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View Full Version : Back to the mundane for a while.....

08-08-2011, 07:04 PM
Some lawyer had gotten the U.S. District Court in Hawaii, to issue a supoena to the Hawaii Dept. of Health to produce Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate. The date for it to be produced, was Aug. 8, 2011. Yep, today.

Shouldn't be a problem. After all, Obama published it many months ago, and the whole matter has gone away.

Today, the HDOH refused to produce it, on grounds of "Privacy". They handed the lawyer a "denial letter".

That's odd. What privacy concerns can there be, for a document that has already been widely and publicly published?

The lawyer went back to the court, and the District Court judge (who was appointed by Pres. Barack Obama) then issued a show-cause hearing, requiring the head of the HDOH to appear on Sept. 14 and explain why the subpoena shouldn't be complied with.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water..... :cuckoo:


08-08-2011, 10:08 PM
Eventually it will be shown that either there is no birth certificate at all or that he is not eligible to be president. There is nothing private about a public figure such as the president. ALL of his records and background should be made public. The only reason to conceal such information is because there is something shady in his background that is being hidden.