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07-28-2011, 09:30 AM

07-28-2011, 10:49 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44ilZq3R900You paint with a VERY broad brush..... Is this how you see all Christians or just the ones you hate??????????????

07-28-2011, 10:57 AM
Ok, I'm with JT on this one.

Video is funny, too.

07-28-2011, 10:59 AM
You paint with a VERY broad brush..... Is this how you see all Christians or just the ones you hate??????????????

Read many of the religious sub forum posts? Broad brushes seem to be the norm. Ever read about how Christians think about atheists? The whole pot/kettle thing comes to mind.

07-28-2011, 11:03 AM
Read many of the religious sub forum posts? Broad brushes seem to be the norm. Ever read about how Christians think about atheists? The whole pot/kettle thing comes to mind.JT paints with a VERY braod brush on here. He states more than any of the Christians on this site.

This board is not a Christian only site by a long shot and it deffinitely is not one that pushes others away for thier beleifs. If your athiest thats great for you but stay the hell out of my life and I wont tell you what to believe and you dont tell me what NOT to believe....

07-28-2011, 11:21 AM
You paint with a VERY broad brush..... Is this how you see all Christians or just the ones you hate??????????????

It's funny how stupid you are.

What's that say at the bottom of the screen when the video first starts up?

Or maybe you read it and you're just a dishonest sack of shit who's intentionally ignoring it...

Or I suppose it could be both.

So, are you an illiterate retard, a dishonest sack of shit incapable of an honest response, or some combination of the two?

07-28-2011, 11:35 AM
JT paints with a VERY braod brush on here. He states more than any of the Christians on this site.

This board is not a Christian only site by a long shot and it deffinitely is not one that pushes others away for thier beleifs. If your athiest thats great for you but stay the hell out of my life and I wont tell you what to believe and you dont tell me what NOT to believe....

I'm pretty sure by creating a thread, JT did not "tell" you what to believe. You just viewed his video and got all offended. The "christians" on this forum often seem pissed that atheists even exist. And they often want govt to sanction their religion in some way, using my govt to "tell" me what to believe. So I'd get off your platform before you fall flat on your rhetorical face.

And the video WAS funny. Even my god fearing wife thinks so.

07-28-2011, 01:42 PM
I'm pretty sure by creating a thread, JT did not "tell" you what to believe. You just viewed his video and got all offended. The "christians" on this forum often seem pissed that atheists even exist. And they often want govt to sanction their religion in some way, using my govt to "tell" me what to believe. So I'd get off your platform before you fall flat on your rhetorical face.

And the video WAS funny. Even my god fearing wife thinks so.Its funny the only ones I see "wanting" the gov't to tell anyone anything is the athiest, and their attempt to legislate what/where/when I can practice whatever religion I practice. We are granted the freedom form a state sanctioned religion not the denial of the the freedom to practice our religion.. You and your ilk forget that. if I want to practice my religion on state ownd property I have that right since I am a member of the state, just as you have the right to not practice anything on state owned prooperty. By your rational if I am staying at a state park for the weekend camping I should NOT be allowed to hold a worship service!?!?!?

Nah he doesnt "tell" me how to live in this thread but by cramming the athiest view point down everyones throat in other threads that is exactly what he is doing.

07-28-2011, 01:57 PM
Its funny the only ones I see "wanting" the gov't to tell anyone anything is the athiest, and their attempt to legislate what/where/when I can practice whatever religion I practice.

Hermain Cain and the teabaggers are atheists?


Nah he doesnt "tell" me how to live in this thread but by cramming the athiest view point down everyones throat in other threads that is exactly what he is doing.

Where is this, exactly? Are you referring to my support (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?31904-American-Atheists-oppose-U.S.-Supreme-Court-review-of-Utah-highway-crosses-case) for a drive to gather donations to raise memorial crosses for fallen officers?

07-28-2011, 02:11 PM
Its funny the only ones I see "wanting" the gov't to tell anyone anything is the athiest, and their attempt to legislate what/where/when I can practice whatever religion I practice. We are granted the freedom form a state sanctioned religion not the denial of the the freedom to practice our religion.. You and your ilk forget that. if I want to practice my religion on state ownd property I have that right since I am a member of the state, just as you have the right to not practice anything on state owned prooperty. By your rational if I am staying at a state park for the weekend camping I should NOT be allowed to hold a worship service!?!?!?

Nah he doesnt "tell" me how to live in this thread but by cramming the athiest view point down everyones throat in other threads that is exactly what he is doing.

I see god believing people trying to get laws based on their religious beliefs all the time (abortion? School prayer? Etc). Are you that hostile and oblivious that you only see what you want to see?

I have no problem with you practicing your religion. Just don't use the govt to make other people follow your beliefs. Surely some religious beliefs and non-religious beliefs will coincide. And the laws will follow. That's all well and good. But don't use schools to set up prayer time. Some religious activities using govt property are fine and others aren't. That's why we have courts to decide things, even if you or I disagree with the outcome sometimes.

From your post, you seem to think all atheists are anti-religion. Pretty "christian" of you. I'm often amused at how unchristian "christians" can be.

And as the video points out obvious contradictions in a pretty common position taken by those of a religious nature, it is funny. As to JT jamming anything down your throat, here's a suggestion. As your obviously disagree with his stance and won't be convinced otherwise, try not reading or watching his posts.

07-28-2011, 11:58 PM
It's funny how stupid you are.

What's that say at the bottom of the screen when the video first starts up?


No, sorry, that is wrong. Care to try again?