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08-01-2011, 10:57 AM
So things have been pretty hectic the past couple months for me. I got a job as a prep cook at Chipotle's, which was nice... except that they hired about twice the people they needed, so the hours turned to complete shit. I didn't whine or cry about it, I took it on the chin, and started going down to Labor Ready again, but there was no work available, nor has Manpower been any help on that note. Well, I applied left, right, up and down to various jobs, and finally, I got a job with PICS, a company that does store inventories, which I started working on Friday. Now, the rent is due, and my mom and I are short $310, since my job won't start to pay until later this week.

If I were in VA, I could just go get a payday loan, and when not working, I could have gone to PlasmaCare to sell blood plasma twice a week, pick up some extra money that way. But no, here in NY, there are no real options if you're not willing to steal. No charities or programs want to help you unless you're being evicted, and they don't care that you're perfectly willing to pay back into the program, or work off the debt in any way. I'm not asking for charity, I just want to not get evicted, and I'm willing to do whatever work or pay is needed for that. As it is, I'm hocking my TV, dvds, and even a number of my books and such to try and pull the money together, but I'm just so sick of having to fight for it. It just seems like if you're willing to abide by the rules, and pay your own way up here, you're just not wanted.

I can't ask for help from my dad, as he's already helping my sister out down in NYC, and he retired recently, so it's not like his income is all that great at this point. Mom's living with me, but she's a school bus driver, the summer's been pretty rough since she doesn't have much, if any hours, and it all just feels like I'm sinking in quicksand. It took almost two months to get the Chipotle job, and now I have a new, better job, but that's not going to be able to help until it's already too late. We've already been late on the rent a few times, so the landlady's patience is a bit thin. and I can't say I blame her for that one.

Generally, I've always had a great deal of faith, but the past year or so has just been complete crap, and if it were something I were doing wrong, I'd accept it, I'd cop to it, and I'd correct it, but it's all this stuff that I have no control over that's beating me into the ground. I had a solid assembly line job, and then they laid off our whole team, struggled for a bit, but found some work up in VT. Finally got back to doing a job that actually paid, and.... laid off, and I didn't even have enough time in residence to get unemployment. Went through Manpower, and more layoffs abounded, no matter how long the "contract" was for. In three weeks, I worked 16 hours each week for a different company each week, all of which were supposed to be full-time jobs that last months/years. Finally, I ended up with the Chipotle job, which went fine at first, and the company is a good one, but the hours completely bottomed out.

I just wish I could catch a break, cause I so badly need one at this point. Thanks for listening.

08-01-2011, 11:16 AM
You and your mom are in my prayers. I've found the same problem with hours at my part-time job, my only source of income. The first month I avg over 30 hours per week. Then they hired more workers and I'm down to 18. Luckily in 3 more weeks, school starts again. Subbing will be a life saver, just hoping someone gets just sick enough to need weeks/months off. ;)

08-01-2011, 11:52 AM
The VA has assistance programs for vets in your situation. They can give you a few hundred dollars easily to help you get back on your feet. That's what the program is for. Talk to a councilor about it.

08-02-2011, 01:32 PM
I feel horrible reading this. Hopefully you'll be able to make ends meet before anything drastic happens. If it gets to desperation levels, let us know here and maybe some of us can help? I'm not in the greatest of positions myself, kinda broke actually, but I could probably use one of my wife's credit cards to get you $25 via paypal. And maybe we can get some others here to chip in? For all I know, no one would actually donate, and I'm probably even "wrong" for assuming others could or would help out. But I feel crappy when I see people get the wrong end of the stick, especially when they're trying hard. Keep us updated. I know you have friends here!

08-02-2011, 03:35 PM
Move to Utah, bring mom (she can deal with my sassy 15 yr old high maintance daughter in lieu of rent, lol) me and you can split rent 2 ways, we can go to college and work at ancestry.com to get bills paid, there problem solved.

or setup up a paypal acount for donations and pm the link to those interested in making a donation to you.

Thanks for your service to our country:salute: