View Full Version : Calamitous Events And American Lives Bush Is Responsible For

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08-12-2011, 04:56 PM
Sept.11, 2001=3,030

Casualties In Iraq=4,474

Wounded In Iraq=33,118

Casualties In Afghanistan=1,656

Wounded In Afghanistan=13,011

Now, you all want to say that Obama is responsible for the economy because he is in office, well turn about is fair play...............which has a greater impact on families? On children who've lost parents?

Other than OBL being killed please cite with evidence where these Americans died defending democracy, please don't say Sadaam either, only a fucking fool still believes that Sadaam had a damn thing to do with 9/11.

08-12-2011, 05:08 PM
You failed to list how many lives were lost since zero took office. You know, those wars he said he was going to end and pull out of immediately after taking office. Are you trolling again? You are the ultra conservative in one thread and a flaming uberliberal in another. Make up your mind.

08-12-2011, 05:34 PM
You failed to list how many lives were lost since zero took office. You know, those wars he said he was going to end and pull out of immediately after taking office. Are you trolling again? You are the ultra conservative in one thread and a flaming uberliberal in another. Make up your mind.



Neither war was initiated by Obama so do we want to play the game of 'what happens on your watch is your fault" or do we want to be intelligent and say "9/11, not Bush's fault since they were in country long before he took office" and that Obama inherited a shit economy thanks to the cowboy and two wars thanks to the cowboy.

red states rule
08-12-2011, 05:38 PM
You failed to list how many lives were lost since zero took office. You know, those wars he said he was going to end and pull out of immediately after taking office. Are you trolling again? You are the ultra conservative in one thread and a flaming uberliberal in another. Make up your mind.

Didn't candidate Obama "promise" to get the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan?

Didn't candidate Obama promise to close GITMO?

Amazing how the Obama drones never want to talk about that and always want to pass the buck to someone else for Bammy's failures

Of course if I voted for Obama the last thing I would want to talk about is Obama's record and mounting failures

08-12-2011, 06:09 PM


Neither war was initiated by Obama so do we want to play the game of 'what happens on your watch is your fault" or do we want to be intelligent and say "9/11, not Bush's fault since they were in country long before he took office" and that Obama inherited a shit economy thanks to the cowboy and two wars thanks to the cowboy.

Zero inherited a shitty economy and made it ten times worse. That's an accomplishment. I'm sure you'll be voting for him again so he can continue the downward spiral.

So you have bashed Bush and patted zero on the back. I guess you will now declare yourself the greatest debater of all time like you always do.

red states rule
08-12-2011, 06:13 PM
Zero inherited a shitty economy and made it ten times worse. That's an accomplishment. I'm sure you'll be voting for him again so he can continue the downward spiral.

So you have bashed Bush and patted zero on the back. I guess you will now declare yourself the greatest debater of all time like you always do.


08-12-2011, 06:32 PM
Sept.11, 2001=3,030

Casualties In Iraq=4,474

Wounded In Iraq=33,118

Casualties In Afghanistan=1,656

Wounded In Afghanistan=13,011

Now, you all want to say that Obama is responsible for the economy because he is in office, well turn about is fair play...............which has a greater impact on families? On children who've lost parents?

Other than OBL being killed please cite with evidence where these Americans died defending democracy, please don't say Sadaam either, only a fucking fool still believes that Sadaam had a damn thing to do with 9/11.

Fool, killing Saadam OBVIOUSLY brought democracy to Iraq. Or did you mean democracy to Americans? Because I got news for you , OBL didn't steal our democracy either.

red states rule
08-12-2011, 06:57 PM

08-12-2011, 07:46 PM
Zero inherited a shitty economy and made it ten times worse. That's an accomplishment. I'm sure you'll be voting for him again so he can continue the downward spiral.

So you have bashed Bush and patted zero on the back. I guess you will now declare yourself the greatest debater of all time like you always do.

No need to delare, its already known.

I'm sure the Laffer would've made the economy ten times better or, better yet...........John McCain................lol.

Will never know though, Obama whipped McCain's ass and there ain't a Republican in the field who can beat him this time around.

08-12-2011, 07:48 PM
Fool, killing Saadam OBVIOUSLY brought democracy to Iraq. Or did you mean democracy to Americans? Because I got news for you , OBL didn't steal our democracy either.

There is only paper thin democracy in Iraq as long as American troops remain..............as soon as we leave................shithole................again .

Do you want us to remain forever?

We had no reason being there in the first place, Bush lied........innocent soldiers died.

08-12-2011, 08:03 PM
There is only paper thin democracy in Iraq as long as American troops remain..............as soon as we leave................shithole................again .

Do you want us to remain forever?

We had no reason being there in the first place, Bush lied........innocent soldiers died.

Your record must be scratched ... it's seems to be stuck...repeating yourself over and over...don't you have any new talking points?

08-12-2011, 09:00 PM
Your record must be scratched ... it's seems to be stuck...repeating yourself over and over...don't you have any new talking points?

When it ain't broke, don't fix it. Those points are bulletproof.

08-12-2011, 09:16 PM
The only thing he has to say is he hates Bush. Same old song and dance he had when he was here last time.

08-12-2011, 09:24 PM
The only thing he has to say is he hates Bush. Same old song and dance he had when he was here last time.

Just like all you can say is you hate Obama, difference is i'm bombarding you with facts and you can't find the foxhole fast enough.

08-12-2011, 09:31 PM
There is only paper thin democracy in Iraq as long as American troops remain..............as soon as we leave................shithole................again .

Do you want us to remain forever?

We had no reason being there in the first place, Bush lied........innocent soldiers died.

First of all it has been our nation's stated intention to fight for democracy around the world since the Monroe Doctrine. It isn't as if Bush just woke up one morning and wrote new policy in that area.

Second of all, Bush didn't lie. unless you are foolish enough to believe that the CIA came to him and said "nope even though Saadam just 10 years ago killed over one hundred thousand of his own people with WMD he doesn't have any now" and Bush said "Well, fuck it, I'm going to lie to the USA about why I'm invading Iraq, even though I don't even have to have a reason because I am the President and by virtue of the War Powers Act I can unilaterally invade for any or NO reason at all, yeah that sounds good shhhhhhhh don't tell anyone"

Thirdly, blah blah blah about your innocent soldiers died comment. Sad as it is that some of MY brothers and sisters have died in Iraq and the Stan, none died who didn't know it was a possibility when they joined the military. So while I grieve for them, I don't feel sorry for them. It is a job that they were well aware of the dangers of when they joined.

Do I want us to remain there forever? Sure , if it's at a profit to the US. I say bring home ALL US soldiers abroad unless the host company wants to hire them soldier of fortune style.

By the by , how do you feel about our recent action in Libya?

08-12-2011, 09:36 PM
First of all it has been our nation's stated intention to fight for democracy around the world since the Monroe Doctrine. It isn't as if Bush just woke up one morning and wrote new policy in that area.

Second of all, Bush didn't lie. unless you are foolish enough to believe that the CIA came to him and said "nope even though Saadam just 10 years ago killed over one hundred thousand of his own people with WMD he doesn't have any now" and Bush said "Well, fuck it, I'm going to lie to the USA about why I'm invading Iraq, even though I don't even have to have a reason because I am the President and by virtue of the War Powers Act I can unilaterally invade for any or NO reason at all, yeah that sounds good shhhhhhhh don't tell anyone"

Thirdly, blah blah blah about your innocent soldiers died comment. Sad as it is that some of MY brothers and sisters have died in Iraq and the Stan, none died who didn't know it was a possibility when they joined the military. So while I grieve for them, I don't feel sorry for them. It is a job that they were well aware of the dangers of when they joined.

Do I want us to remain there forever? Sure , if it's at a profit to the US. I say bring home ALL US soldiers abroad unless the host company wants to hire them soldier of fortune style.

By the by , how do you feel about our recent action in Libya?

How many WMD found to date in Iraq?

Libya=stupid, no stake in it just like Iraq

Do you remember when Bush said he won't nation build?

08-12-2011, 09:41 PM
Just like all you can say is you hate Obama, difference is i'm bombarding you with facts and you can't find the foxhole fast enough.

No facts, you just continue with the "I hate Bush" routine. Your boring.

08-12-2011, 09:43 PM
No facts, you just continue with the "I hate Bush" routine. Your boring.

Well...............facts that you've chosen to ignore.

You're owned.

08-12-2011, 09:44 PM
How many WMD found to date in Iraq?

Libya=stupid, no stake in it just like Iraq

Do you remember when Bush said he won't nation build?

Good job ignoring almost my entire post since it pretty much destroyed your argument.

08-12-2011, 09:56 PM
Good job ignoring almost my entire post since it pretty much destroyed your argument.

It's easy to do cause he has no argument.

I hate Bush, your owned, I win. That's his whole argument for anything.

08-12-2011, 09:58 PM
It's easy to do cause he has no argument.

I hate Bush, your owned, I win. That's his whole argument for anything.

Yes , it has became apparent to me that slapping this OCA dude around is no more impressive than kicking KartBoy all over the board is.

08-12-2011, 09:59 PM
Good job ignoring almost my entire post since it pretty much destroyed your argument.

I did not ignore the post, you believe we should be in everybody's business sacrificing our lives for the democratic nation building of others, I say the lives were wasted, they did not die for American interests, enough said.

How about this:http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/blumenthal/2007/09/06/bush_wmd

08-12-2011, 10:01 PM
Yes , it has became apparent to me that slapping this OCA dude around is no more impressive than kicking KartBoy all over the board is.

I'll let you know when I get kicked, so far you haven't shown me shit and i'm the one you must show.

08-12-2011, 10:02 PM
It's easy to do cause he has no argument.

I hate Bush, your owned, I win. That's his whole argument for anything.

Yeah, right.

I'm Mr. Gaffer, I follow rsr around all day jerking him off with thanks. Gay porn would probably suit you well.

What a fucking sad joke you are.

08-12-2011, 10:03 PM
I did not ignore the post, you believe we should be in everybody's business sacrificing our lives for the democratic nation building of others, I say the lives were wasted, they did not die for American interests, enough said.

How about this:http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/blumenthal/2007/09/06/bush_wmd

Are you and Kartboy socks? I swear you have about the same level of reading comprehension. Can you please show me where I said that I believe we should be in everybody's business because I am pretty sure all I said was that it has been our nation's stated goal. I never indicated whether I agreed with it or not, well that's not entirely true. I did in fact say that I agreed with it IF those other nations were willing to foot the bill.

Meaning you just LIED about what I said. You and Kart ARE the same poster, aren't you?

08-12-2011, 10:07 PM
So speaking of ignoring:how many WMD have been found to date in Iraq.

Ooops, it seems Bush did rewrite policy, well him and Lord Vader:http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=civilliberties_237

08-12-2011, 10:09 PM
Are you and Kartboy socks? I swear you have about the same level of reading comprehension. Can you please show me where I said that I believe we should be in everybody's business because I am pretty sure all I said was that it has been our nation's stated goal. I never indicated whether I agreed with it or not, well that's not entirely true. I did in fact say that I agreed with it IF those other nations were willing to foot the bill.

Meaning you just LIED about what I said. You and Kart ARE the same poster, aren't you?

Are they footing the bill?

Do you want to go to Syria? Libya? Yemen?

08-12-2011, 10:12 PM
So speaking of ignoring:how many WMD have been found to date in Iraq.

Ooops, it seems Bush did rewrite policy, well him and Lord Vader:http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=civilliberties_237

To my knowledge none, but it's irrelevant. Do you not grok that the POTUS can invade for any, or NO reason at all?

08-12-2011, 10:13 PM
Are they footing the bill?

Do you want to go to Syria? Libya? Yemen?

Did I SAY they were footing the bill Kartboy?

08-12-2011, 10:16 PM
To my knowledge none, but it's irrelevant. Do you not grok that the POTUS can invade for any, or NO reason at all?

Well the POTUS shouldn't, unless he was a drunken, retarded cowboy like W.

No, the WMD are not irrelevant even though you would like them to be because their relevance hurts your already weak argument.

Did you not get taught this last year in H.S. history class? Semms you are fucking wrong on the Monroe Doctrine lol:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_Doctrine

08-12-2011, 10:17 PM
Did I SAY they were footing the bill Kartboy?

Well then by your own words if they ain't footing the bill then its time to come home.

This is too easy.

08-12-2011, 10:27 PM
Well then by your own words if they ain't footing the bill then its time to come home.

This is too easy.

I never said I disagreed with that you moron. I simply said that it has ALWAYS been our national policy to defend democracy around the world (well always since the Monroe Doctrine anyway) which makes your stupid argument that Bush just decided on his own to invade Iraq well stupid. Bush simply did what the US has always done.

Talk about too easy...

08-12-2011, 10:49 PM
When it ain't broke, don't fix it. Those points are bulletproof.

Only to someone who uses them to deflect the truth about the one they worship. If you could get past the talking points you might discover some interesting truths about your man.

08-12-2011, 10:51 PM
Just like all you can say is you hate Obama, difference is i'm bombarding you with facts and you can't find the foxhole fast enough.

Deflecting...instead of coming up with positive talking points about your man, you resort to negatives about someone you think we currently respect....it's a lost cause.

08-12-2011, 10:54 PM
I did not ignore the post, you believe we should be in everybody's business sacrificing our lives for the democratic nation building of others, I say the lives were wasted, they did not die for American interests, enough said.

How about this:http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/blumenthal/2007/09/06/bush_wmd

Salon lies and liberals cry.

08-12-2011, 11:31 PM
Well the POTUS shouldn't, unless he was a drunken, retarded cowboy like W.

No, the WMD are not irrelevant even though you would like them to be because their relevance hurts your already weak argument.

Did you not get taught this last year in H.S. history class? Semms you are fucking wrong on the Monroe Doctrine lol:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_Doctrine

LOL @ YOU questioning my bonafides when it comes to history.

BA College of the Ozarks - History
BA Georgia Tech - History
MA University of Arkansas - History

What you got bro? I suspect you have a BS in burger construction from McDonalds University.

08-13-2011, 12:22 AM
LOL @ YOU questioning my bonafides when it comes to history.

BA College of the Ozarks - History
BA Georgia Tech - History
MA University of Arkansas - History

What you got bro? I suspect you have a BS in burger construction from McDonalds University.

What do you do now that you are out of school ConHog? Do you teach History somewhere?

08-13-2011, 12:26 AM
What do you do now that you are out of school ConHog? Do you teach History somewhere?

No Ma'am. I've been out of school a LONG time. I was full time national guard. Just retired last year. Never did anything with my history degrees actually. Now I'm a stay at home dad. By choice. I love it.

08-13-2011, 12:39 AM
No Ma'am. I've been out of school a LONG time. I was full time national guard. Just retired last year. Never did anything with my history degrees actually. Now I'm a stay at home dad. By choice. I love it.

Cool! My soon-to-be ex is active duty national guard...almost 30 years....probably retiring in two years....he has a BS in Information Systems Management and a MBA...and wants to get his teaching certificate and teach after retirement....and of all things, History.

08-13-2011, 12:54 AM
Cool! My soon-to-be ex is active duty national guard...almost 30 years....probably retiring in two years....he has a BS in Information Systems Management and a MBA...and wants to get his teaching certificate and teach after retirement....and of all things, History.

I wanted to teach history originally. Had no intention of making the Guard a full time career. But things change, and by that time I had my first degree and the Guard kept offering to pay for school, so why not?

red states rule
08-13-2011, 03:51 AM
Salon lies and liberals cry.

Obama lied and the economy died

08-13-2011, 07:54 AM
I never said I disagreed with that you moron. I simply said that it has ALWAYS been our national policy to defend democracy around the world (well always since the Monroe Doctrine anyway) which makes your stupid argument that Bush just decided on his own to invade Iraq well stupid. Bush simply did what the US has always done.

Talk about too easy...

Your twisting your own words, you used the Monroe Doctrine has your justification for Bush's preemptive strike into Iraq, I showed you that the Monroe Doctrine had jack to do with defending democracy but rather about defending colonies..................just own up, its easy.

08-13-2011, 07:57 AM
Only to someone who uses them to deflect the truth about the one they worship. If you could get past the talking points you might discover some interesting truths about your man.

If you could get past the talking points about Bush whom they worship you might actually read the info i've posted, its not like anybody denies what it says is the truth, its all verified a thousand times over.

Yeah, there was the Niger uranium.

It was all about oil and getting the guy who tried to kill his daddy.

red states rule
08-13-2011, 07:59 AM
Cool! My soon-to-be ex is active duty national guard...almost 30 years....probably retiring in two years....he has a BS in Information Systems Management and a MBA...and wants to get his teaching certificate and teach after retirement....and of all things, History.

Congrats Sl, You must be proud

08-13-2011, 08:00 AM
Salon lies and liberals cry.

They actually teach reading comprehension at the local juco here.

Your little quips and futile attempts at belittling me(LMAO @ someone actually thinking they can belittle me) won't hide the fact that you and your cohorts have nothing, absolutely nothing factual to prove wrong what i'm saying.

red states rule
08-13-2011, 08:03 AM
LOL @ YOU questioning my bonafides when it comes to history.

BA College of the Ozarks - History
BA Georgia Tech - History
MA University of Arkansas - History

What you got bro? I suspect you have a BS in burger construction from McDonalds University.

CG if you are going to torture yuorself reading his trash, at least have the proper music playing in the background to set the tone

<IFRAME height=349 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NzlG28B-R8Y" frameBorder=0 width=425 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

08-13-2011, 08:06 AM
LOL @ YOU questioning my bonafides when it comes to history.

BA College of the Ozarks - History
BA Georgia Tech - History
MA University of Arkansas - History

What you got bro? I suspect you have a BS in burger construction from McDonalds University.

Yeah, I question your bonafides.

Degrees mean nothing, I got one, BA Abilene Christian University-Business Management, currently small business owner.

Again I expect nothing more from RINOS like you than cute quips and attempts to deflect through personal attacks, its RINO debate 101. I on the other hand have provided link after link in thread after thread blowing up the conservative myths about Ronnie Raygun etc. etc. and have yet to see anything other than personal attacks and cartoons.

I miss the days USMB/D.P. circa 2004/2007..............much more quality posters and much more challenge.

08-13-2011, 08:08 AM
CG if you are going to torture yuorself reading his trash, at least have the proper music playing in the background to set the tone

<IFRAME height=349 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NzlG28B-R8Y" frameBorder=0 width=425 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Evidence "A" proving the debating techniques of today's RINO.

08-13-2011, 08:09 AM
Obama lied and the economy died

Bush lied, American children cried.

08-13-2011, 03:35 PM
Sept.11, 2001=3,030

That was Al-Qaeda, OCA. Unless you're prepared to prove Bush was a member, that one's all on them.

Casualties In Iraq=4,474

Less than almost any war in our history.

Wounded In Iraq=33,118

You mean war wounds people? Again, numbers are low compared to other wars in our own history.

Casualties In Afghanistan=1,656

see above

Wounded In Afghanistan=13,011

see above.

Now, you all want to say that Obama is responsible for the economy because he is in office, well turn about is fair play...............which has a greater impact on families? On children who've lost parents?

Other than OBL being killed please cite with evidence where these Americans died defending democracy, please don't say Sadaam either, only a fucking fool still believes that Sadaam had a damn thing to do with 9/11.

The economy, clearly. I know this because in the economy currently, I've been nearly homeless a few times now. Trust me, mass homelessness has far greater effect on a family than a far off war where we've taken far fewer casualties than any previous war we've been in.

As to the numbers, Afghanistan was a direct result of AQs attack on the WTC, therefore, 100% of those soldiers died defending us.

red states rule
08-13-2011, 03:41 PM
The economy, clearly. I know this because in the economy currently, I've been nearly homeless a few times now. Trust me, mass homelessness has far greater effect on a family than a far off war where we've taken far fewer casualties than any previous war we've been in.

As to the numbers, Afghanistan was a direct result of AQs attack on the WTC, therefore, 100% of those soldiers died defending us.

Tent cities are now making a comeback under Obama. Yea, that shitload of economic experience we were told about is really rising to the surface right now

08-13-2011, 05:06 PM
The economy, clearly. I know this because in the economy currently, I've been nearly homeless a few times now. Trust me, mass homelessness has far greater effect on a family than a far off war where we've taken far fewer casualties than any previous war we've been in.

As to the numbers, Afghanistan was a direct result of AQs attack on the WTC, therefore, 100% of those soldiers died defending us.

What happens when a person is president in office is his responsibility and fault, isn't that what you RINOS say about the economy now?

Afghanistan is no longer about Al Qaeda, its about keeping an influence and controlling the opium supply, once OBL died those soldiers no longer died protecting me including the Seals, they were a waste.....................Iraq was never about anything other than oil and getting the guy who killed daddy and..............Halliburton, not one soldier who died there died defending freedom.

08-13-2011, 05:08 PM
Tent cities are now making a comeback under Obama. Yea, that shitload of economic experience we were told about is really rising to the surface right now

Thanks to Bush and Wall St. RINOS he inherited a no win situation...............thanks alot Georgie!

red states rule
08-13-2011, 05:43 PM
Anyone else have any comments about that shitload of economic experience Obama brought to the White House? :laugh2:

08-13-2011, 05:44 PM
What happens when a person is president in office is his responsibility and fault, isn't that what you RINOS say about the economy now?

Afghanistan is no longer about Al Qaeda, its about keeping an influence and controlling the opium supply, once OBL died those soldiers no longer died protecting me including the Seals, they were a waste.....................Iraq was never about anything other than oil and getting the guy who killed daddy and..............Halliburton, not one soldier who died there died defending freedom.

Please don't speak of the deaths of the brothers and sisters of those who have served. You do nothing but insult their memory when you mouth off about something you don't know anything about.

red states rule
08-13-2011, 05:46 PM
Please don't speak of the deaths of the brothers and sisters of those who have served. You do nothing but insult their memory when you mouth off about something you don't know anything about.

A very rep worthy post

But get used to the troll mouthing off. He does not care about the troops, their families, or their memory

08-13-2011, 05:46 PM
Thanks to Bush and Wall St. RINOS he inherited a no win situation...............thanks alot Georgie!

So under YOUR theory, if RSR came across you standing on a sidewalk and just punched you in the nose as hard as he could and walked away, and then later I came by and seen you standing there bleeding from the nose and asked you what happened and you said "that damn rsr punched me in the nose" then I could just respond that I had hope and change you could believe in, then beat you to a pulp and walk away knowing that it was all RSR's fault?

08-13-2011, 05:47 PM
Please don't speak of the deaths of the brothers and sisters of those who have served. You do nothing but insult their memory when you mouth off about something you don't know anything about.

No, their memory is no more precious than a centenarian who never served that I read about in the local obituary, both were Americans, the ones in Iraq though got used as pawns, I fell sorry for their getting used as pawns.

08-13-2011, 05:49 PM
So under YOUR theory, if RSR came across you standing on a sidewalk and just punched you in the nose as hard as he could and walked away, and then later I came by and seen you standing there bleeding from the nose and asked you what happened and you said "that damn rsr punched me in the nose" then I could just respond that I had hope and change you could believe in, then beat you to a pulp and walk away knowing that it was all RSR's fault?

Yep.............but their isn't a chance in hell of you two ever getting a swing in on me, even face to face.

08-13-2011, 05:49 PM
No, their memory is no more precious than a centenarian who never served that I read about in the local obituary, both were Americans, the ones in Iraq though got used as pawns, I fell sorry for their getting used as pawns.

No they didn't , they followed orders and fought America's enemies. If you don't want to recognize that Saadam and his regime were America's enemies, that is your problem, not theirs; or ours.

08-13-2011, 05:51 PM
A very rep worthy post

But get used to the troll mouthing off. He does not care about the troops, their families, or their memory

Trolls usually don't respond to posts, I respond with facts and links................you do neither. That is the definition of troll..........well you do respond with cartoons, so does my 5 yr old.

08-13-2011, 05:53 PM
No they didn't , they followed orders and fought America's enemies. If you don't want to recognize that Saadam and his regime were America's enemies, that is your problem, not theirs; or ours.

Your stoned, Sadaam in 2003 was no more of a threat than Trinidad And Tobago.

08-13-2011, 05:56 PM
Your stoned, Sadaam in 2003 was no more of a threat than Trinidad And Tobago.

I'll say this slow so you can maybe understand.

The US uses her military as a projected power, not a defensive power. That means we often through history have sent soldiers into areas that were no danger to us, but we considered them to be our enemies anyway. Vietnam and Korea come immediately to mind. Do you need more examples?

red states rule
08-13-2011, 06:01 PM
I'll say this slow so you can maybe understand.

The US uses her military as a projected power, not a defensive power. That means we often through history have sent soldiers into areas that were no danger to us, but we considered them to be our enemies anyway. Vietnam and Korea come immediately to mind. Do you need more examples?

He does need a serious education. But it is safe to say you would be wasting your time

BTW thank you very much for your service sir

08-13-2011, 06:01 PM
I'll say this slow so you can maybe understand.

The US uses her military as a projected power, not a defensive power. That means we often through history have sent soldiers into areas that were no danger to us, but we considered them to be our enemies anyway. Vietnam and Korea come immediately to mind. Do you need more examples?

So do you agree with this policy? BTW Korea=draw, Vietnam=we got the shit kicked out of us, Iraq=yet to be determined.

Maybe Lichtenstein is an enemy, lets go there! Sounds like old U.S.S.R.

08-13-2011, 06:05 PM
He does need a serious education. But it is safe to say you would be wasting your time

BTW thank you very much for your service sir

As I said in my intro thread, I very much do not want anyone's thanks. I did what needed to be done. If you really want to thank me, and all vets, please pray for the families of those who had members pay the ultimate sacrifice for this nation.

08-13-2011, 06:06 PM
So do you agree with this policy? BTW Korea=draw, Vietnam=we got the shit kicked out of us, Iraq=yet to be determined.

Maybe Lichtenstein is an enemy, lets go there! Sounds like old U.S.S.R.

I was a Major when I got out. Agreeing with or disagreeing with policy was WAY above my pay grade.

red states rule
08-13-2011, 06:08 PM
As I said in my intro thread, I very much do not want anyone's thanks. I did what needed to be done. If you really want to thank me, and all vets, please pray for the families of those who had members pay the ultimate sacrifice for this nation.

Then I have been thanking you since I was a kid. My dad served in WWII and drove a tank for Gen Patton

08-13-2011, 06:10 PM
Then I have been thanking you since I was a kid. My dad served in WWII and drove a tank for Gen Patton

You're a little older than I then . My grandfather fought in WII and my dad was too young for Vietnam. Had an Uncle serve there though.

Sir Evil
08-13-2011, 06:10 PM
Yeah, right.

I'm Mr. Gaffer, I follow rsr around all day jerking him off with thanks. Gay porn would probably suit you well.

What a fucking sad joke you are.


WTF? Disagreeing is one thing bro but Gaff is from the old days and also a vet so he deserves better then that!

Your a vicious bastard OCA, only one person in these parts is worse then you and that be me! :D

Gotta find better flame targets then our vets, haven't I taught you anything when it comes to starting a good flame fest?

08-13-2011, 06:12 PM

WTF? Disagreeing is one thing bro but Gaff is from the old days and also a vet so he deserves better then that!

Your a vicious bastard OCA, only one person in these parts is worse then you and that be me! :D

Gotta find better flame targets then our vets, haven't I taught you anything when it comes to starting a good flame fest?

Not to speak out of turn, but I don't think any vets want special protections because we are vets. I know I don't.

red states rule
08-13-2011, 06:18 PM
Not to speak out of turn, but I don't think any vets want special protections because we are vets. I know I don't.

It does show a lack of character to talk to a person like that who put their life on the line for them

It is like biting the hand that feeds you

Sir Evil
08-13-2011, 06:20 PM
Not to speak out of turn, but I don't think any vets want special protections because we are vets. I know I don't.

Not offering special protection of any sorts but I know both of these members for a long time and just offered my opinion in Gaffers defense because if i agree with him or not I respect him for who he is and where he has been so if you too are a vet and found that offensive you sure don't have to read anything I post!

08-13-2011, 07:29 PM
It does show a lack of character to talk to a person like that who put their life on the line for them

It is like biting the hand that feeds you

LOL Sure better not go over to where I came from then, those pigs shit all over vets, and enjoy doing it.

08-13-2011, 07:30 PM
Not offering special protection of any sorts but I know both of these members for a long time and just offered my opinion in Gaffers defense because if i agree with him or not I respect him for who he is and where he has been so if you too are a vet and found that offensive you sure don't have to read anything I post!

I took no offense.

08-13-2011, 09:45 PM
No need to delare, its already known.

I'm sure the Laffer would've made the economy ten times better or, better yet...........John McCain................lol.

Will never know though, Obama whipped McCain's ass and there ain't a Republican in the field who can beat him this time around.

Are you the "greatest" because you ignore information in one thread and then bring up the same tired points in another?

08-13-2011, 10:05 PM
They actually teach reading comprehension at the local juco here.

Your little quips and futile attempts at belittling me(LMAO @ someone actually thinking they can belittle me) won't hide the fact that you and your cohorts have nothing, absolutely nothing factual to prove wrong what i'm saying.

They should teach being able to build a rational basis for argument, you could use the help.

Your facts of the numbers are likely true but your reasoning around it is false. BO is not responsible for I & A even though he's in office now so I suppose Bush is not responsible for 9/11 because the bureaucratic groupthink was established during the Clinton administration so I guess we can take those off the top. Did you really expect Bush to have the country lay down after 9/11 and not go after OBL and his Taliban supporters? Add in all of the Dem support that he garnered I guess we can take those off the top as well. That leaves us with Iraq; did you support the UN's feckless defense of it's own resolutions or would you expect an organization to take action against a country that constantly defied UN resolutions?

We can debate that last one all we want but I think Bush was trying to turn national policy away from a realpolitik stance and towards one that was based in a tradition of supporting democracies and the people. Away from cruisemissile diplomacy and toward boots on the ground/skin in the game. Call the Bush Doctrine what you will but success would not be measured based on the next election but probably 20 years down the road. I think it's a shame that we are not following up on that type of support for the events that have been taking place in the ME this past year.

08-13-2011, 10:20 PM

WTF? Disagreeing is one thing bro but Gaff is from the old days and also a vet so he deserves better then that!

Your a vicious bastard OCA, only one person in these parts is worse then you and that be me! :D

Gotta find better flame targets then our vets, haven't I taught you anything when it comes to starting a good flame fest?

Uhhhh no, old days or not, vet or not........Gaffer sure is a fucking jackoff.

08-13-2011, 10:23 PM
What happens when a person is president in office is his responsibility and fault, isn't that what you RINOS say about the economy now?

Afghanistan is no longer about Al Qaeda, its about keeping an influence and controlling the opium supply, once OBL died those soldiers no longer died protecting me including the Seals, they were a waste.....................Iraq was never about anything other than oil and getting the guy who killed daddy and..............Halliburton, not one soldier who died there died defending freedom.

Okay, I agree with you completely on Afghanistan, so that is Obama's responsibility now. He's in Afghanistan, just like he's still in Iraq, so get down off the high horse. Just like he hasn't closed gitmo, or recinded the No Child Left Behind, or The Patriot Act. He had a majority in the house and senate when he came in, and he got nothing of any of that done. He literally just had to go to his own team and say, "Hey, let's vote out all that Bush Republican crap", and he couldn't even manage that much.

You whine OCA, but Obama has now made him responsible for all the losses and things you demonize Bush for, because he has done nothing to stop them.

08-13-2011, 10:26 PM
They should teach being able to build a rational basis for argument, you could use the help.

Your facts of the numbers are likely true but your reasoning around it is false. BO is not responsible for I & A even though he's in office now so I suppose Bush is not responsible for 9/11 because the bureaucratic groupthink was established during the Clinton administration so I guess we can take those off the top. Did you really expect Bush to have the country lay down after 9/11 and not go after OBL and his Taliban supporters? Add in all of the Dem support that he garnered I guess we can take those off the top as well. That leaves us with Iraq; did you support the UN's feckless defense of it's own resolutions or would you expect an organization to take action against a country that constantly defied UN resolutions?

We can debate that last one all we want but I think Bush was trying to turn national policy away from a realpolitik stance and towards one that was based in a tradition of supporting democracies and the people. Away from cruisemissile diplomacy and toward boots on the ground/skin in the game. Call the Bush Doctrine what you will but success would not be measured based on the next election but probably 20 years down the road. I think it's a shame that we are not following up on that type of support for the events that have been taking place in the ME this past year.

So I guess you support preemptive war? Can you tell me where, in the case of Iraq we were defending freedom and democracy here at home?

Anywho, I say again, if BO is responsible for the economy now since its under his watch then the cowboy gets at least 9/11 and all that bllod on his............happened on his watch after all..

Maybe you should take a class at reading between the lines..........or just reading at all! We'll work on comprehension later.

08-13-2011, 10:28 PM
Okay, I agree with you completely on Afghanistan, so that is Obama's responsibility now. He's in Afghanistan, just like he's still in Iraq, so get down off the high horse. Just like he hasn't closed gitmo, or recinded the No Child Left Behind, or The Patriot Act. He had a majority in the house and senate when he came in, and he got nothing of any of that done. He literally just had to go to his own team and say, "Hey, let's vote out all that Bush Republican crap", and he couldn't even manage that much.

You whine OCA, but Obama has now made him responsible for all the losses and things you demonize Bush for, because he has done nothing to stop them.

Sorry, that made zero sense, sorry.

08-13-2011, 10:29 PM
Are you the "greatest" because you ignore information in one thread and then bring up the same tired points in another?

No, its because God wanted it that way. Don't like it? Take it up with the man upstairs.

08-13-2011, 10:31 PM
Then I have been thanking you since I was a kid. My dad served in WWII and drove a tank for Gen Patton

I believe peeled potatoes maybe, drove a tank? No. Would've produced smarter offspring, lol.

08-13-2011, 10:37 PM
Sorry, that made zero sense, sorry.
Okay, I'll break it down to your level then: Obama is equally responsible for everything you mentioned, period. He's done nothing to get rid of any Bush era decisions, save for getting rid of a taxcut. Partiot Act-Still there. No Child Left Behind- Still There. Gitmo- Still there. Obama just had to rubber stamp bills, since Dems controlled both the House and Senate, so why the hell wasn't he able to accomplish anything?

08-13-2011, 10:40 PM
I believe peeled potatoes maybe, drove a tank? No. Would've produced smarter offspring, lol.

In that case, your old man must have been a stump.

08-13-2011, 10:40 PM
Okay, I'll break it down to your level then: Obama is equally responsible for everything you mentioned, period. He's done nothing to get rid of any Bush era decisions, save for getting rid of a taxcut. Partiot Act-Still there. No Child Left Behind- Still There. Gitmo- Still there. Obama just had to rubber stamp bills, since Dems controlled both the House and Senate, so why the hell wasn't he able to accomplish anything?

Probably the shit is so twisted from the Bush days that 2 years is not enough time, he'll get it done in the next 6.

08-13-2011, 10:47 PM
In that case, your old man must have been a stump.

Excellent reply but no sir................he was just a hard working individual. When he first got here he worked at a lumber company doing hard labor, like emptying rail cars of lumber in 105 degree heat......3.00/hr, worked his way into the sales office, then onto sales manager...............today he owns his own clay product(bricks, clay piping etc. etc.) rep firm.

Let me clarify myself, if a person served in the military thats great, good job, but i'm not one of these people who is going to put you on a higher pedestal then the guy who is working at Lowes. Hell there have been people here who said their opinion mattered more because they served, fuck that, all I care about is you worked, paid your taxes and weren't a leech on society.

08-13-2011, 10:48 PM
Congrats Sl, You must be proud

Yep, stood right behind my man supporting and pushing him all the way ... ... right out the door I guess.

08-13-2011, 10:52 PM
They actually teach reading comprehension at the local juco here.

Your little quips and futile attempts at belittling me(LMAO @ someone actually thinking they can belittle me) won't hide the fact that you and your cohorts have nothing, absolutely nothing factual to prove wrong what i'm saying.

Don't need to prove you or what you are saying wrong. It's just not worth it ... we've had these debates over and over with you and your cohorts ... not worth rehashing.....but if it gives you the impression you are on top of the pile...then go for it.

Truthfully, it's boring hearing the same old stuff ... and more fun to just makes the attempts at belittling...I could never compete with what the others have said about you.

08-13-2011, 10:57 PM
Don't need to prove you or what you are saying wrong. It's just not worth it ... we've had these debates over and over with you and your cohorts ... not worth rehashing.....but if it gives you the impression you are on top of the pile...then go for it.

Truthfully, it's boring hearing the same old stuff ... and more fun to just makes the attempts at belittling...I could never compete with what the others have said about you.

IOW you have nothing

psst, psst..................I can never be belittled, there isn't anyone here who has that much of my respect for me to care what they think. I'm like the last of the originals besides Jimmy and Evil, i've been through battles that makes this current one look like romper room.

08-13-2011, 11:00 PM
No, its because God wanted it that way. Don't like it? Take it up with the man upstairs.

Then He should have given you the talent to do it rather than the talent to just proclaim it.

08-13-2011, 11:03 PM
Then He should have given you the talent to do it rather than the talent to just proclaim it.

Oh i'm doing it/done it, the fact that you don't like it being done to you eats at you like a termite in soft wood.

My suggestion to you is thusly............start off on Nickelodeon debating lunch room themes then work your way up to me by 2020, you are starting off in the NFL when you need to conquer pop warner first.

08-13-2011, 11:06 PM
So I guess you support preemptive war? Can you tell me where, in the case of Iraq we were defending freedom and democracy here at home?

Depends on the preemptive war. I told you the reason for the war, no need to read between any lines.

Anywho, I say again, if BO is responsible for the economy now since its under his watch then the cowboy gets at least 9/11 and all that bllod on his............happened on his watch after all..

Why are you bringing up the economy now? Losing your own argument again? BO is now responsible for the economy because he has been setting policy for 2 1/2 years now and his policies are abysmal. His answer to everything is intervention and it didn't work to relieve the Great Depression and it's not working here either. Do you really think Bush had a chance to change the Clinton policies in his 8 months in office?

Maybe you should take a class at reading between the lines..........or just reading at all! We'll work on comprehension later.

Your blither is rather easy to read and comprehend because there is so very little between the lines.

08-13-2011, 11:06 PM
Uhhhh no, old days or not, vet or not........Gaffer sure is a fucking jackoff.

what an ass you are.

08-13-2011, 11:07 PM
Oh i'm doing it/done it,

So I was correct, you only have the talent to proclaim it and that takes not talent at all.

08-13-2011, 11:08 PM
Depends on the preemptive war. I told you the reason for the war, no need to read between any lines.

Why are you bringing up the economy now? Losing your own argument again? BO is now responsible for the economy because he has been setting policy for 2 1/2 years now and his policies are abysmal. His answer to everything is intervention and it didn't work to relieve the Great Depression and it's not working here either. Do you really think Bush had a chance to change the Clinton policies in his 8 months in office?

Your blither is rather easy to read and comprehend because there is so very little between the lines.

I told you the reason for the war, noo need to try and argue, what I say is gospel.............ditto for the rest of the tripe.

Like Ron White said about you "you can't fix stupid"

08-13-2011, 11:09 PM
what an ass you are.

Yep............and I love it!

08-13-2011, 11:09 PM
So I was correct, you only have the talent to proclaim it and that takes not talent at all.

As I said before, you need glasses and a comprehension class.

08-13-2011, 11:24 PM
I told you the reason for the war, noo need to try and argue, what I say is gospel.............ditto for the rest of the tripe.

Like Ron White said about you "you can't fix stupid"

Whatever dude. I see where your "skills" take you, argument with which you have no counter bring out the self proclamations and politics of personal destruction. You're such a Dem hack.

08-13-2011, 11:30 PM
Whatever dude. I see where your "skills" take you, argument with which you have no counter bring out the self proclamations and politics of personal destruction. You're such a Dem hack.

Doesn't it seem like a lot of them are showing up here lately ... it's almost as if another board closed down ... or they all got banned ... or they followed someone over here ... but I feel like we got invaded by a lot of crass and nasty people in the last couple of weeks. They make Gabby look normal....guess it's the Overton Window effect ... we thought she was extreme left wing until these new wacko's showed up ... now she's looking more conservative.

08-13-2011, 11:38 PM
Doesn't it seem like a lot of them are showing up here lately ... it's almost as if another board closed down ... or they all got banned ... or they followed someone over here ... but I feel like we got invaded by a lot of crass and nasty people in the last couple of weeks. They make Gabby look normal....guess it's the Overton Window effect ... we thought she was extreme left wing until these new wacko's showed up ... now she's looking more conservative.

Oh the old "why can't we have a site where we just jerk each other off" bit!

BTW, I was here since 2004 honey.

08-13-2011, 11:39 PM
Whatever dude. I see where your "skills" take you, argument with which you have no counter bring out the self proclamations and politics of personal destruction. You're such a Dem hack.

I will take it easy on you from now on.

08-13-2011, 11:42 PM
I will take it easy on you from now on.

Does that mean your going to ignore even more of my posts that irrefutably rebut your talking points?

08-13-2011, 11:44 PM
Oh the old "why can't we have a site where we just jerk each other off" bit!

Nobody, and by nobody I mean me, wants that but you're doing very little to raise the discourse.

08-13-2011, 11:45 PM
Does that mean your going to ignore even more of my posts that irrefutably rebut your talking points?

I'm bored...................we need RWA back.

08-13-2011, 11:50 PM
Oh the old "why can't we have a site where we just jerk each other off" bit!

Well, are you jealous that you are not part of the circle and just acting out?

BTW, I was here since 2004 honey.

Really ... I didn't know DP had been around since 2004....can't imagine why I thought it started late 2006 or early 2007. However, for as long as I've been here I've noticed that every time you come back the rhetoric and general "yuckiness" increases. I have chosen to not engage with you in the past and I now remember why, and am henceforth ceasing to give you an outlet for your vileness.

08-13-2011, 11:50 PM
Nobody, and by nobody I mean me, wants that but you're doing very little to raise the discourse.

Oh where oh where is even a Bullypulpit, longing for real discussion.

08-13-2011, 11:52 PM
Well, are you jealous that you are not part of the circle and just acting out?

Really ... I didn't know DP had been around since 2004....can't imagine why I thought it started late 2006 or early 2007. However, for as long as I've been here I've noticed that every time you come back the rhetoric and general "yuckiness" increases. I have chosen to not engage with you in the past and I now remember why, and am henceforth ceasing to give you an outlet for your vileness.

That is because you are a newbie, this used to be USMB, CIRCA 2003-2007.

08-13-2011, 11:53 PM
Oh where oh where is even a Bullypulpit, longing for real discussion.

You miss your own circle jerk eh? I'm not sure if you're worse than BP or better, he rants his talking point and then leaves, you rant and rant and...

08-13-2011, 11:55 PM
You miss your own circle jerk eh? I'm not sure if you're worse than BP or better, he rants his talking point and then leaves, you rant and rant and...

Oh my god, what happened to this place?

08-14-2011, 12:02 AM
Oh my god, what happened to this place?

Well, let me tell ya since you've been out of sabbatical for a bit. Things were a bit slow here except for the blips of activity when Palin Rider posted, Agna, Tuba, etc. came out of hiding and then we started to get some posters that started driving activity, j.t., ConHog, Windsong, to name a few (and in no particular order, some good, some not...) but then you came back and OMG it's like the town drunk got out of jail.

08-14-2011, 12:03 AM
Well, let me tell ya since you've been out of sabbatical for a bit. Things were a bit slow here except for the blips of activity when Palin Rider posted, Agna, Tuba, etc. came out of hiding and then we started to get some posters that started driving activity, j.t., ConHog, Windsong, to name a few (and in no particular order, some good, some not...) but then you came back and OMG it's like the town drunk got out of jail.

Somebody with a little more knowledge and respect wanna weigh in, you're words aren't worth a shit.

08-14-2011, 12:13 AM
That is because you are a newbie, this used to be USMB, CIRCA 2003-2007.


You mean the board that I joined in July 2005? and then moved here because the cancer over there got out of control? Don't think I'm quite a newbie.

08-14-2011, 12:13 AM
Somebody with a little more knowledge and respect wanna weigh in, you're words aren't worth a shit.

Why don't you knock one back ;) and then wait and see.

BTW, are you deserving of respect? You've given none.

08-14-2011, 12:16 AM
Why don't you knock one back ;) and then wait and see.

BTW, are you deserving of respect? You've given none.

Are you still here? You aren't even just a bit player.

Yeah, i'm WAYYYY deserving of respect.

08-14-2011, 12:18 AM
Are you still here? You aren't even just a bit player.

Yeah, i'm WAYYYY deserving of respect.

None given, none deserved.

08-14-2011, 12:22 AM
None given, none deserved.

Well you will learn, apparently you are one of these knuckleheads who has to learn lessons the hard way.

08-14-2011, 12:33 AM
Well you will learn, apparently you are one of these knuckleheads who has to learn lessons the hard way.

Possibly, and one of these days you might win a debate to live up to your self proclamations. Keep your chin up slugger.

08-14-2011, 12:38 AM
Possibly, and one of these days you might win a debate to live up to your self proclamations. Keep your chin up slugger.

*sigh*.................rookie, he's gonna have to pick up a few checks and carry my bags for a while.

08-14-2011, 12:42 AM
Well winning debates is hard work and after 3 victories for me(including this one) even a warrior like me needs sleep.

08-14-2011, 12:43 AM
*sigh*.................rookie, he's gonna have to pick up a few checks and carry my bags for a while.

Still no response to...

Depends on the preemptive war. I told you the reason for the war, no need to read between any lines.

Why are you bringing up the economy now? Losing your own argument again? BO is now responsible for the economy because he has been setting policy for 2 1/2 years now and his policies are abysmal. His answer to everything is intervention and it didn't work to relieve the Great Depression and it's not working here either. Do you really think Bush had a chance to change the Clinton policies in his 8 months in office?

Someday maybe.

08-14-2011, 12:43 AM
Well winning debates is hard work and after 3 victories for me(including this one) even a warrior like me needs sleep.

:laugh: Sleep tight slugger.

08-14-2011, 01:20 AM
IOW you have nothing

psst, psst..................I can never be belittled, there isn't anyone here who has that much of my respect for me to care what they think. I'm like the last of the originals besides Jimmy and Evil, i've been through battles that makes this current one look like romper room.


red states rule
08-14-2011, 04:01 AM

It has been mostly hand to hand combat with himself :laugh2:

08-14-2011, 06:37 AM
Sept.11, 2001=3,030

Casualties In Iraq=4,474

Wounded In Iraq=33,118

Casualties In Afghanistan=1,656

Wounded In Afghanistan=13,011

Now, you all want to say that Obama is responsible for the economy because he is in office, well turn about is fair play...............which has a greater impact on families? On children who've lost parents?

Other than OBL being killed please cite with evidence where these Americans died defending democracy, please don't say Sadaam either, only a fucking fool still believes that Sadaam had a damn thing to do with 9/11.

You're right. Turn about IS fair play, only you're being a bit short-sighted about it. Please explain how all of Clinton's screw-ups AND Obama's screw-ups are Bush's.

The very second Bush won the election, blaming Clinton was taboo and teh left cried like little babies if his name was mentioned. SO everything Bush inherited -- 9/11 was planned on Clinton's watch, not to mention Saddam should have been take out one of the first 20 times he violated the cease-fire agreement in 93 --

And now YOU want to try and turn around and make him responsible for this current f- up's crap solely because of your dislike for another member? Stellar logic, that.

There is only paper thin democracy in Iraq as long as American troops remain..............as soon as we leave................shithole................again .

Do you want us to remain forever?

We had no reason being there in the first place, Bush lied........innocent soldiers died.

Should have known "someone" was still running around say "Bush lied". Fact is, THAT is a lie. Or Clinton lied too. Or perhaps you just choose to forget we sold dual-use precursors to making chemical weapons to Saddam? Kind of hard to not know he had the damned things.

And Obama's the biggest liar and screw up of any of them.

When it ain't broke, don't fix it. Those points are bulletproof.

Actually, your "points" have more holes than Swiss cheese.

Just like all you can say is you hate Obama, difference is i'm bombarding you with facts and you can't find the foxhole fast enough.

What facts? Those leftwingnut talking points you're posting? Seriously, I think you've lost your mind.

Obama's making Jimmy Carter look not so bad, and he's doing it himself.

How many WMD found to date in Iraq?

Libya=stupid, no stake in it just like Iraq

Do you remember when Bush said he won't nation build?

How many WMDs in Iraq STILL unaccounted for with the UN? TONS.

As long as we are dependent on the ME for oil, we WILL have a stake in the ME.

You're dismissed.

Sir Evil
08-14-2011, 07:52 AM
What happens when a person is president in office is his responsibility and fault, isn't that what you RINOS say about the economy now?

Afghanistan is no longer about Al Qaeda, its about keeping an influence and controlling the opium supply, once OBL died those soldiers no longer died protecting me including the Seals, they were a waste.....................Iraq was never about anything other than oil and getting the guy who killed daddy and..............Halliburton, not one soldier who died there died defending freedom.

Why is Afghanistan no longer about Al Qaeda, did they pack their bags and leave? Controlling the opium? :laugh2: I'm sure if it were about the drugs there would be other options available to influence and control it, the government can control what flows through our own streets let alone another countries.

So in Iraq it's about the oil? Whats the deal with that oil anyway, who benefits from this takeover? Getting the guy who killed daddy? who's daddy was killed? Now I can agree that we should of found a way out of Iraq after removing Saddam but to say Iraq was not a threat is silly. Sure they never uncovered WMD's, so what! There was good reason to remove Saddam from power even if the whole topic of WMD's never came up. We all know they had weapons at one time or another, yet they couldn't account for any of them and you think Saddam was the good kind that destroyed it all because he wanted to work towards world peace? :laugh: The guy was a ruthless tyrant, a disease and like any other disease you just kill it before it spreads.

Abbey Marie
08-14-2011, 07:56 AM
It's really fairly simple.

Where to place the blame:

The failing economy- Barney Frank for screwing up the entire mortgage/real estate industry with his crap liberal lending ideas, and Obama for continuing and initiating failed policies.

9/11- Jamie Garelick for the "wall" that prohibited Federal agencies from sharing key security info, and... wait for it... OBL and his Islamic terrorist cells.

08-14-2011, 09:24 AM
You're right. Turn about IS fair play, only you're being a bit short-sighted about it. Please explain how all of Clinton's screw-ups AND Obama's screw-ups are Bush's.

The very second Bush won the election, blaming Clinton was taboo and teh left cried like little babies if his name was mentioned. SO everything Bush inherited -- 9/11 was planned on Clinton's watch, not to mention Saddam should have been take out one of the first 20 times he violated the cease-fire agreement in 93 --

And now YOU want to try and turn around and make him responsible for this current f- up's crap solely because of your dislike for another member? Stellar logic, that.

Should have known "someone" was still running around say "Bush lied". Fact is, THAT is a lie. Or Clinton lied too. Or perhaps you just choose to forget we sold dual-use precursors to making chemical weapons to Saddam? Kind of hard to not know he had the damned things.

And Obama's the biggest liar and screw up of any of them.

Actually, your "points" have more holes than Swiss cheese.

What facts? Those leftwingnut talking points you're posting? Seriously, I think you've lost your mind.

Obama's making Jimmy Carter look not so bad, and he's doing it himself.

How many WMDs in Iraq STILL unaccounted for with the UN? TONS.

As long as we are dependent on the ME for oil, we WILL have a stake in the ME.

You're dismissed.

Gunny you are right and that has been my point all along but the RINO lapdogs here don't admit it.............that when a president comes into office he inherits usually a shitload of problems from the previous president and Obama inherited way more than his fair share..........economy, January 2009.............toast, Iraq, Afghanistan, he didn't start those. You cannot blame him for any of that, he has just been attempting to clean up messes his predeccessor left laying around, whether his attempts have worked or not is for another discussion but the fact remains he inherited not originated.

The Rino lapdogs don't want to look at that which makes them hacks.

08-14-2011, 09:27 AM
Why is Afghanistan no longer about Al Qaeda, did they pack their bags and leave? Controlling the opium? :laugh2: I'm sure if it were about the drugs there would be other options available to influence and control it, the government can control what flows through our own streets let alone another countries.

So in Iraq it's about the oil? Whats the deal with that oil anyway, who benefits from this takeover? Getting the guy who killed daddy? who's daddy was killed? Now I can agree that we should of found a way out of Iraq after removing Saddam but to say Iraq was not a threat is silly. Sure they never uncovered WMD's, so what! There was good reason to remove Saddam from power even if the whole topic of WMD's never came up. We all know they had weapons at one time or another, yet they couldn't account for any of them and you think Saddam was the good kind that destroyed it all because he wanted to work towards world peace? :laugh: The guy was a ruthless tyrant, a disease and like any other disease you just kill it before it spreads.

But was it our responsibility to eradicate the disease? 4,000+ dead in Iraq and I don't feel one bit safer.How about the other countries in the M.E.? Israel? Nope they sacrificed very little but gained the most.

08-14-2011, 09:29 AM
It's really fairly simple.

Where to place the blame:

The failing economy- Barney Frank for screwing up the entire mortgage/real estate industry with his crap liberal lending ideas, and Obama for continuing and initiating failed policies.

9/11- Jamie Garelick for the "wall" that prohibited Federal agencies from sharing key security info, and... wait for it... OBL and his Islamic terrorist cells.

Woahhh woahhh! Deregulation of the mortgage industry and Wall St. nurtured along over time by Repubs has nothing to do with it?

08-14-2011, 10:16 AM
Woahhh woahhh! Deregulation of the mortgage industry and Wall St. nurtured along over time by Repubs has nothing to do with it?

Signed by Clinton, shepherded by Rubin and Summers... :rolleyes:

08-14-2011, 10:53 AM
That is because you are a newbie, this used to be USMB, CIRCA 2003-2007.

Not sure if anyone replied to this yet, but I wanted to address it since it's not really that way :laugh:

I owned USMB and sold the site about 4 years ago or so, hell maybe a year more. I started DP and some members eventually started posting here. Some stayed at USMB, and some continue to post at both. But they are in no way one and the same site.

So get your facts right the next time, newbie! :2up:

08-14-2011, 11:03 AM
Well, let me tell ya since you've been out of sabbatical for a bit. Things were a bit slow here except for the blips of activity when Palin Rider posted, Agna, Tuba, etc. came out of hiding and then we started to get some posters that started driving activity, j.t., ConHog, Windsong, to name a few (and in no particular order, some good, some not...) but then you came back and OMG it's like the town drunk got out of jail.

I hope I am considered a plus to the site! I sure wasn't at the other place......

08-14-2011, 11:05 AM
Well winning debates is hard work and after 3 victories for me(including this one) even a warrior like me needs sleep.

Can you provide links to these "victories?"

Simply screaming "I'm the best" doesn't cut it junior.

08-14-2011, 11:53 AM
Not sure if anyone replied to this yet, but I wanted to address it since it's not really that way :laugh:

I owned USMB and sold the site about 4 years ago or so, hell maybe a year more. I started DP and some members eventually started posting here. Some stayed at USMB, and some continue to post at both. But they are in no way one and the same site.

So get your facts right the next time, newbie! :2up:

You knew what I meant!

08-14-2011, 11:55 AM
Can you provide links to these "victories?"

Simply screaming "I'm the best" doesn't cut it junior.

Read every thread i've been in, you will not be able to come to any other conclusion other than agreement with me.................kid.

08-14-2011, 12:00 PM
Read every thread i've been in, you will not be able to come to any other conclusion other than agreement with me.................kid.

I admit that I haven't read EVERY thread you've been in. But I have read several, and frankly the only conclusion I have came to is that you don't have a fucking clue, but you love to toot your own horn.

God bless the rights of the stupid to ignore their own stupidity I guess.

08-14-2011, 12:04 PM
I admit that I haven't read EVERY thread you've been in. But I have read several, and frankly the only conclusion I have came to is that you don't have a fucking clue, but you love to toot your own horn.

God bless the rights of the stupid to ignore their own stupidity I guess.

I guess along with outhouse building and coon hunting they didn't teach reading comprehension at the College Of The Ozarks!:laugh2:

08-14-2011, 01:47 PM
I hope I am considered a plus to the site! I sure wasn't at the other place......

We'll keep ya. :salute:

08-14-2011, 01:49 PM
I admit that I haven't read EVERY thread you've been in. But I have read several, and frankly the only conclusion I have came to is that you don't have a fucking clue, but you love to toot your own horn.

God bless the rights of the stupid to ignore their own stupidity I guess.

Said another way:
"Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."


He sure does drop a lot of conversations that he "wins" when a contrary fact comes up.

08-14-2011, 01:55 PM
Said another way:
"Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."


He sure does drop a lot of conversations that he "wins" when a contrary fact comes up.

I've moved him into clown category and will no longer attempt to engage him in adult conversation.

08-14-2011, 02:18 PM
I've moved him into clown category and will no longer attempt to engage him in adult conversation.

Your mistake Private Pyle.

08-14-2011, 03:05 PM
Sept.11, 2001=3,030

Casualties In Iraq=4,474

Wounded In Iraq=33,118

Casualties In Afghanistan=1,656

Wounded In Afghanistan=13,011

Now, you all want to say that Obama is responsible for the economy because he is in office, well turn about is fair play...............which has a greater impact on families? On children who've lost parents?

Other than OBL being killed please cite with evidence where these Americans died defending democracy, please don't say Sadaam either, only a fucking fool still believes that Sadaam had a damn thing to do with 9/11.

Shine my shoes boy. While you're down there, read a book, you need to enlighten yourself about something, anything.:dance:

08-14-2011, 03:19 PM
Shine my shoes boy. While you're down there, read a book, you need to enlighten yourself about something, anything.:dance:

10 pages in and back to the op piece, you are quick aren't you?

08-14-2011, 04:08 PM
10 pages in and back to the op piece, you are quick aren't you?



08-14-2011, 04:32 PM


A striped shirt and a gold star for you.

08-14-2011, 04:58 PM
Gunny you are right and that has been my point all along but the RINO lapdogs here don't admit it.............that when a president comes into office he inherits usually a shitload of problems from the previous president and Obama inherited way more than his fair share..........economy, January 2009.............toast, Iraq, Afghanistan, he didn't start those. You cannot blame him for any of that, he has just been attempting to clean up messes his predeccessor left laying around, whether his attempts have worked or not is for another discussion but the fact remains he inherited not originated.

The Rino lapdogs don't want to look at that which makes them hacks.

Obama did not inherit the healthcare fiasco from anyone ... he is solely responsible for creating that nightmare.

08-14-2011, 05:23 PM
Well winning debates is hard work and after 3 victories for me(including this one) even a warrior like me needs sleep.

Hard work? hahhahah, running your mouth? Bwahahhahaha and you actually put yourself on par with military personel

FACT is, you CAN sleep peacefully at night because those brave soldiers that you classlessly like to denegrate, put their lives on the line for you. And some of them died.

Been to the doc lately?? How is your arm?

08-14-2011, 05:31 PM
Hard work? hahhahah, running your mouth? Bwahahhahaha and you actually put yourself on par with military personel

FACT is, you CAN sleep peacefully at night because those brave soldiers that you classlessly like to denegrate, put their lives on the line for you. And some of them died.

Been to the doc lately?? How is your arm?

Whoever told that clown he's a good debater sure sold him a bill of goods.

Abbey Marie
08-14-2011, 05:42 PM
Woahhh woahhh! Deregulation of the mortgage industry and Wall St. nurtured along over time by Repubs has nothing to do with it?

You can cite contributing factors for almost anything, but the original people I listed were truly responsible for these two devastating problems ever occurring in the first place.

So, how is Greece doing these days? Economy any better?

08-14-2011, 05:46 PM
A striped shirt and a gold star for you.

I love stripped shirts !!
I love gold stars !!!!
I LOVE YOU !!!! (despite your losing debate after debate, but Im still rooting for u):lol:

08-14-2011, 05:48 PM
Whoever told that clown he's a good debater sure sold him a bill of goods.


08-14-2011, 06:56 PM
Obama did not inherit the healthcare fiasco from anyone ... he is solely responsible for creating that nightmare.

Try again, healthcare system is broke and has been broke for a long time, he at least addressed the problem unlike his predecessors who shied away from it like bees from fire.

Nice try though, seems you are one too who is against the poor having an option other than private insurance.

08-14-2011, 06:59 PM
Hard work? hahhahah, running your mouth? Bwahahhahaha and you actually put yourself on par with military personel

FACT is, you CAN sleep peacefully at night because those brave soldiers that you classlessly like to denegrate, put their lives on the line for you. And some of them died.

Been to the doc lately?? How is your arm?

Show me where I degenerated soldiers? I said they died as pawns in Iraq, I feel sorry for them and am furious at their needless deaths.

I know, I know................military personnel are gods and the rest of us pond scum, in fact their opinions are more important....................lol

08-14-2011, 07:00 PM
Try again, healthcare system is broke and has been broke for a long time, he at least addressed the problem unlike his predecessors who shied away from it like bees from fire.

Nice try though, seems you are one too who is against the poor having an option other than private insurance.

Leaders fix things, errr, great or good leaders fix things and dont pawn blame on others. What has OBama fixed?

I have private insurance, it allows for hot tub therapy. You care to join me? I got champagne, viagra and NO BATHING SUIT ON !!!!
I really do love your big hairy chest ,,,oh, ok, a man who thumps his debating opponents into oblivion, is what really turns me on.@!!!!

08-14-2011, 07:01 PM
I love stripped shirts !!
I love gold stars !!!!
I LOVE YOU !!!! (despite your losing debate after debate, but Im still rooting for u):lol:

Again, I will get you a pair of cataract glasses and pay your fees for a reading comprehension class because obviously you can't comprehend shit.

08-14-2011, 07:02 PM
Leaders fix things, errr, great or good leaders fix things and dont pawn blame on others. What has OBama fixed?

I have private insurance, it allows for hot tub therapy. You care to join me? I got champagne, viagra and NO BATHING SUIT ON !!!!
I really do love your big hairy chest ,,,oh, ok, a man who thumps his debating opponents into oblivion, is what really turns me on.@!!!!

No thanks, RINOS carry to many venereals.

What did the retarded cowboy fix?

08-14-2011, 07:03 PM
Show me where I degenerated soldiers? I said they died as pawns in Iraq, I feel sorry for them and am furious at their needless deaths.

I know, I know................military personnel are gods and the rest of us pond scum, in fact their opinions are more important....................lol W

WHO was degenerated? What does that mean?
You do realize the usage of precise vocabulary is the single most important weapon in ones arsenal. How is that working for U?
And, again, dont ignore,,,,How's your rep treating you?

08-14-2011, 07:04 PM
You can cite contributing factors for almost anything, but the original people I listed were truly responsible for these two devastating problems ever occurring in the first place.

So, how is Greece doing these days? Economy any better?

About the same as here minus the social problems and a much, I mean much less stressful lifestyle.

08-14-2011, 07:07 PM

WHO was degenerated? What does that mean?
You do realize the usage of precise vocabulary is the single most important weapon in ones arsenal. How is that working for U?
And, again, dont ignore,,,,How's your rep treating you?

Denegrate, there you found the 1 thing I was wrong on since I came back.

Pointing out grammatical errors is a sure sign that the person doing the pointing out has a weak or no argument.

Rep is for people with zero self confidence.............what are you 12?

08-14-2011, 07:08 PM
I'm the smartest person anybody knows.............this won't work RINOS.

08-14-2011, 07:10 PM
No thanks, RINOS carry to many venereals.?era

I thought it was us libs who are the homos?
[QUOTE=OCA;484689What did the retarded cowboy fix?.?[/QUOTE]eraw

You claim Pres Bush is a retard, then
U use Bush as a comparision to gauge Obama ? Oh so weak.

Is this as fun for you as it is for me?? Hot tub is still on !!!!

08-14-2011, 07:13 PM
About the same as here minus the social problems and a much, I mean much less stressful lifestyle.

Proper use of commas will allow people to understand what you posted. Course I'm sure you are use to people not understanding you, I mean, you're so smart and all. A regular Einstein, completely misunderstood. Should we call in a suicide watch for u?

08-14-2011, 07:14 PM

I thought it was us libs who are the homos?

You claim Pres Bush is a retard, then
U use Bush as a comparision to gauge Obama ? Oh so weak.

Is this as fun for you as it is for me?? Hot tub is still on !!!!

Wow! Weak, really weak.............bored.


08-14-2011, 07:16 PM
Proper use of commas will allow people to understand what you posted. Course I'm sure you are use to people not understanding you, I mean, you're so smart and all. A regular Einstein, completely misunderstood. Should we call in a suicide watch for u?

Commas properly used, unless you are an english major. Being from San Diego though you probably speak Spanish as a first language.....goes back to the parents coming across.

08-14-2011, 07:17 PM
Again, I will get you a pair of cataract glasses and pay your fees for a reading comprehension class because obviously you can't comprehend shit.

Oh MY GOSH !! You are right again. You are so my hero !!

Unlike you, I DONT comprehend shit, in fact, I don't even ponder it.
Course, posting so much shit, you have to comprehend your own stuff eh?

08-14-2011, 07:21 PM
Oh MY GOSH !! You are right again. You are so my hero !!

Unlike you, I DONT comprehend shit, in fact, I don't even ponder it.
Course, posting so much shit, you have to comprehend your own stuff eh?

Well its clear you are just a troll, so unless you have a point with all this tripe(can't say it surprises me coming from a RINO) and you want to wade into the dirty end of the field with me........you pretty much can return to the RINO circle jerk here, you know who that circle contains.

I'm the most brilliant mind anybody knows.

08-14-2011, 07:25 PM
ROTFLMFAO! Its hilarious that people think that neg reps mean jackshit to me, using rep in a neg way is pretty much for people without the balls to say what they want to say face to face.

Makes me pity them actually, I wish I could transfer some of my overflowing masculinity to them.

08-14-2011, 07:27 PM
Denegrate, there you found the 1 thing I was wrong on since I came back.

Pointing out grammatical errors is a sure sign that the person doing the pointing out has a weak or no argument.

Rep is for people with zero self confidence.............what are you 12?

No, acually I'm 11, so you a pedophile? Why do you want to know my age,,,oh yea, I know, you are seriously interested in joining me in my hot tub.
And you dont mind getting your ass kicked by an a pimply faced, still living with his mom, 11 year old. HAHAHHA, BWAHAHHAHAHHA

Oh, I do love the way you debate, and I hate to see you losing, so I need to point out something else.

Along with proper use of VOCABULARY,,,,GRAMMAR, TYPOS, SPELLING, are all important in a debate.
Degenerate is the misuse of vocabulary and has nothing to do with GRAMMAR.
STRIKE TWO, by your own count !! One to go big boy and you wont be around here any longer and you can join me in my hot tub. (Dont worry, Im not really 11)

So, again, how is that rep treating you?

R we having fun yet ? !!!!!!!

08-14-2011, 07:28 PM
No, acually I'm 11, so you a pedophile? Why do you want to know my age,,,oh yea, I know, you are seriously interested in joining me in my hot tub.
And you dont mind getting your ass kicked by an a pimply faced, still living with his mom, 11 year old. HAHAHHA, BWAHAHHAHAHHA

Oh, I do love the way you debate, and I hate to see you losing, so I need to point out something else.

Along with proper use of VOCABULARY,,,,GRAMMAR, TYPOS, SPELLING, are all important in a debate.
Degenerate is the misuse of vocabulary and has nothing to do with GRAMMAR.
STRIKE TWO, by your own count !! One to go big boy and you wont be around here any longer and you can join me in my hot tub. (Dont worry, Im not really 11)

So, again, how is that rep treating you?

R we having fun yet ? !!!!!!!


08-14-2011, 07:29 PM
I'm the smartest person anybody knows.............this won't work RINOS.
Yes, yes yes, you are my hero big hairy man.


08-14-2011, 07:32 PM
Yes, yes yes, you are my hero big hairy man.


Yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

08-14-2011, 07:34 PM
Wow! Weak, really weak.............bored.


Now we all know you are sooo much smarter than me, so could you please tell me what a RINO is?

08-14-2011, 07:36 PM

Now we all know you are sooo much smarter than me, so could you please tell me what a RINO is?

Yawn zzzzzzzzzzz

08-14-2011, 07:36 PM
Commas properly used, unless you are an english major. Being from San Diego though you probably speak Spanish as a first language.....goes back to the parents coming across.

Sorry, Im deaf, and use hand language. Oh, and my parents came from Guatamala you fucking retard. DONT YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY PARENTS OR I WILL.............

08-14-2011, 07:38 PM
Well its clear you are just a troll, so unless you have a point with all this tripe(can't say it surprises me coming from a RINO) and you want to wade into the dirty end of the field with me........you pretty much can return to the RINO circle jerk here, you know who that circle contains.

I'm the most brilliant mind anybody knows.

SO, you are admitting you're in the dirty end eh?
Ok, if you prefer dirty, I can make my hot tub dirty

08-14-2011, 07:40 PM
Sorry, Im deaf, and use hand language. Oh, and my parents came from Guatamala you fucking retard. DONT YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY PARENTS OR I WILL.............

yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

08-14-2011, 07:40 PM
ROTFLMFAO! Its hilarious that people think that neg reps mean jackshit to me, using rep in a neg way is pretty much for people without the balls to say what they want to say face to face.

Makes me pity them actually, I wish I could transfer some of my overflowing masculinity to them.r n

But I would never neg rep my hero !!!
In fact, I have thanked you, actually, I guess you didnt notice, I thanked you in all your posts in the first page of this thread.

08-14-2011, 07:41 PM
SO, you are admitting you're in the dirty end eh?
Ok, if you prefer dirty, I can make my hot tub dirty

yawn zzzzzzzzzzzz

08-14-2011, 07:46 PM
I'm the guy they modeled the Dos Equis commercial after.

Sir Evil
08-14-2011, 07:47 PM
I'm the guy they modeled the Dos Equis commercial after.


Yeah ok Pauly Walnuts!

08-14-2011, 08:29 PM
I'm the guy they modeled the Dos Equis commercial after.

Well done honey !!!!

You ARE my hero!

Uh, how do you "model" a commercial?

08-14-2011, 08:33 PM
yawn zzzzzzzzzzzz

Oh, please please dont ignore me, I really did thank you on all those posts on page one here.

08-14-2011, 08:37 PM
Well done honey !!!!

You ARE my hero!

Uh, how do you "model" a commercial?

Yawn zzzzzzzzzzzz

08-14-2011, 08:38 PM
Oh, please please dont ignore me, I really did thank you on all those posts on page one here.


08-14-2011, 08:39 PM
Moved to appropriate forum.

08-14-2011, 08:39 PM
Yawn zzzzzzzzzzzz

and yet, you keep reading this thread....:cool::cool:

08-14-2011, 08:43 PM
and yet, you keep reading this thread....:cool::cool:

You amuse me................in a retarded sort of way.

08-14-2011, 08:52 PM
You amuse me................in a retarded sort of way.

Glad I can make you happy.
Im gonna give you some pos rep, but having you know I "thanked" you in all those first posts in this thread would be very helpful

Abbey Marie
08-14-2011, 09:13 PM
Stay thirsty, my friends.

08-14-2011, 09:18 PM
Thirsty is as thirsty does :coffee::laugh2:

08-14-2011, 09:18 PM
Stay thirsty, my friends.

I drank so much beer doing all those takes that I couldn't have a beer for months afterwards.

08-14-2011, 09:26 PM
Try again, healthcare system is broke and has been broke for a long time, he at least addressed the problem unlike his predecessors who shied away from it like bees from fire.

Nice try though, seems you are one too who is against the poor having an option other than private insurance.

Do you want to be wrong about this too? Or will you ignore fact and claim another "win"?

08-15-2011, 02:52 AM
Try again, healthcare system is broke and has been broke for a long time, he at least addressed the problem unlike his predecessors who shied away from it like bees from fire.

Nice try though, seems you are one too who is against the poor having an option other than private insurance.

Not against the poor having an option ... they can exercise the same option I did. I grew up on welfare and decided I didn't want to live that way any more ... so guess what? I got a job and have had health care for the last 42 years.

red states rule
08-15-2011, 05:14 AM
Not against the poor having an option ... they can exercise the same option I did. I grew up on welfare and decided I didn't want to live that way any more ... so guess what? I got a job and have had health care for the last 42 years.

So you took care of yourself, got a job, are no longer in need of a government handout, and became self sufficient

This is a nightmare story to a liberal

Bow your success must be punished by leveling tax increases on you to help fund those vital government programs for the ones who decided to live the life you rejected

08-15-2011, 01:34 PM
So you took care of yourself, got a job, are no longer in need of a government handout, and became self sufficient

This is a nightmare story to a liberal

Bow your success must be punished by leveling tax increases on you to help fund those vital government programs for the ones who decided to live the life you rejected

OCA even said as much last night. The poor should get theirs while they can, and the "rich" should pay more "their fare share" in his words. What a dumb shit he is.

08-15-2011, 02:12 PM
OCA even said as much last night. The poor should get theirs while they can, and the "rich" should pay more "their fare share" in his words. What a dumb shit he is.

OCA IS ALREADY on the run, all we can see is his dust.

08-15-2011, 02:28 PM
OCA IS ALREADY on the run, all we can see is his dust.

But, but, but he's the greatest masterdebator ever.

08-15-2011, 02:39 PM
So you took care of yourself, got a job, are no longer in need of a government handout, and became self sufficient

This is a nightmare story to a liberal

Bow your success must be punished by leveling tax increases on you to help fund those vital government programs for the ones who decided to live the life you rejected

It was a nice story, fictional as it was.

The ol' "pull yourself up from your bootstraps" theory, sounds great except RINOS keep stealing your shoelaces and giving them to the multimillionaire down the street.

08-15-2011, 02:41 PM
OCA even said as much last night. The poor should get theirs while they can, and the "rich" should pay more "their fare share" in his words. What a dumb shit he is.

The middle class and poor keep this country running, not the rich. Tax the rich, let the little guy pay his bills.

08-15-2011, 02:44 PM
OCA IS ALREADY on the run, all we can see is his dust.

Obviously i'm talking to a bunch of dole recipients, sorry I had to run my small business, next to that you guys are like piss in the toilet, flushed and forgotten.

I decide when its time to respond, not you.

Learn the pecking order.

08-15-2011, 02:44 PM
Hey Evil! Is my plan working out?:laugh2::laugh2:

08-15-2011, 02:52 PM
The middle class and poor keep this country running, not the rich. Tax the rich, let the little guy pay his bills.

You don't want the little guy to be sent his bills. If he were he would quickly find out just how much of he owes the government.

Let's try a little analogy here and see if you can grok it.

Let's say you and I and RSR go to dinner. Bear with me for a moment.

Now let's say I make $250K a year, RSR makes $50K a year and you make $25K a year.

Now let's suppose we all had the same thing for dinner and so we decided to split the bill. Are we splitting that bill based on what the restaurant provided us, or are we splitting that bill based on our relative incomes? How would YOU prefer the bill to be split. Would your preference change if you were the one making $250K a year?

08-15-2011, 02:59 PM
You don't want the little guy to be sent his bills. If he were he would quickly find out just how much of he owes the government.

Let's try a little analogy here and see if you can grok it.

Let's say you and I and RSR go to dinner. Bear with me for a moment.

Now let's say I make $250K a year, RSR makes $50K a year and you make $25K a year.

Now let's suppose we all had the same thing for dinner and so we decided to split the bill. Are we splitting that bill based on what the restaurant provided us, or are we splitting that bill based on our relative incomes? How would YOU prefer the bill to be split. Would your preference change if you were the one making $250K a year?

Nope, i'd pick up the whole tab......................like a real man would.

Sir Evil
08-15-2011, 03:05 PM
Hey Evil! Is my plan working out?:laugh2::laugh2:

It would appear so! I guess ya never know about people, some get it some don't...:thumb:

08-15-2011, 03:08 PM
It would appear so! I guess ya never know about people, some get it some don't...:thumb:

Appear so hell, its as clear as a mountain stream!:cool:

Sir Evil
08-15-2011, 03:21 PM
Appear so hell, its as clear as a mountain stream!:cool:

What are ya saying, that I can't see that well? I see it! :slap:

08-15-2011, 03:48 PM
Nope, i'd pick up the whole tab......................like a real man would.

Nice avoidance.


08-15-2011, 03:54 PM
Nice avoidance.


Avoidance is in the eye of the beholder, you asked, I answered like a man


08-15-2011, 04:30 PM
Avoidance is in the eye of the beholder, you asked, I answered like a man


Look, I know you're dying to buy some good looking dude dinner; but that was not the scenario I set up.

08-15-2011, 04:32 PM
It was a nice story, fictional as it was.

The ol' "pull yourself up from your bootstraps" theory, sounds great except RINOS keep stealing your shoelaces and giving them to the multimillionaire down the street.

You seriously need to go to CBA, Cry Babies Anonymous:dance::laugh2:


Get real, opportunity exists, I see the "poor" people on a daily basis, their reasons for being poor are that they chose to throw away their opportunity for a free education.,they are lazy and have no impetus to improve their lives.
I see it everyday.
But of course you wont respond to that cuz you got nothing, your only response will be stupid personal attacks, then declare yourself a winner,,,,blah, blah, blah

08-15-2011, 04:34 PM
Obviously i'm talking to a bunch of dole recipients, sorry I had to run my small business, next to that you guys are like piss in the toilet, flushed and forgotten.

I decide when its time to respond, not you.

Learn the pecking order.

I see you are back for more beating,,
IS THAT BLOOD I see trickling from your nose and ears?

08-15-2011, 04:37 PM
Nope, i'd pick up the whole tab......................like a real man would.

OK then,, pay my taxes too, like a man,
take a dick up your ass, like a man,,,,hahhahahha
You LOSE again,,,,,and again,,,,and again

08-15-2011, 04:39 PM
Nice avoidance.


DID you really expect him to answer it, or carry on any civil discourse?
His only goal is to get us to ask legit questions, then he ignores them, then declares victory and then posts some not so funny, but he thinks are, so called insults.:laugh:

08-15-2011, 05:04 PM
It was a nice story, fictional as it was.

The ol' "pull yourself up from your bootstraps" theory, sounds great except RINOS keep stealing your shoelaces and giving them to the multimillionaire down the street.

Term limits baby, its all about term limits
Oh, and fat people with diabetis eating chocolate and slurping down malt shakes.

08-15-2011, 06:48 PM
Term limits baby, its all about term limits
Oh, and fat people with diabetis eating chocolate and slurping down malt shakes.

Is there anything sadder than a fat fuck at McDonalds ordering a double quarter pounder with cheese, large fries, chocolate milkshake, and a diet coke?

08-15-2011, 07:17 PM
I see you are back for more beating,,
IS THAT BLOOD I see trickling from your nose and ears?


I accept your white flag, you are finished, out of ammo.:laugh2::laugh2:

08-15-2011, 07:18 PM
Is there anything sadder than a fat fuck at McDonalds ordering a double quarter pounder with cheese, large fries, chocolate milkshake, and a diet coke?

Only 1 thing.....................luvrpgrl

08-15-2011, 07:20 PM
OK then,, pay my taxes too, like a man,
take a dick up your ass, like a man,,,,hahhahahha
You LOSE again,,,,,and again,,,,and again

WOW! How embarrassing, i'm actually feeling sorry for you, very unoriginal.

08-15-2011, 07:36 PM
WOW! How embarrassing, i'm actually feeling sorry for you, very unoriginal.

I'm not real big into the rep thing, but how in the hell do you post on a message board for 5 years and have ZERO rep?

08-15-2011, 07:50 PM
I'm not real big into the rep thing, but how in the hell do you post on a message board for 5 years and have ZERO rep?

Rep as it pertains to those little boxes on DP are fucking worthless, some of the biggest ignoramuses here have the most rep.

I personally don't give a fuck and delight in making all the monkeys go hit the neg button, probably takes them to orgasmic heights.

I don't use it but rarely, its not very manly, I'd rather tell you to go fuck off in a clever way right out in the open rather than cower behind a rep comment.

08-15-2011, 07:50 PM
I'm not real big into the rep thing, but how in the hell do you post on a message board for 5 years and have ZERO rep?

Oh also, yeah, you aren't big into it but you make a comment. What color skirt are you wearing tonight Nancy?

08-15-2011, 07:54 PM
Oh also, yeah, you aren't big into it but you make a comment. What color skirt are you wearing tonight Nancy?

by your logic you're commenting about my "skirt" so that must mean your into my dick.

Damn you're dumb.

08-15-2011, 07:56 PM
Probably the shit is so twisted from the Bush days that 2 years is not enough time, he'll get it done in the next 6.

That's it? He has a complete majority, assuring he could pass anything the Dems wanted, and two years wasn't enough time to rescind a single one of Bush's legacies?! Not a single one?! That's pure incompetence, and I thank you for admitting, because that's the first step, really.

08-15-2011, 07:57 PM
by your logic you're commenting about my "skirt" so that must mean your into my dick.

Damn you're dumb.

God! Is there any originality left besides me on this board?
Yeah, i'm into your dick lol

You just might get to dumbest poster since Actsnoblemartin yet.

08-15-2011, 08:00 PM
That's it? He has a complete majority, assuring he could pass anything the Dems wanted, and two years wasn't enough time to rescind a single one of Bush's legacies?! Not a single one?! That's pure incompetence, and I thank you for admitting, because that's the first step, really.

Bush had a majority for 6 years and what did he get done? Oh yeah, a tax cut to the richest 1%........................sweet, oh and 9/11 and Iraq and Afghanistan and the firing of the justice department lawyers and Katrina(the shiity response to) and..................etc. etc. etc.

Lol............wayyyyyyyyyyyy too easy.

08-15-2011, 08:10 PM
You seriously need to go to CBA, Cry Babies Anonymous:dance::laugh2:


Get real, opportunity exists, I see the "poor" people on a daily basis, their reasons for being poor are that they chose to throw away their opportunity for a free education.,they are lazy and have no impetus to improve their lives.
I see it everyday.
But of course you wont respond to that cuz you got nothing, your only response will be stupid personal attacks, then declare yourself a winner,,,,blah, blah, blah

So there are no extenuating circumstances? All poor are poor of their own choosing and are to be ignored, got it.

Your attempts at humor are pathetic, take lessons.

08-15-2011, 08:14 PM
Bush had a majority for 6 years and what did he get done? Oh yeah, a tax cut to the richest 1%........................sweet, oh and 9/11 and Iraq and Afghanistan and the firing of the justice department lawyers and Katrina(the shiity response to) and..................etc. etc. etc.

Lol............wayyyyyyyyyyyy too easy.

Um, well let's go over that, he got two wars declared, passed the patriot act, made Gitmo a black site, Cut taxes, raised taxes, created the Federal Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security. Yeah, he made spectacularly bad decisions, but at least he got something done, and he pretty went right after what he said he was going to do.

Now, let's go back to Obama, and, as you pointed out, his complete incapacity to get a single bad decision by Bush rescinded with two years, and had majorities in both houses. He has promised all these things he was going to, and hasn't come through on even one of them, period. But you can't admit that, and cannot have a real talk about it. No, you'll just go back to the tired old "Let's Blame Bush, and pay no attention to the inadequacies of the man who got up and passed the buck entirely to Bush, while doing absolutely nothing about it."

08-15-2011, 08:19 PM
Um, well let's go over that, he got two wars declared, passed the patriot act, made Gitmo a black site, Cut taxes, raised taxes, created the Federal Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security. Yeah, he made spectacularly bad decisions, but at least he got something done, and he pretty went right after what he said he was going to do.

Now, let's go back to Obama, and, as you pointed out, his complete incapacity to get a single bad decision by Bush rescinded with two years, and had majorities in both houses. He has promised all these things he was going to, and hasn't come through on even one of them, period. But you can't admit that, and cannot have a real talk about it. No, you'll just go back to the tired old "Let's Blame Bush, and pay no attention to the inadequacies of the man who got up and passed the buck entirely to Bush, while doing absolutely nothing about it."

He's a clown, why do you act surprised to find out he doesn't want to seriously talk about anything?

08-15-2011, 08:21 PM
Um, well let's go over that, he got two wars declared, passed the patriot act, made Gitmo a black site, Cut taxes, raised taxes, created the Federal Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security. Yeah, he made spectacularly bad decisions, but at least he got something done, and he pretty went right after what he said he was going to do.

Now, let's go back to Obama, and, as you pointed out, his complete incapacity to get a single bad decision by Bush rescinded with two years, and had majorities in both houses. He has promised all these things he was going to, and hasn't come through on even one of them, period. But you can't admit that, and cannot have a real talk about it. No, you'll just go back to the tired old "Let's Blame Bush, and pay no attention to the inadequacies of the man who got up and passed the buck entirely to Bush, while doing absolutely nothing about it."

The patriot act was not a good thing lets get that straight, Violation of civil liberties, that the Fed Dept of Education and Homeland security were MAKING GOVT BIGGER by leaps and bounds, isn't that what you RINOS are always harping against?

Lets examine the two wars, are we safer? Did those poor soldiers die for anything? No. So one can surmise that you like war and didn't mind those soldiers dying as pawns..........well at least the ones after the capture of Sadaam. And afghanistan..................lol......Bush even declared he wasn't concerned about OBL anymore so what was the point? Thank God Obama put us back on track and took care of business.

08-15-2011, 08:22 PM
He's a clown, why do you act surprised to find out he doesn't want to seriously talk about anything?

I know.............you are so serious..................Mary.

08-15-2011, 08:23 PM
He's a clown, why do you act surprised to find out he doesn't want to seriously talk about anything?

Oh, I'm not surprised. But I figure the sooner I burst his bubble, the faster we can all move on to a better discussion

08-15-2011, 08:26 PM
The patriot act was not a good thing lets get that straight.

Okay, like I said, bad decisions. thank you for proving me correct, OCA. It's awfully nice of you to concede my point that you won't debate Obama's complete lack of ability to get anything done. When you're ready to answer that point, we can resume discussion.

08-15-2011, 08:30 PM
Okay, like I said, bad decisions. thank you for proving me correct, OCA. It's awfully nice of you to concede my point that you won't debate Obama's complete lack of ability to get anything done. When you're ready to answer that point, we can resume discussion.

You deal with a shit economy on the verge of depression left to you by the predecessor and lets see how much you get done...................enough said.

Bad decisions, not, everything was calculated and planned by his handler.........Lord Vader.

08-15-2011, 08:31 PM
Oh, I'm not surprised. But I figure the sooner I burst his bubble, the faster we can all move on to a better discussion

Hint hint.....................i'm bulletproof..................with facts.

08-15-2011, 09:29 PM
You deal with a shit economy on the verge of depression left to you by the predecessor and lets see how much you get done...................enough said.

Bad decisions, not, everything was calculated and planned by his handler.........Lord Vader.

You deal with two wars brought on by your predecessor not taking out two enemies he should have long before you came to office and see how much YOU get done.

You fucking hypocritical moron.

08-16-2011, 12:29 AM
It was a nice story, fictional as it was.

The ol' "pull yourself up from your bootstraps" theory, sounds great except RINOS keep stealing your shoelaces and giving them to the multimillionaire down the street.

Are you calling me a liar OCA? What part do you KNOW to be fictional? You and I have never met (nor do I want to) so I challenge you to prove any part of what I said is fictional.

PS ... I'm not a republican.

08-16-2011, 12:32 AM
Only 1 thing.....................luvrpgrl

EWWW, yea baby !!! Gotcha to even post my name, Think Im really getting under your skin.

08-16-2011, 12:36 AM
Oh also, yeah, you aren't big into it but you make a comment. What color skirt are you wearing tonight Nancy?

Earth girls (you) are soo easy.
Conhog makes a comment and that proves he is into it,
while you are making an ENTIRE POST ABOUT IT.HHAHAHAHHAH

DID you see that boy? Go back and re read your post, hahahhaha

08-16-2011, 12:41 AM
Oh, I'm not surprised. But I figure the sooner I burst his bubble, the faster we can all move on to a better discussion

You expect a discussion out of this terd? He likes to scout google for insults, copy and paste, then glorify himself.
Thos fanatics dont carry on discussions

08-16-2011, 09:07 AM
you expect a discussion out of this terd? He likes to scout google for insults, copy and paste, then glorify himself.
Any idiot who is still blaming bush for katrina is, and i mean it by its real definition,,,ignorant, and/or a bush hater, nothing more, nothing less.
Thos fanatics dont carry on discussions


08-16-2011, 09:09 AM
You deal with a shit economy on the verge of depression left to you by the predecessor and lets see how much you get done...................enough said.

Bad decisions, not, everything was calculated and planned by his handler.........Lord Vader.

Wow, so you have absolutely no defense for Obama's ineptitude as a leader. Good to know.

08-16-2011, 02:19 PM
I promised someone I would not turn this board into my personal flame zone(which i'm the best the web has ever seen), I shall not break that promise............continue on.

08-16-2011, 02:30 PM
I promised someone I would not turn this board into my personal flame zone(which i'm the best the web has ever seen), I shall not break that promise............continue on.

Quite frankly, I'd be happy if everyone flamed in this thread/section instead of others. It's good for those of us who don't participate in this kind of talk, so we can just ignore your childish nonsense. Understand, you no good filthy greek? :laugh2:

08-16-2011, 02:38 PM
Quite frankly, I'd be happy if everyone flamed in this thread/section instead of others. It's good for those of us who don't participate in this kind of talk, so we can just ignore your childish nonsense. Understand, you no good filthy greek? :laugh2:

Turning a new leaf, gonna let them wriggle off the hook......................plus I get more of a kick watching them froth at the mouth at threads I start.

08-16-2011, 02:42 PM
Turning a new leaf, gonna let them wriggle off the hook......................plus I get more of a kick watching them froth at the mouth at threads I start.

Back in the pond and let them grow some more before reeling them in again? :poke:

08-16-2011, 02:46 PM
Back in the pond and let them grow some more before reeling them in again? :poke:

Kind of................when you got kids who walk by and say "dad, why are you arguing with those fucking ignorant douchebags?", you kind of stand back and say "you are right, these are people I would generally spit on on the street"!

08-16-2011, 02:48 PM
Kind of................when you got kids who walk by and say "dad, why are you arguing with those fucking ignorant douchebags?", you kind of stand back and say "you are right, these are people I would generally spit on on the street"!

That's fucked up, but gives me an idea! Let's do a fucked up "backwards" interview, where a prick like you can do the interviewing. You get to ask 10-15 questions of a member, and I will act as the go between. This cannot be a staff member, and obviously must be a willing participant from the other side. No questions censored, I suppose (I'm gonna regret that). Ok, you think 'em up, I'll pass 'em along, then I'll post for all to see!

Whaddya say?

08-16-2011, 02:56 PM
Kind of................when you got kids who walk by and say "dad, why are you arguing with those fucking ignorant douchebags?", you kind of stand back and say "you are right, these are people I would generally spit on on the street"!

What you should be doing is standing back and saying "Gee what an awful parent I must be that my children feel comfortable calling people fucking ignorant douchebags around me"

I don't believe you anyway. I think it's FAR more likely that you yelled up the basements stairs to your mom " Mom bring me some more cookies, I'm arguing with these fucking ignorant douchebags again"

Basement dweller.

08-16-2011, 03:02 PM
What you should be doing is standing back and saying "Gee what an awful parent I must be that my children feel comfortable calling people fucking ignorant douchebags around me"

I don't believe you anyway. I think it's FAR more likely that you yelled up the basements stairs to your mom " Mom bring me some more cookies, I'm arguing with these fucking ignorant douchebags again"

Basement dweller.


And I don't believe you served