View Full Version : Why are All Christians Cowards?

07-29-2011, 09:50 AM
Why the need to run and hide or abuse mod privileges for personal ends just because someone points out that Luke seems to imply homosexuals can, in fact, reach heaven or points out obvious flaws in the book you wave around while claiming everyone should be subject to what it says- or asks if you really want to the rules in the book like you claim.

Why can't you people ever answer a simple question or address inconvenient things like the bible not condoning their homophobia?

You people are faster to call for silencing the opposition than the Stalinists, and that's saying something.

07-29-2011, 10:04 AM
I wonder if it has anything to do with you constant offensive tone. I haven't been on this forum long, but you remind me of another asshat on another forum who was simply rude to enjoy being rude. You might have valid points to make, but your constant offensive nature makes you unable to communicate them. Or as you like to say, stfu.

07-29-2011, 10:06 AM
If members have issues with moderating of the forum, they should contact the staff.

07-29-2011, 10:07 AM
Why the need to run and hide or abuse mod privileges for personal ends

I'm unaware of staff here abusing their powers and then running and hiding. Shoot me a PM if you feel this is happening as opposed to starting new threads to bitch about it (as per the rules).

07-29-2011, 07:59 PM
Why the need to run and hide or abuse mod privileges for personal ends just because someone points out that Luke seems to imply homosexuals can, in fact, reach heaven or points out obvious flaws in the book you wave around while claiming everyone should be subject to what it says- or asks if you really want to the rules in the book like you claim.

Why can't you people ever answer a simple question or address inconvenient things like the bible not condoning their homophobia?

You people are faster to call for silencing the opposition than the Stalinists, and that's saying something.

Who are you calling cowards? At least Christians are intelligent and honest enough to admit who and what they are. Unlike you and your religion of hate. And guess where this thread's going?