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red states rule
08-09-2011, 03:38 AM
Seems Obama is not the the great intellectual we were told he was


Which brings us back to Barack Obama, Columbia and Harvard grad, president of the Harvard Law Review, and Nobel laureate.

Events of recent days have called even the "average" rating into question. Consider the "debt crisis," so-called. It was actually no such thing. In Obama's own words, it was an "unnecessary crisis" -- that is to say, not a crisis at all. He should know, having triggered and shepherded it every step of the way.

What kind of mentality deliberately arranges a brawl over government finances in the midst of a sensitive and fragile recovery? Obama was obviously out to steal an issue from the GOP and wreck their 2012 campaign plans. But at what cost? Wrecking the national economy? This isn't thinking of any description -- it's the mentality of a street punk who spots somebody in another gang and decides to take him down at no matter what happens to passersby or himself.

The S&P downgrade was something he was warned about, which he knew was coming, and which was not all that difficult to avoid. But he did nothing to avoid it. His response was that of a dull-normal -- it never happened before, so it can't happen now. Quite apart from the economic cost, it's embarrassing and humiliating. From here on in, Obama is and always will be the president who wrecked America's credit rating. He can put that right next to his Nobel citation.

Then to top it off, we have the strange incident (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/awkward-pause-president-obama-opens-speech-with-minute-of-unexplained-silence/) -- the latest of many strange incidents -- on Friday, August 5th, when Obama, about to give a speech, stood staring for a full minute while evidently waiting for the Teleprompter to switch on. Under such circumstances, the normal politician will joke, will tell a yarn or two, tease the audience, do anything but what Obama did: stare off into space after announcing, "We're waiting." Pharaoh hath spoken.

(Actually, what tops it off is the barefoot conga line he led at one of his interminable birthday parties last week. The country consumed by fear, the markets gyrating like a beheaded snake, his own policies in a state of uniform collapse, and the president, he's out dancing. Maybe he can do the limbo for the next crisis.)

These are all of that quality of event that, as I've put it several times before, you cannot picture any other president being involved in. With Obama they come one after the other -- several a week, at this point. The Obama presidency is utterly unique, unlike any other administration we have had in living memory, and perhaps ever. The events constituting this presidency have an air of unreality with no parallel in American history. It's like a Philip K. Dick novel in which the authorities have constructed a vast system of deception to contain a secret of horrifying and universal import.

And what is that secret? I think it's just a matter of intellect. It has become obvious, in a sense that cannot be denied, that Obama is a fundamentally stupid man. He has all the equipment, all the training, would probably do well on all the tests -- but it doesn't come together and produces no worthwhile results. He knows all the buzzwords, and how to get them across. He easily impresses crowds and onlookers so long as the questions don't get too detailed. But he can't turn any of this into action. Everyhing he touches, without exception, falls to pieces. He has no single political success to his record. His administration is one endless Gobi, lifeless and bare. Compared to Obama, even Warren Harding, the last man on everybody's list, looks like a beleaguered giant. What we have in Obama is the stupidest man who ever sat in the Oval Office. (And please -- no claims that this is some kind "master plan" to bring the country down. You cannot construct a workable plan by piling failure upon failure. Not even Saul Alinsky himself could have brought that off.)
