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View Full Version : Have you ever had your ARSE Kicked really bad???

07-29-2011, 11:36 PM
Just wondering.......

How many of you out there have had there ass kicked or been beaten up before?

I had one fight in 7th or 8th grade, I remember some girl "called me out" and was going to kick my ass after school. I don't even reemember why she wanted to, but I remember afterschool she rode my bus home got off at my bus stop and kids circled around us, I was skeered and I remember someone in the crowd pushed me and I had a knee jerk nervous reaction and jumped on that there girl and punched her face in like a psycho, and she went home crying with bloody nose and mouth. I carried GUILT over it for years and I had even tried to apologize to her over it afterward.

Fast forward to when I'm 16 and married in vegas and pissed off my drunk husband who punched my face in kicked and spit on me and kicked my ass.

That movie Revelarts "bumped" up reminded me of the memory, sorry if it's creepy:rolleyes:

I guess what comes around goes around....:laugh2:

Now tell me your ass kickin or ass licken story :salute:

07-30-2011, 02:23 AM
Just wondering.......

How many of you out there have had there ass kicked or been beaten up before?

I had one fight in 7th or 8th grade, I remember some girl "called me out" and was going to kick my ass after school. I don't even reemember why she wanted to, but I remember afterschool she rode my bus home got off at my bus stop and kids circled around us, I was skeered and I remember someone in the crowd pushed me and I had a knee jerk nervous reaction and jumped on that there girl and punched her face in like a psycho, and she went home crying with bloody nose and mouth. I carried GUILT over it for years and I had even tried to apologize to her over it afterward.

Fast forward to when I'm 16 and married in vegas and pissed off my drunk husband who punched my face in kicked and spit on me and kicked my ass.

That movie Revelarts "bumped" up reminded me of the memory, sorry if it's creepy:rolleyes:

I guess what comes around goes around....:laugh2:

Now tell me your ass kickin or ass licken story :salute:

Well, getting beaten and abused by parents, stepfather was a pretty routine thing growing up. As for outsiders ... first time was in 10th grade. The Salcedo sisters, twins, were the neighborhood bad-arse bullies and loved to fight at the bus stop after school. One day they decided it was my turn for a little schooling. I held my own, but by no means did I win that battle...bad thing is that they lived on the same street, my mom knew them. My mom was a pyscho, and back then people didn't call the cops, and no one knew what PC was, and adults disciplined children ... even those that weren't their own. Those girls never bothered me again.

Now...fast forward to when I was about 22 and sitting in the truck while ex was delivering his kids back to their mom. She comes out to the truck and decides to go pyscho on me.... she opened the truck door and started whaling on me ... I spun around, lay down on seat and grabbed steering wheel and started kicking the snot out of her...she backed off that time because she couldn't get past me kicking her in the face. Two years later she comes to the house to pick up the kids and has been drinking. I refuse to let the kids go with her and she hauls off and hits me. So, while she and I are trying to kill each other my dog (who has been trained to protect me) rips her leg open, bites her arm....she has to go to the hospital to get leg sewn up, and had major bruising where I had tried to rip her throat out. I, on the other hand, just had a bald spot on my head where she pulled my hair out (about the size of a quarter - and it felt like a rug burn). Dog was quarantined for two weeks and listed as vicious. That was the last time she and I got into it because hubby and I got custody and control of the kids.

Now ... fast forward to current hubby's ex-wife...18 years ago. She comes on my front porch while picking up the kids and is cursing my ex for something ... didn't matter. Our well had gone out that weekend and we had been working hard to get it back up and running and I had a migraine I didn't want to hear any of her crap ... I asked her to leave and she just got louder and louder so I smacked her. By the time her husband and mine got us separated she had a broken wrist. She sued me in small claims court for medical bills. Guess I was lucky she didn't sue me for assault.

There was one time when I was about 18, on a blind double date, where I refused to continue the date and asked to be taken home. We were up in the mountains at a nice resort bar and the guy didn't want to take me the 30 miles back into town and he was getting pretty ugly. He finally decided to drive me down the mountain but was pretty pissed and I told him to pull over and just let me out. That seemed to make him madder so he hauled off and hit me. Once again I just turned sideways and braced myself against the door and started kicking the crap out of him and we almost drove off the side of the mountain. He knew I didn't care if we both died, so he pulled over and I got out. Walked to nearest house and called my uncle. He came and picked me up and took me home. I heard later that he and my mom went back to the bar, found the guy and really did a number on him.

My family are fighters ... and we don't fight by the Queensbury rules ... we fight to survive. For me it's like a switch gets flipped and I don't feel anything until it's over.

So, bottom line is that after I turned 18 and left home, I've only been smacked four times and held my own.

07-30-2011, 11:05 AM
I know who I'm picking on my team for Volleyball :laugh2:

07-30-2011, 11:09 AM
Don't know why, but the title of this thread reminded me of this. This is the text of a supposed Ebay Aution from a long time ago.

Winning bid receives an ass-kicking from me personally. I am 6'0" and weigh over 230 lbs. If you win this auction, I will personally come to your house and kick your ass. I guarantee that I will not break any bones or kill you, nor will I use any weapons on you, but I will give you a good beating. I will do this under two conditions:

1) You or anyone else does not press charges against me(after all, you bought the ass-kicking),
2) You do not fight back or attempt to physically harm me in any other manner (this is your ass getting kicked, not mine).

Buyer provides round-trip plane ticket to the nearest airport, as well as cab fare to your house and back. If you are not close to an airport, you may provide me with a train ticket or other means of transportation. Do not pick me up, as I will be attacking you completely randomly. Buyer must also provide good, clear directions to their house, as well as any business expenses for if I need to stay in a hotel or buy food for myself during the trip. Most likely though I will just fly in, kick your ass, and then leave.

Upon my arrival, I will select a random time to come over and kick your ass. It may be when you are sleeping, or showering, or any other time during the day/night when you are most vulnerable. During this beating I may damage one or more of your household items, if I have to break glass to get into your home or knock over furniture if you attempt to run from me. This should be expected by you, and covered in my expenses. If you are married or have children, I may choose to slap around your family a little bit, but only if I'm feeling particularly generous. They should be informed of this, and expect it as well.

Bidding starts at one cent ($0.01) but remember the winner must pay all expenses for my travel if they wish for me to come and kick their ass.

I will accept check, money order, or Paypal. Or you could just let me use your valid credit card for a few days and we'll call it even.

07-30-2011, 11:11 AM
Don't know why, but the title of this thread reminded me of this. This is the text of a supposed Ebay Aution from a long time ago.

Winning bid receives an ass-kicking from me personally. I am 6'0" and weigh over 230 lbs. If you win this auction, I will personally come to your house and kick your ass. I guarantee that I will not break any bones or kill you, nor will I use any weapons on you, but I will give you a good beating. I will do this under two conditions:

1) You or anyone else does not press charges against me(after all, you bought the ass-kicking),
2) You do not fight back or attempt to physically harm me in any other manner (this is your ass getting kicked, not mine).

Buyer provides round-trip plane ticket to the nearest airport, as well as cab fare to your house and back. If you are not close to an airport, you may provide me with a train ticket or other means of transportation. Do not pick me up, as I will be attacking you completely randomly. Buyer must also provide good, clear directions to their house, as well as any business expenses for if I need to stay in a hotel or buy food for myself during the trip. Most likely though I will just fly in, kick your ass, and then leave.

Upon my arrival, I will select a random time to come over and kick your ass. It may be when you are sleeping, or showering, or any other time during the day/night when you are most vulnerable. During this beating I may damage one or more of your household items, if I have to break glass to get into your home or knock over furniture if you attempt to run from me. This should be expected by you, and covered in my expenses. If you are married or have children, I may choose to slap around your family a little bit, but only if I'm feeling particularly generous. They should be informed of this, and expect it as well.

Bidding starts at one cent ($0.01) but remember the winner must pay all expenses for my travel if they wish for me to come and kick their ass.

I will accept check, money order, or Paypal. Or you could just let me use your valid credit card for a few days and we'll call it even.

Now Jim, how much did you bid before someone snuk in and won the auction out from under ya? WINK........

07-30-2011, 11:13 AM
Now Jim, how much did you bid before someone snuk in and won the auction out from under ya? WINK

I thought that was awesome. Feeling bad about yourself, just go out and buy an ass kicking!

07-30-2011, 11:23 AM
I thought that was awesome. Feeling bad about yourself, just go out and buy an ass kicking!

Nothing like a good ass kicking to cure self pity or depression.....can I have your therapists number?

07-30-2011, 12:13 PM
When I was in high school, I got beat up nearly every day. I was like 5'10" and weighed around 135 lbs , and didn't have many friends cuz I was quiet and my parents were strict didn't allow us to go to parties and such, so I wasn't in the "in" crowd. Also back then you didn't tell on bullies. Of course they were smart bullies , they did just enough to aggravate and humiliate people, but enough to where others would notice. Anyway this went on until the end of my junior year.

What changes is that I joined the national guard and went to boot camp in what is called split training. I went to boot camp before my senior year of high school, then advanced training the summer after my senior year of high school. Well, after orientation and we got sent to our platoons our head drill sargent took one look at me and paired me up with the fat kid in the platoon. "This is the rule " he said " you will eat your meal and half of fatties meal at EVERY meal" and of course we exercised like you wouldn't believe.

Put on 30 lbs of pure muscle, and learned to fight with an attitude to show it plus gained a shit load of self confidence. First day of senior year , one of the bullies come out to my car as I pulled in the parking lot and started commenting , pushing , etc etc. I gave that kid what I am sure to this day is the worst beating he's ever had in his life. Took 2 coaches to pull me off him and he got to go to the hospital. I was suspended for 7 days and it was 2 weeks before he returned to school.

I haven't been picked on since.

Oh, I did get "beat up" by a woman who cracked me over the head with a crockpot last year. That's another story for another post though. :D

07-30-2011, 03:35 PM
When I was in high school, I got beat up nearly every day. I was like 5'10" and weighed around 135 lbs , and didn't have many friends cuz I was quiet and my parents were strict didn't allow us to go to parties and such, so I wasn't in the "in" crowd. Also back then you didn't tell on bullies. Of course they were smart bullies , they did just enough to aggravate and humiliate people, but enough to where others would notice. Anyway this went on until the end of my junior year.

What changes is that I joined the national guard and went to boot camp in what is called split training. I went to boot camp before my senior year of high school, then advanced training the summer after my senior year of high school. Well, after orientation and we got sent to our platoons our head drill sargent took one look at me and paired me up with the fat kid in the platoon. "This is the rule " he said " you will eat your meal and half of fatties meal at EVERY meal" and of course we exercised like you wouldn't believe.

Put on 30 lbs of pure muscle, and learned to fight with an attitude to show it plus gained a shit load of self confidence. First day of senior year , one of the bullies come out to my car as I pulled in the parking lot and started commenting , pushing , etc etc. I gave that kid what I am sure to this day is the worst beating he's ever had in his life. Took 2 coaches to pull me off him and he got to go to the hospital. I was suspended for 7 days and it was 2 weeks before he returned to school.

I haven't been picked on since.

Oh, I did get "beat up" by a woman who cracked me over the head with a crockpot last year. That's another story for another post though. :D

I was not bullied in school because I hung with the bad kids the stoners, and I was the class clown in school always making friends laugh.

But my oldest daughter was bullied ruthlessly and it was so bad just Heartwrenching, to this day I can't stand to think of things that we went through over her being bullied at school.

07-30-2011, 03:53 PM
I was not bullied in school because I hung with the bad kids the stoners, and I was the class clown in school always making friends laugh.

But my oldest daughter was bullied ruthlessly and it was so bad just Heartwrenching, to this day I can't stand to think of things that we went through over her being bullied at school.

I enrolled my son in martial arts at an early age and let him know that he would NEVER get in trouble from me for fighting back or defending others. He graduated from HS last year and to my knowledge was never bullied. Of course things are different today, today you report bullies and they are gone immediately. Back when I was in school if you DID report bullies it was just a "well boys will be boys" type thing.

07-30-2011, 05:52 PM
I enrolled my son in martial arts at an early age and let him know that he would NEVER get in trouble from me for fighting back or defending others. He graduated from HS last year and to my knowledge was never bullied. Of course things are different today, today you report bullies and they are gone immediately. Back when I was in school if you DID report bullies it was just a "well boys will be boys" type thing.
Our oldest just graduated this year (starts college in 3 weeks). We started him in wrestling in the 6th grade. No other school sport will teach a kid how to hit and get hit like wrestling. Those kids are tough. Like you, we have always told our kids that they will NEVER get in trouble by us for defending themselves. We expect them to finnish any fight that was started against them.

Our 14 year old daughter was at lunch one day a boy who happens to be our heavy weight wrestler said some derogatory things to her, she told him to cram it and walked away. Unfortunately for him he followed our 5'1" 105 lbs daughter and said a few more things. Well she turned around cold coked him upside the head and continued to pound on him until other students pulled her off and a teacher got involved. After being sent to the office the vice principal told the boy he should NEVER have said what he did to my daughter and should be thankful our son didn't hear it.

As for things being different I think it depends upon where you live. We still have Christmas programs the kids aren't sent to jail for fighting and they generaly use common sense when dealing with the kids.. Something to be said about living in "fly over" country!!!!

Myself I got my butt beat when I was about 12 at the playground by my grand parents house, needless to say this was one of my first times I saw what family means. My uncle who is only about 5 years older than me found the 16 year old who beat my ass and proceded to knock the crap out of him and make him appologize for picking/beating on a little kid. That was when my uncles taught me how to fight and hold my own....

07-30-2011, 06:30 PM
I was bullied by this one girl in middle school. I remember going home one day and asking my older sister to come deal with my abuser. Instead, she told me the importance of dealing with my own problems. Her ex-boyfriend (now her husband) taught me how to fight. Knowing my abuser was much bigger than me, I borrowed a pair of steel-tipped shoes my sister had worn in a theatrical performance.
My bullying friend got a surprise the next time she confronted me on the way home from school. She slapped me in the face and I hit back. First time I had ever hit anyone. Then I kicked the crap out of her. First and last fight I ever had.

My cousin actually got arrested for a fight she had once. She had a running feud with a girl and slapped her around once. The girl's boyfriend confronted my cousin and was laying it on. So my cousin challenged him to a fight. They guy was naturally reluctant until my cousin provoked him. He smacked her in the face and got rewarded with an ass kicking.
So the guy's parents went to the police. My uncle said he had to suppress a laugh when a policeman came to his home and told him his daughter was being charged with beating up a guy. The judge in the case gave her probation and ordered her to take an anger management course.

Off the subject, there are guys in Japan who pay women to come verbally abuse them and then slap them around. Of course, Japan is also where you used to be able to find "schoolgirl panties" in vending machines. :laugh:

07-30-2011, 06:36 PM
I was bullied by this one girl in middle school. I remember going home one day and asking my older sister to come deal with my abuser. Instead, she told me the importance of dealing with my own problems. Her ex-boyfriend (now her husband) taught me how to fight. Knowing my abuser was much bigger than me, I borrowed a pair of steel-tipped shoes my sister had worn in a theatrical performance.
My bullying friend got a surprise the next time she confronted me on the way home from school. She slapped me in the face and I hit back. First time I had ever hit anyone. Then I kicked the crap out of her. First and last fight I ever had.

My cousin actually got arrested for a fight she had once. She had a running feud with a girl and slapped her around once. The girl's boyfriend confronted my cousin and was laying it on. So my cousin challenged him to a fight. They guy was naturally reluctant until my cousin provoked him. He smacked her in the face and got rewarded with an ass kicking.
So the guy's parents went to the police. My uncle said he had to suppress a laugh when a policeman came to his home and told him his daughter was being charged with beating up a guy. The judge in the case gave her probation and ordered her to take an anger management course.

Off the subject, there are guys in Japan who pay women to come verbally abuse them and then slap them around. Of course, Japan is also where you used to be able to find "schoolgirl panties" in vending machines. :laugh:

Maybe I should get a job verbally abusing Japanese men:rolleyes: I will pattern my technique after bette davis she was a beastly vamp !!!

07-30-2011, 10:21 PM
I was bullied by this one girl in middle school. I remember going home one day and asking my older sister to come deal with my abuser. Instead, she told me the importance of dealing with my own problems. Her ex-boyfriend (now her husband) taught me how to fight. Knowing my abuser was much bigger than me, I borrowed a pair of steel-tipped shoes my sister had worn in a theatrical performance.
My bullying friend got a surprise the next time she confronted me on the way home from school. She slapped me in the face and I hit back. First time I had ever hit anyone. Then I kicked the crap out of her. First and last fight I ever had.

My cousin actually got arrested for a fight she had once. She had a running feud with a girl and slapped her around once. The girl's boyfriend confronted my cousin and was laying it on. So my cousin challenged him to a fight. They guy was naturally reluctant until my cousin provoked him. He smacked her in the face and got rewarded with an ass kicking.
So the guy's parents went to the police. My uncle said he had to suppress a laugh when a policeman came to his home and told him his daughter was being charged with beating up a guy. The judge in the case gave her probation and ordered her to take an anger management course.

Off the subject, there are guys in Japan who pay women to come verbally abuse them and then slap them around. Of course, Japan is also where you used to be able to find "schoolgirl panties" in vending machines. :laugh:

Funny thing about bullies. They don't like to be hit back. They prefer victims who don't fight back.

It has changed though. When I was in school , there were probably 100 pickups in the parking lot with loaded hunting rifles in them, but no one ever even thought about taking a fight that far. Today, of course it's automatic expulsion to bring a rifle on campus and ................

07-30-2011, 10:37 PM
Funny thing about bullies. They don't like to be hit back. They prefer victims who don't fight back.

It has changed though. When I was in school , there were probably 100 pickups in the parking lot with loaded hunting rifles in them, but no one ever even thought about taking a fight that far. Today, of course it's automatic expulsion to bring a rifle on campus and ................

Now tell me about the crockpot:laugh2:

07-30-2011, 10:58 PM
Now tell me about the crockpot:laugh2:

LOL it was while working. We had people at every door and were just waiting to enter the house to serve a warrant and me and my partner happened to be at the kitchen door when. Suddenly we heard screaming coming from the kitchen , a woman begging a man to stop.. So my friend busted the door open and we went in early, I pulled this guy off his wife he was just beating the shit out of her, as we're struggling to get him under control (fucking meth heads) his wife who we just pulled him off clocks me over the head with a crockpot.

People are too much.

07-30-2011, 11:17 PM
LOL it was while working. We had people at every door and were just waiting to enter the house to serve a warrant and me and my partner happened to be at the kitchen door when. Suddenly we heard screaming coming from the kitchen , a woman begging a man to stop.. So my friend busted the door open and we went in early, I pulled this guy off his wife he was just beating the shit out of her, as we're struggling to get him under control (fucking meth heads) his wife who we just pulled him off clocks me over the head with a crockpot.

People are too much.

We have a large populaion of tweakers in Utah, boy do those women get "CRAZY" on that meth stuff.