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View Full Version : Rip constituton

08-07-2011, 11:39 PM
Dying a death of a 1000 cuts I'm sad to say the remains of the Constitution are in full decay.

Commander Obama orders Wars by Executive command. And can kill or imprison anyone deemed "a threat".
A council of 12 plus the C&C decide all Spending, Cuts and TAXES to hand down to the people.
The Supreme court makes laws that suit their dispositions.
And Multiple Thousands of Bureaucrats raid business, fine and jail anyone that doesn't comply with their spurious regulations.

It was pretty nice while it lasted. God help our kids.

red states rule
08-08-2011, 03:19 AM
The liberals in the media are having a fit over the US Constitution. Listen to what Cokie Roberts had to say about the US Constitution on Sunday

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