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View Full Version : POGO, TCS Propose $600B in Cuts

07-23-2011, 05:09 AM
While the Senate’s “Gang of Six” has proposed a substantial cut in defense spending, their plan lacks specifics. The proposals by POGO and Taxpayers for Common Sense provide a detailed blueprint on how to achieve the savings.
The report released by the watchdog groups reduces the deficit by targeting weapons that even the Pentagon says it doesn’t need or want.
The spending cuts targeted by POGO and Taxpayers for Common Sense, include:

$300 billion by reducing Department of Defense (DoD) service contracts by 15 percent;
$72 billion by reducing non-DoD service contracts by 15 percent;
$60 billion through reforms to the DoD’s TRICARE health care system;
$44 billion by replacing two of the three F-35 variants with the less expensive F/A-18 E/F’s;
$30 billion by withdrawing 20,000 troops from Europe, and
$12 billion by not renewing the procurement contract for the V-22 Osprey.


Thoughts on the proposals?

07-23-2011, 07:25 AM

Thoughts on the proposals?

Sounds good, where is their non-defense spending proposal?

07-23-2011, 07:27 AM
Sounds good, where is their non-defense spending proposal?

Part of it was above. Mostly in military aggression, invasion, and occupation spending. They propose zero cuts to defense.

07-23-2011, 07:45 AM
Part of it was above. Mostly in military aggression, invasion, and occupation spending. They propose zero cuts to defense.

Your list was entirely DoD.

07-23-2011, 08:00 AM
$60 billion through reforms to the DoD’s TRICARE health care system;

Fucking douchebag liberals always scream about fairness to middle class and poor citizens unless those same citizens happen to have served in the military and then they're always the first targeted for a royal screwing.

07-23-2011, 08:02 AM
Your list was entirely DoD.

Oh no...HIS list was entirely the Dept of Offense...what a maroon! :laugh2:

07-24-2011, 01:05 PM

Thoughts on the proposals?

I propose to cut all funding to the NIH as a start. What are your thoughts on this?

07-24-2011, 05:01 PM
I propose to cut all funding to the NIH as a start. What are your thoughts on this?

So you'd rather stop funding for AIDS research (http://www.nih.gov/news/health/jul2011/niaid-11.htm) than stop bombing civilians (http://www.civicworldwide.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=445&Itemid=202) in Pakistan, and Yemen?

Are you a thanatophile?

07-25-2011, 03:07 AM
So you'd rather stop funding for AIDS research (http://www.nih.gov/news/health/jul2011/niaid-11.htm) than stop bombing civilians (http://www.civicworldwide.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=445&Itemid=202) in Pakistan, and Yemen?

Are you a thanatophile?

Did I say that? Why does it have to be an either or ... why not both?

07-25-2011, 03:08 AM
Are you a thanatophile?

Seems to me that only someone who has this affliction would even know what it means....and I have to say that I had to look it up. I'm not fascinated with death, but I don't shrink from it either.

07-25-2011, 09:42 AM
Did I say that?
Yes. You didn't want to start with not invading people anymore. You didn't even mention it at all. You went straight to ending NIH funding for research to find a cure for AIDS.

Why does it have to be an either or ... why not both?

So you're willing to stop bombing women and children, but only if we agree to also stop funding the search for a cure for HIV/AIDS?

07-25-2011, 11:44 PM
Yes. You didn't want to start with not invading people anymore. You didn't even mention it at all. You went straight to ending NIH funding for research to find a cure for AIDS.

No.....I did not say I wanted to end funding for a cure for AIDS...I want to start with stopping all funding for NIH until they quit funding bullshit studies ... like over 5,000 studies like this:

J Sex Marital Ther. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21707331#) 2011 Jul-Sep;37(4):298-306.
Heterosexual anal intercourse: increasing prevalence, and association with sexual dysfunction, bisexual behavior, and venereal disease history. Brody S (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=%22Brody%20S%22%5BAuthor%5D), Weiss P (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=%22Weiss%20P%22%5BAuthor%5D).
Source: a School of Social Sciences , University of the West of Scotland , Paisley , Scotland , United Kingdom.

Abstract: Representative samples of the Czech population were surveyed with regard to sexual behavior in 1993, 1998, 2003, and 2008 (N = 7,720). Lifetime prevalence of Heterosexual Anal Intercourse increased from 1993 to 2008 (16.6% to 19.7% among women, 15.7% to 25.3% among men). Anal intercourse was associated with lifetime number of sex partners, current masturbation, and histories (prevalence of which increased from 1993 to 2008) of homosexual sex, prostitution, venereal disease (adjusted for number of sex partners), and women's sexual dysfunction. The authors discuss the possible reasons for the increasing prevalence and the associations. Multivariate predictors of ever having a sexual dysfunction or a venereal disease are also presented.



If we stop those type of funding programs there would be a hell of lot more for research into actual diseases ... like AIDS. And, AIDS would not be at the top of that list either. There are other diseases that I would rank higher to find a cure for if I have to make choices.

So you're willing to stop bombing women and children, but only if we agree to also stop funding the search for a cure for HIV/AIDS?

If we have the capability of creating bombs that can discern a woman or child from a soldier or terrorist, then we can have this discussion....until then, your solution is about as ridiculous as mine. We both know that neither is going to happen ... there is too much political game playing behind both premises.

07-26-2011, 12:00 AM
So you'd rather stop funding for AIDS research (http://www.nih.gov/news/health/jul2011/niaid-11.htm) than stop bombing civilians (http://www.civicworldwide.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=445&Itemid=202) in Pakistan, and Yemen?

Did I say that? Why does it have to be an either or ... why not both?

SL, you're talking to a liberal fanatic there, remember? In their world, if Government doesn't do it, no one will do it. Hence, defunding the NIH somehow translates to stopping all funding for AIDS research in their strange view... as if no one but government was doing it.

Keep in mind these people's Government-uber-alles mindset. It clouds their entire world, distorts their thinking, and makes them regard anyone with a different mindset (such as, supporting freedom and personal responsibility) as "The Enemy".

07-26-2011, 09:08 AM
No.....I did not say I wanted to end funding for a cure for AIDS...I want to start with stopping all funding for NIH
Which would include NIH funding for AIDS research

You said nothing regarding any such qualifiers. But do feel free to backpedal at will.

your solution is about as ridiculous as mine.

Not killing brown people for being the wrong race and religion or refusing to be a colony is 'ridiculous'?

07-26-2011, 09:27 AM
SL, you're talking to a liberal


Me a Liberal? :laugh:

Fuck John Locke; I've already debunked that idiot on multiple occasions. Just ask anyone from the other board. His 'natural state' of imagined equality in which their are no predators, his placing of his neck firmly in Hume's guillotine- Locke is a joke.




07-27-2011, 02:30 AM
Which would include NIH funding for AIDS research
You said nothing regarding any such qualifiers. But do feel free to backpedal at will.

You are right ... didn't say "until" in my second post ... didn't think you wanted a complete thesis from beginning to end when you asked for my thoughts. So, I'll be real clear ... you specifically asked for thoughts on the proposals you presented. Is this clear enough?

I would start defunding NIH before I would start defunding DOD.

See, I can say extreme things just like you.

Not killing brown people for being the wrong race and religion or refusing to be a colony is 'ridiculous'?

Brown people??? So, are you saying it's OK to kill any color but brown ... why are you singling out brown people? Who's killing brown people for being brown ... other brown people perhaps??? And I believe religious people on both sides are killing each other .... not one side just killing the other due to religious beliefs.

PS ... I didn't say "not killing is ridiculuous" ... I said your solution ​(of defunding DOD) was as ridiculous as mine (defunding NIH), so don't try to put words in my mouth because you have an agenda. Please try to be open to really hearing what someone is saying instead of spending all your time and energy twisting things around.

07-27-2011, 07:42 AM
I would start defunding NIH before I would start defunding DOD.

So you'd cut funding for artificial livers to solve the organ shortage before you'd tell Obama he's getting no more money for his incursion into Libya?

07-27-2011, 11:29 PM
So you'd cut funding for artificial livers to solve the organ shortage before you'd tell Obama he's getting no more money for his incursion into Libya?

So, you would cut funding to military members and their families in order to keep studying heterosexual anal intercourse?

07-27-2011, 11:59 PM
So, you would cut funding to military members and their families in order to keep studying heterosexual anal intercourse?

Funding to military families? Why are we 'funding' them?

07-28-2011, 12:17 AM
Funding to military families? Why are we 'funding' them?

You wanted to cut funding for military healthcare ... remember? That funding affects the military and their families in a very direct manner.

07-28-2011, 12:21 AM
You wanted to cut funding for military healthcare ... remember? That funding affects the military and their families in a very direct manner.

So now you're complaining about cuts to entitlements? I thought you people hated socialized healthcare? You wanted to get rid of the NIH and AIDS research, remember? Socialized healthcare is socialized healthcare. Keep government out of healthcare and let them buy their own insurance in the private market- they'll get better prices and care anyway. That's how the free market works, don't ya know?

No more socialized healthcare. No more government-run healthcare. No Obamacare. No AIDS research. No Tricare. Keep the fed out of the doctor's office...

07-28-2011, 12:39 AM
So now you're complaining about cuts to entitlements? I thought you people hated socialized healthcare? You wanted to get rid of the NIH and AIDS research, remember? Socialized healthcare is socialized healthcare. Keep government out of healthcare and let them buy their own insurance in the private market- they'll get better prices and care anyway. That's how the free market works, don't ya know?

No more socialized healthcare. No more government-run healthcare. No Obamacare. No AIDS research. No Tricare. Keep the fed out of the doctor's office...

Who said I was complaining ... I merely used your own debating tactics.

I am not against providing healthcare for our military and their families ... they deserve it.

And, who is "you people" that you referred to???

As for AIDS research ... yes, it would be very low on the priority for medical research....I think cancer research is more important.....it doesn't required funding for sexually deviant behavioral studies. I can't remember the last time I heard that cancer is spread through sexual behavior.

07-28-2011, 01:01 AM
I am not against providing healthcare for our military and their families
So you support socialized, government-run, centralized healthcare?

... they deserve it.
So, if a member of your family is taking part inn Obama's illegal actions in Libya, you deserve to have my money taken from me by the State to provide you with healthcare?

sexually deviant

Oh noes, women are sucking cock and people are pleasuring eachother- somebody fetch my bible so I can ward off teh evul!

I can't remember the last time I heard that cancer is spread through sexual behavior.

Five months ago?



I love how stupid you are. It's amusing.

07-28-2011, 02:14 AM
So you support socialized, government-run, centralized healthcare?

So, if a member of your family is taking part inn Obama's illegal actions in Libya, you deserve to have my money taken from me by the State to provide you with healthcare?


Oh noes, women are sucking cock and people are pleasuring eachother- somebody fetch my bible so I can ward off teh evul!

Five months ago?



I love how stupid you are. It's amusing.

Are you serious .... are you ignoring what everyone on this board is saying about you? Stupid is way above your IQ level......you are not even amusing. You are just boring. Yawning.......

red states rule
07-28-2011, 03:57 AM
Are you serious .... are you ignoring what everyone on this board is saying about you? Stupid is way above your IQ level......you are not even amusing. You are just boring. Yawning.......

More like Virgil Lite, and just as boring and obnoxious

07-28-2011, 09:11 AM
Are you serious
You were babbling about sex spreading a virus that causes aids.

You implied sex can't spread cancer.

Fact is sex spreads a virus that causes cancer.


Care to try again?

are you ignoring what everyone on this board is saying about you?


More personal attacks? Why can't you idiots ever address the facts?

Stupid is way above your IQ level
O rly? I know some schools and standardized tests that'd disagree.

Do you still not think sex can 'spread cancer' the same way it 'spreads aids'?

[AIDS isn't contagious, btw- you can't get AIDS from someone]

Not surprisingly, when the facts aren't too your liking, you avoid them like a plague- you're like the pro-abortionists trying to dance around what the words 'alive' and 'human' mean.