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red states rule
08-16-2011, 04:19 AM
A young Rick Perry VS a young Obamahttp://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x464/elj4s/youngobama.jpg


08-16-2011, 08:42 PM
A young Rick Perry VS a young Obamahttp://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x464/elj4s/youngobama.jpg


The whole situation is so sad thats it's funny. But the more you think about it the more you come to realize that it's too sad to be funny.

red states rule
08-17-2011, 03:49 AM
The good news is based on the current polls, voters have a serious case of buyers remorse when it comes to Obama

08-17-2011, 06:36 PM

08-17-2011, 07:43 PM

Is anyone else tired of the old "if you're against him you must be racist" rant????

Heck even the congressional Black Caucus was asking why his bus tour wasn't going though any "Black Communities".

I guess gabby is the only one who didn't get the memo. Bamba doesn't give a flip about jobs, his only interrest is getting re-elected and going on vaca.

red states rule
08-18-2011, 02:55 AM
Is anyone else tired of the old "if you're against him you must be racist" rant????

Heck even the congressional Black Caucus was asking why his bus tour wasn't going though any "Black Communities".

I guess gabby is the only one who didn't get the memo. Bamba doesn't give a flip about jobs, his only interrest is getting re-elected and going on vaca.

Trigg look at what Gabby and the left have said about Americans over the last 2 years

If you oppose Obama you are a racist

If you oppose the Ground Zero Mosque you are a racist

If you support the state of AZ and protecting the US border you are a racist

If you are a member of the Tea Party you are a racist

If you attended a Town Hall and opposed Obamacare you are a racist

With gabby, playing the race card is a common as breathing. It makes it easier to avoid talking about reality and what is actually going on in the country

08-20-2011, 11:34 PM
With gabby, playing the race card is a common as breathing. It makes it easier to avoid talking about reality and what is actually going on in the country

You may not have realized it at the time of posting RSR. But you have just described every leftist POS that it's been my displeasure to come across. They can't/ won't/ incapable/ of staying on point, because they are systemicly a "Blank Slate" of facts.
Franticly trying to justify a political ideology that has never delivered on any of it's "feel good" promises, throughout every failed attempt, in any form thereof, with tragicly disasterous results for the "innocents" involved.
Becoming masters of the political art form known as "personal destruction" out of sheer necessity. Attacking the opposition with every "nit picking" semantic, misinterpretations, innocent verbal errors, irrelevant personal choices, minor descretions, passing questionable associations, manufactured contradictory voting record, and on and on and on.
While always being able to count on the drive-by media to carry the ball by sensationalizing their insanity. Faithfully carrying the liberal water bag way above and beyond the level of objective journalism, into the realm of oblique partisianship.

08-21-2011, 08:48 AM
The whole situation is so sad thats it's funny. But the more you think about it the more you come to realize that it's too sad to be funny.

Rick Perry's at least qualified to hold public office.

If anything's sad, it's that certain sheeple would put a man in the highest public office in this Nation simply because he has a (D) behind his name. Never mind he hasn't done jack shit but hock our grandchildren's lives to China and try to force socialist medical crap down our throats. Unless you want to count his involving us in Libya.

08-21-2011, 08:05 PM
Rick Perry's at least qualified to hold public office.

If anything's sad, it's that certain sheeple would put a man in the highest public office in this Nation simply because he has a (D) behind his name. Never mind he hasn't done jack shit but hock our grandchildren's lives to China and try to force socialist medical crap down our throats. Unless you want to count his involving us in Libya.

The concept that the average voter has a difficult time accepting. Is simply that Politicans, by and large, do NOT want to do the RIGHT thing. As if they were to institute legislation that was for the most part effective, it would invariably in time render them useless.
If that causes you to lose sleep at night, then maybe that's a good thing, and may result in collective action among the citizenry. For "Rattling the Cage" of the Washington elite is exactly what has to be done for any possible reformation in the way "Business as Usual" has become our bureaucratic nightmare. Overeaching, expensive, unaccountable, inept, condescending, corruptive, agenda driven, uncompassionate, unconcerned, ETC.ETC.ETC..
Ironicly this is exactly the agregious scenario our Forefathers were well aware of, as woven through the fabric in the design of our Constitution. As they emphasized that Govt. should not only remain at a minimum, but those duly elected should be constantly kept accountable. As to how this anomoly took root and grew like a destructive fungus without the mass's taking note of, will forever remain a mystery.
The bottom line is basic and applicable. As the Tea Party mentality is the last best hope for survival of our great Republic, as we have come to know it. For at this point the R's after Ronald Reagan, have become as much a problem as the liberals, who have successfully hijacked the D's beyond any recognition of Harry Truman's "grand old party". Creating a "good ole' boy" network, tastefully known as "establishment" politicians. Which is a code word for "how much can we divy up on this round'?
I can't remember off the top of my cranium, which one of the founding fathers said the following, but it is more than appropriate at this time, " All Tyranny needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing".....................It's your call