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View Full Version : Tea Party Activist Confronts Obama on Biden’s ‘Tea Party Terrorist’ Smear

red states rule
08-16-2011, 04:05 AM
This bus tour is not working out very well for the Bamster. He gets a questons about liberal civility, and tries to brush it off without success

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=360 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/104648" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

08-16-2011, 03:35 PM
Of course you';ll disagree, but I thought the President responded quite effectively. The RW has attacked him mercilessly about his birth status and his policies, They call him things like "socialist" that they mean to be an insult.

He does call for civility, but the tirade continues, especially now that a new election cycle has taken hold. He has been as bad as the Republicans he condemns. I don't know if that makes him better or worse.

08-16-2011, 03:42 PM
Of course you';ll disagree, but I thought the President responded quite effectively. The RW has attacked him mercilessly about his birth status and his policies, They call him things like "socialist" that they mean to be an insult.

He does call for civility, but the tirade continues, especially now that a new election cycle has taken hold. He has been as bad as the Republicans he condemns. I don't know if that makes him better or worse.

It makes him worse. He's not some clown on tv trying to garner viewers. He's the POTUS , too bad he doesn't act like it.

Say what you want about BOOSH but at least he acted in a mostly dignified manner.

red states rule
08-17-2011, 03:31 AM
Of course you';ll disagree, but I thought the President responded quite effectively. The RW has attacked him mercilessly about his birth status and his policies, They call him things like "socialist" that they mean to be an insult.

He does call for civility, but the tirade continues, especially now that a new election cycle has taken hold. He has been as bad as the Republicans he condemns. I don't know if that makes him better or worse.

The birther issue was first raised by the Hillary supporters, and most R's paid little attention to it

As far as his policies, we clearly seen the results. Perhaps that is why Obama's approval numbers are tanking

Civility with Obama (and the Dems) is a one way street.

Shortly after winning Obama called up the minoirty R's and told them "I won".

He called the Tea Party and R's running in 2010 the enemies

Said R's would have to ride in the back seat

In 2008 he told his supporters to "get in the face" of their political opponents

Members of his administration and supporters in the liberal media continue to call his poliical opponents terrorists (as well as the usual racist tag)

Yea Kart, this is the lefts version of civility