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red states rule
08-16-2011, 04:14 AM
and Obama thinks this snide, arrogant, and condescending atttitude will win him votes?

The country’s automakers should ditch their focus on <NOBR>SUVs (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#)</NOBR> and trucks in favor of smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles, President Obama said Monday.

“You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks,” Obama said during a town hall forum in Cannon Falls, Minn. “There is a place for SUVs and trucks, but as gas prices keep on going up, you have got to understand the market. People are going to try to save money.”

Obama has positioned the revival and reshaping of the auto industry as a major part of his administration’s push to improve the economy and create jobs. “When I came into office they were talking about the liquidation of GM and Chrysler, and a lot of folks said you can’t help them, and it’s a waste of the government’s money to try and help them,” Obama said Monday. “But what I said was, we can’t afford to lose up to a million <NOBR>jobs in (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#)</NOBR> this country, particularly in the Midwest.”

Obama was speaking at the start of a three-day bus tour of the Midwest (http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/176805-obama-returns-to-crowded-campaign-trail-with-midwest-bus-tour). He will visit Decorah, Iowa, later in the day.


08-16-2011, 09:51 AM
Obama is a dumb fuck , no doubt. BUT historically speaking Detroit has shown to be rather slow to meet consumer wants. This comes from an ingrained inustrial belief that Americans will buy whatever comes out of Detroit. This was true up until the late 60s. If your dad drove a Chevy, when it was time for you to buy a vehicle you shopped no further than the local Chevy dealer, etc. etc. This obviously changed in the 1970s and allowed first Honda, then a slew of foreign cars to enter our market.

I think that the Big Three have made huge strides in that area and are now producing vehicles according to what they think their customers want instead of trying to tell the customer what they need; BUT that certainly hasn't been the case in US automotive history. Probably the most famous quote from any executive of the major automotive companies is "They can have it in any color they want, as long as it's black" Henry Ford. And yes, there is still some of that sentiment in Detroit.

That being said, I hardly think Obama is the person to be lecturing them on meeting customer demands, and I KNOW he isn't the person to be telling them that I don't want a big thirsty 4X4 that gets 12 MPG.

red states rule
08-16-2011, 11:04 AM
Obama is your typical liberal. He knows all and also knows what is best for you.

If you don't belive me just ask him (or any other liberal) and they will confirm

In fact when a liberal wants your opinion they wil tell it to you

08-16-2011, 11:48 AM
Obama is your typical liberal. He knows all and also knows what is best for you.

If you don't belive me just ask him (or any other liberal) and they will confirm

In fact when a liberal wants your opinion they wil tell it to you

No thanks. When I want some of some liberal's shit , I will find one and beat it out of him.:laugh:

red states rule
08-17-2011, 03:51 AM
No thanks. When I want some of some liberal's shit , I will find one and beat it out of him.:laugh:

Or watch MSNBC and watch the shit flow like Niagara Falls

08-17-2011, 11:55 AM
It is just too easy to be an 'armchair Quarterback', I mean look at how many people think that they can save the country.

Obama just shows that you need to be a bit more careful when you are in the public eye....