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View Full Version : LMAOATU is offensive?!?

07-28-2011, 02:09 AM
Seriously??? In Vegas this is offensive? Give me a break. It's a license plate and someone found it to be offensive.

Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) - Thousands of Nevadans have personalized plates on their cars. But a local woman turned to Action News after the DMV decided hers might be a little too edgy for public streets.
The plate says LMAOATU. The acronym means, 'Laughing my @## off at you." The car's owners Neil Manas and Brooke Bennett-Manas say it's an inside joke meant to be funny and not offensive.
"We see people all the time coming out in parking lots taking pictures of our license plate, or at stop lights, stop signs. You know people think its funny. We get complimented on it every day," said Brooke Bennette-Manas.
But someone didn't find it funny and complained to the DMV. The pair got a letter telling them their plate was offensive, obscene and had to be changed.

"I really just feel like this is unacceptable. I see obscene and way worse stuff on a daily basis. This is Las Vegas!" Brooke said.


07-28-2011, 06:00 AM
I'd LMFAO if I saw that plate :)

Abbey Marie
07-28-2011, 10:21 AM
I think it's cool. So, you can drive merrily by a drug-addicted whore in Vegas, but this plate offends? :rolleyes:

07-28-2011, 11:23 AM
I think it's cool. So, you can drive merrily by a drug-addicted whore in Vegas, but this plate offends? :rolleyes:

Last time I was in Vegas, I was accosted by a smelly little man peddling porn on the strip. As I was carrying my 5 year old daughter on my shoulders. Yeah NOTHING should be deemed offensive in that town after that.

07-28-2011, 11:28 AM
Seriously??? In Vegas this is offensive? Give me a break. It's a license plate and someone found it to be offensive.


Please tell me this is a joke...

WTF ever happened to reason in this country?

07-28-2011, 11:54 AM
WTF ever happened to reason in this country?

It dies a little bit more each time you make a post.