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07-22-2011, 04:25 PM
This is Bachmann logic: wealthy corporations paying no income taxes isn't a problem, but poor people who don't even make enough to pay income taxes or who have their tax burden wholly offset by deductions like, for example, taking care of children—well, those worthless losers had better start funneling more money up the supply chain, in Bachmann's worldview.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 04:35 PM
This is Bachmann logic: wealthy corporations paying no income taxes isn't a problem, but poor people who don't even make enough to pay income taxes or who have their tax burden wholly offset by deductions like, for example, taking care of children—well, those worthless losers had better start funneling more money up the supply chain, in Bachmann's worldview.

Since when did corporations start to pay taxes? They do not pay them - their customers do. All the costs of doing business are passed on to the consumer

So when people call for companies to "pay their fair share" they are calling for more tax increases on us

Or the company reduces overhead and cuts workers, or moves to a cheaper location

Either way, the company usually does not eat the additonal expense

07-22-2011, 11:03 PM
Restore American greatness; Eliminate the Corporate Income Tax!!!

Lower prices and more American jobs; Win-Win for All!!!

07-23-2011, 04:20 AM
Restore American greatness; Eliminate the Corporate Income Tax!!!

Lower prices and more American jobs; Win-Win for All!!!

How do we cut a tax that's already zero for many and even negative for some?

07-23-2011, 06:25 AM
How do we cut a tax that's already zero for many and even negative for some?

sounds like you're talking about personal income taxes......

07-23-2011, 07:38 AM
How do we cut a tax that's already zero for many and even negative for some?

What about "eliminate" was ambiguous? We will just codify the zero % rate so companies don't have to waste money complying with a counterproductive tax code or pay lobbyists for ingenuous ways around it to gain a government-granted competitive advantage.

07-23-2011, 08:25 AM
This is Bachmann logic: wealthy corporations paying no income taxes isn't a problem, but poor people who don't even make enough to pay income taxes or who have their tax burden wholly offset by deductions like, for example, taking care of children—well, those worthless losers had better start funneling more money up the supply chain, in Bachmann's worldview.

Not anymore stupid an idea than overburdening those who DO pay taxes to prop up those "poor". Half of those you call "poor" have cable TV, high speed internet, late-model cars, cell phones, microwaves, etc ... while the low end of taxpayers have to figure out which ones to do without so they can pay their damned taxes to be redistributed to those "poor" so they can maintain their standard of living.

red states rule
07-23-2011, 09:24 AM
Amazing how some see corporations and the "rich" as a cash cow that they can use to fund their never ending spending plans

Of course the rich will NEVER pay their fair share since libs will NEVER stop increasing their spending

Since LBJ's Great Society the US had spent over NINE TRILLION DOLARS to fight poverty, yet we are told poverty in this nation is getting worse

What the hell do we ahve to show for all that money?