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red states rule
08-10-2011, 05:09 PM
What class. Union thugs dropping the "F" bomb in front of kids, and uttering threats to people who are still working

and these thugs wonder they are not popular with most people?

<IFRAME height=349 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7fUDTek-vFw" frameBorder=0 width=425 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

and a truck just happens to break down at the gate

<IFRAME height=349 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/843AutT4Z0U" frameBorder=0 width=425 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

08-10-2011, 06:51 PM
Guess someone has to protect the little guy, if Repubs had their way we'd be back to sweat shops with 9 yr old kids putting in 16 hr shifts for 5 bucks an hour.

You act as if you are one of the rich lol............I know for a fact, you aren't.

Makes me laugh when people who are working poor support the Repubs, the same Repubs who don't give them a 2nd thought nor a first.

08-10-2011, 06:54 PM
Guess someone has to protect the little guy, if Repubs had their way we'd be back to sweat shops with 9 yr old kids putting in 16 hr shifts for 5 bucks an hour.

You act as if you are one of the rich lol............I know for a fact, you aren't.

Makes me laugh when people who are working poor support the Repubs, the same Repubs who don't give them a 2nd thought nor a first.

Knock off personal stuff, OCA. Argue the points, but leave off 'what you know, blah, blah.'

08-10-2011, 06:55 PM
Thats awesome, just watched it again.....the truck at the gate..............brilliant fucking move. Cussing in front of the kid, when you rape someone of their livelihood things get heated.

These guys got balls, my hats off to them.

08-10-2011, 10:33 PM
Guess someone has to protect the little guy, if Repubs had their way we'd be back to sweat shops with 9 yr old kids putting in 16 hr shifts for 5 bucks an hour.

Illustrating absurdity by being ridiculous again I see.

08-10-2011, 10:46 PM
How stupid is this thread? About as stupid as the guy in the first video. Condemn all union activity becz of one foul mouthed individual. Yeah, that's the way to determine natinoal policy on an issue.

red states rule
08-11-2011, 02:32 AM
How stupid is this thread? About as stupid as the guy in the first video. Condemn all union activity becz of one foul mouthed individual. Yeah, that's the way to determine natinoal policy on an issue.

Where did condemn ALL union activity? Oh, I didn't

But sore of "activity" is getting more and more common. Remember the ASSAULTS union thugs committed in WI? Or the SICU supporters when they took to the strets in support of Obama and confronted Tea Party members?

red states rule
08-11-2011, 03:13 AM
Illustrating absurdity by being ridiculous again I see.

Not only that, would he shove his kid in front of a truck? No wonder more and more people are no longer supporting unions

08-11-2011, 08:56 AM
Not only that, would he shove his kid in front of a truck? No wonder more and more people are no longer supporting unions

It's required by every union charter. It's kinda like the Tea Party requirement that you sacrifice one child a year to maintain your membership.

08-11-2011, 11:22 AM
Unions outlived their usefulness a long time ago.

They are the Brett Favre of employment. At one time, they were wonderful and everyone appreciated them, but now they are just sad old pieces of shit who can't let go.

08-11-2011, 12:35 PM
Unions outlived their usefulness a long time ago.

They are the Brett Favre of employment. At one time, they were wonderful and everyone appreciated them, but now they are just sad old pieces of shit who can't let go.

I disagree. I've represented enough folks in disablity claims to respect unions. Being on a producton line can be hard on the body and age a person FAST. Pay should compensate for this but it often does not. Union bargaining power can compensate for this on the wage/benefit side of things. And when someone gets hurt on the job, even if the company is negligent or reckless, the worker only gets tiny worker's comp benefits for an injury that could affect them for life. Again, slightly higher pay helps offset these inequities.

So IMHO unions have not outlived their usefulness.

08-11-2011, 12:56 PM
I disagree. I've represented enough folks in disablity claims to respect unions. Being on a producton line can be hard on the body and age a person FAST. Pay should compensate for this but it often does not. Union bargaining power can compensate for this on the wage/benefit side of things. And when someone gets hurt on the job, even if the company is negligent or reckless, the worker only gets tiny worker's comp benefits for an injury that could affect them for life. Again, slightly higher pay helps offset these inequities.

So IMHO unions have not outlived their usefulness.

Of course you disagree with me, you have this odd obsession with being wrong all the time.

08-11-2011, 01:00 PM
Of course you disagree with me, you have this odd obsession with being wrong all the time.

Wow. What an intellectual giant you are. Such cogent argument. No wonder I'm so terrified to debate your giant head. :clap:

08-11-2011, 02:26 PM
Knock off personal stuff, OCA. Argue the points, but leave off 'what you know, blah, blah.'

OMG how cute!

08-11-2011, 02:31 PM
A challenge:

I dare someone to link me to an instance where Repubs defended the labor force(workers for you less intelligent) and condemned the white hats(management for you less intelligent)

Probably can't do it because their constituency is corps and big business, they could give a rats ass less about you or I, we are just bodies filling a space.

08-11-2011, 02:35 PM
A challenge:

I dare someone to link me to an instance where Repubs defended the labor force(workers for you less intelligent) and condemned the white hats(management for you less intelligent)

Probably can't do it because their constituency is corps and big business, they could give a rats ass less about you or I, we are just bodies filling a space.

Are you implying that the Democrats give a shit about the "little people?"

08-11-2011, 02:47 PM
Are you implying that the Democrats give a shit about the "little people?"

Neither really give a shit but for chrissakes at least the Dems try to put up a good front. The Repubs just say fuck you, starve.

08-11-2011, 02:48 PM
Anyway, the challenge still exists now that we've got the attempt at turning the tables and twisting finished.

08-11-2011, 02:53 PM
Neither really give a shit but for chrissakes at least the Dems try to put up a good front. The Repubs just say fuck you, starve.

I'd sure like to see evidence of that one.

Fact is the two parties care about your vote, and that's about it.

08-11-2011, 02:54 PM
I'd sure like to see evidence of that one.

Fact is the two parties care about your vote, and that's about it.

Which one would you like to see? The Dems support or the Repubs fuck off?

08-11-2011, 03:01 PM
Which one would you like to see? The Dems support or the Repubs fuck off?

Me personally? I'd rather someone was upfront and honest about not giving a shit about me rather than being a two faced bastard that pretends to care about me while stabbing me in the back; but hey that's just me.

red states rule
08-11-2011, 03:45 PM
Are you implying that the Democrats give a shit about the "little people?"

Just look at liberal "compassion" over the last 2 1/2 years

1) Dems have called for the repeal of the BUsh tax cuts which would see the lowest income earners tax rate go up 33% form 10% to 15%

2) The drilling moratorium, and refusal to drill for oil reserves in the US, has caused the price of gas to double.

3) Thanks to economic policies a record number of people are on food stamps and unemplyment stands at 9.1%

4) With DEems attempts to manipulate the free market, a record number of people were able to buy homes they could not afford and they are now losing them

5) Thanks to $4, those who can afford the homes they bought have see the value of their home plummet

6) Thanks to the Dems 6 year spending spree since taking Congress, the credit rating of the US was downgraded and now the little guy will se their intrest rates go up

These are just a few examples of how Dems look out for the little guy.

red states rule
08-11-2011, 03:51 PM
It's required by every union charter. It's kinda like the Tea Party requirement that you sacrifice one child a year to maintain your membership.

I have you pretty well figured out now Kart. Like most libs you are unable to compete in the arena of idea. In your world people like me are not worthy of your respect. We don't deserve your time to try and rationaly explain why liberalism and tax and spend poilcies are better then capitalism and free enterprise

When you encounter people who have a different opinion on the role and size of government, you turn on the liberal civility you people are famous for. You can't debate so you attack. You smear. Your distain for different opionions are on nearly every thread you have ever posted on

08-11-2011, 04:01 PM
I have you pretty well figured out now Kart. Like most libs you are unable to compete in the arena of idea. In your world people like me are not worthy of your respect. We don't deserve your time to try and rationaly explain why liberalism and tax and spend poilcies are better then capitalism and free enterprise

When you encounter people who have a different opinion on the role and size of government, you turn on the liberal civility you people are famous for. You can't debate so you attack. You smear. Your distain for different opionions are on nearly every thread you have ever posted on

Yeah. That's it. Or I could've been responding to an idiotic post by posting something equally idiotic. Kinda like your last post.

red states rule
08-11-2011, 04:08 PM
Yeah. That's it. Or I could've been responding to an idiotic post by posting something equally idiotic. Kinda like your last post.

Thanks for proving my case. I asked you where I attacked ALL union activey -you ignored it

I asked you what kind of parent would put their daughter in the path of a truck - you take a cheap shot at Tea Party members

It is clear you can't defend the actions of these union thugs so you attack. Like most of the liberals I know - not all - but most do when they overtaken with facts

08-11-2011, 04:14 PM
Just look at liberal "compassion" over the last 2 1/2 years

1) Dems have called for the repeal of the BUsh tax cuts which would see the lowest income earners tax rate go up 33% form 10% to 15%

2) The drilling moratorium, and refusal to drill for oil reserves in the US, has caused the price of gas to double.

3) Thanks to economic policies a record number of people are on food stamps and unemplyment stands at 9.1%

4) With DEems attempts to manipulate the free market, a record number of people were able to buy homes they could not afford and they are now losing them

5) Thanks to $4, those who can afford the homes they bought have see the value of their home plummet

6) Thanks to the Dems 6 year spending spree since taking Congress, the credit rating of the US was downgraded and now the little guy will se their intrest rates go up

These are just a few examples of how Dems look out for the little guy.

1. The same Bush cuts which went to the top 1% and crumbs to everyone else

2. Speculation on Wall St. has caused prices to double

3. The economy crashed under a Republican administration as well as bailouts as well as a stock market crash, Obama has inherited the mess and tried policies in uncharted waters, some bad, some good.

4. *sigh* mortgage crisis happened under Republican watch.

5. see #4

6. Interest rates are scheduled to bottom out. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/ManageDebt/weston-is-it-time-to-borrow-like-crazy.aspx

08-11-2011, 04:16 PM
Thanks for proving my case. Ia sked you where I attacked ALL union activey -you ignored it

I asked you what kind of parent would put their daughter in the path of a truck - you take a cheap shot at Tea Party members

It is clear you can't defend the actions of these union thugs so you attack. Like most of the liberals I know - not all - but most do when they overtaken with facts

RSR....quit being a hack..............post something politically positive about Obama and something politically negative about Bush since I already heard everything you are saying verbatim on Limbaugh today.......talk about unoriginal.

08-11-2011, 04:48 PM
What class. Union thugs dropping the "F" bomb in front of kids, and uttering threats to people who are still working

and these thugs wonder they are not popular with most people?

<IFRAME src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7fUDTek-vFw" frameBorder=0 width=425 height=349 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

and a truck just happens to break down at the gate

<IFRAME src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/843AutT4Z0U" frameBorder=0 width=425 height=349 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Alright stupid. You state that union thugs do something bad and that they wonder why all people dislike them. Say what you like, but your implication is that all unions are like this and that is the reason why people dislike unions. Otherwise, why not just say that "this union guy is an asshole." But you try to impugn all unions for one guys actions.

You're either a liar or ....

No. You're just a liar. You claim you didn't try to impugn all unions but you did.

08-11-2011, 04:51 PM
Thanks for proving my case. I asked you where I attacked ALL union activey -you ignored it

I asked you what kind of parent would put their daughter in the path of a truck - you take a cheap shot at Tea Party members

It is clear you can't defend the actions of these union thugs so you attack. Like most of the liberals I know - not all - but most do when they overtaken with facts

See my post above, einstein (btw, that's sarcasm).

red states rule
08-11-2011, 04:52 PM
Alright stupid. You state that union thugs do something bad and that they wonder why all people dislike them. Say what you like, but your implication is that all unions are like this and that is the reason why people dislike unions. Otherwise, why not just say that "this union guy is an asshole." But you try to impugn all unions for one guys actions.

You're either a liar or ....

No. You're just a liar. You claim you didn't try to impugn all unions but you did.

Wow, more liberal civility on display once again. Nowhere did I paint all union members as these thugs. Being a devoted liberal who gleefully looks forward too those union dues to finance Dem campaigns, you want more of them so the cash cow keeps giving

You again ignore the thug putting his kid at risk by puting her in front of a truck and once again you make a baseless accusation in a feeble attempt to ducki the issue here

Another union thug shows why more people are turning their backs on unions and their insane demands

08-11-2011, 05:16 PM
1. The same Bush cuts which went to the top 1% and crumbs to everyone else

2. Speculation on Wall St. has caused prices to double

3. The economy crashed under a Republican administration as well as bailouts as well as a stock market crash, Obama has inherited the mess and tried policies in uncharted waters, some bad, some good.

4. *sigh* mortgage crisis happened under Republican watch.

5. see #4

6. Interest rates are scheduled to bottom out. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/ManageDebt/weston-is-it-time-to-borrow-like-crazy.aspx

I knew you'd avoid this post.........................what a hack!

08-11-2011, 05:28 PM
RSR....quit being a hack..............post something politically positive about Obama and something politically negative about Bush since I already heard everything you are saying verbatim on Limbaugh today.......talk about unoriginal.

Knew you'd avoid this too...............scared, say you're scared.

08-11-2011, 07:13 PM
A challenge:

I dare someone to link me to an instance where Repubs defended the labor force(workers for you less intelligent) and condemned the white hats(management for you less intelligent)

Probably can't do it because their constituency is corps and big business, they could give a rats ass less about you or I, we are just bodies filling a space.


Michigan Republican Votes for Labor Union Monopoly Over Government Construction Work

This is the second time this year that Rep. McCotter has been on the deciding edge of a vote that promoted PLAs on government projects. That proposal failed on a 210-210 tie vote. Once again, there were 26 Republicans — including McCotter — standing with Democrats to defend the president’s policy of keeping the PLA requirement in place.
In addition to McCotter, fellow Michigan Republican Candice Miller of Harrison Township also voted with Democrats to protect PLAs during the February amendment. However, on this most recent vote in June, Rep. Miller sided with the majority of Republicans and in opposition to PLAs.


08-11-2011, 07:56 PM

Michigan Republican Votes for Labor Union Monopoly Over Government Construction Work


Excellent! Unlike others you get respect for finding that proverbial needle in the haystack!

08-11-2011, 08:07 PM
This week the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives had 27 defections to side with Democratic Union buddies on a crucial vote on H.R. 2055, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/vote.xpd?vote=h2011-413&sort=party) The vote concerned amendment H 411, which was introduced by Steven LaTourette (R-OH) to strike section 415 of the bill. Amendment 411 passed by a total of 204-203. This amendment effectively forces government contractors to use Union labor on all federal construction projects. Silly me, and here I thought Speaker Boehner and our (supposed) watchdogs of the taxpayer’s purse in the House Republican majority were going to cut spending and work to save the taxpayers money every chance they get. Forcing Union labor for government taxpayer funded projects is just the opposite of what we voted for in the 2010 elections, as this always leads to huge increases in project costs and prohibits the very competition that would ensure the taxpayers get the most bang for the buck. Shame on Speaker Boehner, and the 27 House Republicans who voted to climb in bed with big labor unions and the Liberal Democrats once again. Two of these “progressive” Republicans come from my state of Florida and will be hearing from me tomorrow. Are any of your turncoat Republican representatives on the following list of those who voted for this amendment:
Young, Donald [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400440)


Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400344)


Diaz-Balart, Mario [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400108)


Roskam, Peter [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412202)


Walsh, Joe [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412424)


Dold, Bob [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412420)


Biggert, Judy [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400027)


Johnson, Timothy [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400207)


Schock, Aaron [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412314)


Whitfield, Edward [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400431)


McCotter, Thaddeus [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400260)


Emerson, Jo Ann [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400121)


Miller, R. [D] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400280)


LoBiondo, Frank [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400244)


Runyan, Jon [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412449)

Smith, Christopher [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400380)


Lance, Leonard [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412290)


Grimm, Michael [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412451)


Hayworth, Nan [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412452)


Schmidt, Jean [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412010)

Turner, Michael [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400411)


LaTourette, Steven [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400235)


Murphy, Tim [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400285)


Barton, Joe [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400018)


Reichert, Dave [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400660)


McKinley, David [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=412487)


Petri, Thomas [R] (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400318)



08-11-2011, 08:24 PM
27....how many R's are in the house? 242

08-11-2011, 08:29 PM
27....how many R's are in the house? 242

How many democrats vote in favor for big business probably not alot? Isn't Political Party representing a certain type of beliefs of how things will profit the country etc etc and it is the people who put that rep in office, if your asking do Reps on either side cross party lines to support a labor union or not support it the answer is yes, if you are asking Do Republicans for the most part see value in labor unions, no they don't but yes some have made exceptions. wink

08-11-2011, 08:35 PM
How many democrats vote in favor for big business probably not alot? Isn't Political Party representing a certain type of beliefs of how things will profit the country etc etc and it is the people who put that rep in office, if your asking do Reps on either side cross party lines to support a labor union or not support it the answer is yes, if you are asking Do Republicans for the most part see value in labor unions, no they don't but yes some have made exceptions. wink

You see its the working middle class that has made this country great not the rich and Repubs pretty much cater only to the rich and try to squeeze as much as they can out of the middle class at the same time returning very little to them. Their non support of labor unions is a prime example of that.

08-11-2011, 08:40 PM
You see its the working middle class that has made this country great not the rich and Repubs pretty much cater only to the rich and try to squeeze as much as they can out of the middle class at the same time returning very little to them. Their non support of labor unions is a prime example of that.

Ok but if there are 242 republican representatives in office and we the people elected them, that assumes most people are rich. Which of course we know ain't true. So people have voted those officials in office for a reason that may be more important to them then unions.

08-11-2011, 08:53 PM
Ok but if there are 242 republican representatives in office and we the people elected them, that assumes most people are rich. Which of course we know ain't true. So people have voted those officials in office for a reason that may be more important to them then unions.

Ahh which leads to big topic.........most Americans don't have a friggin clue as to what they are voting for.

Using Repubs as an example the voters believe that in a Republican they are going to get social conservatism, lower taxes and fiscal responsibility none of which ever happen. The Repubs under Bush had control of Congress, the executive and judicial branches and not 1, not 1 friggin thing happened conservatively in the social arena......oh wait, they repealed the handgun ban in D.C. WOW!

Taxes were raised and spending was out of control...............just like it does under Demos so all this crying about Obama holds zero water.

Politicians on both sides promise all sorts of junk during the campaign but once elected do nothing but consolidate power and set theirselves up for the big payoff..........the private sector and speaking engagements after leaving office.

08-11-2011, 08:58 PM
Ahh which leads to big topic.........most Americans don't have a friggin clue as to what they are voting for.

Using Repubs as an example the voters believe that in a Republican they are going to get social conservatism, lower taxes and fiscal responsibility none of which ever happen. The Repubs under Bush had control of Congress, the executive and judicial branches and not 1, not 1 friggin thing happened conservatively in the social arena......oh wait, they repealed the handgun ban in D.C. WOW!

Taxes were raised and spending was out of control...............just like it does under Demos so all this crying about Obama holds zero water.

Politicians on both sides promise all sorts of junk during the campaign but once elected do nothing but consolidate power and set theirselves up for the big payoff..........the private sector and speaking engagements after leaving office.

That may be the case on the National level, but on the State level and I live in a very Republian state, I don't believe we have ever voted for a Democratic Presidential candidate ever, but I could be wrong. At any rate on state levels the Parties do seem to matter more in the conservative social issues, at least that is what I have experienced.

08-11-2011, 09:19 PM
Neither really give a shit but for chrissakes at least the Dems try to put up a good front. The Repubs just say fuck you, starve.

They "try" to put up a good front implies that it is only an effort with no results; I agree with that characterization. Plenty of Dem policies are actually detrimental to overall employment; minimum wage laws raise wages and leave the unskilled unemployed, union wage structures and work rules force firms to become more capital intensive which may raise wages but lowers overall employment.

1. The same Bush cuts which went to the top 1% and crumbs to everyone else

2. Speculation on Wall St. has caused prices to double

3. The economy crashed under a Republican administration as well as bailouts as well as a stock market crash, Obama has inherited the mess and tried policies in uncharted waters, some bad, some good.

4. *sigh* mortgage crisis happened under Republican watch.

5. see #4

6. Interest rates are scheduled to bottom out. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/ManageDebt/weston-is-it-time-to-borrow-like-crazy.aspx

1. Rates were cut across the board and be honest the rich are the only ones who really pay income taxes so it's a ridiculous argument.

2. just checked context, oil prices are more determined by monetary policy not speculators

3. The Dems took control of Congress in '06 and effectively shut Bush out of any real influence over fiscal policy.

4. You must have missed the efforts to regulate Fannie and Freddie that Bush attempted in his first term and was shut down by Congress. Even some of the Dems that were there. :eek:

5. see :eek:

6. nvm, just checked the context.

08-11-2011, 11:12 PM
Neither really give a shit but for chrissakes at least the Dems try to put up a good front. The Repubs just say fuck you, starve.

So, Repubs are more honest?

08-11-2011, 11:13 PM
Me personally? I'd rather someone was upfront and honest about not giving a shit about me rather than being a two faced bastard that pretends to care about me while stabbing me in the back; but hey that's just me.


08-11-2011, 11:15 PM
RSR....quit being a hack..............post something politically positive about Obama and something politically negative about Bush since I already heard everything you are saying verbatim on Limbaugh today.......talk about unoriginal.

Why would anyone post anything politically positive about Obama, assuming they could find something to post?

08-11-2011, 11:19 PM
Alright stupid. You state that union thugs do something bad and that they wonder why all people dislike them. Say what you like, but your implication is that all unions are like this and that is the reason why people dislike unions. Otherwise, why not just say that "this union guy is an asshole." But you try to impugn all unions for one guys actions.

You're either a liar or ....

No. You're just a liar. You claim you didn't try to impugn all unions but you did.

A lot of us who have been here for awhile have already had this debate about unions. I've worked for several organizations that had unions and speaking from my personal experience ... I think they were needed at one time when there were no labor laws to protect employees....now they are no longer about protecting employees ... they are about power .... and intimidation.

I've had two family members killed due to being a part of the Teamsters union .... enough said.

red states rule
08-12-2011, 02:21 AM
They "try" to put up a good front implies that it is only an effort with no results; I agree with that characterization. Plenty of Dem policies are actually detrimental to overall employment; minimum wage laws raise wages and leave the unskilled unemployed, union wage structures and work rules force firms to become more capital intensive which may raise wages but lowers overall employment.

1. Rates were cut across the board and be honest the rich are the only ones who really pay income taxes so it's a ridiculous argument.

2. just checked context, oil prices are more determined by monetary policy not speculators

3. The Dems took control of Congress in '06 and effectively shut Bush out of any real influence over fiscal policy.

4. You must have missed the efforts to regulate Fannie and Freddie that Bush attempted in his first term and was shut down by Congress. Even some of the Dems that were there. :eek:

5. see :eek:

6. nvm, just checked the context.

The excuses some make for Obama are no longer valid, When you are in charge you lead and solve problems. Obama would rather allow others to the heavy lifting and pay golf

Obama has been on a 2 1/2 year ego trip and the nations is paying the price

red states rule
08-12-2011, 02:52 AM
A lot of us who have been here for awhile have already had this debate about unions. I've worked for several organizations that had unions and speaking from my personal experience ... I think they were needed at one time when there were no labor laws to protect employees....now they are no longer about protecting employees ... they are about power .... and intimidation.

I've had two family members killed due to being a part of the Teamsters union .... enough said.

It is telling as union membership has declined the US economy grew

Now unions have become nothing more than a wholly owned subsidiary of the Dem party and has created one of the biggest money laundering operations the world has ever seen