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View Full Version : Fox Business: Boehner pulls out of talks with Obama

07-22-2011, 04:59 PM
Fox Business is announcing that John Boehner has pulled out of talks with President Obama on the Debt Ceiling. No further details given yet.

Uh oh.

Kudoes to Boehner. Stick to your guns, boy. Republicans have had an (unfortunately well-deserved) reputation for caving to the Democrats and letting them implement more and more liberalism. It's is the one that that MUST stop. Cold. Period.

You're doing good, John. Keep it up.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:02 PM
Boner is an obstructionist, just like Gingrich. There the Republicans go again shutting down the government because of their temper tantrums.


red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:04 PM
Boner is an obstructionist, just like Gingrich. There the Republicans go again shutting down the government. Assholes.

So you support Obama borrowing $180 million dollars each and every hour on each and every day?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:06 PM
Yes, I do support the President. It's Bush's freakin tax cuts, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his rich friends on Wall Street, that got us into this mess.

Along comes BONER pulling this shit on top of it.

07-22-2011, 05:07 PM
Boner is an obstructionist, just like Gingrich. There the Republicans go again shutting down the government because of their temper tantrums.


Did the republicans go and hide in another state? LOL

red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:08 PM
Yes, I do support the President. It's Bush's freakin tax cuts, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his rich friends on Wall Street, that got us into this mess.

You are using the same math Obama used when he promised to cut the deficit in half by 2012

The items you ;ist are a drop in the bucket to the debt Obama has added. Obama has increased spending by 29%

So you have no problem with Obama spending us into the Stone Age?

The last budget under Bush was $480 billion. this year is will be around $1.7 TRILLION

How the hell are Bush's freakin tax cuts, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his rich friends on Wall Street too blame?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:11 PM
Study the history. We got into this mess because of unregulated greed on Wall St, two unnecessary wars and tax cuts for the rich.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:12 PM
Study the history. We got into this mess because of unregulated greed on Wall St, two unnecessary wars and tax cuts for the rich.

It is clear you are a liberal and an devoted Obama supporter. You ignore facts, duck questions, and post Obama approved talking points

07-22-2011, 05:13 PM
Study the history. We got into this mess because of unregulated greed on Wall St, two unnecessary wars and tax cuts for the rich.
Well, now we've heard from the Marx/Lenin faction of the Democrat party. :lame2:

Anybody have anything sensible to say?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:14 PM
I forgot to add that stupid prescription drug benefit, also a Bush mess. Those of us who follow the facts, know the Republicans are prepared to blow up the entire U.S. Economy by not lifting the debt limit in order to avoid removing tax breaks for oil companies or raising taxes by 3-4 percent on the rich or closing loopholes that allow hedge fund billionaires to pay a lower tax rate than their chauffeurs

“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_capitalism) tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism, ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.” FDR even acknowledged what is already fact today “… Statistics of the Bureau of Internal Revenue reveal the following amazing figures for 1935: “Ownership of corporate assets: Of all corporations reporting from every part of the Nation, one-tenth of 1 percent of them owned 52 percent of the assets of all of them.”


red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:14 PM
Well, now we've heard from the Marx/Lenin faction of the Democrat party. :lame2:

Anybody have anything sensible to say?


Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:18 PM
Republicans believe in WELFARE, but only for Corporations, not for people. Hedge fund managers, Wall Street Banks and Big Oil’s best friends in Congress, the Republicans, make sure that year after year, billions of dollars in taxpayer dollars flow into the coffers of the most profitable companies the world has ever known. In return, these same massive companies spend millions each year to make sure that their Republican friends keep their seats of power.

I've got my own charts. Look at these:

The chart below compares the 10 safety-net programs slated for deep cuts with the cost of the tax breaks that should also be considered for reduction or elimination to bring the budget into balance. The column on the left is a list of safety-net programs that have already been targets of the House leadership’s budget ax. The column on the right is the cost to specified tax breaks (see bottom of page for sources).
Most Americans would be surprised to learn that tax breaks are not on the table during any budget negotiations. In fact, Congress has the Congressional Budget Office prepare an official spending estimate for the cost of all programs or their expansions. Meanwhile, Congress enacts and continues tax breaks without any requirement that the cost of tax breaks be calculated and shared with members before a vote.


red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:20 PM
I forgot to add that stupid prescription drug benefit, also a Bush mess. Those of us who follow the facts, know the Republicans are prepared to blow up the entire U.S. Economy by not lifting the debt limit in order to avoid removing tax breaks for oil companies or raising taxes by 3-4 percent on the rich or closing loopholes that allow hedge fund billionaires to pay a lower tax rate than their chauffeurs

“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_capitalism) tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism, ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.” FDR even acknowledged what is already fact today “… Statistics of the Bureau of Internal Revenue reveal the following amazing figures for 1935: “Ownership of corporate assets: Of all corporations reporting from every part of the Nation, one-tenth of 1 percent of them owned 52 percent of the assets of all of them.”


You act as if Obama has been an innocent bystander for the last 2 1/2 years.

Rememebr the trillion dollar stimulus?


Cash for Clunkers

Extending unemployment time and tiome again

many "jobs" bills

I could go on but you will probably ignore the list like a loyal Obama drone

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:22 PM
Obama didn't create this mess. He's working real hard to clean up eight years of Bush's disasters.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:25 PM
Obama didn't create this mess. He's working real hard to clean up eight years of Bush's disasters.

I was wondering how long it would be before you try to blame Bush

So libs like you expect us to believe the following

Under Pre Bush we had unemployment at 7%, a annual budget of $480 billion, and gas at $1.80/gal we are headed for another great depression


Under Obama we have unemployment at 9.2%, a annual budget deficit of $1.7 TRILLION, and gas at $3.60/gal we are on the Road to Recovery

You tried this during the 2010 mid-term election so by all means try it aagin in 2012 :laugh2:

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:28 PM
Bush completely sucked for our country. He is the worst President in history. That's why Obama won the election, and that's why he will be re-elected.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:30 PM
Bush completely sucked for our country. He is the worst President in history.

Not so fast sweetheart

Carter was trhe worst, but Obama has taken that position

Funny how you continue to ignore Obama's record. You will get along great with Gabby

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:32 PM
Not so fast sweetheart

Carter was trhe worst, but Obama has taken that position

Funny how you continue to ignore Obama's record. You will get along great with Gabby

I'm not ignoring Obama's record at all. Carter was NOT the worst President. Bush was. Most historians agree with me.

Who is Gabby? The only other non-right wingnut on this board besides me?

07-22-2011, 05:34 PM
Bush completely sucked for our country. He is the worst President in history. That's why Obama won the election, and that's why he will be re-elected.

I highly doubt, based on today's economy and job situation, that McChimpy will get re-elected.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:35 PM
I'm not ignoring Obama's record at all. Carter was NOT the worst President. Bush was. Most historians agree with me.

Who is Gabby? The only other non-right wingnut on this board besides me?

So far on this thread, and on others, you have ignored Obama record and his accomplishments

I lived thru Carter - did you?

Try gas lines around the block. A prime rate of 21%. Double digit inflation and near double digit unemployment

That was the Carter years and why he was soudly defeated by Ronald Reagan

The same goes for Obama and it ios amazing how libs will try to make excuses for this inexperienced rookie

You will meet Gabby soion enough. You could be her sister

07-22-2011, 05:37 PM
Who is Gabby? The only other non-right wingnut on this board besides me?
Don't worry, there are other leftist fanatic wingnuts on this board who aren't right about anything, beside you and little gabby.


Has anyone ever seen wind song and little gabby in the same room at the same time?


07-22-2011, 05:40 PM
As I suspected, Obama kept insisting on raising taxes. And the really good news is, Boehner turned him down FLAT.


Boehner Ends Debt-Limit Talks With White House, Turns to Senate Leaders

Published July 22, 2011

<!-- /user-interaction -->House Speaker (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) John Boehner (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/politics/rep.-john-boehner.htm#r_src=ramp) called President Obama (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/politics/obama-administration/barack-obama.htm#r_src=ramp) Friday to inform him that he is pulling out of talks with him on raising the nation's legal limit to borrow money to avert a government default.

Boehner sent a letter to lawmakers saying, "In the end, we couldn't connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for our country."

In a hastily arranged news conference in the White House briefing room, a visibly irritated Obama said that "it's hard to understand why Speaker Boehner would walk away from this deal."

"This was an extraordinarily fair deal," he said, explaining that the White House offered $1 trillion in spending cuts and $650 billion in changes to entitlement programs in exchange for $1.2 trillion in new revenues.

Boehner will now work with Senate leaders on an alternative "to find a path forward," he wrote in the letter to lawmakers. But Obama said he wants to see congressional leaders at the White House Saturday to figure out how to avoid a government default.

"We have now run out of time," Obama said.

According to a GOP leadership aide close to the talks, the sides were moving forward toward a total package that would cut $3 trillion to 3.5 trillion over a decade. It would have included an incremental increase in the $14.3 trillion debt (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) ceiling now and force another one late next winter.

But the aide said a disagreement over revenues "blew this up."

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement "it's disappointing that the talks with the White House did not reach a favorable conclusion, and I appreciate the speaker insisting on reduced spending and opposing the president's call for higher taxes on American families and job creators."

"As I've said before, it's time now for the debate to move out of a room in the White House and on to the House and Senate floors where we can debate the best approach to reducing the nation's unsustainable debt," McConnell said.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:44 PM
I highly doubt, based on today's economy and job situation, that McChimpy will get re-elected.

"McChimpy"? Not too racist, are you? N's are chimps?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:45 PM
Don't worry, there are other leftist fanatic wingnuts on this board who aren't right about anything, beside you and little gabby.


Has anyone ever seen wind song and little gabby in the same room at the same time?


I could believe I'm a sock of gabby, (whoever that is), because you're all a bunch of right wingnuts.

07-22-2011, 05:47 PM
"McChimpy"? Not too racist, are you? N's are chimps?

Nothing racist at all. I dealt with 8 years of liberals telling me and showing me pictures, stating GWB resembled a monkey. There are pictures all over the internet showing this comparison. Well, I think Obama looks like a chimp. Is it ok for so damn many to say GWB looked like a monkey, but I can't say the same about a Democrat?

07-22-2011, 05:47 PM
"McChimpy"? Not too racist, are you? N's are chimps?

By the way, where was the "N" word spoken until you brought it into the conversation just now?

red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:48 PM
I could believe I'm a sock of gabby, (whoever that is), because you're all a bunch of right wingnuts.

That is usally what responsible people are called by the big government loving, tax increasing, Nanny State liberals

What happened to the slogan "dissent is patriotic" we always heard during the Bush years?

Any coment on Obama's record or has Gabby been giving you debate tips?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:49 PM
Nothing racist at all. I dealt with 8 years of liberals telling me and showing me pictures, stating GWB resembled a monkey. There are pictures all over the internet showing this comparison. Well, I think Obama looks like a chimp. Is it ok for so damn many to say GWB looked like a monkey, but I can't say the same about a Democrat?

It's completely racist to say that African Americans are like monkeys.

07-22-2011, 05:51 PM
It's completely racist to say that African Americans are like monkeys.

Show me where I stated that. This is twice in just a few minutes that you are tossing words in my mouth. I stated I felt that Obama resembled a chimp. If he were white with a dark tan I would be saying the same thing. Are you telling me that a white president can be ridiculed and told he looks like a "primate" but the same can never be said about a black president?

red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:52 PM
It's completely racist to say that African Americans are like monkeys.

I suspect it would be a waste of time, but what about what libs have said about Justice Thomas, Michael Steele, Codi Rice, and other black conservatives

They are usually hit with racial slurs but the libs yawn and ignore it

What Jim called Obama is the same name libs called Bush - but I doubt if your tail feathers were ruffled over that like they are now

07-22-2011, 05:52 PM
And Michelle Obama looks like an Ape.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:56 PM
Show me where I stated that. This is twice in just a few minutes that you are tossing words in my mouth. I stated I felt that Obama resembled a chimp. If he were white with a dark tan I would be saying the same thing. Are you telling me that a white president can be ridiculed and told he looks like a "primate" but the same can never be said about a black president?

I stand corrected. Your exact words were Obama resembles a chimp. That is classically racist. It harkens back to the days when blacks were not even considered human.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 05:57 PM
And Michelle Obama looks like an Ape.

LOL. Keep going, racist. You're on a roll.

07-22-2011, 05:57 PM
I stand corrected. Your exact words were Obama resembles a chimp. That is classically racist. It harkens back to the days when blacks were not even considered human.

So you can't answer my question. Noted! You just want to harp about someone else mocking Obama and ignore the 8 years prior to that that a sitting president received the same exact treatment. Funny how someone who supposedly stands for "equal" rights and treatment, thinks its ok to treat presidents differently.

07-22-2011, 05:59 PM
LOL. Keep going, racist. You're on a roll.

Follow this link to google search about GWB and tell me your thoughts on the same treatment he received that I am now giving Obama:

http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=esqb,ratio&xhr=t&q=bush+chimp&cp=9&qe=YnVzaCBjaGlt&qesig=5sa976yc44ivzgEdQICoVA&pkc=AFgZ2tlnkbaOGAoKCQd07RZqQXd7Pv9bZGyJp9_ZYvYXOo SDGXCoqjEelEjhAVmjvu9m_kTSUL-JbJs2T6ZU285Qveh2EMGVVg&pf=p&sclient=psy&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=g5&aql=&oq=bush+chim&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=aeb16183bfd07c66&biw=1920&bih=908

red states rule
07-22-2011, 05:59 PM
I stand corrected. Your exact words were Obama resembles a chimp. That is classically racist. It harkens back to the days when blacks were not even considered human.

Libs know all about racism except when they direct it conservatives

Libs said they would like to string up justice Thomas and his wife

Threw Oreo cookies at Michael Steele

But hey, libs consider them sellouts so they do not "deserve" equal protection as black libs do

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:04 PM
Libs know all about racism except when they direct it conservatives

Libs said they would like to string up justice Thomas and his wife

Threw Oreo cookies at Michael Steele

But hey, libs consider them sellouts so they do not "deserve" equal protection as black libs do

I see. We "libs" are all alike.

I've never called for Clarence Thomas and his wife to be lynched. I don't think Thomas deserves to be on the Supreme Court after the way he treated women in his office. I suppose in your universe that amounts to wanting Thomas lynched.

I don't even know who Michael Steele is. I might be tempted to throw Oreo cookies at you, though. And a glass of milk too.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:06 PM
I see. We "libs" are all alike.

I've never called for Clarence Thomas and his wife to be lynched. I don't think Thomas deserves to be on the Supreme Court after the way he treated women in his office.

I don't even know who Michael Steele is. I might be tempted to throw Oreo cookies at you, though. And a glass of milk too.

From the lbs I know personally, if it was not for their double standards they would have no standards at all

As far as how men treat women, should Bill Clinton (who has a long history of abusing women) have been President. Somehow I think you say "yes" simply because he is one of your own

07-22-2011, 06:06 PM
I see. We "libs" are all alike.

I've never called for Clarence Thomas and his wife to be lynched. I don't think Thomas deserves to be on the Supreme Court after the way he treated women in his office. I suppose in your universe that amounts to wanting Thomas lynched.

I don't even know who Michael Steele is. I might be tempted to throw Oreo cookies at you, though. And a glass of milk too.

Can't follow the link I put on here for you and answer my question? I can't dumb it down any further for you!

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:10 PM
Can't follow the link I put on here for you and answer my question? I can't dumb it down any further for you!

It would help if she wanted to know the truth Jim. But then again if she knew the truth she would not be another liberal living in Obamaville (aka Fantasy Land)

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:11 PM
From the lbs I know personally, if it was not for their double standards they would have no standards at all

As far as how men treat women, should Bill Clinton (who has a long history of abusing women) have been President. Somehow I think you say "yes" simply because he is one of your own

Aren't you cute. All "libs" have no morals.

Frankly, I"ll let you have your stereotype. You can pretend I don't think Bill Clinton is a pig.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:13 PM
Aren't you cute. All "libs" have no morals.

Frankly, I"ll let you have your stereotype. You can pretend I don't think Bill Clinton is a pig.

Where did I say they did not have any morals?

Of course when you consider how you libs still hold men like Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Jess Jackson, and Barney Frank in such high esteem one could bring morals into the discussion

07-22-2011, 06:16 PM
It would help if she wanted to know the truth Jim. But then again if she knew the truth she would not be another liberal living in Obamaville (aka Fantasy Land)

I find it hilarious that she ignores my question each time. She wants to villify me but refuses to admit that HER KIND did the same damn thing for 8 years. Sad little bastards! :coffee:

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:17 PM
I find it hilarious that she ignores my question each time. She wants to villify me but refuses to admit that HER KIND did the same damn thing for 8 years. Sad little bastards! :coffee:

Gabby Jr?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:18 PM
Can't follow the link I put on here for you and answer my question? I can't dumb it down any further for you!

What are you talking about?

07-22-2011, 06:18 PM
Pretending that chart is true....


Why the hell is it the responsibility of successful people to pay for those who don't have the drive to be rich? I wish YOU would get a tax break so you could afford to buy a f'ing clue.

Republicans believe in WELFARE, but only for Corporations, not for people. Hedge fund managers, Wall Street Banks and Big Oil’s best friends in Congress, the Republicans, make sure that year after year, billions of dollars in taxpayer dollars flow into the coffers of the most profitable companies the world has ever known. In return, these same massive companies spend millions each year to make sure that their Republican friends keep their seats of power.

I've got my own charts. Look at these:

The chart below compares the 10 safety-net programs slated for deep cuts with the cost of the tax breaks that should also be considered for reduction or elimination to bring the budget into balance. The column on the left is a list of safety-net programs that have already been targets of the House leadership’s budget ax. The column on the right is the cost to specified tax breaks (see bottom of page for sources).
Most Americans would be surprised to learn that tax breaks are not on the table during any budget negotiations. In fact, Congress has the Congressional Budget Office prepare an official spending estimate for the cost of all programs or their expansions. Meanwhile, Congress enacts and continues tax breaks without any requirement that the cost of tax breaks be calculated and shared with members before a vote.


Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:19 PM
Where did I say they did not have any morals?

Of course when you consider how you libs still hold men like Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Jess Jackson, and Barney Frank in such high esteem one could bring morals into the discussion

And you hold a lot of assholes in high esteem too, as long as they're on your side.

07-22-2011, 06:20 PM
What are you talking about?

The link I posted:

http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=esqb,ratio&xhr=t&q=bush+chimp&cp=9&qe=YnVzaCBjaGlt&qesig=5sa976yc44ivzgEdQICoVA&pkc=AFgZ2tlnkbaOGAoKCQd07RZqQXd7Pv9bZGyJp9_ZYvYXOo SDGXCoqjEelEjhAVmjvu9m_kTSUL-JbJs2T6ZU285Qveh2EMGVVg&pf=p&sclient=psy&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=g5&aql=&oq=bush+chim&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=aeb16183bfd07c66&biw=1920&bih=908

Read a TON of those pages and look at the images. Then come back with a straight face and tell me why it was OK to make comparisons between Bush and a chimp, but not OK to do so to Obama.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:21 PM
Pretending that chart is true....


Why the hell is it the responsibility of successful people to pay for those who don't have the drive to be rich? I wish YOU would get a tax break so you could afford to buy a f'ing clue.

Stop screaming you idiot. Take a break. Calm down.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:21 PM
And you hold a lot of assholes in high esteem too, as long as they're on your side.

Still ducking I see

Care to name the abusers of women and rapists Republicans hold in high esteem?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:23 PM
The link I posted:

http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=esqb,ratio&xhr=t&q=bush+chimp&cp=9&qe=YnVzaCBjaGlt&qesig=5sa976yc44ivzgEdQICoVA&pkc=AFgZ2tlnkbaOGAoKCQd07RZqQXd7Pv9bZGyJp9_ZYvYXOo SDGXCoqjEelEjhAVmjvu9m_kTSUL-JbJs2T6ZU285Qveh2EMGVVg&pf=p&sclient=psy&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=g5&aql=&oq=bush+chim&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=aeb16183bfd07c66&biw=1920&bih=908

Read a TON of those pages and look at the images. Then come back with a straight face and tell me why it was OK to make comparisons between Bush and a chimp, but not OK to do so to Obama.

OK. You have a point. But so do I. The historical context of slaves being considered animals. It's extremely insensitive to call African American monkeys.

07-22-2011, 06:24 PM
I find it hilarious that she ignores my question each time. She wants to villify me but refuses to admit that HER KIND did the same damn thing for 8 years. Sad little bastards! :coffee:

Jim... Jim... she is trying to divert the discussion from the subject of Boehner finding Obama's demands for tax increases unacceptable, and calling a halt to the conferences.

And she has succeeded. Thanks in large part to your and RSR's help and cooperation in following her off the track.

Do you two enjoy getting played like a violin like that?

Back to the subject:
From Fox and ABC reports, it is apparent that the sticking points were Obama's insistence on raising taxes. Boehnere has said from the beinning, that there weren't enough votes in the House for any proposal containing tax increases, to pass.

Our resident leftist fanatics have been deriding Republicans for passing "Cut Cap and Balance" in the house. They keep telling us that, since there was no hope of its passing the Senate, that it was a useless waste of time and Republicans should never have done it.

Now we are seeing President Obama pushing and pushing for tax increases, though the exact same situation exists in the House: There is no way such a proposal will ever pass. Where are the fanatic leftists to tell President Obama that his insistence on tax increases, is a useless waste of time and he should never do it?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:24 PM
Still ducking I see

Care to name the abusers of women and rapists Republicans hold in high esteem?

No, I don't. My point is that there are plenty of sexual scandals on both sides. You don't make a big deal out of it if it's one of yours.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:25 PM
OK. You have a point. But so do I. The historical context of slaves being considered animals. It's extremely insensitive to call African American monkeys.

You mean LIBERAL African Americans

07-22-2011, 06:26 PM
OK. You have a point. But so do I. The historical context of slaves being considered animals. It's extremely insensitive to call African American monkeys.

I think it was offensive to Bush, as our President, as well...

Jim... Jim... she is trying to divert the discussion from the subject of Boehner finding Obama's demands for tax increases unacceptable, and calling a halt to the conferences.

And she has succeeded. Thanks in large part to your and RSR's help and cooperation in following her off the track.

Do you two enjoy getting played like a violin like that?

Nope, unlike liberals, I can multitask! I'm watching Bohner live!


Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:26 PM
Jim... Jim... she is trying to divert the discussion from the subject of Boehner finding Obama's demands for tax increases unacceptable, and calling a halt to the conferences.

And she has succeeded. Thanks in large part to your and RSR's help and cooperation in following her off the track.

Do you two enjoy getting played like a violin like that?

Back to the subject:
From Fox and ABC reports, it is apparent that the sticking points were Obama's insistence on raising taxes. Boehnere has said from the beinning, that there weren't enough votes in the House for any proposal containing tax increases, to pass.

Our resident leftist fanatics have been deriding Republicans for passing "Cut Cap and Balance" in the house. They keep telling us that, since there was no hope of its passing the Senate, that it was a useless waste of time and Republicans should never have done it.

Now we are seeing President Obama pushing and pushing for tax increases, though the exact same situation exists in the House: There is no way such a proposal will ever pass. Where are the fanatic leftists to tell President Obama that his insistence on tax increases, is a useless waste of time and he should never do it?


"she is still in the room and can hear you".........

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:26 PM
No, I don't. My point is that there are plenty of sexual scandals on both sides.

Originally Posted by Wind Song http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=478921#post478921) And you hold a lot of assholes in high esteem too, as long as they're on your side.

Are you sffering from Alzheimer's or do you want to ignore what you psotes?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:33 PM
The one with the selective memory is you. You forget all the right wing sex scandals. I get it. Only libs get their dicks caught out of their pants.


red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:35 PM
The one with the selective memory is you. You forget all the right wing sex scandals. I get it. Only libs get their dicks caught out of their pants.

Then please tell me the rapists and abusers of women the Republicans hold in high esteem

Or are you here just to insult people who have a different opinion then you do? So far you are a perfect example of liberal tolerance

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:37 PM
* Republican Representative Chris Lee of New York resigned in February after posting shirtless and flirtatious photos of himself on the Internet.

* Republican Senator John Ensign of Nevada, once seen as a potential presidential contender, stepped down amid an ethics committee probe into his affair with a former aide and attempted cover-up.

* Republican Senator Larry Craig of Idaho rejected calls to resign, but did not run for reelection in 2008 after he was arrested on charges of soliciting sex in an airport men's room.

* Republican Representative Mark Foley resigned after it was disclosed that he had sent sexually suggestive e-mails to former male pages.

* Republican Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, in a stunning comeback, won reelection in 2010 -- despite having been earlier identified as a client of a prostitution service.

* Then-South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford likely ended his chances of ever running for president in 2009 when he tearfully admitted that rather than hiking the Appalachian trail as he had claimed, he was actually having an extra marital affair with a woman in Argentina (http://www.debatepolicy.com/places/argentina).

Only a partisan hack thinks that THEIR party is free of scandal.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:40 PM
* Republican Representative Chris Lee of New York resigned in February after posting shirtless and flirtatious photos of himself on the Internet.

* Republican Senator John Ensign of Nevada, once seen as a potential presidential contender, stepped down amid an ethics committee probe into his affair with a former aide and attempted cover-up.

* Republican Senator Larry Craig of Idaho rejected calls to resign, but did not run for reelection in 2008 after he was arrested on charges of soliciting sex in an airport men's room.

* Republican Representative Mark Foley resigned after it was disclosed that he had sent sexually suggestive e-mails to former male pages.

* Republican Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, in a stunning comeback, won reelection in 2010 -- despite having been earlier identified as a client of a prostitution service.

* Then-South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford likely ended his chances of ever running for president in 2009 when he tearfully admitted that rather than hiking the Appalachian trail as he had claimed, he was actually having an extra marital affair with a woman in Argentina (http://www.debatepolicy.com/places/argentina).

I beleive most on this list were forced out of office and they are NOT held in high esteem as Bill Clinton is and ted Kennedy was

Hell libs stand by their own no matter what they do to women

You never did answer the queston if you felt Clinton should have been Presidnet based on how he treated women

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:45 PM
Sorry. I missed your question. Apparently, you missed me calling Clinton a pig. I changed my party affiliation to Independent from Democrat after Monica.

But don't let me rock your stereotype of "libs". We're all alike.

What I think is funny, is that we think powerful men of both parties aren't going to be pigs.

07-22-2011, 06:46 PM
It's completely racist to say that African Americans are like monkeys.

There are no african americans, there are only Americans. If they want to be africans they should move to africa. I refer to this president as the dark lord. Because he's an evil to core man who surrounds himself with even more evil people. When I want a shorter name I call him zero. I personally think he looks like a chimp, not a monkey.

He's the first affirmative action president and like all affirmative action types, he's worthless. You can play the race card all day with me, it means nothing. I have no guilt. I really hate that n word shit. The word is nigger. If your afraid of it use negro or darkie. His skin color means nothing to me, he's an evil manipulative man who got where he is using white guilt and racism.

The evil rich, that you have bought into are the very people running things in washington. It's a smoke and mirrors game where the rich are depicted as the bad guys because everyone needs someone to blame. The dark lord and his cohorts are just as rich as the republicans they want you to hate. They are just as much involved in wall street as the republican rich. But they need to make you believe it's all the rich peoples fault. This is standard communist propaganda. It's all about power and who wields it. It's about creating an enemy for everyone to hate in order to misdirect peoples attention. It's all Bush's fault. He's been out of office almost three years and it's still all his fault. You buy into that and repeat that mantra over and over. But it's actually your fault. You voted for and continue to support the dark lord. So you own the present situation.

In the words of Archie Bunker YOU ARE A MEATHEAD!

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:47 PM
Sorry. I missed your question. Apparently, you missed me calling Clinton a pig. I changed my party affiliation to Independent from Democrat after Monica.

Independent? LOL!!!!

You are Independent as Bernie Sanders or Howie Dean :laugh2:

Was itreally Monica or how is it how Bill went after Obama that you called him a pig?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:48 PM
I see. You have no problem using the word nigger. No problem. I've been called a nigger love since I was a child. Color blindness is completely stupid. My black friends don't want their struggle to be invisible. They wear their blackness with pride.

I didn't vote for President Obama because he is black. I voted for him because he's intelligent, honorable, and speaks well for the American people throughout the world.

President Obama is not an evil man.

I feel sorry for you, Gaffer.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:49 PM
Independent? LOL!!!!

You are Independent as Bernie Sanders or Howie Dean :laugh2:

Was itreally Monica or how is it how Bill went after Obama that you called him a pig?

I may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean I'm a democrat.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:51 PM
I may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean I'm a democrat.

That is likie saying just because there was semen on Monica's dress, that does not mean Bill and Monica had sex

(and yes one Dem said that on TV in defense of Bubba)

and I am glad to see you admit you are a liberal. The first step on the road to recovery is too admit you have a problem

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 06:55 PM
That is likie saying just because there was semen on Monica's dress, that does not mean Bill and Monica had sex

(and yes one Dem said that on TV in defense of Bubba)

and I am glad to see you admit you are a liberal. The first step on the road to recovery is too admit you have a problem

The one with the problem is you. It's YOUR problem that I'm a liberal. Not mine. I am proud to call myself a liberal.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 06:58 PM
The one with the problem is you. It's YOUR problem that I'm a liberal. Not mine. I am proud to call myself a liberal.

It's not my problem. It is yours. You think the government is the answer to everything. You want to punish achievement by having the government confiscate more wealth and redistribute to those who did not earn it. you think tax cuts and not Obama's reckless spending has us in the mess we are in. you think Wall Strret and not the governements interference in the private housing market caused the housing meltdown. You think Bush's reckless spending caused the economy to sour but Obama's more reckless spending will get us out of it

No, you are clearly the one with the problem and I damn near pity you

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 07:01 PM
It's not my problem. It is yours. You think the government is the answer to everything. You want to punish achievement by having the government confiscate more wealth and redistribute to those who did not earn it. you think tax cuts and not Obama's reckless spending has us in the mess we are in. you think Wall Strret and not the governements interference in the private housing market caused the housing meltdown. You think Bush's reckless spending caused the economy to sour but Obama's more reckless spending will get us out of it

No, you are clearly the one with the problem and I damn near pity you

First of all, I don't think government is the answer to everything. I think the government is wasteful and inefficient. I think it's one of the worst run companies in America.

Clearly, you have a problem. I'm sorry for you. You can't see past your prejudice to have an actual discussion about topics important to all of us.

You're unAmerican. You don't believe in citizen dissent.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 07:03 PM
First of all, I don't think government is the answer to everything. I think the government is wasteful and inefficient. I think it's one of the worst run companies in America.

Clearly, you have a problem. I'm sorry for you. You can't see past your prejudice to have an actual discussion.

So you think the government is wasteful and inefficient yet you have posted how you support giving Obama MORE money to spend

No sweetheart, YOU have the problem ,and ii is called LIBERALISM!

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 07:04 PM
There you go. Losing your temper and refusing to discuss the issues. Sad. The Founders gave us a republic and I, for one, intend to keep it.

You're a real sourpuss.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 07:07 PM
There you go. Losing your temper and refusing to discuss the issues. Sad. The Founders gave us a republic and I intend to keep it.

Now I am losing my temper when I point out your hypocrisy?

Why do you support giving the government more money to spend if you think it is is wasteful and inefficient?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 07:08 PM
Now I am losing my temper when I point out your hypocrisy?

Why do you support giving the government more money to spend if you think it is is wasteful and inefficient?

You idiot. I support keeping the government running, not shutting it down over some freakin' temper tantrum. Your side are a bunch of babies.

Grow up and learn to work with others.

07-22-2011, 07:10 PM
You idiot. I support keeping the government running, not shutting it down over some freakin' temper tantrum. Your side are a bunch of babies.

Grow up and learn to work with others.

Like the Democrats in Wisconsin?

red states rule
07-22-2011, 07:11 PM
You idiot. I support keeping the government running, not shutting it down over some freakin' temper tantrum.

Again your resoning is like giving a drug addict a daily fix to keep him frrm going thru withdrawal pains

So by all means keep that wasteful and inefficient comapny running with our money

I must say, you spin as well as a Maytag washer Wind Song

and keep showing that liberal tolerance baby!

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 07:11 PM
Good point. Nonetheless, BONER is a big baby.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 07:13 PM
Again your resoning is like giving a drug addict a daily fix to keep him frrm going thru withdrawal pains

So by all means keep that wasteful and inefficient comapny running with our money

I must say, you spin as well as a Maytag washer Wind Song

and keep showing that liberal tolerance baby!

Hahaha. You keep losing your temper and you tell me my reasoning is faulty.

Shutting down the government AGAIN is a stupid idea. It backfired in the GOP's face the last time and it will do the same this time.

You boys have to learn to work with others and keep the government running.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 07:14 PM
Good point. Nonetheless, BONER is a big baby.

Yea, everyone should want to work harder so they can send more of their moeny to DC. Everyone should want to go deeper into debt and saddle their grandkids with trillions moreof debt to pay off. Everyone should support growing government and paying more in taxes to fund those pensions and perks for government workers. Evryone should support more "stimulus" programs just cost taxpayers a measley $230,000 per job.

What the hell is wrong America when they pass up things like that?

07-22-2011, 07:15 PM
Good point. Nonetheless, BONER is a big baby.

How cute, a liberal disagrees and the true colors come out. You act upset in another thread when Obama is made fun of, but now start with the 3rd grade level penis jokes! :lame2: :lol:

red states rule
07-22-2011, 07:16 PM
Hahaha. You keep losing your temper and you tell me my reasoning is faulty.

Shutting down the government AGAIN is a stupid idea. It backfired in the GOP's face the last time and it will do the same this time.

You boys have to learn to work with others.

That is not what you posted. But having to defend Obama you have to change your positions more often then stipper on stage

and like Obama, ll of your comments come with expiration dates

red states rule
07-22-2011, 07:17 PM
How cute, a liberal disagrees and the true colors come out. You act upset in another thread when Obama is made fun of, but now start with the 3rd grade level penis jokes! :lame2: :lol:

Hey, this is your modern day liberal. they screw up, speak the truth, get busted, and they go right into attack mode

Damn I am looking forward to November 2012

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 07:18 PM
Yea, everyone should want to work harder so they can send more of their moeny to DC. Everyone should want to go deeper into debt and saddle their grandkids with trillions moreof debt to pay off. Everyone should support growing government and paying more in taxes to fund those pensions and perks for government workers. Evryone should support more "stimulus" programs just cost taxpayers a measley $230,000 per job.

What the hell is wrong America when they pass up things like that?

What the hell is wrong with YOU when you vote to let RICH PEOPLE have a tax cut. Are you that STUPID? You want to work harder so some rich fuck can take a longer vacation?

If we let the tax cuts for the rich expire in 2012 we will be WAY ahead on pulling out of this slump we're in.

I agree that some programs need to be cut too. I think the pensions that government workers get is unfair and costly to the rest of us.

But hey, keep putting me in your stereotype.

07-22-2011, 07:19 PM
What the hell is wrong with YOU when you vote to let RICH PEOPLE have a tax cut. Are you that STUPID?

The top 2% of the richest people in the US already pay the lions share of the taxes.

red states rule
07-22-2011, 07:25 PM
What the hell is wrong with YOU when you vote to let RICH PEOPLE have a tax cut. Are you that STUPID? You want to work harder so some rich fuck can take a longer vacation?

If we let the tax cuts for the rich expire in 2012 we will be WAY ahead on pulling out of this slump we're in.

I agree that some programs need to be cut too. I think the pensions that government workers get is unfair and costly to the rest of us.

But hey, keep putting me in your stereotype.

Fact: The Bush tax cuts cut taxes on anyone who earned a pay check. the lowest paid workers got a 33% tax CUT

Married people are not paying the entire marriage penalty

The child tax credit was increased

Yes the wealthy got the bigget tax cut since they pay the most in taxes. The top 1% earn 21% of the earinigns yet pay 41% of all federal income taxes

In fact there sahe of the tax burden INCREASED after the tax cut

So you want to raise taxes on the middle class you libs claim to care so much about

The Bush tax cuts did increase the growth of the US economy. The GDP went from 1.7 before the tax cuts to 4.1 after the tyax cuts

Any questions?

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 07:30 PM
It is a fact that the rich can afford to pay more. The Bush tax cuts don't help the middle and lower classes. I suppose, we don't matter to you.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 07:32 PM
How cute, a liberal disagrees and the true colors come out. You act upset in another thread when Obama is made fun of, but now start with the 3rd grade level penis jokes! :lame2: :lol:

That's the culture here. Third grade. When in Rome....

Let the rich pay the pre-Bush tax rate. Don't pile the burden on the poor and the middle class.

07-22-2011, 07:33 PM
It is a fact that the rich can afford to pay more. The Bush tax cuts don't help the middle and lower classes. I suppose, we don't matter to you.

Just because they "can" pay more doesn't mean they should. How about on payday, your company goes over their roster and see who gets paid what. Those making lower than you will get a cut from you and others to even things out. You wouldn't mind the workforce working in this manner, to ensure everyone pays their fair share?

07-22-2011, 07:34 PM
That's the culture here. Third grade. When in Rome....

Let the rich pay the pre-Bush tax rate. Don't pile the burden on the poor and the middle class.

I vote for cutting the continual spending by Dems and having a less of a burden for anyone.

Wind Song
07-22-2011, 07:34 PM
They should pay their fair share. The rich should be paying taxes at a pre-Bush era rate. If they were to do so, we would quickly pay off the deficit.

07-22-2011, 07:35 PM
Just because they "can" pay more doesn't mean they should. How about on payday, your company goes over their roster and see who gets paid what. Those making lower than you will get a cut from you and others to even things out. You wouldn't mind the workforce working in this manner, to ensure everyone pays their fair share?

They should pay their fair share. The rich should be paying taxes at a pre-Bush era rate. If they were to do so, we would quickly pay off the deficit.

So you agree with my comparison, that you should have pay deducted to help those who make less?

red states rule
07-22-2011, 07:35 PM
It is a fact that the rich can afford to pay more. The Bush tax cuts don't help the middle and lower classes. I suppose, we don't matter to you.

What gives you that special insight to decide who can pay and how much?

When you add up all the taxes, the so called rich already fork over more then half their income to the government

Look at the states with the highest taxes and they all are going broke. Why? the "rich" refuse to work harder when they can't keep what they earn

When you have the top 50% of earners paying 97% of the taxes, you have a serious problem

You can continue to ignoire the fact YOU got a tax cut. I got a tax cut. The bottom earners got a 33% tax cut. Married people got a tax cut

Simply continue to lie about who got a tax cut does not change the facts that if you earned a pay check you did get a tax cut under Bush

07-22-2011, 07:49 PM
Stop screaming you idiot. Take a break. Calm down.

Still ducking I see


WS is pathetic.

07-22-2011, 10:07 PM
Yes, I do support the President. It's Bush's freakin tax cuts, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his rich friends on Wall Street, that got us into this mess.

Along comes BONER pulling this shit on top of it.

More trolling I see. You didn't comment on my refutation of your earlier taxes post did you?

07-22-2011, 10:23 PM
The Founders gave us a republic and I, for one, intend to keep it.

They also gave us a constitution, would you like to keep that too?

07-22-2011, 10:25 PM
It is a fact that the rich can afford to pay more. The Bush tax cuts don't help the middle and lower classes. I suppose, we don't matter to you.

Sure they do or is it your contention that the jobs provided by the "rich" aren't "help"?

07-22-2011, 10:26 PM
They should pay their fair share. The rich should be paying taxes at a pre-Bush era rate. If they were to do so, we would quickly pay off the deficit.


07-22-2011, 11:29 PM
Republicans believe in WELFARE, but only for Corporations, not for people. Hedge fund managers, Wall Street Banks and Big Oil’s best friends in Congress, the Republicans, make sure that year after year, billions of dollars in taxpayer dollars flow into the coffers of the most profitable companies the world has ever known. In return, these same massive companies spend millions each year to make sure that their Republican friends keep their seats of power.

I've got my own charts. Look at these:

The chart below compares the 10 safety-net programs slated for deep cuts with the cost of the tax breaks that should also be considered for reduction or elimination to bring the budget into balance. The column on the left is a list of safety-net programs that have already been targets of the House leadership’s budget ax. The column on the right is the cost to specified tax breaks (see bottom of page for sources).
Most Americans would be surprised to learn that tax breaks are not on the table during any budget negotiations. In fact, Congress has the Congressional Budget Office prepare an official spending estimate for the cost of all programs or their expansions. Meanwhile, Congress enacts and continues tax breaks without any requirement that the cost of tax breaks be calculated and shared with members before a vote.


LOL! RSR uses CBO numbers, that you were so proud of when you misused. You on the other hand, use Soros funded talking points and made up numbers. Gravitas. Look it up yet?

07-22-2011, 11:32 PM

I think she's actually losing gravitas. Incessant talking point usage will do that to you.

07-22-2011, 11:55 PM
Since when has compromise not been part of the political spectrum in Washington? Does the current House of Reps want to be the first that allowed the country to falter and who knows how many jobs to be lost simply because they want to stand on principles?
When Nov. 2012 comes along, I am betting that the American people will favor jobs and income over right-wing principles.

07-23-2011, 12:04 AM
Since when has compromise not been part of the political spectrum in Washington? Does the current House of Reps want to be the first that allowed the country to falter and who knows how many jobs to be lost simply because they want to stand on principles?
When Nov. 2012 comes along, I am betting that the American people will favor jobs and income over right-wing principles.

First, compromise has been part for far too long, witness our current conundrum. Bipartisanship sucks.
Second, jobs and income ARE right-wing principles.

07-23-2011, 12:11 AM
Since when has compromise not been part of the political spectrum in Washington? Does the current House of Reps want to be the first that allowed the country to falter and who knows how many jobs to be lost simply because they want to stand on principles?
When Nov. 2012 comes along, I am betting that the American people will favor jobs and income over right-wing principles.

Does Obama? Health care, off of cuts. High speed rail, off of cuts. Oh he's willing to 'compromise on age of SSI, to blame conservatives.' Sorry Gabby, seems some smarter folks may have stepped in. Compromise means BOTH sides give. Both win/win and lose/lose.

07-23-2011, 01:13 AM
It is a fact that the rich can afford to pay more.

They already pay more.

The Bush tax cuts don't help the middle and lower classes.

It allows the "rich" to create jobs for the middle and lower classes.

I suppose, we don't matter to you.

I would imagine the rich care as much about you as you care about them.

Quit whining.

07-23-2011, 06:28 AM
Boner is an obstructionist, just like Gingrich. There the Republicans go again shutting down the government because of their temper tantrums.


and yet it appears that Obama has decided in the last days of negotiation to double his demand for more taxes......strange way of resolving the problem, don't you think?......if the government shuts down it will be the Democrats who bear the blame because they're the party who decided we should be leaderless in times of crisis......

red states rule
07-23-2011, 09:20 AM
Since when has compromise not been part of the political spectrum in Washington? Does the current House of Reps want to be the first that allowed the country to falter and who knows how many jobs to be lost simply because they want to stand on principles?
When Nov. 2012 comes along, I am betting that the American people will favor jobs and income over right-wing principles.

Liberals like you Gabby have two versions of compromise.

When libs win election, their version of compromise was demenstrated when ater taking office Obama called the Republican Minority leaders to tell them "I won"

And Dems then rammed thru the stimulus plan and Obamacare with zero input and debate from the minority

Now when Dems lose elections, the lefts version of compromise is for the winners to go back on their campaign promises and give tax and spend liberals everything they want to show the voters the Republicans have political "courage" to amke the hard choices

07-23-2011, 09:51 AM
Sorry Gabby, seems some smarter folks may have stepped in. Compromise means BOTH sides give. Both win/win and lose/lose.

A look at the history of "compromise" is useful here.

During the 104th Congress (the ones the people voted in in 1994 after becoming outraged over Billary's trying to legislate in secret a government takeover of Health Care, sound familiar?), Congress started negotiations on the budget for 1995. Republicans and Democrats were about $700 billion apart. The idea was, each side would yield something, and they'd eventually meet near the

After three weeks of "negotiations", the Republicans had moved in the Democrats' direction by $300 billion. The Democrats, during the same period, had moved AWAY from the Republicans' position, by some $55 billion.

Things broke down, the government shut down, and the media obligingly blamed Republicans for the results.

Fast forward to 2011. Now the Democrats are insisting that Republicans compromise, and compromise, and compromise some more. While the Democrats, of course, haven't compromised an inch.

And you want to hear the funniest part? The Democrats are claiming that it's the Republicans who aren't "operating like adults".

And they act surprised when the Republicans say, "Sorry, no more compromises. Not this time. It's YOUR turn."

Sorry, Demmies, you've made your bed. You had to lie in it a little in 2010. And you will have to do it some more in 2012. And then again in 2014.

And this time you won't find much sympathy.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. As the Democrats have been demonstrating since 2010.

red states rule
07-23-2011, 02:08 PM
It looks like the American people are with the Republicans and are turning on Obama. But if you only get your news from the liberal media you have no idea how the folks really feel

NBC and CBS polls released earlier this week determined that a significant portion of the American public remain opposed to any increase in the nation’s <NOBR>debt (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#)</NOBR> limit, but neither network has included that fact in their on-air reporting. And a poll released by ABC on Tuesday didn’t even bother to ask for public opinion on whether the raising the debt ceiling was a good idea or not.

The networks’ selective coverage of their own polls corresponds with CNN on-air hosts scandalously ignoring the fact (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matt-hadro/2011/07/21/cnn-ignores-poll-results-showing-strong-support-cut-cap-and-balance) that their polling found 66% of Americans supported the House GOP's 'Cut, Cap and Balance' plan and that 74% would support a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll (http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/JulyNBCWSJPOLL07192011.pdf) found that despite warnings of supposedly dire consequences if the debt ceiling was not raised, 31% of Americans were against the increase. After providing a brief explanation of both sides of the argument, that number went up to 43%. The CBS News poll (http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/pdf/poll_debt_071811.pdf?tag=contentMain;contentBody) found an even higher 49% of Americans thought Congress should not raise the debt ceiling.

The closest ABC News (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/polls/postabcpoll_071711.html) came to actually asking the question was to simply wonder who Americans would blame for the assumed disaster that would befall the country if the debt ceiling was not raised.

All three networks did find time use their respective poll findings to <NOBR>focus (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#)</NOBR> blame for the stalemate on the Republican Party. On Tuesday's ABC World News, anchor Diane Sawyer proclaimed: "Republicans baring the brunt of the blame, 67% disapprove of the way Republicans in Congress are handling the economy."

On Tuesday's NBC Today, political director Chuck Todd declared: "Most of this poll shows that the middle of the country and a majority of Americans basically don't like the Republican position on this debt plan."

Finally, on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge observed: "And congressional Republicans also have an issue here as well. Seventy-one percent say they disapprove of their handling of things."

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/kyle-drennen/2011/07/23/network-poll-coverage-ignores-public-opposition-debt-ceiling-raise#ixzz1SxOSSKHX