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red states rule
08-01-2011, 04:11 PM
The liberal media is running around "reporting" how the Tea Party "won" the debt debate. However lets take a look at how the liberal media "reported" on the Tea Party before this deal went down. Now they are saying how smart the Tea Party crafted the debate.

“Do you think that Republicans – particularly those in the freshman class over in the House – understand just how serious this debt limit crisis is?...Do you think they understand what might happen if you can’t raise this debt limit here?”
— Bob Schieffer to Senator Jon Kyl on Face the Nation, July 24.

“The question, I think, some people might be asking is, do you think that members of the Tea Party caucus know how to govern, or are they — do they understand that standing up for a cause is not the same as governing?”
— Co-host Ann Curry to Tom Brokaw on NBC’s Today, August 1.

“On one side are those kids in the back seat, Tea Party members of Congress and their stay-at-home blogging cheerleaders who either don’t understand or don’t care about the consequences of default — of the U.S. not meeting its obligations, of us looking like a joke. They’re willing to risk calamity, even embrace it, just to show how dedicated they are to not raising the debt ceiling. On the other side are Democrats and some Republicans who understand this is not a game.”
— Chris Matthews on Hardball, July 14.

“Some people say that the Republican Party has been held hostage by the Tea Party. One of our Facebook followers sent in an interesting analogy and said, ‘Why are Republicans allowing freshman congressmen to control this debate?’ and this person said, ‘It’s like letting the teenager in the family run the family budget.’ I mean, there’s some truth in that.”
— Moderator Bob Schieffer to GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell on Face the Nation, July 31.

“The Republican Party may no longer be a normal party. Over the past few years, it has been infected by a faction that is more of a psychological protest than a practical, governing alternative. The members of this movement do not accept the logic of compromise, no matter how sweet the terms....The members of this movement have no sense of moral decency....The members of this movement have no economic theory worthy of the name.”
— New York Times columnist David Brooks, July 5.

“You can hear the alarm going off, in this case the debt ceiling, which rational people agree needs to be raised, and yet every day there’s no deal.”
— Brian Williams on the July 26 NBC Nightly News.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/rich-noyes/2011/08/01/media-reality-check-during-debt-talks-liberal-media-savaged-tea-party-ig#ixzz1ToW8lIBH