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View Full Version : Happy Birthday, Sassylady!!

07-26-2011, 06:43 AM
Happy Birthday to SassyLady!! I believe today is her 30th birthday!! ;) :clap::thewave:

07-26-2011, 06:56 AM
Sassy's Bday? Holy Cow. I've got a candle for her...to...uh...nevermind.



Here's me calling to wish you a HBD!


07-26-2011, 07:07 AM
Happy Birthday to SassyLady!! I believe today is her 30th birthday!! ;) :clap::thewave:

Wait ... she's only 30? And labels herself a "cougar"?:slap:

Hmmm ....

Happy birthday ... young 'un.:laugh:

07-26-2011, 07:39 AM
Happy Birthday!

Have a wonderful day!

07-26-2011, 08:26 AM
Happy birthday, young squirt, in all your glorious sassiness.

Stay that way!

Sassy is mandatory.

Ladylike is optional. :thumb:

07-26-2011, 08:45 AM
Happy birthday, SL!


Though I'm not sure if you actually qualify as a cougar if you're only turning 30 ...

I recall the words of a wise woman who said that women used to date older men because they thought those men were more mature. Then they realized that men never mature and got young ones instead. Either way, have a great day! :cool:

07-26-2011, 09:25 AM
Then they realized that men never mature

We try to avoid that at all costs. :angel:

07-26-2011, 09:34 AM

Jim said today he will do ANYTHING you want, and DMP said if you ask for more pictures he would model for us....I mean you all day:laugh2:

go ahead girl be DEMANDING on those boys....it's your birthday....wouldn't mind pics of DMP & Jim having a boxing match shirtless and bearded:rolleyes:....but it's your birthday....hehe

07-26-2011, 12:00 PM
Indeed. Happy Birthday!

07-27-2011, 02:52 AM
Happy Birthday to SassyLady!! I believe today is her 30th birthday!! ;) :clap::thewave:

I wish!!! :laugh::laugh:

Actually, it's the second anniversary of my 30th!!

07-27-2011, 02:57 AM
Happy birthday, SL!


Though I'm not sure if you actually qualify as a cougar if you're only turning 30 ...

I recall the words of a wise woman who said that women used to date older men because they thought those men were more mature. Then they realized that men never mature and got young ones instead. Either way, have a great day! :cool:

Oooooohhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyy ... I do love chocolate! Now I have a new way to enjoy it.....thanks for the idea.

07-27-2011, 03:05 AM

Jim said today he will do ANYTHING you want, and DMP said if you ask for more pictures he would model for us....I mean you all day:laugh2:

go ahead girl be DEMANDING on those boys....it's your birthday....wouldn't mind pics of DMP & Jim having a boxing match shirtless and bearded:rolleyes:....but it's your birthday....hehe

Jim has fulfilled all my birthday wishes today ..... by telling me that everyday will be my birthday!!! Right, Jim?

DMP said he won't send me any more pics until I send him one ... so, I need a photographer to come take pics ... and guess who my favorite photographer is??? Yep, it's you DMP ... so, when will you be here??? This cougar is purring just thinking about candles, chocolate ... and because it's my birthday and I'm old enough to not really care anymore ... I'm going to indulge in some unladylike behavior ... posting new profile pic for those who want to stop by and say hi!

red states rule
07-27-2011, 03:23 AM
Sorry I am a day late SL - mortgage defaults are on the rise where I work and have not had time to do much posting

Hope you had a great day and of course, Happy Birthday!!!!
