke at the hearing, many saying that the project was anti-Christian, a cult and a threat to the community, the board killed it.

07-22-2011, 03:39 PM

Do you like the Constitution? Or have you already replaced it?

Are you implying that one has a Constitutional right to put up any religious building of their choosing anywhere they feel like it?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 03:47 PM
As long as the building is not breaking any codes, yes. We have freedom of religion in America. That's one of the things that makes America great.

07-22-2011, 03:52 PM
As long as the building is not breaking any codes, yes. We have freedom of religion in America. That's one of the things that makes America great.

So we just change the building codes and zoning laws... You know, only let them live in certain areas, where they can be contained, and don't let them build any more homes, synagogues, or businesses...

Why have we never done any of this before?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 03:54 PM
So we just change the building codes and zoning laws... You know, only let them live in certain areas, where they can be contained, and don't let them build any more homes, synagogues, or businesses...

Why have we never done any of this before?
It could happen, I suppose. It happened in Virginia. That woman who wanted to start an interfaith center was run out of town by fundies.

07-22-2011, 03:59 PM
As long as the building is not breaking any codes, yes. We have freedom of religion in America. That's one of the things that makes America great.

Again, would you like to show me in the Constitution where one has a right to build a religious building anywhere they would like?

07-22-2011, 03:59 PM
I don't think so. She just doesn't identify with a specific fundamentalist church. For that reason, she is unable to open an interfaith retreat center.

Last year, prayer groups sprang up to stop her after the county planning commission unanimously approved Laura George's proposal for an interfaith retreat with a "Peace Pentagon" spiritual education center, public library and 10 cabins for guests. So many people filled the board of supervisors' hearing that the panel had to move into a courtroom upstairs. After pastors and others spoke at the hearing, many saying that the project was anti-Christian, a cult and a threat to the community, the board killed it.

Sounds to me like she wanted to establish a commune. Using interfaith as an umbrella to get tax exemption status.

07-22-2011, 04:00 PM
So we just change the building codes and zoning laws... You know, only let them live in certain areas, where they can be contained, and don't let them build any more homes, synagogues, or businesses...

Why have we never done any of this before?

It happens to Christians all over the place in cockroach muslim dominated countries - if they're allowed to "live" there at all.

07-22-2011, 04:02 PM
Is a Kike a jew?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:02 PM
Again, would you like to show me in the Constitution where one has a right to build a religious building anywhere they would like?

The First Amendment

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:03 PM
Is a Kike a jew?

It's an antisemitic slur. Like the N word for blacks.

07-22-2011, 04:03 PM
The First Amendment

LOL, sorry, just not there. Surely you can just post it here for me and show me specifically where it calls for and/or demands and/or allows what I wrote. Sorry, doesn't exist.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:04 PM
It happens to Christians all over the place in cockroach muslim dominated countries - if they're allowed to "live" there at all.

It doesn't happen to American Christians. Christians are the majority.

It's in America, where we can no longer build a house of worship, unless it's an approved religion, a majority religion.

07-22-2011, 04:06 PM
It doesn't happen to American Christians. It's in America, where we can no longer build a house of worship, unless it's an approved religion.

Oh, the drama! LOL This is one person making his point of view noted, as I am. The last I saw, Muslims and others were still building their "buildings" all over America. Your dramatizations, exaggerations and "lies" won't fly here. This typical lame liberal tactic has failed time and time again.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:09 PM
I posted a story, a true story, about a woman in Virginia who was unable to open an interfaith retreat center because the Fundamentalists wouldn't let her. I think that's damned outrageous in America.

Wake up.

07-22-2011, 04:12 PM
Even the 'libertarian' reactionaries are admitting this is bullshit


07-22-2011, 04:13 PM
I posted a story, a true story, about a woman in Virginia who was unable to open an interfaith retreat center because the Fundamentalists wouldn't let her. I think that's damned outrageous in America.

Wake up.

I'm crying in my Cheerios!

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:15 PM
I'm crying in my Cheerios!

You must be a fundamentalist. You only give a shit about fundies rights. Every other citizen in America can go stuff it.

07-22-2011, 04:15 PM

Again, you assume fear is present. I would protest against Shariah being used ANYWHERE in America. And it doesn't scare me in the slightest bit.

I guess sort of the same way you all want to label us as "homophobes" as if we are afraid of queers. Finding disgust with things in this world does not mean you fear it.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:17 PM
You're right. We should stop calling people homophobes and Islamophobes and just call them queer and Muslim haters. Fear has nothing to do with it.

Blind hatred does.

07-22-2011, 04:17 PM
You must be a fundamentalist. You only give a shit about fundies rights. Every other citizen in America can go stuff it.

I'm not religious, so you're tossing your comments up the wrong tree. While I think ALL religions have the right to exist, I just don't think ANY of them have a right to demand where they will place a house of worship.

07-22-2011, 04:18 PM
You're right. We should stop calling people homophobes and Islamophobes and just call them queer and Muslim haters.

That's MUCH better, but it's really not hate either. Finding disgust with something does not = hate and/or fear.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:19 PM
I'm not religious, so you're tossing your comments up the wrong tree. While I think ALL religions have the right to exist, I just don't think ANY of them have a right to demand where they will place a house of worship.

They have a right to build houses of worship as long as they don't violate any building codes. I'm not religious either. I can't stand organized religion. Holier than thou assholes.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:21 PM
That's MUCH better, but it's really not hate either. Finding disgust with something does not = hate and/or fear.

Disgust is hate. You hate queer and muslims. Both are repellent to you.

07-22-2011, 04:23 PM
They have a right to build houses of worship as long as they don't violate any building codes.

So back to where we were again - please show me where this "right" comes from. The "City" also has the right to set forth its own building codes. They should rightfully put the mosques out in the dry mountainous areas where the muslims will feel at home!

07-22-2011, 04:24 PM
Disgust is hate. You hate queer and muslims. Both are repellent to you.

Ok, if you say so! I don't mind being labeled to make you feel better! :laugh:

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:27 PM
Ok, if you say so! I don't mind being labeled to make you feel better! :laugh:
You've indicated disgust for three groups, so far, liberals, Muslims and queers. Is there any other groups you'd like to add?

Disgust is a synonym for hatred.

07-22-2011, 04:29 PM
You've indicated disgust for three groups, so far, liberals, Muslims and queers. Is there any other groups you'd like to add?

Disgust is a synonym for hatred.

Fine, I hate all of them then. Does that make you feel better? Either way, I won't lose a wink of sleep this evening!

07-22-2011, 04:30 PM
The "City" also has the right to set forth its own building codes. They should rightfully put the mosques out in the dry mountainous areas where the muslims will feel at home!

So you support only allowing the construction of Jewish homes, businesses, and houses of worship in Die JudenSektor, far away from good Aryan folk? You'd be cool with that?

07-22-2011, 04:36 PM
So you support only allowing the construction of Jewish homes, businesses, and houses of worship in Die JudenSektor, far away from good Aryan folk? You'd be cool with that?

Hell, I live in NY, everyone is separated! We have a muslim section, jewish section, black section, italian section, curry smelling indian section... I don't give a fuck who lives where, but none of them should be demanding to build anything, anywhere. You 2 are being all kinds of dramatic and acting as if all of these faiths aren't free across America.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:38 PM
Fine, I hate all of them then. Does that make you feel better? Either way, I won't lose a wink of sleep this evening!
Me either. Thank God I don't live next door to you!

07-22-2011, 04:42 PM
Hell, I live in NY, everyone is separated! We have a muslim section, jewish section, black section, italian section, curry smelling indian section... I don't give a fuck who lives where, but none of them should be demanding to build anything, anywhere. You 2 are being all kinds of dramatic and acting as if all of these faiths aren't free across America.

Got any honkey sections left ?:cool:

07-22-2011, 04:42 PM
Me either. Thank God I don't live next door to you!

Don't thank God, he doesn't like liberals either.

07-22-2011, 04:43 PM
Got any honkey sections left ?:cool:

Only in Hockey!

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:45 PM
Don't thank God, he doesn't like liberals either.


I believe it. It's against your friggin religion.

07-22-2011, 04:45 PM
It's an antisemitic slur. Like the N word for blacks.

oh ok I can't keep up with which slur goes with what, but i can say kike since my ancestors were jews right, ain't that how it works?:laugh:

Hell yeah you can ban the kikes for a fee J.T., I gotta make money off it to support it (must be that ancient jew blood in me) wink !

07-22-2011, 04:46 PM
Don't thank God, he doesn't like liberals either.S

Shame about his son, then...

07-22-2011, 04:47 PM

Shame about his son, then...

His son sacrificed to make the world a better place. A liberal would have demanded it happen because the government owed it to him.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:51 PM
His son sacrificed to make the world a better place. A liberal would have demanded it happen because the government owed it to him.

He hung out with the poor and the wretched. Jesus was a liberal. He had disgust for greed. That's who you Republicans favor. The weathy. Tax cuts for the rich.

07-22-2011, 04:51 PM
His son sacrificed to make the world a better place. A liberal would have demanded it happen because the government owed it to him.

His son hung out with whores, defied religious norms, was a bum and a moocher with no job, never settled anywhere, spat on the church, carried no money, and started a goddam communist (http://bible.cc/acts/4-32.htm) hippie cult.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 04:59 PM
Lefties need to reclaim Jesus as our own!

07-22-2011, 05:06 PM
Lefties need to reclaim Jesus as our own!

Would you like Muhammed too? He was good for sleeping with 9 year olds.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:09 PM
Would you like Muhammed too? He was good for sleeping with 9 year olds.

Naw. You can have him. I'll take Jesus. He's my kind of guy.

07-22-2011, 05:13 PM
Naw. You can have him. I'll take Jesus. He's my kind of guy.

Why don't you want him? Freedom of Religion and all, no? Shouldn't you be accepting of all of them?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:27 PM
I don't dig Allah or Mohammed.

07-22-2011, 11:49 PM
It's an antisemitic slur. Like the N word for blacks.

and who used it? Yet, no attacks from you, guess you don't 'feel' like it's wrong.

07-22-2011, 11:50 PM
Even the 'libertarian' reactionaries are admitting this is bullshit


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