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View Full Version : BREAKING:Boehner and Reid agree on two-part plan, bring it to WH... Obama says No

07-25-2011, 12:28 PM
This is getting weird. Apparently (if the message this author got is true), Republicans and Democrat leaders from the House and Senate put together a deal that both found acceptable. I thought such a thing would never happen, but then I through the Berlin Wall would never come down either.

They took it to Barack Obama... and he rejected it.

What on Earth for? The Republican-controlled House and Democrat-controlled Senate getting together and AGREEING on a budget deal that raises the Debt ceiling and cuts spending, is earth-shaking news. And Obama thinks it isn't good enough???

What, exactly, is Obama waiting for?



White House stokes debt-ceiling crisis

by Jennifer Rubin
July 25, 2011
8:00 AM ET

A Republican aide e-mails me: “The Speaker, Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell all agreed on the general framework of a two-part plan. A short-term increase (with cuts greater than the increase), combined with a committee to find long-term savings before the rest of the increase would be considered. Sen. Reid took the bipartisan plan to the White House and the President said no.”

If this is accurate the president is playing with fire. By halting a bipartisan deal he imperils the country’s finances and can rightly be accused of putting partisanship above all else. The ONLY reason to reject a short-term, two-step deal embraced by both the House and Senate is to avoid another approval-killing face-off for President Obama before the election. Next to pulling troops out of Afghanistan to fit the election calendar, this is the most irresponsible and shameful move of his presidency.

As for the House, why not pass the deal that Sen. Harry Reid agreed to, send it to the Senate and leave town? Enough already.

07-25-2011, 02:58 PM
They should both pass it and send it on up...

07-25-2011, 10:25 PM
I agree. put it in his court. He can approve or he can veto it. Regardless, he owns the decision.

Be nice if he made a real decision for once.

07-26-2011, 01:03 AM
What, exactly, is Obama waiting for?

His teleprompter to tell him what to do? No, seriously, I think he didn't like it because there wasn't enough built-in punishment for the wealthy. He realizes he only has one year to spread the wealth and is going for broke (pun intended).

07-26-2011, 01:22 AM
It was obvious after Friday's meltdown by Obama, and his subsequent sidelining by Congressional leaders of both parties, that he's a detriment, not a problem solver. It's not 'hope and change' by any measure.

It seems at several junctures Congressional leaders have seen a way out. It's Obama that has called a halt to compromise. That story is now out there, Reid can't hide it, try as he might.

Tonight's 'Prime time address' only showcased how immature and ignorant Obama is. It may be his worst moment ever. Recovery is possible, but not sure that the sausage making won't be picked up by non-political folks.

It's transparent, a rarity for this administration, that the reason he refuses to go with a 2 part plan, is he recognizes that the citizenry is not with his grand plan of continuing spending and taxing the job creators.

07-27-2011, 03:37 AM
It was obvious after Friday's meltdown by Obama, and his subsequent sidelining by Congressional leaders of both parties, that he's a detriment, not a problem solver. It's not 'hope and change' by any measure.

It seems at several junctures Congressional leaders have seen a way out. It's Obama that has called a halt to compromise. That story is now out there, Reid can't hide it, try as he might.

Tonight's 'Prime time address' only showcased how immature and ignorant Obama is. It may be his worst moment ever. Recovery is possible, but not sure that the sausage making won't be picked up by non-political folks.

It's transparent, a rarity for this administration, that the reason he refuses to go with a 2 part plan, is he recognizes that the citizenry is not with his grand plan of continuing spending and taxing the job creators.

A true narcissist.

red states rule
07-27-2011, 03:46 AM
It has taken 2 1/2 years, but the country is seeing the REAL Pres Obama - and they don't like it

Dems are turning on Obama because he is not liberal enough

Independents are leaving him due to his excessive complaining and trying to blame others for his failures

It has come to a point where everyone knows what Obama is going to say before he says it. "It is (fill in the blank) fault and I am trying my best"

Boehner is looking more Presidential than Obama does in this debate!!