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View Full Version : Obama 2009 - If The Economy Has Not Turned Around In 3 Years I Am Toast

red states rule
08-13-2011, 04:40 AM
I guess the jobs would have come back to America if not for those damn ATM machines, those damn earthquakes, the damn weather, and damn racist employers who refuse to hire so they can make Obama look bad

Obama's remark comes at the 4:20 mark

But this is one thing Obama was right about. He is toast in 2012

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08-14-2011, 12:44 PM
He's pretty much right... only a little late.

If the economy doesn't turn around by 3 years after he's elected, THEN he's toast.

red states rule
08-15-2011, 05:40 AM
But wait, Obama said that only if the failure to turn the economy around was HIS fault

And according to Obama and his lapdog supporters it clearly is not.

1. Obama Blames Arab Springs And Tsunami In Japan For Lack Of Jobs, www.realclearpolitics.com (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/) 3 days ago

2. OBAMA BLAMES 'DEMOCRACY' FOR HIS FAILURES - nation.foxnews.com 4 days ago

3. Obama Blames ATMs for High Unemployment nation.foxnews.com Jun 14, 2011

4. Obama Blames Republicans, Mongers Fear sweetness-light.com Jul 26, 2011

5. Obama blames debt impasse on House Republicans; www.postonpolitics.com (http://www.postonpolitics.com/) Jul 25, 2011

6. Obama Blames Broken Immigration Promises on GOP ... www.commentarymagazine.com (http://www.commentarymagazine.com/) Jul 25, 2011

7. Obama Blames 'Splintered' News Media for Lack of Compromise in Washington www.cnsnews.com (http://www.cnsnews.com/) July 22, 2011.

8. Obama Blames Insufficient Stimulus on Ben Nelson and Olympia Snowe ... firedoglake.com Oct 28, 2010

9. Obama Blames <NOBR>Oil Companies (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#)</NOBR> For Lack Of Drilling blogs.investors.com March 11, 2011

10. Obama blames speculators for oil price rises www.ft.com (http://www.ft.com/) April 19 2011

11. President Obama Blames You for High Gas Prices blog.heritage.org Apr 7, 2011
12. Obama Blames "Network of Misinformation" for Rumors About His <NOBR>Birth Certificate (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#)</NOBR> www.cbsnews.com (http://www.cbsnews.com/) Aug 30, 2010

13. Obama blames growing demand in India, China for rising gas prices www.deccanherald.com (http://www.deccanherald.com/) Jul 30, 2011

14. Obama Blames Reagan for Massive Federal Deficit redstatevirginia.com April 13, 2011

15. Obama Blames Millionaires and Billionaires for Budget Problems arc-tv.com April 25, 2011

16. Obama blames election rout on economy newsinfo.inquirer.net 11/04/2010.

17. Obama Blames Economy and Spending on Congress; Corporate Jets habledash.com Jun 29, 2011

18. Obama blames oil execs and feds for spill. But what about the rest ... blogs.ajc.com May 14, 2010

19. Obama Blames Intel Agencies For Plane Plot : NPR www.npr.org (http://www.npr.org/) Jan 5, 2010

20. Obama Blames Katrina Survivors for Shattered Faith www.scrappleface.com (http://www.scrappleface.com/) Aug 29, 2007

http://www.sodahead.com/united-state...stion-2061237/ (http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/who-will-obama-blame-next/question-2061237/)

red states rule
08-16-2011, 04:36 AM